The e -commerce turned into chaos and stealing shoppers with counterfeit goods ... anonymous entities that sell "illusion" online

  • Time:Aug 31
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Article

Group officials and pages:

- “If you do not like the product at least, you will pay the shipping expenses” - transferring the value of the product first and in the event of a defect, you must submit an application via the group - the amount of delivery has nothing to do with the price of the product and has nothing to do with receiving or rejecting the product

The owners of the purchase experiences:- I asked to buy famous cosmetics. Upon receipt, I was surprised that they were imitated- I refused to receive a bag and shoes and had to pay the delivery service- I applied to retrieve clothes on the page and none of them responded to me

Ahmed Badawi: The upcoming legislation regulates digital transformation and supplement to combat electronic crime

Ayman Hossam El -Din: There are electronic commercial transactions that are not subject to the official economy and are more likely to purchase from a "barrier"

- Yasser Hassan Obaid: Fiveficial Internet Trade Transactions

Fakhry Al -Fiqi: The purchase electronically must be from an official entity, and if the customer lenient in the right of the state, you will not be able to protect it

E -commerce and purchase via the Internet is a natural development of what the global economy has become, but there are many people who do not differentiate between the real entities registered with the country that have official websites on the Internet, and it also has a headquarters and entity on the ground, and these are within the official economy and the content of your right as a shopper if you want to retrieve or Replace what I bought as the competent authorities can hold accountable, and between other unknown entities, what we see on social media (groups and pages) is unknown to buy and sell “online” and they have no headquarters or commercial entity on the ground, they are fake entities, not registered with the state It does not exist on the ground, and it is more like nature to the street vendors, and it is certain that your dealings with it exposes you to the monument and loss, between the "imitator" product or the necessity of paying the shipping and delivery service even if you refuse to receive.

Because they are fake entities outside the framework of the official electronic economy, and they have no known headquarters, the competent authorities will not be able to help you when you offer any process of erection as much when dealing with an entity registered with the commercial state agencies, only all you have to read this investigation is precisely, so that you do not catch up with the former victimsFrom those bars and fake pages, to know how to deal electronically by buying and you are reassured that your right is guaranteed as it is bought from a known place.

Certainly, you are inevitably a loser when you buy online from these fake "groups and pages" on the Internet, as you promote "counterfeit" products for famous brands under the name "original", and the victims are many, each of them has a different monument, and how you complain about a entityFake for him you do not know a title or a headquarters, and everything you know is a person who brought you the product.In the event that you do not like the product, you should pay the delivery service, and if you want to return the product or replace it, this is a long journey and often you will have to pay additional financial sums in exchange for a new delivery service, replacement or retrieval, and most cases end in failure mainly in communicating with the page official.

We infiltrated some of these fake pages and bangs as we ask about a product and we would like to buy it, and we asked those in charge of these pages with the guarantees and the possibility of retrieval and replacement, and one of them's response came, and he is responsible for a Group to sell clothes: “If you do not like the product at least, you will pay the shipping expenses.”.Another “Group” official to sell cosmetic materials said: You must transfer the value of the desired product first via the electronic portfolio to the phone numbers, and after receiving and the presence of a defect in the product, you have to submit an application via the group with complaining and the response will reach within days, while another “Group” official said to sellAccessories and bags: “Our products represent famous brands and upon request the value due for the delivery is paid. The amount of delivery has nothing to do.Poor products..And victims of wholesale

We left the group of groups and contacted the number of those who lived online online..One of them came from Mona Mohamed, saying: I asked for a special cosmetic product through a special “group” to buy these materials, and it bears the name of a famous brand, after transferring the value of the product through the “visa”, and I waited for a whole week until the product reached..The surprise was that the producer is bad and imitated and does not have this famous brand at all, and is not identical to the specifications that the group official has written on the product page..

Another experience for buying On Laini told by Ahmed Al -Saadi: “I asked to buy a famous global brand perfume and was written under the fragrance image that he was imported from abroad and its price was very dear, and after receiving the product and using it I discovered that he was imitated and not original.”Its receipt of a "specific brand" bag and shoes, she purchased them online that they were imitated, and refused to receive them, but the delivery representative obligated her to pay shipping expenses and after a lot of controversy and words with him, she had to pay the delivery service and responded the product..

While the experience, Suha Ahmed, reveals another suffering with the purchase online, where she says: I submitted a request on one of the online sale group to buy a product that was clothes for a famous brand.In the material of the clothes, I was shocked by the badness of its material and that it is not original, as shown on the group page, and I refrained from receiving, but the delegate convinced me that I must receive the product first and pay its value with the delivery expenses, and then I apply to the group to request the response of the clothes, and I actually did so.So far, I have not been able to return the product again.

