Feasibility study of the quail breeding project.. Profit opportunities from animal production

  • Time:Apr 04
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Article

Quail is becoming increasingly popular among poultry lovers due to its small size and delicious taste. Therefore, the quail farming project is a profitable industry, such as raising chickens, turkeys, ostriches, and others.

The quail breeding project plays a vital role in meeting people’s needs for meat or eggs. Quail meat and eggs are nutritious products suitable for diabetics, and they are characterized by great taste and high nutritional value. Quail eggs contain a high percentage of protein along with iron, vitamins A, B1, B2 and many other benefits.

Quail Breeding Project

With a growing population, food needs also increase very rapidly; Therefore, starting a quail farming business is a very profitable business if it is done in the right way.

Most of the time, quails live for a period ranging from 4 to 5 years, and the weight of a quail bird after maturity is from 175 to 215 grams, and quail females begin to lay eggs from the age of 7 to 8 weeks, and the weight of each egg ranges from 7 to 15 grams; Where the female lays about 300 eggs per year, and the weight of a newly born quail chick from 6 to 7 grams.

Benefits of quail birds

Quails are very sensitive birds. Where it takes two to three weeks to become strong and suitable for sale if the goal includes meat production, eggs are ideal for hatching and producing chicks, and although quail birds are small birds, they are strong and quickly adapt to any new environment, in addition to being resistant to many of diseases and therefore they do not require vaccination.

Some global health research indicates that quail eggs contain a low percentage of cholesterol and the meat is free of fat. Research has also shown that quail eggs and meat promote brain and muscle development among children. Quail birds can be marketed when they are 5 weeks old.

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global quail market

According to global statistics, the global quail bird market is expected to grow from $195.13 billion in 2021 to $230.39 billion in 2025, at a compound annual growth rate of 6.7%. Cholesterol, lowering blood pressure and preventing chronic diseases are important factors that drive the market to continuously grow.

Geographically, the global quail industry can be divided into main regions that include: North America, Latin America, Western Europe, Eastern Europe, Asia Pacific, Japan, the Middle East and Africa, and at present the Middle East region has developed to become the dominant market in the global quail market, followed by North America.

The importance of the quail breeding project

Looking at the above, it can be said that the quail breeding industry is one of the most profitable business projects in the animal production sector at all, and what is remarkable about this project is that it does not require large investments like other commercial projects, and more money can be earned if it is implemented correctly.

The idea of ​​the project revolves around the establishment of a farm specialized in breeding quail birds to provide some food products that are in constant demand, whether in the local or international markets; These products include: “eggs, meat, selling mature birds.” This wonderful project is characterized by a high demand for eggs because it contains many amazing health benefits, which leads to increased profit rates.

Feasibility study of a quail breeding project

If you are passionate about the lab in the animal production sector and want to earn more extra or basic money then the quail farming project is probably a great opportunity to earn more profit; Therefore, the “Entrepreneurs” website deals in the following lines with the feasibility study of the quail breeding project as follows:

First, collecting information

The first step to start a quail breeding project is to collect more information about this industry, and through your research and studies, you can learn about the types of quail and what environment they grow and breed in, in addition to the appropriate temperature, light and humidity, and you can also compare the best varieties that are frequently It has local and global demand and the most important advantages related to this type of bird, which ultimately leads to knowing the type preferred by the market and the appropriate method of breeding.

Second: Study the market and competitors

Market research and competitor studies are among the necessary steps that must be taken before starting quail breeding; Therefore, you should search in your area for successful competitors of quail farms, and conduct more research on these farms to determine the strengths and weaknesses, and through your study of successful farms, you can determine what makes these competitors successful in the market, and identify the risks that you may face while working in the quail industry.

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Third: Create an action plan

Starting a quail business requires a lot of serious considerations even if you start on a small scale. So you should have a solid and effective business plan before you go live. In general, the business plan provides you with a blueprint for the entire project lifecycle. In addition, it helps in obtaining a loan and financial support from the government if required, and when it comes to formulating a business plan, you should specify the area of ​​land you have and your investment ability.

Basically, you can start raising quail birds in two ways, the first: buying birds that lay eggs; Where you collect the birds and after hatching you get the chicks, the second option: buy the chick from reliable sources and start raising it, if you are a complete beginner in this business, you should choose the second method.

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In short, a robust and effective business plan helps you monitor the progress of your project, you will have an official start and end date, and you will know approximately how long it will take to finish each step.

Fourth: Determine the appropriate quail breeds

There are two types of quail that are suitable for beginners in the livestock sector. The first is Koturnex, which is by far the most popular; Where it is considered a popular bird because it matures quickly and has a greater amount of meat, the Coturnix quail matures at only 7 weeks of age and begins laying eggs around that time, and the mature Coturnix can lay more than 300 eggs per year, and you can also harvest the birds for Meat at 7 weeks, and reach its peak after that.

