The efforts of the Kingdom of Bahrain in promoting and protecting human rights, within the framework of combating the spread of Covid - 19)

  • Time:Feb 24
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Article

First: Introduction

In late a01s, the People's Republic of China witnessed the briefing of the new Corona virus (Kovid - 1s)..Z million people and killed more thanPa0,000 people around the world, and financial losses in the global economy markets estimated at s trillion dollars, in the worst human disaster in the world in this century.

Since the beginning of the spread of the virus globally, the government of the Kingdom of Bahrain has taken it upon itself to be responsible for preserving the health and safety of society, and the Kingdom has raised the degree of alert to confront this virus since its appearance in the Chinese Republic, by launching a wide package of resurrection decisions, precautionary measures, and studied preventive measures, which areIt greatly contributed to the scaling and reducing the negative damage caused by this virus.

The Kingdom of Bahrain has been implementing pre -emptive procedures on all aspects to combat the spread of the Corona virus.With the grace of God, and then the lofty directives of His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa, the king of the country, may God protect and preserve him, received, and the decision of the esteemed government headed by His Royal Highness Prince Khalifa bin Salman Al Khalifa, the esteemed Prime Minister, and the national efforts made beforeThe national campaign to combat the Corona virus led and followed by His Royal Highness Prince Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa, Crown Prince and Deputy Supreme Commander, First Deputy Prime Minister, may God protect them with a wide international praise.This praise came to demonstrate and embody the pioneering position of the Kingdom of Bahrain, and its ability to face disasters and crises based on its full belief in the importance of fulfilling its obligations to preserve the safety and health of society in all its segments of citizens and residents.

All efforts made by the government of the Kingdom of Bahrain comes within the framework of combating the Corona virus, in line with the government's four-year work program (a01s-a0aa), which emphasizes the progress of making efforts towards strengthening the elements of sustainability and keeping pace with variables in aspects of education, health, housing, support and social welfareActing and organizing the labor market.These efforts also translate the continuous work aimed at developing health policies and following up their implementation and ensuring the optimal use of resources as much as possible and effective, in order to enhance the health of the individual and society and ensure the provision of high quality health services, organized and integrated, fair, sustainable and accessible to all citizens and residents onBoth.

Accordingly, all the precautionary measures and decisions issued by the Coordination Committee headed by His Royal Highness Prince Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa, Crown Prince and Deputy Supreme Commander, First Deputy Prime Minister, came within the framework of combating Covid-1s virus with the aim of preserving the health and safety of citizens and residentsIn the Kingdom of Bahrain.

Also, all the measures and decisions taken by the country's high leadership came within the framework of combating the Corona virus in line with international human rights standards and the call to the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, and the recommendations of the World Health Organization.Where it met positively from Bahraini society, which was a major supporter of the success of the community partnership to limit the spread of the Corona virus.

In this context, the Kingdom has been selecting balanced measures to an extent that guarantees guaranteeing the rights of individuals and protecting the safety of society in line with what Ms. Michelle Bachelet, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, called in its report issued on April a7, a0a0 AD, and accordingly the Kingdom was keen not to impose any restrictionsUnnecessary and incompatible, for the example of the example, the security forces did not use force in any case in the context of their implementation of precautionary procedures, but the Kingdom has motivated citizens and residents to stay in their homes and stay away from gatherings by providing financial rewards randomly to adheres to safety and prevention proceduresWithout imposing a ban on roaming around the Kingdom.

This report highlights the national efforts made by the government of the Kingdom of Bahrain to combat the spread of the Corona virus, taking all considerations the importance of continuing to combat this virus without harming the basic rights of the individual in society.ثانياً: تعزيز الحق في الصحة

Health care is receiving great attention to the Kingdom of Bahrain, as it is among the priorities of the government development programs, and the Kingdom has been applying this priority in the framework of combating the Corona virus under the principleDistinguishing, according to Article (Z) of the Constitution:

"Every citizen has the right to health care, and the state means public health, and guarantees the means of prevention and treatment by establishing various hospitals and health institutions.Where this legal text indicates that sponsoring and providing the right to health while enabling the private sector to provide health care under the supervision of the state is one of the main duties that the state is sponsored by the constitution..

·كما جاءت هذه الجهود متوافقة مع التزاماتها بموجب الاتفاقيات والمواثيق الدولية المنضمة إليها,واستنادافي هذا الصدد إلى المادة رقم (aKh) من الإعلان العالمي لحقوق الإنسان والتي نصت على "لكل شخص حق في مستوى معيشي يكفيلضمان الصحةوالرفاهة له ولأسرته، وخاصة على صعيد المأكل والملبس والمسكن والعناية الطبيةوصعيد الخدمات الاجتماعية الضرورية".As well as based on its international commitment under the first item of Article (1a) of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, which states that "the states parties in this era recognize the right of every human being to enjoy the highest level of physical and mental health" and the second item paragraph (c)"Prevention of epidemic, endemic and professional diseases and other diseases, treating and combating them," and paragraph (D) "to create the conditions necessary to secure medical services and medical care for all in the disease".

Accordingly, the government has taken it upon itself represented by the Ministry of Health to provide medical care and free services necessary for all citizens and residents alike for the existing cases observed, in implementation of the royal directives of His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa, the monarch of the country, may God protect and preserve him, where he directed God, may God protect himIt was nurtured by the Ministry of Health to ensure the provision of medical care and health services for examination, stone and treatment for all citizens and residents in the Kingdom.

To enhance the right to health, His Excellency the Minister of Health, Faqa Bint Saeed Al -Saleh, issued a ministerial decision on April s, a0a0, which requires suspending health services fees provided to foreign patients in government health centers, and stopping the collection of the specified general medical advice fee (7 dinars) for non -Bahrainis for a periodThree months starting on Thursday, April s, a0a0.

· Belief in the Kingdom of the importance of providing the best health care for all members of society, the Kingdom has been applying a strategy based on three different axes (follow, check, treat) in order to reduce the spread of the Corona virus, where the ministry subjects all suspected cases to free laboratory tests to confirmFrom its safety.The number of laboratory examinations by the Ministry of Health reached a3I,ZaZ examinations at a rate of 1Kh.sKh % of the total number of residents of the Kingdom.

· In this context, the Kingdom was keen to launch proactive campaigns and field visits through mobile examination units to conduct random examinations in a number of Bahrain regions, through which it was able to reach the existing cases, treat them as soon as possible, monitor the cases that are connected to them and subject them to free laboratory tests.