تحول التجارة الإلكترونية إلى فوضى وتسرق المتسوقين ببضائع مقلدة.. كيانات مجهولة تبيع «الوهم» أونلاين

Bid profits, some believe that avoiding online purchase is the best solution to avoid exposure to these problems and losses, and buying from commercial stores on the ground, and this is an actual and reasonable opinion, but we are facing technological development that forces millions to enter, and the question remains about those who sell imitated products belowOriginal name, and they make money and profits, and they are outside the official economic fabric, so they are known, and they have no residence, a commercial record, no tax card, or a license mainly on trade online..We can imagine how much they earn from money, if we know that the volume of electronic transactions in Egypt, according to official local reports, has doubled during the past year, due to the Korona pandemic, as its size reached more than 400 billion pounds..

Access to this volume of electronic transactions, made the government hurry to develop the "electronic transactions" bill known to the media as electronic trade, which is supposed to put a clear definition of the concept of digital identity and applications of the uses of electronic signature technology in trade operations via online shopping platforms, and is discussed inThe current time is within the discussions of the Communications and Information Technology Committee in the House.

A large random market, Yasser Hassan Obaid, an information technology expert, says that in general the e -commerce increased in the world after the Korona pandemUnofficial to five times the formal transactions, the Internet is an open market that we cannot control. Every second occurs unlimited transactions from electronic transactions worldwide, not only Egypt.

Obaid notes that electronic transactions on the Internet have a lot of defects, as they do not protect the buyer from fraud and fraud after purchasing from random or unsafe electronic platforms that may be products that do not conform to the specifications and images that were presented with them, and the bench payment data may be exploitedFor the monument, but if it is through official platforms and registered brands, there is no fraud and theft, and there are experiences of “Online” markets that are under the supervision of the state, such as what China did until the benefit of the national economy returns.

The legality of purchase on his part, Fakhry Al -Fiqi, Chairman of the Plan and Budget Committee in the House of Representatives, confirms the existence of many laws that regulate the purchases "Online", the most important of which is the e -commerce law that was prepared in cooperation between the Ministry of Trade and Supply with the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology, and awaiting its review and approval of itOn the part of the House of Representatives, it indicates that the most important thing is that the purchase is done through famous brands, where the citizen can recover his right if the product is not good.

Al -Fiqi adds that the citizen obtained an invoice containing the value -added tax that reaches the Ministry of Finance during his electronic transactions that guarantee him the state's knowledge of the purchase process and through it is protected, as the Consumer Protection Law provides for its eligibility to return the product between two weeks or a month from the purchase time even if it isOnline, but the device cannot protect the customer without a tax bill. If the customer lenient in the right of the state, the state will not be able to protect it..

Al -Fiqi continues, the electronic advertisement of a specific product must be registered with the state, in order to know whether the product is affiliated with a registered brand or is not good, but the services that depend on products are purchased from “groups” are not known the identity of its owner like clothes,Metal eating, and others are not subject to control and depend on luck in the quality of the product, and is considered a kind of informal economy, in which it depends on the citizen's awareness of buying the product from a registered company and a product that contains the correct criteria, and what is related to consumption and knowledge of its rights.

Electronic gangs on the other hand, Ahmed Badawi, Chairman of the Communications and Information Technology Committee in the House of Representatives, says that the e -commerce law comes within the most important laws that will be decided during the first legislative session of the new council, and he continued that the upcoming legislation will also regulate Egypt's trend towards digital transformation according to the assurances of the president The Republic is also a complement to the laws to combat electronic crime and protect personal data that issued the committee in the previous parliament, adding that the electronic commerce law will also regulate the position of advertisements on social networking sites in light of the presence of fake advertisements and the spread of electronic gangs that perform a monument to users, stressing that There are penalties for monument on social media in the Information Technology Crime Law No. 175 of 2018.Badawi said that all these abuses will determine the law on them, and contribute to eliminating them permanently, as it guarantees the state's right to profits achieved by electronic markets that reach billions, through coordination with the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology.

Despite those randomness, those affected by the online purchase can go to the Office of the General Administration of Information Technology at the Ministry of Interior located in the old headquarters of the Police College in Abbasiya to submit an official communication, and the competent authorities will work to track the pages and sites that sell these products and arrest those responsible for them, says Hani Essam By managing the Internet Investigation, there are many cases that are already submitted daily with many complaints that come that they were fraudulent during the purchases of “Online” are located in the trap of counterfeit and non -good products through “groups” and “pages” to buy different products.

