Educational framing and inspection ... ambiguity in the inspection practice and a problem in identifying tasks, jobs and relationships

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Educational framing and inspection..Mystery in inspection practice and a problem in identifying tasks, jobs and relationships

The crisis of the Moroccan school in the current stage is nothing but (reflection of the state’s crisis in its relationship with the developments of Moroccan society since the mid -seventies at least, this is with the knowledge that the crisis does not always mean disintegration and weakness, but it may sometimes be many as a necessary condition for review, reform and modernization ....Abd al -Salam Himar

So, during the past few years and decades, Morocco has witnessed a wide circulation of reform and modernization speech, and witnessed extensive meetings, forums and discussions about the aspects that this reform and the areas of life should be taken, which can be considered a new boom in the official discourse and an advanced step that responds to the nature of deep developmentsMorocco knows in an attempt to keep up with the developments that the world is witnessing.

And when the state resulted in the review, modernization and reform of the educational system, but for the appropriateness of this system with the developments and transformations that have witnessed various areas of life so that this educational system becomes a product of the person who is able to deal with these developments and transformations and is able to act in it positively.

The letters of reform and modernization in the last two decades coincide with special dates and dates such as the years 2000 - 2003 - 2006 - 2009 - 2013 - 20015 - 2017 ... and they are dates that are linked to entitlements and internal challenges or related to the development that agreed to Morocco's relations with its economic and political partners or related to the location thatIt seeks to occupy it within the new world order, which is one of its prominent features.

Pedagogical reform is one of the fundamental workshops aimed at activating the goals and objectives of reform projects as an essential element in reforming the educational system in general, such as programs, curricula, textbooks, educational evaluation, guidance, school media, educational research, the evaluation system and exams ... and this pedagogical reform is at the heart of the strategic role of the inspection body orEducational Supervision.

Therefore, the educational inspection or supervision is a basic lever for the continuous upgrading of the quality of the national education and training system and a mechanism for educational vigilance and the supportive tracking of the renewed success of the school, as of the roles that the inspectors or educators have been under construction and the development of its pedagogical content and in improving the waysAnd the research they do, especially in preparing curricula and study programs, updating them, improving teaching, learning, and raising the indicators of academic achievement..

The Educational Inspection or Supervision Authority in the education and training sector has a major responsibility in the success of educational reforms and the development of the education and training system, whether at the level of establishing good governance or educational planning or at the level of pedagogical approaches, and this body also has a leadership responsibility in raising the quality of the performance of the educational system and improving the processThe training educational by creating and supervising professors and professors and linking them to the developments of the educational field, and this category is the central link in developing the basic functions of the Moroccan school and activating the requirements of the system reform.

1- Educational inspection or educational supervision?Conventional clothing must be removed.

• Identity question -

It was mentioned in the National Charter for Education and Training, the term educational supervision in its resurrection of this category as a idiomatic alternative to the concept of inspection: (The National Authority supervising the education and training sector is based..Restructuring the Educational Supervisors Authority (Article 135 - b

Later, the pro -reform document entitled to the strategic vision of reform 2015/2030 came, so the educational legislator retracted the term supervision and renamed the authority with (inspection, planning, guidance and management bodies ...)) Article 47

It is the same term that was reused in the Frame Law 17-51 in which it was mentioned (in addition to the regular conditions required to enter the professions of teaching, training, development and inspection in the public sector .....-Article 38

The word inspection is a borrowed word in the educational field and it is a sign of administrative and not educational use, and it carries the meanings of superiority and touching errors and paying attention to the formal aspects of the educational process without influence to its door ,, ... Some educational systems have gone to replace them with other terms and terms, including supervisionEducational ... (Al Aziz Ibrahim Al -Bassam)).

This confusion and this idiomatic pluralism in this category is inspected once and supervised again, shows the ambiguity that surrounds the practice of this category. Is it an administrative device for monitoring and accountability for the failure to perform the duty, or is it a specialized educational body and intersted with the tasks of the competencies of developing curricula, educational research, teaching methods and educational tracking For classroom practices, development, evaluation, training, and the development of professional competencies for teachers ... Is the inspector's task to control the default cases during negligence in tasks, inspect teachers and those who are negligent, mobilize and drip the promotion card or his task is to vigorous Modern

So it is time to remove the ambiguity and ambiguity that surrounds the inspection practice in connection with the fog and general of the legislative discourse, then the void and the legal and institutional deficiency that organizes this body.

