Most of the time, some families need care providers for children due to their preoccupation, which has increased the demand for children's hospitality project more than ever;Where the importance of the project is due to the fact that it helps to provide comfort for working women and contributes to increasing her productivity without feeling anxious to her child.
Children's hospitality project
The idea of children's hospitality project is to establish a specialized center that children go to enjoy, entertain, develop capabilities and raise skills in a number of different fields. Through this project, children can identify the principles of reading and writing, learning letters and the ability to write some messages at times.
In addition to preparing the child for the basic education stages;Where the idea of the project targets professional parents who cannot care for their children during the day, in addition to parents who are keen to develop their children's capabilities and skills..
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The children's hospitality project is considered one of the most very profitable explications if it is implemented according to the correct methods, and it is noteworthy in this project that it can be implemented at home and does not need to rent an apartment;Where the center aims to cover the increasing demand for children hosting services, providing the necessary care for children and providing a number of entertainment programs that raise their culture, in addition to achieving a material return for the project owner, and focuses on attracting newborns until the age of seven.
If you are in the process of launching a children's hospitality project, the entrepreneurship site provides you with a feasibility study of the children's hospitality project.
دراسة جدوى Children's hospitality project
The children's hospitality center gives you the true opportunity to deal with children of all ages and help them learn some important matters that facilitate the basic education stages, and in order to be implemented properly and achieve material benefit;The project needs to study the market, know competitors, and work to add some new things that guarantee you to attract the largest possible number of children to take care of them.
Not only that, but you also need to know the necessary cost that the project needs, in addition to the equipment and tools that help in the success of the center and the required manpower that contribute to providing the necessary and correct care for children, which we will learn about in the following points:
First: Choose the project site
One of the most important reasons that lead to the success of the children's hospitality project is the choice of the appropriate location, which is represented in the populated urban areas and abundant employees working, and it is also preferable to implement the project in one of the high -end cities and away from the unsafe areas in order to ensure the safety of children, but for its area it is preferred not toLess than 400 square meters;So that there is space to receive children without causing any congestion.
The center must contain a large hall with an area ranging between 150 and 200 square meters;To accommodate all the necessary equipment for children, such as: chairs, tables, and some documents for drawing and games appropriate for children, and the center must also contain a room for management and a room for female employees and another for the doctor, which must be equipped to care for children healthy and provide the necessary vaccinations.
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Second: Project place equipment
The center needs some important equipment to suit children;Including: painting the center walls in attractive colors with some cartoon drawings, and some educational images such as: natural pictures, letters, numbers, flowers and fruits, and the center can also be provided with a library that includes a group of stories for children and some drawing and coloring tools.And a high and comfortable lighting system for the eye, in addition to a number of toilets that are appropriate for the use of children.
It is necessary to focus on providing the necessary health environment in order to preserve the safety and health of children, and to make sure to sterilize all the corners of the center constantly;To get rid of any viruses.
Not only that, but the place must contain ventilation holes to regenerate air and prevent diseases, and firefighting systems, which is a suspended evacuation plan in each room and regular and documented fires, and the center's floors must be prepared with foam or tities in order to preserve the safety of children.
Third: tools and requirements for the project
الترقيم | أدوات ومتطلبات | الاستخدام |
1 | طاولات وكراسي | يحتاج المشروع إلى توفير عدد من الطاولات المجهزة مع مجموعة من الكراسي صغيرة الحجم لتتناسب مع الأطفال، ويُمكن أن تكون هذه الطاولات والكراسي بلاستيكية أو خشبية. |
2 | 5 مكاتب إدارية وكراسي | يحتاج المشروع إلى تخصيص 5 مكاتب إدارية مع مجموعة من الكراسي؛ لإدارة مركز ضيافة الأطفال واستقبال العملاء وأولياء الأمور. |
