Electric cars in 2021 .. World race and sales exceeds expectations

  • Time:Jan 24
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Article

With a trend towards a more green world, the transportation sector is witnessing an acceleration towards vehicle electrification, relying on electric cars, with the aim of gradually eliminating cars that operate fossil fuel, the main accused of climate change.

With the expectation that electric cars are recorded a new level during 2021, the year witnessed the announcement of many companies their goals towards the production of electric cars, in addition to the direction of countries to give many advantages that encourage their transformation or expansion in providing the infrastructure of these types of cars, according to the unitEnergy research.

According to a statistic issued by the International Energy Agency, the transportation sector is accused of being responsible for 24% of the global greenhouse gas emissions, and land transport - the most used - accounts for 75% of these harmful emissions issued by the transportation sector..

To read the 2021 harvest on oil, gas, renewable energy and electric cars, which was prepared by the Energy Research Unit, please click here.

The spread of electric cars internationally

At the global level, sales of electric cars in China - the largest market for those types of environmental -compatible cars - witnessed a jump during the month of November 2021 by up to 18%, compared to the previous month of October, according to Bloomberg Agency.

According to the Chinese Automobile Association, the delivery of electric and hybrid cars increased on an annual basis by 121% during the month of November to reach 378 thousand units, compared to 321 thousand units in October.

The Secretary -General of the Chinese Passenger Cars Association, Koy Dongcho - in statements carried by Bloomberg - believes that sales of electric cars during 2021 shows that the spread of this type of vehicle no longer depends on government subsidies but rather on the market demand.

China targets the percentage of electric cars about 40% of its total car sales by 2025.

In Germany, the new government there, under the leadership of Counselor Olaf Schultz, who succeeded in forming a coalition government, decided to continue to support the purchase of electric cars with a maximum of 9 thousand euros during the next year 2022, and reaches 6 thousand and 750 euros for electric hybrid cars.

The German government's decision comes as part.

Although electric cars did not exceed 520,000 units in Germany, "Agence France Presse" confirms that the financial support provided by the country since July 2020 played an important role in the high share of electric cars in the German market..

Germany came the second largest electric cars market after China during 2021, to increase the sales of this version that runs with environmentally friendly engines by 104% during the first 11 months of 2021, compared to the same period from 2020.

Germany aims to apply the electrical operating rate for cars when giving any new benefits, with the aim of facing climate changes.

UK electric cars sales were doubled during November, as he is a major worker in the country's total sales of new car in the country..

The sales of electric cars in the United Kingdom doubled during November 2021 to record about 22,000 new electric cars, compared to 10.34 thousand cars spent during the same month from 2020.

Also - the sales of hybrids operating with electricity and battery during November 2021 increased by 40% to 10.79 thousand cars.

It should be noted that the UK seeks to ban the sale of new gasoline and diesel cars by 2030 and to achieve net zero emissions by 2050.

In 2021 until the beginning of December, the United Kingdom recorded about 1.53 million new electric cars, but it remains less than average compared to the five years that preceded the Corona virus epidemic, according to a report published by the Guardian.

On December 15, 2021, the British government announced that it would expand the discount program to buy electric cars to include about 20 cheaper models, with the aim of encouraging more individuals to switch to clean cars..

According to Reuters News Agency, electric car buyers get discounts of up to 2500 pounds (3 thousand and 317 dollars).

The situation is relatively different in the United States of America. Although the White House targets that electric cars make up 50% of the total new car sales by 2030, there are expectations that only 4% of the total car sales in 2021 will make up.

A research report of the Dutch ING Bank believes that the slow transformation of the United States into electric cars is due to the lack of support of the federal government to that type of car, with the decrease in gasoline prices there, in addition to the scarcity of the shipping infrastructure;Which hinders the spread of this model.

Electric cars at the Arab level

In conjunction with the global trend, the Arabs also have plans that include facilities and incentives that help spread electric cars, not only with the aim of reducing carbon emissions, but - also - to reduce the energy bill, especially those that are imported for fossil fuel.