He then issued many organizational notes to work on the gradual laying of the inspection structure in various fields in order to suit the professional situation and current inspection practices at all levels ... but it remained iced in the legal cooling refrigerator of the notes and organizational decrees ...

2- Legislation and legal and educational texts framework for the tasks and function of the Educational Inspection Authority

It is time for the institutional and professional identification of the professional identity of the Inspection Authority

Due to the multiplicity of tasks entrusted to the inspection and complexity of the Inspection Authority and its regional, regional and nationally, there are many legal and regulatory documents that came to frame the tasks and roles of the inspection body such as decrees and ministerial notes or framework documents related to organizing the inspection profession such as:

Decree No. 2.Pump.742 صادر في 4 اكتوبر 19Pump بشان النظام الأساسي الخاص بموظفي وزارة التربية الوطنية .Decree No. 2.02.Pump4 صادر في 10 فبراير 2002• المذكرة رقم 87 بتاريخ 26 يناير 1987 حول تقارير التفتيش والزيارات .• Memorandum 80 of June 06, 1989 in the organization of educational monitoring.• Memorandum 115 on September 21, 2004 on the organization of educational inspection for secondary education and notes 113- and- 114.• The framework document to organize April Inspection 2004.• The National Charter for Education and Training (thirteenth pillar)).• Strategic Vision for Reform 2015/2030 (ninth lever)).Frame Law No. 17/51 (Chapter VI)).

It came in Decree No. 2.Pump.742 الصادر في 4 أكتوبر 19Pump بشان النظام الأساسي الخاص بموظفي وزارة التربية الوطنية في موضوع مهنة ومهام مفتشي التعليم ، المادة 9 :

(It costs education inspectors..According to the specialty of training and educational monitoring of education frameworks..Public and private educational institutions and institutions formation institutions, as well as tracking, forming and completing the experience of these frameworks and contributing to conducting and organizing educational, educational and professional exams and matches..))

In addition to the aforementioned tasks ... Education inspectors can assign studies by the minister in charge of academic education as they participate according to jurisdiction in all educational research activities in order to improve educational curricula and raise the level of education, and start research activities in cooperation with all the competent bodies.

It is the same tasks and functions that are repeated in the document of the framework for the Inspection Regulation - April 2004, on the main function and pivotal tasks of the inspection, in which it stated that:

•Working in education and training institutions, supervision and evaluation.• Contribute to preparing programs, curricula and educational and professional exams, tracking their completion and evaluating their results.• Contribute to building perceptions and preparing projects according to the requirements of the education and training system.• Contributing to the completion of educational studies and research with the selected bodies, the identity of the educational supervisor or the inspector, is according to what was stated in the notes and organizational documents in monitoring and controlling the action, learning, communication, and dedicator in the semester in order to raise the level of students' teaching and their academic results is parallel to the obligation to apply educational directives and reference frameworksIn addition to other tasks assigned to him with regional, regional and central notes or mandates ....

These notes and documents carry between their folds legal and legislative problems that increase ambiguity on ambiguity and problems on problems, and do not draw the limits of the basic function of the authority or the nature of the relationships that govern this body with the various components of the educational system, especially with the local, regional, regional and central departments..Where is his place and role in the measure councils?Department councils?Educational councils?What is the exact determination of the tasks of the educational area inspector and the tasks of the regional coordinator of the subject or the field?Supervising the examination centers ....They are many and varied tasks, operations and procedures that need administrative competencies, public relations competencies and the competencies of dealing with groups ... which will be reflected in gradual abandonment of direct interest in specialization (Article - Chapter - Curricula - Calendar - Teaching Methods ...))