3 | مكتبة خشبية كبيرة | يحتاج المشروع إلى توفير مكتبة خشبية كبيرة تحتوي على عدد كبير من القصص والروايات للأطفال؛ وذلك لتسهيل عملية تعليم القراءة والكتابة للأطفال. |
4 | أدوات رسم وتلوين | لا بد من توفير أدوات رسم وتلوين؛ لتمكين الأطفال من ممارسة هوايات الرسم والتلوين بما يُساعد في تعزيز مهاراتهم في عدد من المجالات. |
5 | أدوات مطبخ | يجب تجهيز المطبخ ببعض الأدوات المهمة كالأطباق والملاعق البلاستيكية المخصصة للأطفال، بالإضافة إلى بعض الأدوات الأخرى مثل: ثلاجة صغيرة لحفظ الطعام ومايكروويف لتسخين الطعام للأطفال وبعض الأكواب التي تُستخدم في تحضير المشروبات. |
6 | أدوات تنظيف | من المهم جدًا أن يتم تجهيز المركز بأدوات نظافة؛ لتنظيف الحمامات وسلال قمامة، بالإضافة إلى فوم للأرضيات الأسمنتية للحفاظ على الأطفال من الإصابات عند السقوط. |
7 | ألعاب أطفال | لا بد من توفير بعض الألعاب المختلفة والممتعة في مركز ضيافة الأطفال، مثل: بيت الكرات و”زحليقة” للأطفال والأرجوحات الآمنة والدراجات الصغيرة والكراسي الهزازة بأشكالها الجميلة الخاصة بالاطفال، بالإضافة إلى الكرات البلاستيكية وألعاب القفز، كما يُمكن تزويد المركز بحوض سباحة قابل للنفخ. |
Fourth: Equipment and technologies
The project needs some important equipment and technologies that facilitate the care of children, and provide them with expertise and skills that qualify for the various basic education stages, in addition to providing the appropriate environment that guarantees the success of the project, as follows:
الترقيم | معدات وتقنيات | الاستخدام |
1 | جهازا تلفاز | يحتاج المركز إلى توفير جهازي تلفاز لتشغيل بعض العروض الكرتونية للأطفال وتشجيعهم على الاستمرارية في عملية التعلم وممارسة بعض الأنشطة الأخرى. |
2 | 10 أجهزة كمبيوتر | يجب توفير 10 أجهزة كمبيوتر في مركز ضيافة الأطفال، لاستخدامها في تدريب الأطفال على التعامل مع التكنولوجيا وشبكات الإنترنت، بالإضافة إلى تخصيص عدد من الأجهزة لموظفي العلاقات العامة ومدير المشروع. |
3 | شبكة إنترنت | لا بد من توفير شبكة إنترنت بسرعة عالية؛ لاستخدامها في بعض المهام داخل المركز سواء للتعلم أو للإدارة الخاصة بالمركز. |
4 | كاميرات مراقبة | يجب تجهيز المركز بمنظومة كاميرات مراقبة موزعة في جميع أركان المركز؛ لمراقبة التحركات اليومية التي تتم، وبعض الأمور الأخرى. |
5 | 5 أجهزة تكييف | يحتاج المركز إلى تركيب عدد من أجهزة التكييف في جميع الغرف لتوزيع الهواء. |
6 | مراوح تهوية | لا بد من تركيب مراوح مخصصة للتهوية في مركز ضيافة الأطفال. |
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Fifth: Health requirements
In light of the disturbances witnessed by the world following the outbreak of the Corona virus, the owner of the children's hospitality project must make sure to provide thermal sensors to measure the heat of children constantly, especially when receiving children in the center, in addition to providing antiseptic materials to sterilize hands and clothes, in order to preserve the safety and health of childrenAnd protect them from viruses spread.
Sixth: Places to buy nursery furniture
Certainly there are many sources that the project owner can count on;To bring all the special requirements and tools that the children's hospitality center needs;Where some supplies, such as games, equipment and technologies, can be purchased through electronic stores spread on the Internet.
You can also go to the specialized market for selling furniture in the city or the governorate in which you live, and searching for the tools you need for your project and purchase, and you will also find in these markets some used tools and supplies, which will undoubtedly reduce the cost.
Seventh: Conditions of the project license
The agency of the project idea should not be less than 25 years old, and he has at least a high school diploma and above, and the applicant for a license for the children's hospitality center should not be an employee in one of the government agencies.
If you are going to launch this project and meet all these basic conditions, you can go to the relevant authorities in your area to obtain the necessary license, taking with you your personal identity to view it and some special papers, such as: the lease or ownership contract and the feasibility study of the project, the engineering report and some other papers thatThe project is valid and will be implemented according to the special and well -known specifications, and once all these papers are completed, these entities will send some of its members to inspect the project’s site and place to ensure that it matches all international specifications to implement the children's hospitality center.
Eighth: The employment required for the project
The children's hospitality center needs to appoint 4 workers and they are preferred to be women, provided that 2 workers are allocated to take over the cleanliness of all rooms in the center and cleanse them well on a daily basis, and specializes with two factors who have experience in preparing meals for children, and the project also needs to appoint 5 employees who have obtainedSignificant certificates in a kindergarten specialization, and the number of female employees can be increased in proportion to the number of children received by the center.
