Minister of Environment: Delta Egypt is at risk of climate changes .. We have a plan to protect beachesphoto

  • Time:Aug 25
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Article

At the Climate Change Conference and its impact on Alexandria:

محافظ الإسكندرية:

- The inclusion of the rainfall network was incorporated without studying and causing the city to sink and fight a war to reach the current result in dealing with the nies

Chair of the Beach Research Authority:

- Sacrifice is more dangerous to the beaches than climate change

The former Minister of Irrigation:

Climate changes have a major role in influencing Egypt's water future

Dr. Yasmine Fouad, Minister of Environment, confirmed that Egypt is facing a major challenge in facing the crisis of climate change and its repercussions and that what is reported about the drowning of the delta, especially the city of Alexandria, is multiple theories, and the issue of drowning of beaches is not only related to Alexandria, there are scenarios that talk about the phenomenon of high sea levels and the drowning of some cities as a resultFor climate fluctuations.

The minister added, during the conference "Climate Change and its Impact on Alexandria" organized by civil society organizations, especially the Alexandria Lovers Association headed by Eng. Yasser Saif, in cooperation with Al -Safwa Salon and the Mohamed Ragab Development Foundation headedIt was affected by any repercussions

جانب من مؤتمر التغيرات المناخية وتأثيرها على الإسكندرية

The Minister confirmed during the symposium in which Major General Mohamed El -Sherif, Governor of Alexandria, and a number of executive leaders in the governorate, in the presence of a group of scholars and experts in this field and members of the House of Representatives and the elderly, stressed that the African continent is one of the most vulnerable continents to negative repercussions, and Egypt in particular, although it is one of the least countries in the worldWhich comes out of harmful emissions that caused climate change, which prompted the Egyptian government to take more actions, programs and serious and effective policies to adapt to the new climate changes, and to confront its negative repercussions on various economic sectors.

She pointed out that the recent British Prime Minister Johnson was a warning message to the world of the importance of taking serious steps to address the effects of climate change, which Egypt has realized well;Where it developed a plan and took successive measures to protect the beaches, especially Alexandria.

جانب من مؤتمر التغيرات المناخية وتأثيرها على الإسكندريةوأوضحت الوزيرة أن الرئيس عبدالفتاح السيسي، أكد خلال قمة "جلاسكو" موقف مصر من قضية المناخ، باعتبارها ممثلًا للقارة الإفريقية، حيث تهدف لأن تكون المشروعات الخضراء 100% عام 2030، مؤكدة أن التغيرات المناخية أصبحت من أهم القضايا التي تؤثر على مسارات التنمية، وهو ما دفع لإعداد خريطة تفاعلية تستقبل السيناريوهات العالمية، وتكشف الأماكن الجيدة للاستثمار على مستوى الجمهورية وذلك قبل استضافة مصر لمؤتمر "قمة الأطراف السابع والعشرين للتغيرات المناخية عام 2022 بمدينة شرم الشيخ".

She emphasized that the state is doing its best to face climatic changes and its effects, by expanding the cultivation of green surfaces, as well as expanding the use of alternatives to renewable energy..

جانب من مؤتمر التغيرات المناخية وتأثيرها على الإسكندرية

Dr. Hossam Mughazi, the former Minister of Water Resources and Irrigation, said: The climate changes have a major role in influencing the future of Egypt, explaining that the individual's share reached 650 cubic meters after it was 1500, indicating that water awareness is still missing with many, and that this is clearly shownIn the daily behaviors of the individual, stressing that coastal cities are at risk to the influence of climate changes on Egypt.

The former minister put forward some scenarios for the water situation in Egypt, the first: optimistic that climatic changes may be in the Nile River in Egypt, and the other pessimistic, as the Nile River Delta faces a decline due to the effect of silt, as well as beach water currents on the Mediterranean and exposure to corrosion,As well as the intense pumping of natural gas and oil in the Mediterranean basin.

جانب من مؤتمر التغيرات المناخية وتأثيرها على الإسكندرية

وزيرة البيئة: دلتا مصر معرضة لخطر التغيرات المناخية.. ولدينا خطة لحماية الشواطئ | صور

And on the future of Egypt in light of the water deficit, "Maghazi" said: We are managing unconventional water resources such as shedding sea water, and there are projects that will be opened next year that will effectively help reduce the water deficit, proposing the use of Wadi Mariout water in national projects;As the water treatment works to bridge its deficit in Alexandria, referring to the sources of water nutritious for the Natrun Valley, part of which is rain and torrential water.

The former minister suggested the establishment of a station on the valley of Lake Mariout that treats 400 thousand cubic meters, which is a much easier proposal than desalination of sea water, noting that the unconventional resources have become a source of filling the deficit, including what the state is currently doing, stressing the need to expand the desalination of sea waterAnd wells.