While the second type of quail is "Bobwhite", and there are many types of bobwhite and they are known as "New World species", they are slightly smaller than Kotorinx quail, and can be more aggressive when placed in close quarters, and this type may present from 6 to 10 ounces of meat per bird, and these quails will need up to four times more space per bird than cocornex, which can affect how many birds you can fit in your garden.

Fifth, setting goals

There is no doubt that setting goals is one of the important necessities to keep in mind when it comes to working on a quail breeding project; So; You should define your primary goal before starting the operation, whether you want to sell quail meat or meet market needs for eggs, sell mature chicks, or offer both.

If you are looking to earn more profits through this project, it is preferable to work on covering the increasing demand in the local and global markets, from selling quail meat to selling eggs and mature chicks.

Sixth: Permits and licenses

Quail is included in the list of protected species, and therefore it is necessary to obtain a license to breed quail from the competent government agencies or the local livestock department.

Furthermore, an entrepreneur who has obtained the necessary license can purchase commercial quails only for cultivation from another licensed owner; The license is only granted upon fulfilling the prerequisites for the farm and providing the necessary documents, such as proof of identity in the original, lease contract and some other paperwork.

Seventh: Determine the appropriate location

If you have the initial knowledge of raising birds, especially quail, and are looking to implement a quail breeding project, you will need a medium area of ​​land that allows you to establish a farm, even if it is small, and it is preferable that this farm be far from residential communities with a distance of no less than a kilometer.

In addition, it must be ensured that the site contains all the basic resources that the project needs; The farm must be well insulated, well ventilated and free from drafts, and must also be fully protected from cats, mice, rodents and all predators.

Not only that, but the farm must be designed in a way that ensures comfort for quail birds, with easy access to food and water and allowing easy and effective sanitation, and if the birds are to be raised to produce eggs or commercial meat, then small pair cages are suitable, and hobbyists may prefer bird cages or deep litter pens As for the area of ​​land on which the farm is to be built, it is preferable that it not be less than 70 square meters.

Eighth: Farm Equipment

There are some important preparations, including the construction of a concrete or iron wall to avoid predators or stray animals that may lead to chaos among the birds. These fences also ensure that quails are not allowed to roam in the open.

The farm also needs to provide drainage, water and electricity networks, taking into account covering the roofs of the farm with marmox boards to protect the quails from heat, rain and weather fluctuations.

Ninth: Quail Farm Basics

As an entrepreneur looking to implement a quail breeding project, you have to adhere to some basics to build your own farm and provide the right environment for quail birds; In order to ensure productivity and continuity of the project, as follows:

Quails can be reared using cages and litter systems for poultry farming. However, raising quails using cages is more beneficial than the litter system. As this system needs little care and management.

Make sure that the farm has a good ventilation system, and also ensure the correct flow of fresh air and light, this is an important step to keep in mind to provide the right environment for the quail.

For the best production of meat and eggs, enough space must be provided for quail birds; So that it can grow well on the farm, and according to a number of experts in the quail industry, every 100 quail birds need a cage of 60 cm in length, 120 cm in width and 25 cm in height.

It is always best to use wire mesh to make 5mm x 5mm cages for mature quail, though plastic cages are best suited for raising quail.

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Try to keep out all kinds of natural predators such as: dogs, cats, snakes, etc. to provide protection for these sensitive birds, if full protection is not provided you may have to face loss at times.