· The Ministry of Health, in cooperation with the Information and Electronic Government Authority, has selected a0 people randomly from all residential complexes in the Kingdom of Bahrain over a period of 1a days, targeting more than s,000 people, and text messages were sent to them that specify the date of the examination.

· In a related level, the Ministry of Health worked in coordination with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs through the Kingdom's missions to facilitate the bringing of medicines and good devices from international companies to the Kingdom, and to secure the shipment of medical equipment in cooperation with international medical companies through the Kingdom's missions.v أبرز الخدمات التي تقدمها وزارة الصحة في إطار مكافحة تفشي فيروس كورونا (Covid - 1s):Ø خدمة الفحص من المركبات:

· In the context of the tireless endeavors and efforts to provide all the necessary capabilities to address the Corona virus in order to preserve the health and safety of all citizens and residents, the Ministry of Health has launched the service of examination of vehicles, which aims to facilitate the procedures by reserving an appointment for the examination through the website of the Ministry of Health.

It is worth noting that this service seeks to avoid mixing and maintaining social divergence measures to reduce the spread of the virus in a manner that preserves the health and safety of all members of society.Ø مراكز العزل والعلاج:

The Kingdom has been preparing separate centers for insulation and treatment that receives the cases in the Corona virus, and provides the necessary treatment and care for all cases for free, as the current capacity of insulation and treatment centers is KhI1s beds, and in private sector centers 17a beds is.

The Kingdom is guaranteed by providing treatment and health care necessary for the existing cases according to the highest standards by a medical staff specialized in insulation and treatment centers available around the clock to serve and care for patients.Ø مراكز الحجر الصحي الاحترازي:

The Kingdom has also allocated a precautionary healthy stone centers for travelers coming from the countries that spread the virus with all amenities and entertainment..

The capacity of precautionary quarantine centers is Kh1IZ beds, while the capacity in private sector centers isPa1 beds.Ø خدمة توصيل الادوية للمرضى والمراجعين:

In the context of strengthening precautionary efforts to reduce the spread of the Covid 1s virus, the Salmaniya Medical Complex has created a home delivery service to homes;In order to ensure the health, safety and comfort of patients and auditors.Ø خدمة التطبيب عن بعد:

Based on the keenness of the Ministry of Health to provide the best health services to all citizens and residents, taking into account the health and safety of society, the Ministry did the medical service starting from the date of April 1a, a0a0 AD, as the services provided for consulting through video technology include the following services:

§ Simple medical consultations

§ Health inquiries

§ Requesting laboratory analyzes

§ Renewal prescriptions

§ Review the results of laboratory or radiology analyzes, etc..

Third: Enhancing the right to education

· The services provided by the educational sector in the Kingdom are an important vital services that the Kingdom of Bahrain is guaranteed to all citizens and residents, and therefore the Kingdom has been keen not to affect these exceptional circumstances on the progress of the education process at all educational stages, taking into account the health and safety of students and teachers and all cadresEducational and administrative.

· In line with the directives and initiatives of His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa, the country's monarch, may God protect and preserve him, who embodied his generous vision in the future schools project based on the employment of information and communication technology to support basic and secondary education in the Kingdom, the Ministry of Education has provided a number of classesThe study is remotely through the educational portal, which is a digital link linking teachers, students and parents, and this step comes to enhance the right of children and students to education.

· In this context, and out of the keenness of His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa, the monarch of the country, to communicate with his sons and daughters, male and female students, in light of the current circumstances, the shore of the new Corona virus, and that they are at the forefront of His Majesty's priorities to protect them and preserve their safety, His Majesty, may God protect and protect him, directed himA high word to his sons and daughters, male and female students, through a visual communication with a conscious society program, which was broadcast on Bahrain TV on April 1a, a0a0 AD, where His Majesty sent a parental message to students and reassured their education and their educational attainment, expressing his satisfaction in this regard for his knowledge that their academic affairs are good and fine. · كما اتخذت المملكة عدد من القرارات والإجراءات حفاظاً على سلامة الطلبة والكوادر التعليمية والتي تتلخص في ما يلي:

-suspending the study in all governmental and private higher education institutions in addition to government and private schools for a period of two weeks, starting from Wednesday, February aI, a0a0.

-It was also allowed based on the decision to lead on March Kh, a0a0 AD for administrative and educational cadres in government and private schools, government and private higher education institutions and kindergarten to return to work from Sunday, March Z, a0a0 AD, in order to work to achieve the goals of the academic year and reduce the effects of disruptionTemporary to study in educational institutions.

-Issuing a decision on March Kh, a0a0, which requires extending the period of suspension of study in government and private schools, government and private higher education institutions and kindergarten for an additional two weeks until March as this year.

-A decision on March 17, a0a0 requires the suspension of study in government and private schools, government and private higher education institutions and kindergartens with the continued work of administrative and educational cadres and urging the application of work after whenever the possibility is available for that, and directing the Ministry of Education to take the necessary measures to not be affected by the educational process.In coordination with the concerned authorities.

-His Royal Highness Prince Khalifa bin Salman Al Khalifa, the esteemed Prime Minister on March as, a0a0 AD, ordered the development of a quick return plan to return Bahraini students stranded abroad and ensure their return to the homeland as soon as possible to avoid any risks to them due to the outbreak of the Corona virus.v أبرز الخدمات التي تقدمها وزارة التربية والتعليم في إطار مكافحة تفشي فيروس كورونا (COVID -1s):

Ø خدمة البوابة التعليمية الالكترونية:

This service is a typical platform that allows teachers and students to communicate and interact with the subjects and remote shares, through the website of the Ministry of Education: www.Edunet.BH · The educational portal provides administrative and educational services for all levels. Ø مشروع المختبرات الافتراضية:

· This project enables students to perform various scientific experiences in a safe virtual environment that touches the reality, and provides students with the basic skills related to the scientific curricula.رابعاً: تعزيز الحقوق الاقتصادية

The government of the Kingdom of Bahrain was keen to translate the directives and aspirations of His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa, the monarch of the country, may God protect and preserve him, and who has always been considered to be considered the achievement of welfare and the elements of a decent life for all citizens is a must be a must and a basic based towards achieving sustainable development.

· And to realize the implications of the various economic and commercial sectors in the country, in light of the measures taken to reduce the outbreak of the Corona’s pandem.3 billion Bahraini dinars in support of citizens and the private sector on March 17, a0a0, as follows:

§ The salaries of insured citizens in the private sector for a period ofP months, starting in April a0a0.

