Energy storage subsidy for 3 years, up to 1 million! Chengdu launches 2022 energy storage project application! (with local subsidies)

  • Time:Mar 22
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Article

Polaris Energy Storage Network News: Polaris Energy Storage Network was informed that on February 22, the Chengdu Development and Reform Commission issued a notice on applying for capital construction investment projects within the municipal budget in the field of ecological civilization construction and energy storage in 2022. , grid side, power supply side, virtual power plant energy storage projects, the annual utilization hours are not less than 600 hours, according to the scale of energy storage facilities, 230 yuan per kilowatt per year and a single project can not exceed 1 million yuan in municipal budget funds The subsidy period is 3 consecutive years.

As of 2021, a total of 21 provinces and cities have clearly proposed energy storage subsidies.

The original text is as follows:

Notice of the Chengdu Development and Reform Commission on the application for capital construction investment projects within the municipal budget in the field of ecological civilization construction and energy storage in 2022

Relevant municipal departments, development and reform bureaus of all districts (cities) and counties, relevant units:

In order to implement the spirit of the 10th Plenary Session of the 13th Municipal Party Committee, accelerate the development of the energy storage industry in our city, and strive to build a clean, low-carbon, safe and efficient modern energy system, we are hereby applying for the capital construction investment within the municipal budget in the field of ecological civilization construction in 2022. The project related work notices are as follows.

1. Scope of options Ecological civilization construction and energy storage The capital construction investment projects within the municipal budget are mainly used in the field of electrochemical energy storage. In accordance with the principles of government guidance and market players, priority should be given to supporting projects with large demonstration effects, key reform and innovation projects, and Districts (cities) and counties have strong replication and promotion projects.

(1) User-side energy storage field. Support market entities to invest in the construction and operation of user-side energy storage systems, focusing on end users such as big data centers, industrial parks, charging facilities, 5G base stations, large hospitals, and commercial buildings, and demonstrate that energy storage facilities can reduce electricity consumption by taking advantage of the price difference of Fenggu electricity. Cost, use of fast response features to support emergency support, voltage sag control, and demand side response applications. Support Xindu District to implement regional pilot projects.

(2) The field of energy storage on the grid side. Support the layout of grid-side energy storage through key nodes, and improve the flexible adjustment capability and safety and stability level of the system after large-capacity DC is connected. Deploy energy storage equipment at the end of power grid sections, main transformers and other equipment that may be overloaded during heavy loads to improve the power supply capacity of the power grid during heavy loads. At the end of the power grid and micro-grids in remote areas, deploy demonstration grid-side energy storage power stations or wind and solar power storage power stations to improve the reliability of power supply. For major events and important load users, demonstrate the construction of a number of mobile or fixed energy storage facilities to improve emergency power supply guarantee capabilities or delay the need for power transmission and transformation upgrades.

(3) The field of energy storage on the power supply side. Support Jintang County to demonstrate a batch of system-friendly power station projects equipped with energy storage based on actual needs, encourage distributed new energy sources, power plants, etc. to be equipped with certain energy storage facilities, demonstrate the integrated development of "new energy + energy storage", and provide the power system Improve capacity support and peak shaving capabilities.

(4) The field of energy storage in virtual power plants. Support the promotion of the integration of source, network, load and storage, relying on big data, artificial intelligence and other technologies, using distributed energy storage facilities, combining with comprehensive innovation of systems and mechanisms, exploring smart energy, virtual power plants and other business models to improve the load-side adjustment capability.


2. Application conditions

(1) In principle, the application project shall fully consider the energy storage capacity demand of power grid enterprises, and design the energy storage scale reasonably.

(2) The energy storage system and auxiliary facilities should have the functions of remote operation data transmission and remote control, access to a unified platform according to the requirements of digital and intelligent management, sign a control agreement, and accept the overall scheduling of the power grid to ensure the safe operation of the public power grid. And carry out applications such as peak shaving and valley filling, backup power, demand side response, and reactive power response.

(3) The battery components, inverters and other equipment used in the energy storage system shall pass the test certificate of the certification and accreditation agency stipulated by the state, and meet the relevant technical requirements for access to the power grid. An energy storage system with a rated power greater than 100 kW and an energy storage time greater than 15 minutes shall meet the requirements of the General Technical Conditions for Electrochemical Energy Storage Systems in Power Systems (GB/T36558-2018).

(4) The project owner has the main responsibility for the safety of energy storage facilities. It is necessary to formulate perfect measures to strengthen the construction and management of safety and fire protection facilities, reduce safety risks, and ensure the safe operation of energy storage facilities.

3. Supporting policies For selected user-side, grid-side, power-side, and virtual power plant energy storage projects with an annual utilization hours of not less than 600 hours, 230 yuan per kilowatt per year will be given according to the scale of energy storage facilities, and the maximum individual project will not exceed A subsidy of 1 million yuan in the municipal budget, and the subsidy period is 3 consecutive years.

4. Reporting requirements

(1) Application materials. Projects applying for capital construction investment subsidies within the municipal budget in the field of ecological civilization construction and energy storage should complete the approval, approval or filing procedures through the online approval and supervision platform for investment projects in Sichuan Province (in principle, government investment projects should complete a project feasibility study report or preliminary Design approval), and the project has already started or can start in 2022. The applicant unit should carefully prepare the fund application report (Appendix 1) and fill in the fund declaration form (Appendix 2) in accordance with the relevant requirements for project declaration.

(2) The reporting unit. Municipal project departments and municipal state-owned enterprises submit funding applications and related materials to the Municipal Development and Reform Commission. District (city) county projects are collected by the district (city) county development and reform departments and then submitted to the Municipal Development and Reform Commission for funding applications. and related materials. (3) Application process. The Municipal Development and Reform Commission will organize project preliminary review, on-site review and expert review together with relevant departments and power grid companies, and select the best projects to support. After the project is confirmed, the power grid company signs a grid-connected dispatch agreement and a power purchase and sale contract with the project unit to ensure that the energy storage system has priority access, priority scheduling, and priority consumption under the same conditions.

(4) Project acceptance. The Municipal Development and Reform Commission will confirm the operation of energy storage facilities with relevant departments and power grid companies, issue annual subsidies to supported projects that meet the conditions, and strengthen the supervision of energy storage projects during and after the event. Subsidies will be withdrawn and terminated if they still fail to meet the requirements after rectification, fail to put into operation on schedule, or neglect safety management resulting in safety accidents.

(5) Application time. All applicants are requested to submit seven copies of the capital application report, capital declaration form and related materials (including stamped and electronic versions) to the Municipal Development and Reform Commission before March 30, 2022 (Wednesday).

Contact: Chen Hu Zhao Sen 6188404961886133


hereby notified.