Exiting "Gilboa"... The philosophy of crossing

  • Time:Oct 01
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Article

Many people want to live at the top of the mountain, not realizing that happiness lies in the journey to reach it. This is what was attributed to Gabriel García Márquez before he left our world. This seems correct in the context of learning, knowledge, novel writing and love, but it is contrary to the truth in the experience of getting out of prison!

In plans like this, the journey is full of pain and patience, and happiness resides at the top of the mountain, which is dug this time.

We do not know, until this moment, how the story began, and how the idea caught fire in the heads of its owners. Perhaps they began to talk in a muffled voice at the hour of going out to the sun, if they won it, or in the dark muttering before bed, or during meals with the clink of spoons, or in the queues for the toilets.

Exit from Gilboa... a philosophy Transit title=

In the search for the most suitable place for the head of the tunnel, there is a story, and in the discussion of possibilities regarding how to implement it, there is a story. In such a plan, contemplation of the place is forbidden, and the search for the head of the thread is restricted.

What really happened was a story told, and future film directors will salivate to translate it into action, not far from the story of 300 fighters who protected Sparta after they were stationed in a strait, or a genius story about storming the walls of Troy. This is practically the real reason why everything is being called "Palestine the epic". It simply squeezes reality to bring out the impossibilities in its core, from the possibilities that we do not know about, and we do not expect to exist in the first place.

From the small, tight prison they came out. Success in the first mission, led them to the requirements of another mission in the large prison; In a geography present in their conscience, but its dimensions are not stored in it, they roam the earth in search of a safe settlement in it; Barriers, borders and army points. There are many options, including what has been studied in the mind, as there is no paper for such purposes in prison. Including what imposes itself in the field as usual. In the East signed treaties, and a people embracing and redeeming. A little north, an identity that was not altered by the occupation. Further north, Barr Al-Aman is a little farther. To the west, the sea seems far away. To the south, security coordination nets are a cause for concern.

In the cinematic works, which people conjured up to approach the story, goals are different from what happened in Gilboa prison. From Shawshank Prison, the elegant banker, educated in the geology of the earth, walked out using a special hammer that had been leaked to the prison. In an "escape plan", the viewer is ignited by the strong muscles, the hero who does not die, and the experience of a prison counselor who is subjected to a prison experience, so the message was strength and the miracles of solving puzzles.

While an "escape plan" cost 50 million dollars to present the idea to viewers, the show was not free to get out of Gilboa prison. The price was an experience of occupation, the bitterness of real prisons, the pain of leaving, and uncertainty about the possibilities of success for a scenario that is not captured by a camera. As for the message, it was the embodiment of the epic in reality, and the discovery of additional human capabilities, through more will.

The journey of crossing from prison is synonymous with the journey of resisting siege, sanctions, and attempts at humiliation. It is true that it crosses narrow passages, and it is true that it is forced to dig underground, and it is true that it removes the accumulated soil from its path, but, at each station, it discovers new tools, accumulates its experiences, and makes sure, in every round, that this path is the fastest, and that the impossible Easier than we ever imagined!