جانب من مؤتمر التغيرات المناخية وتأثيرها على الإسكندرية

During his speech, the Governor of Alexandria described Major General Mohamed El -Sherif, who indicated that Alexandria will drown as "Sudanese", as there are also scholars who have reduced these effects, so the words of the British Prime Minister should not be considered, saying: "Egypt is protected from God, and it will not differentiate with us, they say whatAnd asserting that he is on a date with the mayor of Marseille and officials of the regions overlooking the Mediterranean basin;To discuss the matter.

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Regarding the sinking of Alexandria with rain water every year, Al -Sharif pointed out that the merging of the rain and sanitation network together caused this, especially since the merger was without study, pointing out that the amount of rain fell one day more than 19 million cubic meters, yetThe province dealt with its various devices with the matter, and several meetings were held with the Prime Minister after that.

Al -Sharif pointed out that the studies conducted with the Faculty of Engineering at the University of Alexandria, forecasts, maps and satellites confirm that the rain will increase every year, and will reach 10 times what we are currently facing, but the projects that the governorate is taking place now aims to deal with the developments of 50 years, saying:We are fighting a war until we reach the current result in dealing with the nucleus..

جانب من مؤتمر التغيرات المناخية وتأثيرها على الإسكندريةوأشار محافظ الإسكندرية، إلى أن المناطق العشوائية والقرى التي وصفها بأنها تحت الأرض بمتر تعيش أجواءً قاسية، نعاني منها بسبب العشوائيات المستمرة منذ عشرات السنين، وزادت بعد عام 2011 لتقضي على البنية التحتية، قائلا: "هناك الكثير من المشروعات ستشهدها محافظة الإسكندرية خلال الفترة المقبلة".

For its part, Dr. Mona Jamal Al -Din, Dean of the College of Engineering, at the Egyptian Japanese University, attributed the reasons for climate changes;Either for natural factors, such as "volcanoes or change in the sun, or human activities" and the last began at the end of the 18th century with the emergence of the industrial revolution, which can be dealt with as the product of human behavior, as well as controlling individual behaviors towards rationalizing energy consumption, water, and gases.

Dr. Mona Jamal recommended the necessity of integrating research authorities to conduct studies on the phenomenon of climate change in coordination, with the executive bodies and to complete the organization of the seminars of the chain of climate changes in addition to raising awareness of awareness of the various community sectors in achieving the five goals of the national climate change strategy 2050

جانب من مؤتمر التغيرات المناخية وتأثيرها على الإسكندرية

It also recommended the launch of the Alexandria Lovers Initiative, based on the announcement of President Abdel Fattah El -Sisi in 2022 years of civil society, with the recommendations of the World Youth Forum in its fourth transcription.

Dr. Mohamed Abdel Fattah Ragab, Secretary -General of Pharos University, spoke about "the economic effects of climate change", saying: "The planet has no alternative, and all damages will be borne by its residents, and the economic effects are related to environmental scenarios, and there are exaggerations about the climate impact process, pointing to the existence of some indicators thatIt requires that the world take its precautions to protect future generations, as the productivity is linked to the extent of the human being influenced by the temperature, which will decrease in light of the high temperatures.

"Rajab" pointed to the relationship between the death of fish and the high temperatures, which affects the economic side on the fish wealth, explaining that there are fires that the forests are exposed to, and losses that transport networks will be exposed to;In the event of floods, their intensity may also cause threat and damage to these network.

جانب من مؤتمر التغيرات المناخية وتأثيرها على الإسكندرية

"Rajab" stressed the importance of awareness of the phenomenon of climate change, and the need to take some urgent measures, foremost of which is the trend towards the green economy with its basic sectors represented in new and renewable energy, sustainable transport, reducing the use of cars and fuel and recycling of waste after separating organic waste and rationalizing the use of water and energy and facing encroachmentsOn agricultural lands, in order to preserve the environmental aspect and green cities.

On the scenario of the sinking of Alexandria due to climatic changes, Dr. Ayman Al -Jamal, head of the Beach Research Authority, said: There is temporary drowning;It is the product of winter, and the increase in rain water, which drains have not absorbed and can happen due to a tsunami or hurricanes, and a permanent drownConstantly can cause beaches to erode the Earth, which he described as greater than the problem of climate change.

جانب من مؤتمر التغيرات المناخية وتأثيرها على الإسكندرية

Al -Jamal considered the statements made by the British Prime Minister the sinking of Alexandria Governorate, inaccurate, and uncontrolled words, and causing panic among citizens: saying climate changes occur worldwide and not only in Egypt, and we study it and take precautions about the rise of the sea to protect Alexandria by determining places The fragile, which is affected by the review of the high buildings located on the sea coast directly with the work of the waves of various forms and the raising of the efficiency of coastal roads, confirming that there are several projects there at the Beach Research Institute in cooperation with the global environmental facility related to adapting to climate changes to confront climate change.

He pointed out that one of its results is the high temperature as a result of gases "such as carbon dioxide" resulting from the industrial revolution and human activity, and this leads to the emergence of a layer of imprisonment of the sun for a longer period in the globe, which contributes to the high temperature..

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At the end of the conference, some scholars were honored by the symbols of civil society in appreciation of their role in serving the country.