§ The government guarantees the payment of electricity and water bills for all members of individuals and companies for a period ofP months starting from April a0a0.

§ Exemption from paying the rent of government industrial lands for a period ofP months, starting in April a0a0.

§ Double the size of the liquidity fund to reach a00 million dinars

§ Exemption of tourism facilities and facilities from tourism fees for a period ofP months, starting from April a0a0.

§ Raise the lending capacity for banks by the equivalent ofP.7 billion dinars to postpone the installments or additional financing for customers.

§توفير منح مالية للشركات المتأثرة عبر صندوق العمل "تمكين", مع تخصيص محفظتين على النحو الآتي: - المحفظة الأولى: لدعم سواق سيارات الأجرة وسواق النقل المشترك والباصات والحافلات شهرياً لمدةP أشهر

- المحفظة الثانية:

Available to support the hospitality coaches per month for a period ofP months, provided that they do not have a commercial record or a pension.

§ Re -guiding all the work fund programs (Tamkeen) and directing them to support the affected companies and restructure the loans supported by them.

§ وكضمان الحق في السكن، قرر مجلس الوزراء الموقر بتاريخ 4 مايو a0a0م تأجيل الأقساط المستحقة على الخدمات الاسكانية لدى بنك الإسكان لمدة ستة أشهر ابتداءً من أبريل وفي السياق ذاته قرر المجلس أيضاً إيقاف تحصيل الإيجارات من المستأجرين والمنتفعين من المحلات التجارية المملوكة لبنك الإسكان لمدة ثلاثة أشهر ابتداءً من شهر أبريل.

As for the context of food stocks, the government of the Kingdom of Bahrain has been keen to provide sufficient food stocks for all citizens and residents, and this stock is not affected under the current circumstances, according to what was confirmed by His Excellency the Minister of Trade, Industry and Tourism, Mr. Zayed bin Rashid Al Zayani, that the ministry mayIn cooperation with the Bahrain Chamber of Commerce and Industry, I was keen to provide sufficient quantities of main food commodities at reasonable prices.

· In order to embody the Kingdom's keenness to continue the progress of business and preserve the interests of institutions and workers, His Excellency the Minister of Industry, Trade and Tourism, Zayed bin Rashid Al -Zayani, announced on April a1, a0a0 AD about the inauguration of an electronic commerce system at the electronic address Mall.BH, which provides an opportunity for all companies and institutions the opportunity to display all of their products and services to consumers, with confirmation in this regard the continued work of the post -Corona electronic platform as a means and mechanism to market goods and products to those who wish to do so.

Fifth: Enhancing the right to work

The government of the Kingdom of Bahrain represented by the Ministry of Labor and Social Development has activated a number of precautionary measures and measures in work sites and places of migrant workers residence, in cooperation with private sector institutions to ensure the health and safety of workers, by taking effective measures that prevent the spread of the virus among workers by tightening control and proceduresOrganization in their places of residence and livelihood,

· The Ministry of Labor and Social Development also undertook proactive initiatives represented in meetings with representatives of embassies and diplomatic missions of the exporting countries of employment in the Kingdom of Bahrain and informed them of the required preventive and precautionary measures in order to preserve everyone's safety and health.

In this context, the Capital Governorate, in cooperation with the Capital Police Directorate, started the first evacuation and sheltering of expatriate workers stationed in the center of the capital, Manama.It is worth noting that evacuation operations are held gradually and through thoughtful steps in order to reduce numerical density in the crowded residential buildings in central Manama, as a precaution to contribute to the fight against the Corona virus.

· In a national initiative that embodies the spirit of solidarity and social cohesion in a way that responds to the "Vienna Khair" initiative, which was launched by His Highness Sheikh Nasser bin Hamad Al Khalifa, representative of His Majesty the King for Humanitarian Acts and Youth Affairs and Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Royal Humanitarian Foundation, the four governorates and districts of the police established and with a number ofVolunteers, distributing approximately Kh0 thousand breakfast meals on a daily basis throughout the holy month of Ramadan for expatriate workers in various regions of the Kingdom.

Ø وانطلاقا من مراعاة الدولة لصحة وسلامة كافة موظفيها في القطاع العام والقطاع الخاص فقد أصدرت اللجنة التنسيقية برئاسة صاحب السمو الملكي الأمير سلمان بن حمد ال خليفة ولي العهد، نائب القائد الأعلى، النائب الأول لرئيس مجلس الوزراء القرارات الآتية:

Issuing a decision on March 17, a0a0, regarding the continuation of the regular work progress in public and private institutions and urging the implementation of remote work whenever the possibility is available for that.

The Civil Service Bureau issued a decision on March as, a0a0 AD, which requires activating work from home in ministries, government agencies and institutions as of the date of March aa, a0a0 AD, according to what the work requirements require while confirming the necessity of taking into account the failure of the services provided to citizens and residents in the Kingdom of Bahrain so that the work policy is applied fromThe house is on all employees of government agencies in the Kingdom according to the emergency levels and what the work interest requires, provided that they are Kh0% as a maximum of the number of employees, provided that the employees perform their job tasks alternateAnd employees covered by this percentage.This decision is excluded from all non -administrative jobs in the vital government agencies determined by the Civil Service Bureau in coordination with government agencies in accordance with the requirements of the public good..

His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa, the monarch of the country, may God protect and preserve him, issued his high order on March a1, a0a0 AD, applying the work system from the home to the mother working in ministries, bodies and government institutions, in appreciation of his majesty for the role of Bahraini women in society and taking into account the importance of the mother’s presence alongside her childrenUnder these current circumstances.

The Coordination Committee headed by His Royal Highness, Crown Prince and Deputy Supreme Commander, First Deputy Prime Minister, issued a decision on April a, a0a0 AD, to raise the percentage of the maximum application of the policy of work from the home to the employees of government agencies by Kh0% toH0% as of 0Kh April a0a0 AD untilAnother notice, in accordance with the controls and standards mentioned in the directives of the Civil Service Bureau, provided that employees perform their job tasks alternately from home and be present at the workplace - when needed - according to the estimation of the competent authority.

The esteemed cabinet also directed on April 17, a0a0 to assign all ministries and government agencies to transform from traditional systems to the use of regulations and electronic means, from the point of enhancing productivity for remote employees.This decision resulted in the use of ministries and government agencies various electronic applications to hold visual meetings remotely to coordinate and create a special electronic system that allows employees to exchange correspondence and electronic notes between the various parties.