And the Arabs are still - despite these plans - at the beginning of the road compared to many major economies such as China, Germany, the United Kingdom and others, according to the "Energy" research unit..


The UAE came at the forefront of the countries of the Middle East and North Africa region to adopt electric cars, as a report issued by the Clean Energy Industries Council in the Middle East and North Africa region confirmed that the percentage of shipping stations to cars in the Emirates among the highest globally in the world..

The UAE includes - according to the report reported by the Emirates News Agency - about 240 slow -charging public stations linked to the energy network, 80% of which are located in Dubai.

In order to deepen the manufacture of electric cars in the UAE and support the orientation towards carbon neutrality by 2050, the UAE transportation took place in October 2021, a memorandum of understanding with the "Hala in China" initiative and the Chinese Machinery Engineering Company CMEC, including paving the way for the production of electric vehicles locally.

The provisions of the Memorandum of Understanding included the application of a stage of field experiences and research in the Gulf market, which paves the way for building collection and manufacturing lines for electric cars in the Emirates, according to the Emirates News Agency reported.

In order to encourage individuals to shift towards electric cars, the Dubai Water Authority provided through the "Green Charger" free shipping initiative since 2017, and extended them until December 31, 2021 for non -commercial car owners, through its shipping stations.

Saudi Arabia

With Saudi Arabia launched during 2021 its plan with huge investments to reach the carbon neutrality by 2060, the Kingdom seeks to convert about 30% of cars that travel in the streets of the capital, Riyadh, into electric cars by 2030.

The goal of Saudi Arabia with regard to electrical cars is part of a plan to reduce carbon emissions in half in Riyadh, which has a population of 8 million, during the next nine years, according to Bloomberg reported on Fahd Al -Rashid, head of the Royal Commission for the city of Riyadh.

According to Bloomberg sources, Lucid Company is holding talks with the Saudi Public Investment Fund for the construction of an electric cars factory in the Kingdom.

This comes with the announcement of the Australian company "EV Metals Group PLC" for a project to invest $ 3 billion in Saudi Arabia to treat minerals used in electric car batteries.


In Qatar, the country has taken serious steps in expanding and stimulating to shift towards electric cars, with the aim of contributing to reducing carbon emissions by 2030.

Doha plans to implement a project aimed at installing 100 charging stations for electric cars in the country, and is expected to contribute to reducing about 7% of carbon emissions in the country until 2022.

Qatar seeks to use electric buses during the 2022 FIFA World Cup in it, to be the first environmentally friendly and neutral championship for carbon, as part of a comprehensive plan implemented to convert 25% of the public transport bus fleet into electric buses by 2022.

It aims - as well - the gradual transformation of public bus services and government school and buses feeding the Doha metro to electric buses, to reduce the harmful carbon emissions rate caused by traditional buses by 2030.

The Public Works Authority in Qatar signed in June 2021 a memorandum of understanding with the Swiss company "AB", to establish the electric charging factory for cars and electric buses.

السيارات الكهربائية في 2021.. سباق عالمي والمبيعات تفوق التوقعات

The Memorandum of Understanding included a contract to supply electric charging devices for electric buses, provide the necessary training for the cadres and students concerned and qualify them to manage the new electric charging factory factory and operate it and provide workers with the required expertise and information.


Kuwait is also aiming to enter the world of electric cars, which has emerged with the announcement of the Kuwait Ports Corporation in August 2021, the creation.

Kuwait is scheduled to launch the "EV City" project for design and construction during the current fiscal year 2021-2022, according to the Kuwait Ports Corporation..

The director of the Kuwait Ports Corporation, Youssef Al -Abdullah Al -Sabah, confirmed the ability of Kuwaiti ports to provide appropriate port and logistical services to major companies around the world from electric car manufacturers..


