Factors that excel Morocco over Algeria ... equipment and measures of the pandemic and football playgrounds

  • Time:Jun 09
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Article

In the midst of the diplomatic tension between Algeria and Morocco, the Afrik newspaper, which is interested in African affairs, shed light on the balance of political forces in the region, considering that Rabat beats Algiers for many internal and external reasons.

The first factor behind Morocco's advantage over Algeria, according to the same newspaper, is the good management of the widespread coronary virus in the Kingdom, pointing out to the royal keenness to restore the Moroccans stranded in China during the first weeks of the appearance of the epidemic.

The newspaper re -recalled the plane that took 167 Moroccan residing in Wuhan to Benslimane Airport, confirming that the royal step was a large -scale national praise;It is one of the reasons why Morocco is not comparable to any African country, including Algeria, according to the same media pulpit.

عوامل تفوّق المغرب على الجزائر .. تجهيزات وتدابير الجائحة وملاعب الكرة‎‎

The second factor, which is presented by the newspaper "Avrick" to explain the Moroccan superiority of the African continent, is embodied in the large numbers of Algerian youth who flee through "death boats" to the European West Bank, inferring official and informal statistics regarding the reality of irregular migration in Algeria.

Thus, the media source explains, about 1900 irregular immigrants arrived in Spain during the period from 27 September to October 3 of the current year;Among them is 72 percent of Algerian citizens, compared to 21 percent of their Moroccan counterparts;In practice, what is 399 Moroccan citizens.

The third factor for the comparison between the two neighboring countries revolves around the quality of football fields, adds the article that indicated the criticism of the Algerian national team regarding the national stadiums that hosted the World Cup qualifiers for the year 2022, especially the quality of the "catastrophic grass" for the "Blida" stadium where one of the matches was organized.

Accordingly, the African newspaper concluded that the Kingdom of Morocco's superiority over the Algerian Republic, highlighting that the force is not only measured by military mechanisms and military readiness;It also relates to the level of living of the population, the welfare of citizens, and the ability of the political system to manage their daily affairs.

The newspaper laid the political developments between the two countries by reference to the measures taken by the two parties to manage the crisis, setting the example of Algerian marine maneuvers held near the Moroccan border and closing the atmosphere of Algeria in front of the Moroccan planes, in exchange for the Moroccan media talk about recent military armaments deals.