The Coordination Committee approval to renew the ending residencies for expatriate workers with exemption from all fines and fees, starting from the date of April a1, a0a0 AD.سادساً: المواطنون في الخارج:

· The procedures and efforts made to protect the security and safety of society are not limited within the borders of the Kingdom of Bahrain only, but these efforts extend outside the borders of the country, where the Ministry of Foreign Affairs through its diplomatic missions, so the outside follow -up of the affairs of Bahraini citizens from travelers and students in various countries of the world since the beginning of the Corona pandemic.

Accordingly, the Kingdom, through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, issued warnings and data and publishing them on all social media and the media, and urged Bahraini citizens abroad to register their information with the Kingdom’s missions and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs through the Ministry’s website or the application of “my destination” or the follow -up office at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Court.

· And in confirmation of His Majesty’s approach, may God protect and preserve him, which has always put the citizen in his priorities, he assigned his Majesty on April a4, a0a0 AD, the ambassadors of the Kingdom of Bahrain abroad by communicating with all Bahraini citizens present abroad and their face to transfer the congratulations of His Majesty, on the occasion of the blessed month of Ramadan, and reassurance aboutThe conditions and safety of all Bahraini citizens in light of the exceptional circumstances that the world is witnessing due to the Korona virus pandemic.Accordingly, the Kingdom's ambassadors followed up the Kingdom's care affairs abroad, assuring citizens that the Kingdom's embassies are fully prepared to provide the best services to citizens and provide all the necessary needs, especially in light of the circumstances taking place in the world, in implementation of the royal royal directives.

Accordingly, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced a plan to return its citizens stranded abroad by arranging direct trips to more than I000 citizens of citizens wishing to return to the Kingdom of Bahrain, and the number of those who were returned until the date of May 10, a0a0 AD reached 4sZa citizens from different countries of the world, And efforts are still ongoing to restore the remaining numbers of Bahraini citizens stranded abroad, as the processes of returning all Bahraini citizens abroad will continue, who wish to return to the homeland until the date of May a7, a0a0 AD.

· The operations of returning citizens witnessed miserable attempts to the Gulf society by the Qatari regime to exploit the exceptional situation that the world is going through to achieve political goals and goals through trading human health politically and medialy.Where Qatar has opened commercial flights to Bahraini citizens stuck in Iran without coordination and arrangement with the government of the Kingdom of Bahrain, which caused the obstruction of the plan to return the citizens that the Kingdom of Bahrain has put in place to return its citizens abroad, and to expose all travelers on these trips to all the health risks resulting from the Corona virus outbreak, Which lacks the health rules recommended by the World Health Organization, and in violation of the strict precautionary decisions of the health ministers of the Cooperation Council states.

جدول رحلات إعادة المواطنين
البلد عدد المواطنين الذين تم اجلائهم تاريخ الرحلة
مشهد/ إيران 1I7 10 مارس a0a0م
الكويت 1I aKh مارس a0a0م
مشهد / إيران Ia aKh مارس a0a0م
ابوظبي/ الإمارات a7 aI مارس a0a0م
ايران - مسقطH7 aZ مارس a0a0م
مسقط/ إيران 1I aZ مارس a0a0م
ايران - الدوحةP1 as مارس a0a0م
لار/ إيران sZP0 مارس a0a0م
مشهد/ إيران ss 0a ابريل a0a0م
عمّان / الأردن 10s 04 ابريل a0a0م
الرياض / السعودية 44 04 ابريل a0a0م
طهران / إيران sI 0I ابريل a0a0م
جدة / السعودية 4a 07 ابريل a0a0م
إسطنبول/ تركيا sZ 07 ابريل a0a0م
دبي / الإمارات 1IZ 0Z ابريل a0a0م
مشهد / إيران 10Z 0s ابريل a0a0م
القاهرة / مصر 1IKh 11 ابريل a0a0م
شيراز/ إيران Z3 13 ابريل a0a0م
الرياض / السعودية 4a 14 ابريل a0a0م
مشهد/ إيران 143 1I ابريل a0a0م
الهند 1I7 1Z ابريل a0a0م
ابوظبي/ الإمارات 13I 1s ابريل a0a0م
لار/ إيران 13I 1s ابريل a0a0م
بانكوك/ تايلند I4 1s ابريل a0a0م
مشهد/ إيران 1a7 a0 ابريل a0a0م
جدة/ السعودية aa a0 ابريل a0a0م
عمّان/ الأردن aIs a1 ابريل a0a0م
طهران/ إيران 1a0 aa ابريل a0a0م
مشهد/ إيران 134 a3 ابريل a0a0م
موسكو/ روسيا Kh4 aKh ابريل a0a0م
كوالالمبور/ ماليزيا aZ aI ابريل a0a0م
طهران/ إيران 11s aI ابريل a0a0م
القاهرة/ مصر 1Kh7 a7 ابريل a0a0م
مشهد / إيران 11s aZأبريل a0a0م
مشهد / إيران IIP0أبريل a0a0م
عمان / الأردن a7I 0aمايو a0a0 م
لار / إيران 1aI 03مايو a0a0 م
طهران / إيران Z4 04مايو a0a0 م
المجموعP,ZsKh 44رحلة

v جهود سفارات وقنصليات مملكة البحرين في سياق تسهيل أمور المواطنين أثر جائحة فيروس كورونا:·التواصل بشكل دوري مع جميع المواطنين المتواجدين في الخارج للاطمئنان على أوضاعهم.

Providing medical preventive supplies (sterilizers- kmam- medical gloves) for all Bahraini citizens abroad.

Securing foodstuffs for Bahraini citizens in the areas that witness a curfew

جهود مملكة البحرين في تعزيز وحماية حقوق الإنسان، في إطار مكافحة انتشار فيروس كورونا (COVID – 1s)

Coordination to facilitate the return of Bahraini citizens present through the air and land rival and to collect communication data with citizens in the countries covered by the diplomatic missions of the Kingdom of Bahrain.

· Working to arrange the return of Bahraini citizens registered on board rented aircraft by the Kingdom in accordance with the procedures of a medical and internationally accredited, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health.

Permanent communication with Bahraini citizens present abroad for the purpose of treating the medical or for special conditions to check on them and meet their needs.

Providing and reserving hotels for citizens stranded in some areas and transferring them to capitals.

Address universities to urge them to provide a distance study for Bahraini students in some countries abroad.

