Donald Trump's visit to Britain: Find out what the US president brings on every trip

  • Time:May 03
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Article

A security operation costing millions of pounds is currently underway in preparation for the visit of US President Donald Trump to Britain, with the aim of securing it with an impenetrable security cordon.

The cost of Trump's visit, at the invitation of the Queen of Britain, which begins on Monday 3 June and lasts three days, could exceed 18 million pounds.

As White House preliminary teams begin to arrive in Britain, questions come to mind about what this insurance process will include, and what equipment and personnel the President of the United States will bring with him.

The US President will arrive in the UK aboard his Air Force One, a modified aircraft with superior characteristics. The plane is expected to land at Stansted Airport, north of the capital, London.

The name "Air Force One" does not actually stand for a specific aircraft, but rather refers to one of two modified Boeing 747-200B aircraft, with numbers 28000 and 29,000 on the tails of each.

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And when the president boards either one, it is referred to as "Air Force One".

On this trip to Britain, you can use both planes.

According to US news reports, Trump will accompany all his adult children and their spouses on this visit, which requires them to use a second plane.

With its advanced electronic and defense systems, the Air Force One is classified as a military aircraft designed to withstand an air attack.

It can jam enemy radars, as well as launch flares to mislead thermal missiles.

It also has the ability to refuel in the air, allowing it to fly for unlimited periods, which is critical in emergency situations.

The aircraft is also equipped with secure communications equipment, allowing it to serve as a mobile command center. It includes on board 85 telephone lines, a set of wireless transmitters and receivers, and computer communications.

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Inside the plane, the president and his flight attendants enjoy an area of ​​4,000 square feet distributed on three levels, including a suite for the president, a medical unit that includes an operating table, a meeting and dining room, and two small kitchens in which food can be prepared for one hundred people at one time. It also includes two areas designated for the press, senior officials, security personnel and secretarial staff.

Before Air Force One reaches its destination, several cargo planes, including a C-17 Globemaster transport aircraft, land with the President's fleet of armored vehicles and helicopters on board.

According to the Washington Post, the US president is always accompanied by a military aide who carries an emergency bag known as "football" or "soccer", which contains the "very important symbols" for launching the country's nuclear weapons and options for their use.

The military escort must always be close to the president. The PIN codes required to launch an attack are in the chief of staff's possession, and are located on a plastic card known as a "cookie", and can only be read if its opaque plastic wrap is broken into two and removed.

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Presidential Limousine: The Beast

The presidential motorcade, which includes two identical limousines, one for camouflage, and communications and insurance vehicles, will be shipped before the president travels on a US Air Force transport plane.

On the ground, the US president travels in a huge Cadillac One limousine, nicknamed "The Beast". The camouflage vehicle bears the same license plate -800-002 registered in Washington, DC.

Trump's new generation of presidential cars first appeared in 2018, when US intelligence announced on Twitter that the president's motorcade was "ready to go" ahead of the United Nations General Assembly.

However, the intelligence services and the designers of the car at General Motors kept its security features a secret.

The car, with an armored body, weighs about nine tons, has bulletproof windows (not all open), has tear gas cannons, night vision cameras and a satellite phone.

The reinforced rubber tires are wrapped around steel wheels, which means that the car can move even if the tires are flat.

It is also mentioned that the passenger compartment is sealed to prevent any chemical attack from penetrating it, while the fuel tank is surrounded by a layer of special foam material in anticipation of a collision.

US presidential motorcade

The presidential limousine can accommodate at least seven people, and contains a variety of medical supplies, including a refrigerator filled with the president's blood, according to NBC.

As for the other cars in the convoy, it includes a group of police motorcycles, support vehicles for members of the Special Protection Service, teams to respond to dangerous assaults and attacks, in addition to an armored communications vehicle called "Roadrunner", a medical ambulance team and a journalist.

Marine One: US President's Helicopter

The US president is expected to bring a fleet of helicopters with him to Britain.

This fleet includes the Marine One helicopter. As with Air Force One, Marine One is not a specific aircraft but rather a name for any US Marine Corps helicopter carrying the President. It is usually one of two, either the massive Sikorsky VH-3D Sea King, or the newer, smaller VH-60N Whitehawk.

The two specially modified helicopters are known as "White Tops" and are equipped with communication equipment, anti-missile defense systems and armored chassis. As a security precaution, the Marine One helicopter flies within a group of identical helicopters as a form of camouflage.

It is also accompanied by the MV-22 Osprey aircraft, known as "Green Tops", which carries on board support teams, special forces and members of the intelligence service who are entrusted with the task of dealing with any emergency situation in the air. These aircraft can land vertically and fly at high speeds.

Protection personnel and special forces

Some estimates indicate that the number of accompanying Trump on his recent visit to Britain has reached 1,000, including more than 150 agents of the US Secret Service who are entrusted with protecting the President of the United States.

The escorts included military communications experts, White House aid teams, a doctor, a chef and media escorts. I have booked all of them about 750 rooms to host them, according to Matt Corley of the Times.

Trump's visit to Britain will begin with a welcome ceremony and a private lunch at Buckingham Palace, followed by tea with the Prince of Wales and the Duchess of Cornwall, and a state banquet in the Royal Ballroom.

Trump will also hold talks with British Prime Minister Theresa May at St James's Palace and the British Prime Minister's Residence. He will host a dinner at the US ambassador's residence in London's Regent's Park.

On the last day of his visit, Trump will attend a ceremony in Portsmouth with members of the British royal family to commemorate the 75th anniversary of the Normandy landings in World War II.

Thousands of policemen

The process of securing the British police for Trump's visit will be huge at the level of the Kingdom in general.

On his previous four-day visit to Britain, the cost of police insurance for the visit exceeded £14.2m, data published under freedom of information laws shows.

About 10,000 policemen were summoned from across the country, after the visit was met with massive protests.

Some estimate that the cost of British police insurance for Trump's visit this time, which is a state visit, will be about 18 million pounds.