Tenth: Equipment and Requirements

punctuation Equipment and requirements the use
1 farm equipment The necessary equipment that the quail farm needs include: painting the walls and leveling the floors with concrete materials, in addition to providing some openings for ventilation of the farm, taking into account that these windows are not left open to predators such as: snakes, cats, mice and others.
2 food pantry It is necessary to allocate an appropriate area of ​​the total area of ​​the farm to establish and equip an equipped warehouse that contains the necessary capabilities that help in storing food for quail birds, and it is preferable that the area of ​​the store is not less than 15 square meters.
3 electrical network The farm needs to install a high-quality electrical system to operate the incubators, heaters or batteries to provide the appropriate temperature that quails need, especially during the winter season, and to protect the chicks from the cold.
4 water network The farm must be provided with the necessary sewage lines to dispose of waste on a daily basis so as not to cause the spread of diseases, in addition to providing the farm with water lines.
5 egg incubator The egg incubator is one of the basic tools in the quail industry. Therefore, an incubator designed for quail eggs must be provided; In terms of shelves and ready-made molds, it is always preferable to provide modern incubators because they contain capabilities that help in flipping eggs comfortably so that they do not break.
6 Surveillance Cameras Surveillance cameras are important necessities that cannot be dispensed with in any project; Therefore, a network of surveillance cameras must be installed throughout the farm to monitor any movements that take place outside, in addition to the fact that these cameras can be used to monitor the work and proper care of quail birds.
7 dinnerware Dinnerware is used to put the required quantities of food at each meal; So that the quails can eat food, it is preferable to provide these pots with sufficient quantities of food throughout the day.
8 water pots Water containers must be provided; It is used to put the required quantities of water that quail birds need, and it must be supplied throughout the day.
9 heaters It is necessary to provide the necessary heaters for the quail breeding farm; These heaters are used to provide the appropriate temperatures that quail birds need, especially in winter.
10 hatching machine The hatching machine is used to provide the appropriate conditions for quail birds, and its types vary according to the capacity, the heat source, the type of stirring, the method of ventilation, as well as the hatching systems.
11 egg storage boxes A sufficient number of special boxes must be provided for transporting and preserving quail eggs. These boxes can be wooden or of iron, and they are considered important tools in the quail industry.
12 chick incubator The farm needs to provide special incubators for quail chicks, and through these incubators the necessary care is provided to the chicks during the growth period, which ranges from one to two weeks.
13 temperature gauge This device is used to constantly monitor and measure temperatures for quail birds, especially in winter due to weather fluctuations
14 veterinary care Necessary veterinary care must be provided; In order for quail birds to enjoy good health and protect them from diseases and epidemics, especially in winter.
15th quail cages The farm needs to provide a sufficient number of suitable cages for quail birds, and these cages are preferably of steel behaviour, it is a more suitable breeding tool used at present, and the necessary cages are provided according to the size of the project and the number of birds being raised in the farm.

Eleventh: Diet

Some experts and specialists in the field of quail breeding always recommend that high quality or fresh meals should be used, preferably to be fed frequently to reduce feed wastage, in the first six weeks quail should be fed a diet containing approximately 25% protein, and about 12.6 Megajoules of metabolites per kilogram, and 1.0% of calcium.

The basic nutritional requirements of quails that are approaching maturity are increased levels of calcium and phosphorous, shell pebbles or ground limestone can be added to the diet after 5 weeks of age, or can be provided separately as a free option, and egg diets should contain about 24 % Protein, 11.7 MJ of Metabolic Energy per kg, and 2.5% -3.0% Calcium.

To improve productivity and body weight, nutritious food must be provided to quail birds. A 5-week-old quail consumes about 500 grams of feed, and a 6-month-old quail consumes about 30-35 grams of feed per day. Moreover, quails need about 400 grams. From fodder to produce 12 eggs.

Before placing the chicks under the nursery, the paper floor should be covered with feed and the tanks filled to overflow. After about a week, when the paper is removed and the chicks have learned to eat, the level of feed in the tank can be reduced to reduce waste.

Twelfth: Quail Breeding

Quail, like other types of poultry raised for commercial purposes, must be given proper care and attention, with environmental conditions adjusted according to the climate and needs of stock of different ages, with dry food available at all times, and cool, clean and accessible drinking water.

Unfortunately, quails are sensitive birds that need flexibility in handling. Excessive or rough handling may kill them; Therefore, sudden noises and disturbances should be avoided. For 2-3 weeks, avoid introducing new birds to the territory of an existing group.

Newly hatched quail chicks need additional heat for 3-4 weeks after hatching. A commercial incubator or other heat source that provides sufficient heat can be used successfully. It should be placed 30 to 46 cm above the floor of the pen. Measure the temperature at Chick level, maintained at about 35 °C during the first week of brooding, this temperature may drop by about 3.5 °C per week until the chicks are fully feathered in about 3 to 4 weeks.

Thirteenth: How can you buy your ostrich?

There are several local sources that you can rely on to provide the required group of quail chicks that match your goals in the project, whether you want to start on a medium or large scale, you can buy chicks in the growing stage slightly less expensive than buying fully grown birds, and remember that you need To start with a big investment in the equipment you need for your incubator, and if you are serious about raising quail then you eventually need incubators.

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Fourteenth: Required Labor

If you are an entrepreneur and want to start a quail breeding project on a medium scale, you may not need large labor and can run it with the help of another family member. And the ability to deal with it, taking into account ensuring that there is confidence in these workers before they are appointed.

Fifteenth: Marketing for the project

Quail meat and eggs are tasty and rich in nutrients, so quail products already have a mature market. Due to the small size of quail birds and their eggs, they are cheap and can be bought by all kinds of people; So you don't have to worry too much about product sales; As you can easily sell eggs and meat in the local market, however, it would be better to define your marketing strategy before starting this business.