In Egypt, the government's plan to manufacture electric cars locally witnessed some changes during 2021, as a result of the dispute in reaching a final agreement with the Chinese company with which Egypt entered into an alliance to produce this type of car locally.

After the launch of the Egyptian Ministry of Business Sector in June 2021, the electric car "Nasr E 70", Egypt did not reach an agreement with the Chinese "Dong Fing" company, which is one of the 4 largest car producer companies in China, to manufacture electric cars through the company's factoriesVictory for the auto industry.

In July 2021, Egypt imported 13 electric cars within the type that will be produced in Egypt "E70" for its experience in the Egyptian streets;In order to produce it mid 2022 at Al -Nasr Automobile Industry Company.

Egypt attributed the suspension of negotiations with the Chinese company because it did not reach an agreement to reduce the price of the imported component sufficiently for the Egyptian electric car, enabling the Victory for cars to produce the car and put it at a competitive price.

It is not yet known, will Egypt be able to produce the electric car in mid -2022 as it was previously identified, as it is still looking for a new partner after negotiations with the Chinese company stopped.

In a special statement to "Energy", the Egyptian Minister of Public Business Sector, Hisham Tawfiq, said that his ministry held a meeting with two companies, one of which is the location of the Chinese company Dong Ving, while waiting for each of them to be presented with an integrated offer..

The country is currently working on establishing a company in one of the sovereign authorities to take over the establishment and management of freight stations for electric cars, as the government aims - according to a statement - to establish 3 thousand double stations - 6 thousand charging points - electric cars within 18 months.

In March 2021, the Egyptian Ministry of Finance issued incentives and tax and customs providers for used cars that operate the electric motor or with engines of "electricity - gasoline", with the aim of expanding the use of electric cars.

The decision included granting used passengers that operate with an electric motor or two engines to pay "electricity - gasoline" 10% of the value "FOB", which is returned to Egypt from the first of October of the year until the end of September of the following year.

Also granted the used passengers that operate with an electric motor or two engines to pay "electricity - gasoline", which are returned to Egypt after the end of September of the year following the year of the model, 10% of the value "FOB" for each year of the next two years starting from a monthOctober of each year.

Likewise, a 5% discount for each year of the following years starts from October of each year, with the discount rates not increased by 50%.

It is worth noting that the value of the "FOB" is the price of the car in the country of origin before shipping and insurance.

The Egyptian Council of Ministers also issued the proposed tariff for the sale of electricity to electric cars charging stations that included 121 piasters per kilowatt hour, and the shipping tariff for electric cars 47.5 piasters per kilowatt hour for medium -speed stations (22 kW), 275 piasters per kilowatt hour for high -speed stations (50 kW).

Corporate race towards producing electric cars

The year 2021 witnessed the announcement of many car companies its goals towards producing electric cars in the framework of gradually raising their percentage of total car sales globally, in an attempt to get rid of fossil fuel cars in the context of reaching the carbon neutrality, according to the analysis of the "Energy" research unit analysis.

Electric car sales have increased - recently - faster than most auto manufacturers expected, which was attributed by the New York Times to government incentives, with cars buyer anxious about the environment.

In a statistic conducted by Reuters, global auto manufacturers plan to spend more than half a trillion dollars on electric cars and batteries until 2030.

In December 2021, Toyota Auto Industry announced that it aims to produce 3.5 million electric cars by 2030.

The Japanese company Nissan also intends to invest about 17.6 billion dollars to produce electric cars over the next 5 years.

At the end of November 2021, Nissan said it is working to launch 23 new models for electric cars by 2030, and Nissan also plans to produce solid batteries by 2028.

In March 2021, Volvo Motors said it aims to become a fully electric car company by 2030, as the company seeks to get rid of cars running fossil fuel, including hybrid cars from their offers by the end of the contract..

The chief technology official at Volvo, Henrik Green, expected that there is no long -term future for cars that have an internal combustion engine.

Volkswagen announced in December 2021 that it will spend more than half of its investments in the production of electric cars during the next five years.