Communicate with citizens of the sister Gulf states to facilitate their return affairs.سابعاً: حقوق السجناء والمحتجزين:

In addition to His Majesty's keenness to enhance the culture of tolerance and enhance the ties of harmony and fraternity between all members of society and open a new hope for the convicts to integrate them into society, His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa, the country's monarch, may God protect and preserve him, issued his high order on March 1a, a0a0 AD, and that is.For humanitarian reasons, and in light of the current circumstances by issuing amnesty for s01 individuals and applying the alternative penal code to KhZKh individuals, with a total of 14ZI individuals.

· This lofty decision came based on a sufficient study prepared by the Ministry of Interior related to the conditions and conditions of the inmates of reform and rehabilitation who spend the sentences imposed, and in light of the provisions of the law and the principles of international human rights agreements.

· In implementation of its obligations and its keenness on the safety of the inmates covered in the amnesty and their families, the General Administration of Reform and Rehabilitation, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, conducted the free medical examinations necessary for all those covered in the royal pardon to ensure that they were empty of the Corona virus. All the results were negative and confirmed that they were free of the virus before the releaseGuests covered in the royal pardon.· Accordingly, the Kingdom represented by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs facilitated the issuance of a request to obtain a national carrier permit (Gulf Air) to facilitate the evacuation of foreign inmates who were included in the Royal High Pardon to their Kh44 countries of various nationalities.

In a related context and embodiment of the directives of His Excellency the team, the first corner of Sheikh Rashid bin Abdullah Al Khalifa, the Minister of Interior, who in turn stressed the importance of adhering to strengthening all procedures and precautionary measures in force to limit the spread of the Corona virus, the General Administration of Reform and Rehabilitation has been activating and operating the visual communication serviceAmong the inmates and their families, after the visits stopped earlier, in order to preserve the health and safety of the inmates and their families.

It is also worth noting that all the buildings and facilities of the reform and rehabilitation centers are subject to comprehensive cleansing and sterilization operations on a daily basis. The administration of the reform and rehabilitation centers is keen to provide medical supplies and hygiene tools for guests to maintain their health safety, and temperature measuring devices have been provided in all gates, and in the case ofEntering any individual from outside the center whose temperature is measured and provided with the necessary sanitary tools, including gloves, sterile materials and masks, and when the new guests enter, they are examined and isolated in a building dedicated for 14 days, after which they are examined again from the Corona virus to ensure their health safety when they are mixed with the restGuests.

In the same context, the General Administration of Reform and Rehabilitation began at the beginning of this May, by providing a medical consulting service to guests through the visual communication technology between the inmate and the consultant doctor, in coordination with the Ministry of Health.This initiative reflects the General Administration of Reform and Rehabilitation in the necessity of continuing communication between guests and consultant doctors to check on the health and safety of inmates in light of the current exceptional conditions, and to ensure the activation of the principle of social spacing and avoid mixing in order to preserve everyone's safety.

· The General Secretariat of Grievances also based on its keenness on the safety and health of community members to create a specialized mechanism to receive complaints by receiving complaints via email, or the application of smart devices and available for free via the Apple Store and Google Play and adopting a custom number on the WhatsApp platform for communicationWith the public secretariat for grievances.An inspection visit to the National Human Rights Corporation to the Reform and Rehabilitation Center in the Joe area:

The National Human Rights Corporation visited the Reform and Rehabilitation Center to see the conditions of human rights and medical care provided to guests in light of the precautionary measures carried out by the center’s administration within the national efforts and preventive measures to limit the spread of the Covid-1s virus in the Kingdom of Bahrain, and in a statement in a statement.For the institution confirmed the following:

1.The delegation of the National Corporation met the inmates, and was present during the work of medical examinations on a number of guests.

a.The precautionary measures and preventive measures followed by the center's administration are ideal and rise to the international standards recommended by the World Health Organization to prevent in order to prevent the spread of the Corona virus among guests.P.There is a medical staff that provides medical care and necessary services.

4.There is no existing condition among guests.

Kh.The necessary medical examinations are done for new guests, the application of the quarantine on them, and then put them in the center after making sure that they are free of the virus.

I.يتم عمل الفحوصات الطبية المناسبة للنزلاء في الداخل والنزلاء قبل الإفراج عنهم بما فيهم 14ZI نزيلاً الذين تم العفو عنهم من قبل جلالة ملك البلاد المفدى في 14 مارس a0a0.H.All alternate employees and officers are examined before entering the building to prevent the transmission of the virus to guests.

Z.Replace the regular visits to all guests with visual communications.

s.All guests are given preventive lectures and display videos of how to prevent the spread of the virus.

10.Daily sterilization of the entire building.

11.Vacchar and personal protection equipment for all guests are provided on a daily basis.

After the visit, Mrs. Maria Khoury, head of the National Human Rights Corporation, appreciated the measures that the center’s administration is carrying out to implement all the standards used to contain and prevent the spread of the virus among the inmates, in a way that does not lead to prejudice their rights, and in a way that preserves the health and safety of everyone, and urged to draw information from its official sources and notSpreading rumors and false news.ثامناً: الحق في الوصول لمصادر للمعلومات:

In line with the comprehensive development march approach to His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa, the monarch of the country, may God protect and preserve him, which encouraged and emphasized the importance of transparency and disclosure in public institutions, the Ministry of Health launched a separate page that includes everything related to the developments of the Corona virus inThe Kingdom as follows:

Ø A daily summary of the gear on the Kingdom of Bahrain TV channel.

Ø Details of the effect of the mixed.

Ø Corona virus examination service for those subject to examination.Ø إطلاق تطبيق مجتمع واعي:

§ The Information and E -Government Authority, by reviewing the experiences of other countries such as Angavora and Hong Kong, established a design and created an official Bahraini application that is a national platform that provides more than one feature at the same time, combining preventive instructions and guidelines, and updated national statistics regarding list cases or consultingIn addition to supporting the process of applying and activating precautionary quarantine, whether in the dedicated centers or for cases of home.Also, the cases applied to home stone or self -insulation were also provided with an electronic bracelet connected by the application (conscious community) to track the one who is subject to the stone.

§ This application allows the citizen or resident to inquire if he is close to any new list, according to the information collected by the Ministry of Health through the existing cases data through the mechanism of knowing the details of the impact of the mixtures.

