Backpack to check the heat of visitors

  • Time:Jan 09
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Article


المصدر:التاريخ:ت + ت -الحجم الطبيعي

Innovative designers, finally, added an easy new way to reassure people of their health and safety.To create a "Down" studio in the United States, a door bell measuring the guest's heat to ensure that he is not infected with fever.

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The bell, whose name is "The Bill", has a simple design, but its benefit is clear these days.It resembles a traditional door bell and at the same time his tongue works as a sensor, which allows the person who presses the door bell automatically checking its temperature in one movement.

The device consists of two parts, an internal unit and an external unit.The touch and digital screen shows the visitor's temperature for himself. If the temperature is higher than 36 degrees Celsius, it falls on the shoulders of the visitor to move away and help stop the spread of the infection.This is while the internal unit provides users with more options to communicate with the guest and operate the hidden light under the lamp and more.

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