Dr. Mohamed Shaker, the Egyptian Minister of Electricity, revealed the commercial operation date for the Dabaa nuclear reactor.
Shaker said: The commercial operation of the peaceful reactor will be by 2026 at the Dabaa station, to generate electricity with a capacity of 1200 megawatts.
He explained the end of nuclear stations, committed to the timetable for the implementation of its nuclear electricity generation program with a capacity of 4,800 megawatts in Dabaa, in cooperation with the Russian company Rosatom responsible for establishing the station.
Shaker added, that the rest of the reactors will be operated according to the project's schedule, according to what the local Egyptian seventh newspaper reported..
Shaker stressed that the 4 reactors of the nuclear station will be implemented by the type of VVR 1200 reactors of the 3+ generation and are equipped with the latest safety systems.
He explained that additional safety standards have been added so that it has an unprecedented ability to resist the huge accidents, so it can address the collision of a plane weighing 400 tons and a speed of 150 meters per second.
He added that this type of nuclear reactors is also characterized by safe operation without any negative effects on the surrounding environment, and these reactors also ensure radiological leakage by filters and multiple barriers, and contains a modern automated control system.
The Russian company "Rosatom" is implementing the Nuclear Electric Energy Culture Project, and the station, which is the first nuclear power plant in Egypt's history, will consist of four power units of 1200 megawatts, and it will operate the advanced Russian nuclear reactors Vver-1200 from the third generation that meets the highestSafety standards.
Moscow and Cairo signed an agreement in 2015, according to which Russia praises a nuclear power plant in Egypt, with Russia to provide a loan to cover the construction costs.
In 2016, the Egyptian Official Gazette said that the value of the loan is 25 billion dollars and that it will finance 85% of the value of each of the business contracts, services and equipment shipping, and Egypt will finance the remaining percentage..
The Dabaa area, which was chosen to build the peaceful Egyptian nuclear reactor on the shores of the Mediterranean in the Matrouh Governorate, is located 2 km from the international road, and the construction of the project in kilo 135 on the "Matrouh Alexandria" coastal road, and the project will be implemented on an area of 45 square kilometers, with a length of 15Kilometers.
According to the documents, the station is one of the third generation that is based on reducing the time and the cost of construction, as the reactor of this generation contains a simple and reliable design, and resists the error of the "human factor", and has a high use of complex power and its life service of up to 80 years, In addition to the protection from accidents.
These reactors guarantee radioactive leakage through multiple barriers, as there are negative and positive safety systems, possessing a simple and easy structure for management and removing employee errors, increasing fuel efficiency and taking out the lowest amount of waste, as these reactors contain a modern automatic control system.
According to the Russian Professional Energy Union, the Dabaa nuclear project provides about 78 thousand direct and indirect job opportunities for Egyptians, as well as the safety factor, and the provision of clean energy for the country, and the use of nuclear energy in electricity production will address the crisis of providing natural gas needed to operate electrical stations.