The task or specified tasks of the educational supervisor should not remain hostage to the sterile administrative method (the inspector at the disposal of the administration to serve it ... or the inspector with a conscious fear of those who went out of the stick of obedience ... or the inspector is the fire man ....Or the inspector is from the educational administrative police, the reports are released to send to those who are interested ...))

It is necessary to determine the task of the educational supervisor on the basis that it is not related to the mandates or emergency or limited assignments in time and space, and that it is not related to tasks that do not serve his field and his competencies.However, a legal framework must be established that defines its educational identity and mission or tasks that are legally, professionally and professionally, while providing material and professional work conditions in order for this educational object to exercise its strategic role to reform the educational system.

Several attempts to rehabilitate human resources came within the dynamics of reform, approved by the National Charter for Education and Training by and then the strategic vision of reform 2015/2030 and finally the Frame Law No. 17/51 related to the education, training and scientific research system.All of these reform documents indicate the important role that this group plays in raising the cost -effectiveness and internal efficiency of the institutions of education and training and in direct supervision of professors to raise their professional capabilities ... (Strategic Vision for Reform 2015/2030 - Article 47))

To rehabilitate this category in order to take its distinguished position in the educational system and perform its tasks with all the solid cognitive grounds and appropriate pedagogical formation, the Supreme Education Council, for its part, a diagnostic study in 2009 in the formula of analysis of the legislative and regulatory texts related to educational inspection, was based on:

التأطير والتفتيش التربوي..غموض في الممارسة التفتيشية وإشكال في تحديد المهام والوظائف والعلاقات

• The requirements of the National Charter, especially Article 135 B related to the restructuring of educational inspection.• Results of the inspectors and inspectors poll, which the highest council supervised its completion during the same year (2009)).• The diagnostic study prepared by the Supreme Education Council in 2009, which is a comparative study of some international experiences in the inspection field that included about 12 educational system.

Also, this study diagnosed some problems related to educational inspection, the most important of which are:

• The multiplicity of tasks assigned to inspectors by the central, regional and regional administration, in addition to their original tasks, which is mostly at the expense of the educational inspector in its role, the basic role of supervising, training, activation, pedagogical evaluation and educational research.• The lack of relying on an annual program of educational activity at the level of the region or the region, which leads to the exercise of tasks in response to administrative assignments more than the educational and pedagogical requirements required by the support of teachers and their development..• The predominance of educational monitoring of teachers at the expense of regulations, activation and field research.• The absence of a reference framework for the competencies of the educational inspector on the basis of which its duties are audited, composed and evaluated.• Weakness of the share allocated to educational research and not giving it the necessary position in the directions of the development and renewal of the profession.• Lack of spaces, equipment and supplies necessary for the work of educational inspectors and their regional and regional coordinators.• Lack of transportation to perform inspection tasks as required, especially for inspectors in the rural center.

The goal of the Supreme Council in its focus and interest in this project for educational inspection, according to the same document was:

• Working to develop inspection tasks in the direction of profession, based on the new roles of educational inspection, especially with regard to evaluation and pedagogical examination of educational institutions and educational regions with the targeting of organizing the work carried out by the inspector within an annual work program.• Make the roles entrusted to educational inspection appropriate with the options and requirements of educational reform and its dynamism, especially by enabling it to an effective evaluation and internal examination, enjoying the independence necessary to perform this task in an optimal way.

وهي نفس المهام والأدوار التي أعاد تأكيدها المجلس الأعلى للتربية والتكوين والبحث العلمي في الوثيقة الإصلاحية (الرؤية الإستراتيجية للإصلاح 2015/2030))- المادة 55

3- Development cranes proposed by the Supreme Education Council

Educational inspection is a mechanism for the renewed monitoring and reform of the system

In light of the previous diagnostic elements and a preparation for the principles and principles that frame the tasks and function of the educational inspector, the Supreme Education Council proposes the following entrances to work

In the form of cranes to develop the educational inspection profession:

The first crane: professional tasks and competencies

It distinguished it between two types of tasks:

• Educational monitoring tasks, function, training, research and counseling.• The tasks of the pedagogical examination of the educational institution by multi -specialized teams for inspection enjoying this task with a kind of job independence that

It is required by the requirements of the objective evaluation.