It is also possible to appoint 2 supervisors who have sufficient experience in the field of children's hospitality, to take over the responsibility for supervising all programs allocated to children, whether it is educational, recreational or health, and to ensure that they are implemented in the correct and required manner, and to appoint two employees, provided that the first is specialized in public relationsThe second is in e -marketing, and they are required to have certificates that qualify them to work in these disciplines, and it is preferable that the project owner responsible for the management of the center.
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Ninth: Marketing or promoting the project
Certainly, the largest percentage of the project's success depends on the strength of the marketing strategies that are set for the project;As there are many channels and means that the project owner can use to market the project;The most prominent of them: the Internet, especially social media, such as: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Snapchat.
All you need is to create a page in the name of the project on these platforms and add all the data related to the center, start marketing it and display all the advantages that it provides for children in a way that guarantees them the correct and proper education that prepares for the basic education stages.
You can also market the project through advertising panels spread on the main roads, or through some different media, such as TV channels or famous newspapers, and you can use propaganda cards to promote the project, and start printing large quantities of these cards and distributing them.
Tenth: The expected cost of the project
الترقيم | معدات ومتطلبات | التكلفة المتوقعة |
1 | مكان المركز | تتراوح تكلفة إيجار مكان المركز بمساحة 400 متر مربع ما بين 1250 و1360 دولارًا شهريًا. |
2 | تجهيزات المركز | تتراوح تكلفة تجهيزات المركز المتمثلة في الديكورات والدهانات والأرضيات وأنظمة الإضاءة وبعض التجهيزات الأخرى، من 2840 إلى 3450 دولارًا. |
3 | طاولات وكراسي | تتراوح تكلفة شراء 15 طاولة و30 “كرسي بلاستيكي” ما بين 720 و835 دولارًا. |
4 | 5 مكاتب إدارية وكراسي | تتراوح تكلفة شراء 5 مكاتب إدارية وكراسي من 673 إلى 764 دولارًا. |
5 | مكتبة خشبية كبيرة | تتراوح تكلفة شراء مكتبة خشبية كبيرة ما بين 365 و420 دولارًا. |
6 | أدوات رسم وتلوين | تتراوح تكلفة شراء أدوات رسم وتلوين من 210 إلى 267 دولارًا. |
7 | أدوات مطبخ | تتراوح تكلفة شراء أدوات المطبخ ما بين 460 و534 دولارًا. |
8 | أدوات تنظيف | تتراوح تكلفة شراء أدوات التنظيف من 112 إلى 140 دولارًا. |
9 | ألعاب أطفال | تتراوح تكلفة شراء ألعاب الأطفال، والتي تتضمن بيت الكرات وزحليقة للأطفال والأرجوحات الآمنة والدراجات الصغيرة والكراسي الهزازة بأشكالها الجميلة الخاصة بالاطفال، بالإضافة إلى الكرات البلاستيكية وألعاب القفز، ما بين 2950 و3285 دولارًا. |
10 | جهازا تلفاز | تتراوح تكلفة شراء جهازي تلفاز من نوع سامسونج بمقاس 65 بوصة، من 1350 إلى 1420 دولارًا. |
11 | 10 أجهزة كمبيوتر | تتراوح تكلفة شراء 10 أجهزة كمبيوتر من 1210 إلى 1360 دولارًا. |
12 | شبكة إنترنت | تتراوح تكلفة اشتراك شبكة الإنترنت ما بين 95 و120 دولارًا شهريًا. |
13 | كاميرات مراقبة | تتراوح تكلفة تركيبة شبكة كاميرات مراقبة داخل وخارج المركز من 740 إلى 973 دولارًا. |
14 | 5 أجهزة تكييف | تتراوح تكلفة شراء 5 أجهزة تكييف ما بين 1590 و1675 دولارًا. |
15 | 5 مراوح تهوية | تتراوح تكلفة شراء 5 مراوح تهوية من 115 إلى 135 دولارًا. |
16 | العمال | تتراوح تكلفة أجور 4 عاملات ما بين 1100و1230 دولارًا شهريًا. The cost of 5 employees and 2 supervisors ranges from 2600 to 3100 dollars per month. The cost of the wages of the public relations employee and the e -marketing employee ranges between 850 and 1250 dollars per month. |
17 | التسويق | تتراوح تكلفة الحملات التسويقية من 350 إلى 450 دولارًا شهريًا. |
The total cost of the project
1 | The total cost of the project |
In the end, we confirm that all these numbers mentioned in the above table that relate to the costs of the details of the feasibility of the children's hospitality project are modern and accompanying the year 2020, and are based on official sources, and it is possible to return to the famous "Ali Baba" store;To review some prices for some tools and technologies, and may increase or decrease by environment or geographical location in which the project will be established.
General advice for the success of the project
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