Financial Technology Law in the same context, Khaled Al -Nashar, Vice -Chairman of the Financial Supervision Authority, says that the authority has submitted a new draft law of the Council of Ministers, and it was approved under the name "Financial Technology Law" that deals with financing through electronic platforms and regulates the use of financial technology in non -banking financial activities And it contains 24 materials distributed in 4 classes other than the issuance materials, and the project materials came to place the general framework regulating the use of financial technology in providing non -banking financial services, which it becomes clear from their reading that it came in part of it concerned with the technical provisions regulating the use of technology to direct financial activities other than Banking, in another part of it, is entrusted with the legal provisions related to the rules of obtaining licenses and approvals necessary to practice the activity, and the related provisions related to the protection of dealers in these activities, and to maintain the confidentiality of their data and information, and the mechanisms of control over the entities that will work in these activities, and indicates. Al -Nashar, that the third chapter of the law, entitled "general provisions", provides for rulings for various categories for Maza I have non -banking financial activities using digital financial technology, as well as some criminal penalties guaranteed by the fourth chapter of the project classes.

A passenger seller on the Internet says Ayman Hossam El -Din, head of the Consumer Protection Agency, says that the agency plays his role through a set of laws whose first goal is to protect the citizen, with regard to recovering products, conditions and durationDuring it, there are many transactions that take place in the e -commerce system that are not subject to the official economy, and unfortunately the majority of the sector working in e -commerce falls under the informal economy..

Hossam El -Din indicates, there are many unknown people, their identity, who do “groups” and “pages” on social media platforms for sale during them, which results in problems, and from his face the theory of such cases is like a barrier that has no information or data, which is what isWe always appeal to it during our awareness of the citizens not to deal with such an unknown pages, and that only deal with the official pages, because in this case we cannot reach the owners of those pages and take legal measures against them if they are sold to counterfeit products and does not conform to the specifications.

Hossam El -Din stresses that all legal measures are taken in complaints received by the Consumer Protection Agency from electronic transactions that are located in the official sector, during which we follow the prices, bills, commodity data, their fundamental qualities and everything that applies to traditional trade applied to electronic.Engineer Khalil Hassan Khalil, head of the Digital Economy Division of the Federation of Chambers of Commerce, says that the division is registering the electronic commercial sites of companies that carry a commercial and approved record as trademarks, whether local or global, with clarification of its commercial activity known for it, which is responsible for it.

The national economy losses about the national economy losses from these transactions, Dr. Ramzy Al -Jarm, the economist, says: E -commerce or what is called the digital economy recorded a concrete increase in the total local trade in Egypt, through sales operations through electronic communication sites, especially during The Corona crisis, and its negative repercussions that led to the presence of homes and online dealing in buying many basic supplies of food, clothing, etc. In Egypt in an unprecedented way during the next few years, thanks to the government's interest to develop this sector more recently.

The number of Internet users in Egypt is about 49 million users, and ranks 14th globally in the use of the Internet in online sales - as the crime said - noting that the volume of e -commerce in Egypt constitutes between 18 % to 19 %, from the gross domestic productWhat is the equivalent of 1.2 trillion Egyptian pounds.In general, e -commerce has many defects, among which is that it represents a relatively inappropriate economy, which makes there a fog in some of the transactions that are done through purchasing and selling operations via the Internet, as well as a breach of the balance of tax justice.

> معاملات التجارة الإلكترونية غير الرسمية تكبد العالم خسائر سنوية تقدر بنحو 240 مليار دولار. > حجم التجارة الإلكترونية فى مصر يشكل ما بين 18 % إلى 19 % من إجمالى الناتج المحلى.> احتلت مصر فى عام 2020 المركز الـ13 عربيا و109 عالميا بين 152 دولة يضمها مؤشر التجارة الإلكترونية العالمى. > تشكل كل من الإمارات، السعودية، ومصر 80 % من سوق البيع والشراء عبر الإنترنت فى منطقة الشرق الأوسط وشمال إفريقيا. > من المتوقع أن تحقق منطقة الشرق الأوسط وشمال إفريقيا أرباحا تصل إلى 48.6 billion dollars of e -commerce by 2022.> ارتفعت أرباح التجارة الإلكترونية أربعة أضعاف لتصل إلى 20 مليار دولار فى عام 2020 فى دول مجلس التعاون الخليجى.