Do Muslims realize the status of Imam Hussein (peace be upon him)

  • Time:Mar 18
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Article

(How can our limited energies realize Al-Hussain, may God’s peace be upon him?)

His Eminence the Shirazi reference (may his shadow be long)

A nation that does not know the status of the historical greats, cannot compete with other nations in science and development. This is a law agreed upon by far and near, as it is based on irrefutable proofs. It is self-evident to say that the nations that divorced ignorance, and were associated with progress, are those nations that Today, it is at the forefront of all nations that did not care about the bright episodes of its history, and neglected the great experiences in it.

Why do we as Muslims have to know those who made our history, and made it valuable among the histories of nations? The reason is clear and does not need explanation or explanation. great on a global scale.

Imam Al-Hussein, peace be upon him, is the great Muslim nation and its revolutionary who has reached the highest peaks in sacrifice and courage in the face of oppression and tyranny. Is it not the duty of Muslims who are suffering today from deep problems that put them in great embarrassment in front of the advanced nations? Shouldn’t they understand the values ​​of Ashura, and see What great ideas and attitudes did Imam Hussein (peace be upon him) bring to confront backwardness, ignorance, recklessness and deviation?

We must answer frankly, if the Muslims do not prepare to rise with the stimulus of the Husayni renaissance, then their present remains flabby and torn as it is today, just as they risk the future of future generations, remaining in a state of ignorance and backwardness, while other nations glorify the distinguished personalities in their history, and take advantage of that For advancement and development, why do Muslims not do the same with their great ones, and why do they deny history and unique positions made by unique personalities, as is the case with Hussein (peace be upon him)?

His Eminence, the great religious authority, the Grand Ayatollah, Sayyid Sadiq al-Husseini al-Shirazi (may his shadow last), says in one of his valuable lectures:

(Sheikh Muhammad Shariat, may God have mercy on him, transmits, one of the Shiite scholars whom I lived with - his origin is from Karaji, and he lived in the honorable Najaf and the holy Karbala - that he had a friendship with a Christian priest, and he said to him one day: You are Shiites with Hussein, may God’s peace be upon him, but you do not benefit from him as you should. And if we had only Hussein, we would have concentrated in every inch of the earth a knowledge of the name of Hussein, we would gather people around him and inform them of our religion, and we would not leave a human being on the face of the earth but we would invite him to him).

Al-Hussein (peace be upon him) stopped the deviation of authority

The incident of al-Tuff has resulted in great results, including, rather the most important of which, is that Imam Hussein (peace be upon him) saved Islam from the state of decline and deviation that had befallen it because of the tyrant Yazid. It is deviated by a group of ignorant people who do not fear God.

As for Al-Hussein himself (which is the most precious thing that a person possesses) as an offering to Islam, or the result is known, and this imminent danger did not threaten the Islamic reality at the time and the matter will end, but will continue to this day, and to what God wanted life to continue, is this not the case? The truth of what happened in Al-Tuff, and whoever offers his soul as a sacrifice for Islam and Muslims, does he not deserve victory, glorification and perpetuity??

هل يُدرِك المسلمون مكانة الإمام الحسين (ع)

Fairness and acknowledgment of the truth obliges every Muslim, and indeed every righteous person, to testify that the position of Imam Hussein, peace be upon him, is equal to preserving true Islam, and that the credit goes to the Imam (peace be upon him) for preserving all the various duties and activities that Muslims undertake today, including Including prayer, fasting and all other provisions.

His Eminence the reference Shirazi (may his shadow last) says:

(Al-Hussain saved his grandfather’s religion from the clutches of the Umayyads. Does Hussain, peace be upon him, have a right over every prayer performed on the face of the earth? Does his blood (pbuh) have a right over the Kaaba and the Sacred House? If not for the jihad of Hussain (peace be upon him) and his revolution and blood, he would not fast during Ramadan and what The zakat, the fifth, and the other rulings of Islam are to be paid.

This is the position of Imam Al-Hussein (peace be upon him), which represents his entitlement, in return for the sacrifice he made, for which a person cannot be prepared, unless he is of the type of the immortal greats. Visitors to Imam (pbuh) must know Hussein (pbuh) well.

What is required of a visitor to Hussain (peace be upon him)?

Whoever has the opportunity to visit the master of martyrs, Imam Hussein (peace be upon him), must know fully that he is in the hands of the revolutionary of Karbala, the father of the free, and the savior of Islam from decline, and that the visitor should not be preoccupied with anything else when performing the visit in the holy shrine, for Hussein (peace be upon him) deserves that A person devote himself completely to it, and forgets everything outside the Holy Shrine, in order to win the great Hussaini gift.

His Eminence the reference Shirazi (may his shadow last) says:

(The visitor to Imam al-Husayn, may God’s peace be upon him, should know that he is in the hands of whom, and he is speaking to whom, and if we were like that while we were in the sanctuary of al-Husayn, may God’s peace be upon him, and in his presence, and when we visit him, we would never be occupied with anything else. God is in the Most High.)

Also, our knowledge of the status of Imam Hussein (peace be upon him), his biography, and his sacrifices, places on us a double responsibility to combat the evils of falsehood of all kinds, and to fight all taboos, guided by the values ​​of Ashura, and the sweet meanings offered by Al-Tuff, which should be understood and adhered to, and applied to the unfortunate reality of Muslims.

Provided that guidance and correction begin with the self, the family, and then the workplace, school, and in every place where a person can influence others, in order to fight the forbidden, establish the values ​​of Ashura, and remind the great sacrifices of Imam Hussein (peace be upon him), so that Islam remains protected from destruction. Tyrants and despots.

His Eminence the Shirazi reference (may his shadow last) confirms this goal and says:

(In order to be on the path of Imam Al-Hussain, we may not be at its level, for Al-Hussein, may God’s peace be upon him, established the religion, and we see our surroundings full of taboos and our relatives do not perform the duties, but with that you see some of us - and unfortunately - do not care).

The best way to improve the lives of Muslims lies in adhering to the values ​​of Ashura, and paying attention to addressing the shortcomings in this aspect, especially those that are unintentional or that occur due to neglect, because if people love something they take care of it and take care of it, and protect it from anything that is not in their interest, it is human nature. If he loves, he becomes keen and loyal to the one he loves, and this is what is required. We must declare our love for Hussein (peace be upon him) and preach his enlightening thought and guide people to follow in his footsteps.

His Eminence the reference Shirazi (may his shadow last) says:

(If any of our sons had a disease and his fever exceeded the normal limit for everything to be done to treat it, do we care about the heat of spiritual illness, weakness of belief and faith, and cancer that also eats faith?! Strive to work according to it, God willing).

In summary, Muslims must understand and realize the true status of Hussein (peace be upon him), know his standing with God Almighty, and adhere to his principles that overthrew the oppressive tyrants, shook their thrones and brought them down, aligned themselves with the truth and the oppressed, and sought to advance the nation from its dilapidated reality, it was not and will remain a beacon. Freedom in every place and time.