"Volks" expected that 25% of the cars that the company sells globally is electricity, which is currently between 5 and 6% of the company's sales..

Volkswagen is expected to spend about $ 100 billion to accelerate its transformation into electric cars, with targeting the reduction of expenses on hybrid cars that operate with electricity and gasoline by 30%, and plans - also - to create a separate company to manufacture batteries.

While Ford Motors expect it will be the second largest electric car manufacturing company in two years.

According to Reuters, Ford is likely to compete with Stelinsz for third in EV's electric cars production by 2025.

Sales and expectations 2021

A recent report by Energy Research, Restad Energy, expected that electric car sales globally exceeded about 7 million cars by the end of this year 2021.

The report believes that with electric cars sales reach 7 million cars, they will exceed their weak sales during 2019, which amount to 3.2 million cars.

The research company estimated that 68% of sales are electric vehicles, provided that the remaining percentage is 32% hybrid cars, which means increasing the market share of electric cars from total vehicle sales globally to 10.3%, up from 5.3% in 2020, to record a new record.

In the 2030 scenario, the research company suggested that electric cars acquire 72% of the global car market, to approach 100% by 2040, which makes it compatible with the global global warming goal at 1.6 ° C.

According to Restad Energy's monitoring, the global market witnessed the sale of about 4.72 million cars كهربائية خلال أول 9 أشهر من العام الجاري (يناير/كانون الثاني - سبتمبر/أيلول)، إذ شهدت السوق الصينية بيع أكثر من 340 ألف سيارة كهربائية خلال شهر سبتمبر/أيلول الماضي وحده، أي ما يعادل تقريبًا نصف المبيعات العالمية.

Car sales leap

According to a previous report of the International Energy Agency, electric cars acquired a record share of total car sales until late November, in a number of major markets.

For example, the share of electric cars in Germany reached more than 34%, the United Kingdom about 28%, in France 23%, and China 18%..

In 2020, the number of electric cars set a record number to 3 million new vehicles, to exceed the total electric vehicles on the road, the level of 10 million cars.

According to a report by the Energy Agency, consumers spent about 120 billion dollars on electric cars during 2020, while government subsidies amounted to about 14 billion dollars, an increase of 25% from 2019.

The sales of electric cars jumped during the first quarter of 2021 by about 140% on an annual basis, after an increase of 40% in the total last year.

The US Energy Information Administration is expected to grow electric vehicles share to 31% of the total passenger cars by 2050, as the electric vehicle share in European countries is likely to grow to represent 80% of passenger cars sales by the middle of the current century.

Energy information attributed its expectations to encourage demand by European countries, as well as incentives that make the cost of electric cars closer to internal combustion cars.

Despite these expectations, there is a sharp shortage of freight points for most of the European Union member states, according to the European Association's data for auto manufacturers "ACEA".

This data reported that there are 10 countries in the European Union - including Greece and Poland - do not have any shipping station per 100 km of main roads, and that 18 European Union countries have less than 5 charges per 100 km per 100 km.

For his part, the World Coalition of batteries believes that there will be a need for 290 million shipping points worldwide by 2040, in order to accelerate the shift towards electric cars, which requires a global investment of $ 500 billion.

With the efforts of countries and companies towards adopting electric cars, the World Economy Forum has monitored 4 factors behind the delay in adopting electric cars in general at the global level, which are the high cost, deficiency of electronic chips, shipping stations, and battery ignition risks.

The data showed that electric cars are still more expensive than their counterparts, which operate in internal combustion engines, but supporters confirm that electric vehicles will be cheaper in the long run, with lower shipping, service and maintenance costs low costs.

The problem of electronic chips is a challenge to the automotive industry in general, and this caused the delivery of vehicles, including electrical.

The IHS Market confirms that the lack of chips caused not to produce 1.4 million cars and a small truck in the first quarter of 2021, with analysts expected that the shortfalls will continue until 2022.

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