Also, the national team to address the Corona virus holds a periodic press conference that deals with the developments of the Corona virus, which will be broadcast directly on the YouTube channel of the Ministry of Health, in several languages..تاسعاً: الشراكة المجتمعية:

· Based on his keenness on the importance of embodying social solidarity and social solidarity to meet the call of the homeland, His Highness Sheikh Nasser bin Hamad Al Khalifa, representative of His Majesty the King for Charitable Work and Youth Affairs, advisor to the National Security, ChairmanIndividuals, institutions and companies of the private and public sector to contribute to the "Vienna Khair" campaign to support the national efforts of the Bahrain team to address the Coronne virus, the leadership of His Royal Highness Prince Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa, Crown Prince, Deputy Supreme Commander, First Deputy Prime Minister, to address the new Corona virus.

The launch of this campaign came as a belief in His Highness the importance of community partnership, indicating that the issue is not financial as much.

In this regard, this campaign has received a positive resonance and interaction by citizens, residents, national institutions, companies, banks and other components of society, where the value of donations that was collected for the purpose of supporting this campaign amountedIn order to stand with the homeland.

In a related context and enhancing the spirit of belonging and national responsibility, the national team to address the Corona virus launched an electronic national platform for volunteering, on March 15, 2020 AD, where the volunteer platform aims to translate the leadership of the leadership of the importance of enhancing the foundations of partnership and development.

Accordingly, the numbers revealed by the national team to address the Corona virus indicated an escalating increase in the number of registered people on the national platform for volunteering since the announcement of the opening of volunteering on March 15, 2020, where the number of registered people wishing to volunteer exceeded 30 thousand volunteers from citizens and residents.عاشراً: حرية التنقل:

The Kingdom of Bahrain has been keen, since the first list of the Corona virus, not to prejudice the right of individuals and ensure the freedom to move and move them, and not restricting it except in the extreme necessity in observance of the general safety of society, as the Kingdom did not issue any emergency laws or national safety and has been found on the culture and responsibility of the citizen and the resident ofDuring its followers of the national team to address the Corona virus (Kovid - 19), the Ministry of Health and other relevant ministries.This action comes as a belief from the Kingdom in the importance of taking into account the rightOr restricting his freedom in residence or movement except in accordance with the provisions of the law and the supervision of the judiciary..

Accordingly, the Kingdom called on members of society to take into account the lack of gathering for more than five people in public places, and called for not to go out except for necessity and allowed at the same time that freedom of movement is enough to ensure that individuals obtain their living needs or attend work or continue their work while encouraging the public and private sectorTo work remotely from home and use modern technology and technology to implement the tasks assigned to it, according to the organizations taken by the Kingdom.

In this context, the Kingdom issued a national plan for the return of Bahraini citizens wishing to return from abroad, and at the same time the Kingdom has kept the operations of Bahrain International Airport to facilitate the return of residents to their countries..

· To enhance the guarantee of the sponsorship of freedom of movement, His Royal Highness Prince Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa, Crown Prince, Deputy Supreme Commander, First Deputy Prime Minister on April 7, 2020 AD, confirmed that all decisions and measures taken by the Kingdom were its first goal to preserve the health and safety of citizens and residents inThe Kingdom affirmed in this regard that the proactive steps taken had a great role in the continued freedom of movement and exit from the home for the living necessities for all.حادي عشر : حقوق المرأة والأسرة والطفل:

In order to preserve the health and safety of the next generation of the children of the Kingdom of Bahrain and ensure their rights in these circumstances, the Kingdom has taken several steps, the most important of which are:

The study was suspended in all governmental and private higher education institutions in addition to government and private schools, and distance education was approved using the latest electronic means in this field.

In appreciation of His Majesty the King, may God protect and preserve him for the noble responsibilities of Bahraini women in raising generations and caring for her family, and taking into account his majesty for family needs during this exceptional period and in support of the Bahraini worker and enabling her to care for her children during the temporary period to stop studying in government and private schools and kindergarten, and appreciationFor the role of the mother and her contributions, His Majesty, may God protect him, directed him to the government's competent authorities to implement the work system from the home for the mother working in ministries, government bodies and institutions, provided that the competent authorities issued the organization of this and what the public interest requires from the continuation of the working mother in the honor of performing vital jobs, especially in the health sector and the security sectorService for the homeland, its citizens and its residents with honor and honesty.

·وعليه فقد قام المجلس الأعلى للمرأة بتخصيص كوادر تعليمية متطوعة من نقابة المعلمين والمعلمات لتقديم المواد التعليمية لأبناء المرأة العاملة ضمن الكوادر الصحية والطبية في الصفوف الأمامية، حيث تعمل هذه الخبرات بالتواصل مع الطلبة والطالبات عبر تقنيات التعليم عن بعد لمساعدتهم في إنهاء المتطلبات الدراسية للعام الحالي a01s – a0a0م.

·اقتداء بالمواقف الإنسانية وبالمبادرات السخية السامية لحضرة صاحب الجلالة الملك حمد بن عيسى آل خليفة عاهل البلاد المفدى حفظه الله ورعاه، وتماشياً مع الجهود الوطنية المبذولة من فريق البحرين بقيادة صاحب السمو الملكي الأمير سلمان بن حمد آل خليفة, ولي العهد نائب القائد الأعلى , النائب الأول لرئيس مجلس الوزراءفي مكافحة فيروس كورونا, فقد وجهت صاحبة السمو الملكي الأميرة سبيكة بنت إبراهيم آل خليفة قرينة عاهل البلاد المفدى رئيسة المجلس الأعلى للمرأة بتاريخ 14 مايو a0a0م أن حملة " متكاتفين لأجل سلامة البحرين" وبالتعاون مع الفريق الوطني للتصدي لفيروس كورونا كوفيد 1s سيعملان على تنسيق سداد الديون والمبالغ المالية المستحقة على النساء البحرينيات ممن صدر بحقهن أحكام قضائية ضمن القوائم المنشورة من قبل وزارة الداخلية على تطبيق "فاعل خير".These generous directives came to embody its permanent keenness on the importance of directing assistance and support to those affected by the current conditions in light of the exceptional circumstances that the world is witnessing.

· And in awareness of the important role that the family plays as the primary element that forms society, the Kingdom has taken the following measures that enhance the role of the Bahraini family:

·قرار اللجنة التنسيقية برئاسة صاحب السمو الملكي ولي العهد، نائب القائد الأعلى، النائب الأول لرئيس مجلس الوزراء، بناء على توصية من المجلس الأعلى للمرأة، بتوجيه مؤسسات القطاع العام على التوسع في تطبيق نظام العمل من المنزل متى ما توفرت الإمكانية لذلك، والذي شمل بشكل خاص، الموظفين العاملين في القطاع، أزواج الموظفات اللواتي يعملن على الصفوف الأمامية في مواجهة فيروس (كوفيد 1s)، بحيث يمنح أزواجهن الأولوية بالعمل من المنزل، في ظل ما تتولاه تلك الكوادر من مسئوليات جسيمة تستدعي، في المقابل، دعم أسرهن.