The process of evaluation and pedagogical examination is concentrated in particular in:

A- Standing on the reality of the educational and pedagogical process in the educational areas with the diagnosis of difficulties that may face teaching and learning in the direction of contributing to improving the indicators of their quality.

B- Determining the needs of the school institution from educational support for the benefit of learners and from training for the benefit of teachers.

C- Standing on the progress of institutions development projects and monitoring their field results

In addition to the pedagogical examination, educational inspection tasks are determined in the following:

A- Monitoring the progress of teaching and learning processes, the completion of curricula and programs..

B- The supervision, revitalization and accommodation of the professors with all means of support, training and pedagogical assistance, while ensuring the continuous development of their professional competencies

T- Doing educational research and ensuring its development, focusing on its functional and field dimensions

W- Consultation, by providing experience and opinion in the educational field in general, curricula, programs, teaching methods, learning with pedagogical approaches, deductional aids, and directing learners to manage human resources operating in the sector

The second lever: a solid and qualified foundation through:

• Adoption of reference frameworks for educational inspection competencies.• Giving priority in training for the evaluation and pedagogical interrogation in integration with the rest of the formations required by qualification to practice the educational inspection profession • Paying importance for functional and field educational research and technical curricula.The third lever: a continuous training for permanent professional development that is based on tracking the outcome of the competencies of each inspector by: • Meet the needs of the Educational Inspection Authority in the fields of dedicated approaches - activation techniques - the conduct of the work of the team - the use of new technology for media and communication - evaluation curricula and tools - educational research curricula of the fourth lever: A suitable and stimulating conditions for practicing the profession, including: • Providing the necessary material conditions for work, especially in the rural areas.• Development of pedagogical means to practice the inspection profession such as monitoring networks - evaluation indicators - ....Fifth Raise: Evaluating the educational inspection work in the context of consolidating responsibility and accountability based on the results if this reference document has diagnosed the interim and current constraints and imbalances that have been in the inspection practice and affected the path of activating and developing the educational supervision profession and presented in the same same as the most important trends and activation measures to develop the performance of the bodyEducational supervision through the approval of new legislative texts and a new organization that adopts a comprehensive and participatory approach so that this category performs its duties with all its solid knowledge ground and appropriate pedagogical formation

Did this document heal the people of the house?

Based on many writings published in many media platforms and issued in a number of patrols and publications, we extracted a set of issues and problems that these inspectors or educators reviewed in detailMany of their suggestions, demands and problems have been mentioned in the diagnostic study of the Supreme Education Council in 2009..Others can summarize it in:

• ـ الإشكال القانوني حيث يلاحظ الممارس لمهمة التفتيش أو الإشراف غموضا في ممارسة المهمة حين يرمى به في كل الساحات المشتعلة بالنيران ” الصديقة ” ( مشاكل إدارية وتدبيرية – الصراعات بين المدرسين و الإدارة – …)) دونما حماية أو غطاء قانوني تشريعي إلا رسائل التكليف الطارئة أو رسائل الانتدابات المحدودة في الزمان والمجال .• -The organizational form, where the practitioner notes the task of inspection, the lack of clarity of his relationship with the various components of the educational system ... whether with the directors of educational institutions, regional, regional, central, or even ministers..What are the limits of communication and separation between them?What is the degree of coordination and dealing between the components of educational management and the inspection body?What are the limits of the legal, organizational and educational relationship between these parties complete ... instead of leaving this situation a victim of confusion and float, which causes unwanted tensions and clashes.In the eyes of this body, these relationships must be found in order to invest in the direction of the quality of the product in the relationship of the authority with all classes of educational administration vertically, horizontally, and also with the professors...As well as among the inspectors among them, there is a problem with the relationship between individual work and teamwork within the framework of the newly developed jinn.• - The problem of weak conditions and means of work and we mean the material and moral conditions for performing the basic tasks that constitute the identity of the professional inspectors of independence, dignity, integrity and provision of spaces, equipment, transportation and other necessary means and conditions that can enhance and develop the mechanisms of development and educational inspection.• - The fog in determining the professional identity of the inspector and the educational inspection function, such as the necessity of adhering to separating the tasks of educational inspection and the tasks of administrative examination.The answer to these problems, the development of solutions to these imbalances, and the restructuring of the inspection body in a manner that guarantees the upgrading of its supervision and educational functions may help: - Organize the work of educational supervisors in a manner that guarantees the independence necessary for the inspection profession.- Renewing the relationship with teachers to make it closer to supervision, regret and communication.- Renewing the curricula, programs and methodologies of training and their suitability with the new roles of education and training professions.Highlighting the basic and strategic role of the authority in reforming the system.- Removing the ambiguity and ambiguity that surrounds the profession and tasks of the educational inspector.All of this will establish a clear, educational and educational status legally, professional and educationally, and will guarantee professional, legal and material conditions that raise the image of the authority in the institution and in society and its primary role in education and training.