It is possible to market the products offered through the quail farm by contracting with a number of restaurants, hotels and some frozen meat stores; To provide it with the necessary quantities of quail meat, you can also market the project through the Internet, especially social networking sites, such as: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Snapchat, and create a page in the name of the project on these platforms and start advertising the products you offer.

Sixteenth: The expected cost of the project

punctuation Equipment and supplies the expected cost
1 farm rent The cost of renting a plot of land in agricultural areas with an area of ​​​​70 square meters ranges from 350 to 480 dollars per month.
2 Permits and licenses The cost of obtaining the necessary permits to implement a quail farm project ranges from $285 to $315.
3 farm equipment The cost of farm fixtures, such as constructing a concrete wall, installing roofing, steel doors, wire mesh, and other fixtures, ranges from $2,250 to $2,350.
4 food pantry The cost of equipping a pantry ranges from $400 to $475.
5 electrical network The cost of installing an electrical system on a farm ranges from $300 to $360.
6 water network The cost of supplying the farm with a sewer and water system ranges from $520 to $635.
7 Surveillance Cameras تتراوح تكلفة شراء وتركيب شبكة كاميرات مراقبة داخل وخارج المزرعة من 385 إلى 415 دولارًا.
8 حاضنة البيض تتراوح تكلفة شراء 3 حاضنات بيض تتناسب مع طيور السمان من 260 إلى 310 دولارات.
9 dinnerware تتراوح تكلفة شراء أواني الطعام لطيور السمان من 115 إلى 130 دولارًا.
10 أواني الماء تتراوح تكلفة شراء أواني الماء من 55 إلى 75 دولارًا.
11 دفاية لطيور السمان تتراوح تكلفة شراء الدفاية من 760 إلى 845 دولارًا.
12 ماكينة تفريخ تتراوح تكلفة شراء ماكينة تفريخ لطيور السمان من 150 إلى 185 دولارًا.
13 صناديق حفظ البيض تتراوح تكلفة شراء 10 صناديق بأحجام متوسطة مصنوعة من البلاستيك لنقل وحفظ بيض السمان من 115 إلى 125 دولارًا.
14 حاضنة كتاكيت تتراوح تكلفة شراء حاضنة كتاكيت من 270 إلى 310 دولارات.
15th جهاز قياس درجات الحرارة تتراوح تكلفة شراء جهاز قياس درجات الحرارة من 25 إلى 30 دولارًا.
16 الرعاية البيطرية تتراوح تكلفة الرعاية والمتابعة لطيور السمان، والتي تشمل العلاجات والأدوية البيطرية، من 42 إلى 65 دولارًا شهريًا.
17 أقفاص سمان تتراوح تكلفة شراء 5 أقفاص بطارية السمان نوع الهرم المعدني بسعة تتراوح من 1500 إلى 2500 طائر سمان، من 1250 إلى 1400 دولار.
18 food تتراوح تكلفة شراء العلف الخاص لكل 1500 طائر من السمان، من 180 إلى 210 دولارات شهريًا.
19 السمان صاحب المشروع هو من يمتلك القدرة على تحديد تكلفة كتاكيت السمان التي يرغب في تربيتها وفقًا للإمكانيات المادية المتاحة وأهدافه من المشروع، ومع ذلك يُمكن تخصيص نحو 3500 دولار كميزانية أولى خلال العام الأول من إطلاق المشروع.
20 العمالة تتراوح تكلفة أجور العمالة 450 إلى 500 دولار شهريًا.
21 Marketing تتراوح تكلفة الحملات التسويقية من 210 إلى 275 دولارًا شهريًا.

السابع عشر: التكلفة الإجمالية المتوقعة

1 التكلفة الإجمالية المتوقعة

الثامن عشر: الأرباح المتوقعة

في الواقع تُعتبر تربية السمان أكثر ربحية من تربية الدجاج. وسعر التجزئة لبيض الدجاج واللحوم والطيور الحية مرتفع كثيرًا في الوقت الحاضر، وهو ما يعكس الجهود المبذولة في هذه الصناعة الرائعة، وبناءً على ما سبق إذا بدأت مشروعك على نطاق متوسط وهو ما يُمثل نحو 2500 طائر من السمان معتمدًا على جميع الخطوات سالفة الذكر قد تتمكن من تحقيق صافي أرباح في نهاية الدورة بعد سداد الفواتير وأجور العمالة، ما يزيد على 12 ألف دولار من خلال بيع المنتجات التي تُقدمها والتي تشمل: «البيض، اللحوم، بيع الطيور الحية».

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