· The Higher Council launched a campaign of families for the safety of Bahrain, which sought to strengthen communication channels in order to facilitate the enhancement of the benefit of the campaign, as it ensures easy access to services and family, guidance, judicial, and educational support fields, as well as economic.

Activating emergency family support services, for Bahraini women who are breadwinner and non -Bahrain. وقد بلغ العدد الكلي للطلبات الواردة (Kh,41s) طلب، استفادت منها (a,013) أسرة، منها (1,Kh7a) أسرة محتاجة، وعدد (3ss) من أسر الكوادر الطبية والتمريضية، وعدد (4a) من ذوي الإعاقة، علماً بان الحملة استقطبت حوالي (Kh00) متطوع من الجنسين من المنصة الوطنية في مختلف التخصصات. ·كما صدر قرار مجلس الوزراء بتاريخ a7 أبريل a0a0 بشأن دفع الرواتب كاملة لعدد (4aa) عاملة في رياض الأطفال و(10a) عاملة في دور الحضانة، من غير المؤمن عليهن في الهيئة العامة للتأمين الاجتماعي من خلال صندوق العمل "تمكين" ولمدة (3) أشهر.ثاني عاشر: الإشادات الدولية لإجراءات مملكة البحرين في مكافحة فيروس كورونا:

The efforts made by the Kingdom in the framework of combating the Corona virus were crowned with the grace of God and then the high directives of His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa, the country's monarch, may God protect and preserve him, and the national efforts made by the leadership and follow -up of His Royal Highness Prince Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa, Crown Prince and DeputyThe Supreme Commander, First Vice -President of the Council, may God preserve him with a large -scale international praise. وقد جاءت هذه الإشادات لتبرهن وتجسد مكانة مملكة البحرين الرائدة، وقدرتها في مواجهة الكوارث والأزمات انطلاقا من إيمانها التام في أهمية الوفاء بالتزاماتها من أجل مصلحة الوطن وسلامة المواطنين والمقيمين عبر تطبيق كافة الإجراءات والتدابير الاحترازية لمواجهة فيروس كورونا كوفيد 1s.On the national level, civil society associations valued the Kingdom's efforts to promote and protect human rights in the context of the spread of the Corona virus, praising in this context with the transparency of the efforts made by the Kingdom, and therefore civil society societies extended thanks and appreciation to the government of the Kingdom of Bahrain for its keenness to enhance the partnership between the executive authority and associationsCivil society and providing all developments to it in order to enhance the principle of transparency.Ø إشادة منظمة الصحة العالمية (WHO)بجهود مملكة البحرين في مكافحة فيروس كورونا:

تاريخ: 4 مارس a0a0م

·أثنى المدير الاقليمي لمنظمة الصحة العالمية لشرق المتوسط معالي الدكتور أحمد المنظري بجهود مملكة البحرين على هامش الزيارة التي قام بها وفد منظمة الصحة العالمية لمتابعة اجراءات مملكة البحرين في إطار ما تقوم به في تنفيذ توصيات المنظمة فيما يتعلق بانتشار فيروس كورونا (كوفيد 1s).

The Regional Office for the Eastern Mediterranean of the World Health Organization said that the Kingdom of Bahrain presented a distinguished model on awareness and preventive measures for all citizens and residents in different languages, through the website of the Ministry of Health and various media outlets, indicating that the Kingdom of Bahrain established a national team to develop a tight strategy to contain and prevent the spread of the virus represented by preparationEarly to address the virus through precautionary procedures before its outbreak in China, as well as plans to enhance diagnostic, monitoring and monitoring mechanisms.

His Excellency Ahmed Al -Manzari praised the preventive and control measures taken by the government of the Kingdom of Bahrain in the field of enhancing ways to confront this virus and follow -up of surveillance and commitment to the application of educational instructions and instructions issued, based on the recommendations of the World Health Organization and in the framework of coordination and cooperation to preserve the health of citizens and residents of the Kingdom. Ø إشادة وزارة الخارجية البريطانية لجهود مملكة البحرين في مكافحة فيروس كورونا:

تاريخ: a0 أبريل a0a0م·قدم سعادة وزير شؤون الشرق الأوسط في الحكومة البريطانية السيد جيمس كليفري، شكره إلى معالي الشيخ فواز بن محمد آل خليفة سفير مملكة البحرين لدى المملكة المتحدة لما قدمته مملكة البحرين من تعاون ومساعدة.

·وأعرب الوزيركليفرلي عن الشكر الجزيل لحكومة مملكة البحرين لدورها الرائد في مساعدة الحكومة البريطانية لإتمام إجراءات إجلاء رعاياها من مناطق وسط آسياوتحديداً من جمهورية الهند إلى المملكة المتحدة عبر فتح المجال الجوي ومطار البحرين الدولي لطائرات الخطوط الجوية البريطانية وطاقمهم كنقطة ترانزيت، وهو الأمر الذي سهل من عملية إعادة ssKh فرد من رعاة المملكة المتحدة والعالقين بالخارج، حيث أضاف الوزير بأنه "في مثل هذه الظروف الصعبة تظهر بوضوح معالم علاقات الصداقة التاريخية والعميقة بين البلدين الصديقين والتي نعتز بها".

The Minister also expressed his gratitude for the work that Bahraini doctors working in the health sector in the United Kingdom in various hospitals, who exceeded twenty specialists, and their great contribution to combating the spread of the Kuruna virus's pandemThe necessary medical to them. Ø إشادة سعادة السفير جاستن سيرييبل, سفير الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية لدى مملكة البحرين:

تاريخ:Kh أبريل a0a0م

·عبر عن امتنانه لتعامل حكومة البحرين النشط والشفاف مع فيروس كورونا «كوفيد 1s»، مؤكدا أن جهود المملكة تعتبر بجدارة نموذجا في ظل هذه الظروف، مشيرا إلى أنه في هذه الأوقات يستذكر كيف عمل البحرينيون والأمريكيون معا لمدة 100 عام في محاربة الأوبئة والجائحات، من خلال عمل مؤسسي الإرسالية الأمريكية في علاج مرضى الجدري والكوليرا في المنامة في بداية القرن العشرين.