4- Towards the development of inspection tasks in order to improve the educational process.Training and function, as it is related to the field of educational and educational research in its theoretical, methodological and scientific dimensions, and on the other hand, it is related to the actual real reality of the educational process by virtue of his supervision and monitoring of the course of lessons and directing the teachers and their supervision.This dual site makes the supervisor or educational inspector at the heart of the curriculum, by virtue of his first relationship with educational research contributes to the completion of studies on the dedicated aspects of materials and evaluating the baccalaureate results and research on the phenomena of interruption and school violence and laying the theoretical foundations of educational processes on which the curriculum must be built as a dictate of its specialization Educational and his knowledge of the developments of educational and educational thought, and by virtue of his second relationship with the practical progress of the educational process, the supervisor or the educational inspector is aware of the concrete obstacles and difficulties that prevent the achievement of the curriculum goals, he is responsible for evaluating a specific experience based on the observation of the appropriate content and methods and the formation of teachers for certain goals and extent The ability to achieve it in reality has specific features.Therefore, the supervisor or educational inspector is armed with scientific, methodological, philosophical and psychological theories and psychological theories and adequate experience that comes from his daily practices of monitoring, supervision and training operations ... and all these knowledge and experiences allow him to be a leader who has a strategic thought in reforming the system, because it is connected to science, knowledge and experience.• Supervisor / Inspector Commander of Educational with the confidence of the teachers

The role of the educational supervisor is not limited in observing the teacher and tracking his pitfalls or evaluating his performance - only - during the teaching process within the classroom, but must exceed this to the level of activities and relationships between the educational parties starting from the status of educational policies through the development of curricula and basic training and continuous training.It is one of the components of the educational process aimed at developing education from the interest in the teacher and developing the methods of teaching him as a pole of the educational process, and therefore his position has made him an educational leader who plays a pioneering role in linking education to human formation and achieving human development goals.

The educational leadership of the educational supervisor is not an official job that appoints its owner with an official decision.Teachers and educational masterminds and support them.Leadership is not leadership or control, but rather a set of roles such as: interaction - counseling - creativity of ideas - measurement diagnosis - ....Also, the educational leadership of the inspector or educational supervisor appears in his leadership behavior, such as research and investigation of good educational facts and works, ... with these roles, attributes and practical and scientific characteristics, the educational supervisor rises to the degree...

• The educational supervisor as a human model in managing educational processes, supervision or educational inspection in terms of his job is a process that relies on recognition of the value of the human relationship as an explanation of building confidence between the supervisor on the one hand and the teacher on the other hand.

What is meant by the human personality of the supervisor - the inspector is the sum of the mental and emotional characteristics that affect combined or individually in the behavior and behavior of the individual, and therefore its various manifestations have signed on others, whether on the personal, professional or functional level, so they affect their responses and suggest automatic cooperation between individuals where this feeling leads to more rapprochement Especially between the teacher and the supervisor, but it may push the teacher to the request for the use of the supervisor - the inspector, not just to pass a promotion in the administrative ladder, but for the sake of consulting and requesting guidance and guidance when needed, so the correlation between them turns into a kind of attraction, increased interconnection and raising barriers through practices approved by targeted human relations.

Y, Mohamed Bagra

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