Erdogan again bargains a "terrorist leader" over the voices of the Kurds

  • Time:Jul 01
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Article

Ankara (Turkish Zaman) - Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan made exciting statements indicating the implementation of a plan in which the Kurds bargain, in order to remain in power, considering the Kurds the difficult number in any electoral entitlement.

Erdogan said that "he is in the prison of Ilali," referring to Abdullah Ocalan;The leader of the separatist Kurdistan Workers Party, which is classified as a terrorist by Turkey, America and Europe, will be held accountable for "Al -Qadq in Edirne Prison", that is, Salahuddin Demartash;The leader of the former Democratic Peoples Party arrested from 2016.

After these statements, the academic came out of Kurdish origin, Ali Kamal Ozjan, who has a close relationship with Turkish intelligence and has previously threatened Demartash with assassination, saying: “One of Demirtash will not save except Ocalan,” calling on him not to obstruct the “bargaining” that takes place between the latter and the Erdogan partyIn order to settle the Kurdish issue, as he claimed.

And the academic Ozjan, in coordination from the Turkish intelligence, had previously carried a message from Abdullah Ocalan in which he called on the Kurds to support the candidate of Erdogan Party to Istanbul in the 2019 municipal elections, but they rejected this invitation and supported the opposition candidate Akram Imamoglu in response to the call of Salahuddin Demirtas, to lose a partyErdogan municipalities in the largest provinces, led by Istanbul and Ankara.

Observers considered that Erdogan plays his most important papers in order to win the upcoming elections, by negotiating again, with the leader of the Kurdistan Workers Party behind the closed doors, and the exclusion of the Kurdish leader Salahuddin Demartash, where he seeks through this step to prevent the Democratic Peoples Party from alliance with the opposition, to reapThe voices of the Kurds easily by exploiting the grace of Abdullah Ocalan at a certain group of Kurds.

أردوغان يساوم مجددًا “زعيمًا إرهابيًّا” على أصوات الأكراد

The Constitutional Court has not yet been separated in the case of the dissolution of the Kurdish Democratic Peoples Party, which has 7 million voters.

For its part, the Kurdish Democratic Peoples Party recently met with nine left parties to create a democratic alliance, in a move aimed at pushing the opposition parties to the full alliance with him without fear of Erdogan's accusations of terrorism, for his alleged links to the Kurdistan Workers Party, although he denies this link publicly.

Analysts believe that the opposition people's alliance consisting mainly of the Republican People's Party and the Good Party cannot beat Erdogan in the upcoming elections without obtaining the votes of the Demond Peoples Party supporting the Kurds.

It is noteworthy that in 2012 Erdogan ordered the suspension of security and military operations against the separatist Kurdistan Workers' Party, and assigned his intelligence chief Hakan Fidan to start negotiations with the leader of the Kurdistan workers Abdullah Ocalan in his prisoner to establish peace with the Kurds.

Erdogan overlooked the calls of political and civil opposition to conduct the Kurdish peace negotiations transparently so that the doors do not open to any secret or public political bargains between the two parties, and silenced all the protesters on the used way that transformed the terrorist organization into the only legitimate representative of the Kurdish people, while the Party of the Legitimate Democratic Peoples has marginalized the working working workingUnder the parliamentary umbrella.

This new policy required Erdogan to seek to exclude the "Sharia" Democratic Peoples Party in order for the "terrorist" Kurdish Workers Party to be the only alternative to Kurdish citizens; This is because the terrorist organization and the legitimate Kurdish party are similar to the refined utensils. Although sound logic was necessary to work on the intensification of the legacy of the Kurdish Kurdish Party in order for the Kurdistan workers the terrorist workers to end, and the violence, weapons and terrorism, which he practiced for half a century, ended with it, but the interest of Erdogan, not the national interest, was imposed on the opposite; Where he intended to transfer Turkey to the presidential system with the support of Ocalan, which is charged with directing the Kurdish street.

However, Erdogan overthrew the table of peace negotiations with the Kurds and ordered the return to the semen and military operations against the Kurdistan workers, and held an alliance with the "National Movement" party, after the Kurds supported the Democratic Peoples Party in the 2015 elections, where the Erdogan party lost for the first time in its history the individual governmentBecause this party entered Parliament as an independent party with 80 parliamentarians.

Tags: أردوغانالحزب الكرديتركياحزب الشعوب الديمقراطيحزب العمال الكردستانيصلاح الدين دميرتاشعبد الله أوجلان