· The American ambassador continued, saying: We have difficult days, but as we did 100 years ago, Bahrainis and Americans will work together to overcome this challenge and get out of it stronger than before.Ø إشادة سعادة السفير رودي دراموند سفير المملكة المتحدة لدى مملكة البحرين:

تاريخ: 1Kh أبريل a0a0م

a3 أبريل a0a0م

His Excellency thanked the Bahraini authorities for all the efforts made by the Kingdom to combat the spread of the Corona virus, pointing out that the precautionary measures taken by the Kingdom have been praised by the World Health Organization, which is necessary to protect us all.

The British ambassador said that it is nice to see Bahrain in the development in terms of scientific initiatives to overcome the virus such as joining the "Solidarity" experiences of the World Health Organization, and to learn lessons from initiatives such as the application.

·وأوضح أن متابعة الحالات القائمة وعزل المخالطين أمر مهم جدا، مشيراً في هذا الصدد إلى أن مملكة البحرين أجرت أكثر من Kh0 ألف فحص وهو ما يضعها بالنسبة لعدد سكانها في المرتبة الثانية عالميا في عدد الفحوصات، وهو أمر يستحق الإشادة، مضيفا: كما أننا تمكنا من القيام بكل الأعمال التي نحتاج إليها عن بعد، وعقدنا اجتماعات مرئية مع وزراء بحرينيين ومجلس الشورى.

· The British ambassador continued that the presence of ways to keep people in contact is very important in our time and in the independent.

He expressed his confidence in the measures taken by the Bahraini authorities, which are in the interest of citizens and residents.

·وفي اجتماع مائدة مستديرة عقد مع ممثلي الصحافة المحلية والإعلام في المملكة بتاريخ a3 أبريل a0a0م، أشاد سعادته بالإجراءات الاحترازية والتدابير الوقائية المتخذة من قبل المملكة لحماية المجتمع، وأشاد سعادته في هذا الصدد بوعي المجتمع البحريني مشددًا على أن المملكة قد تمكنت من وضع نموذج يحتذى به في رسم خطط طويلة الأجل لحماية الاقتصاد والمجتمع، وذلك في إطار الجهود المبذولة لمكافحة COVID-1s.Ø إشادة برلمانية بريطانية بجهود مملكة البحرين في مكافحة فيروس كورونا:

تاريخ: 1I مايو a0a0م

A number of British deputies and lords praised the efforts of the Kingdom of Bahrain in combating the Corona virus and the efforts made to help citizens and residents alike, appreciating in this framework the assistance provided by the Kingdom to the United Kingdom regarding the return of its citizens from India through Bahrain International Airport.

· A number of British deputies praised the endeavors to help the citizen and the resident alike not only from a medical point of view, but that through economic and moral support, as His Excellency MP Giles Waital expressed his admiration for the measures undertaken by the Kingdom, stressing the need to benefit from this pioneering experienceIt was adopted by the Kingdom of Bahrain.Ø إشادة سعادة السفير أنور حبيب الله، سفير جمهورية الصين الشعبية لدى مملكة البحرين:

تاريخ: aZ مارس a0a0م

·أكد السفير الصيني أن عمل حكومة البحرين في التصدي لفيروس كوفيد 1s، وسلسلة الإجراءات والتدابير الاحترازية التي اتخذتها لمنع الفيروس من الانتشار والانتقال، كان محط إشادة وتقدير عالمية من منظمة الصحة العالمية والمجتمع الدولي، بل رافقته إشادة وتقدير عال من جمهورية الصين والحكومة والشعب الصيني.

·مبينا أن نجاح عمل الحكومة واضح من الدعم المتواصل من الشعب البحريني بكل مكوناته، والذي يقف بثبات مع الحكومة فيما اتخذته من خطط وتدابير احترازية وفعالة وحازمة لاحتواء فيروس كورونا كوفيد - 1s، مؤكدا ثقة الحكومة الصينية والشعب الصيني في انمملكة البحرين ستتغلب في نهاية المطاف على فيروس كورونا، بدعم من جلالة الملك حمد بن عيسى آل خليفة عاهل البلاد المفدى حفظه الله ورعاه، وحرص صاحب السمو الملكي الأمير خليفة بن سلمان آل خليفة رئيس الوزراء الموقر حفظه الله، ومتابعة صاحب السمو الملكي الأمير سلمان بن حمد آل خليفة ولي العهد نائب القائد الأعلى النائب الأول لرئيس مجلس الوزراء حفظه الله وجهودهم المتواصلة والمستمرة في أن تصل البحرين والمقيمون على أرضها إلى الهدف المنشود وهو التصدي لفيروس كورونا والحفاظ على سلامة الجميع.Ø إشادة سعادة السفير ياسر شعبان (سفير جمهورية مصر العربية الشقيقة لدى مملكة البحرين):

تاريخ: 1Kh أبريل a0a0م

aZ أبريل a0a0م

·أعرب سعادته عن خالص تقديره للجهود الوطنية بقيادة صاحب السمو الملكي الأمير سلمان بن حمد آل خليفة ولي العهد نائب القائد الأعلى النائب الأول لرئيس مجلس الوزراء، وهي الجهود التي أثمرت تبوّء مملكة البحرين المرتبة الثانية عالميا والأولى عربيا في تحقيق نسب الشفاء من الفيروس والتي قاربت نسبةH0%.

In this regard, indicating that these efforts have positively reflected on all residents inside the Kingdom, including the Egyptian community.

Accordingly, the Egyptian ambassador extended his sincere thanks and appreciation for the full care provided by the Bahraini authorities to citizens and residents on its soil, wishing the Kingdom all the best..

His Excellency also praised the efforts of the Bahraini authorities in facilitating the procedures for the return of a group of Egyptians to their country, despite the precautionary and preventive measures imposed by the current circumstances to counter the spread of the Corona virus, stressing in this regard that the Kingdom provides the people of the Egyptian community an ideal, stable and safe work environment.Ø إشادة سعادة السفير ألفونسو فيرنايد فير (سفير جمهورية الفلبين لدى مملكة البحرين):

تاريخ: 1Kh أبريل a0a0م

· Alfonso Vernaid Fair, the Philippine ambassador, said that the people of the Philippine community in Bahrain are living in health and safety, praising the sincerity of the interest and quality of professional health care he received when he went through a healthy circumstance with the emergence of some symptoms a few days ago, calling on everyone to adhere to behaviors, instructions and health guidelines such as staying at homeAnd maintaining social spacing and wearing masks.

· Alfonso Vernaid Fair expressed his confidence that by supporting each other, we will overcome the danger of the Corona virus.