Have you planted a tree today?

  • Time:Dec 11
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Article

Trees are of great importance in terms of environmental terms, which are their beneficial effect on the climate, as the presence of trees in an area makes them more moderate in temperature and more humid than areas free of trees.The trees in the forests also contain most of the genetic origins of the plants, and are considered an important center for biological diversity and a home to many animals and birds, as well as absorbing large quantities of gases and various air pollutants from the air.

The tree has a large role in the environmental aspects, as the small number in any region leads to an imbalance in the environmental balance in that region, despite every Veniered tree that may not be considered beneficial to the environment in general, but the gathering of these trees constitutes a miniature climate that affects the surrounding medium positiveWhat the tree plays in the protection of the environment is great.

But recently, the attacks on trees in the forests by humans increased very significantly, especially after the industrial revolution, in order to obtain wood for various industries such as the papers, furniture, and urban extension with the tyranny of the city on the forests in order to provide housing for people.

In addition to the other reasons that led to the destruction of trees such as the burning of forests as a result of the wrong behavior that people do during the hiking in addition to the unavoidable reasons that eliminated the forests such as the pollution caused by the waste that results from burning fossil fuels that caused the phenomenon of global warming, which was one of its resultsThe phenomenon of desertification and the increase in the burning of forest trees in a number of countries in the world.

The wood is the fuel since the oldest of the centuries is still a major material for heating in most parts of the world and has a high force compared to its weight and a heat and electricity insulation. It contains the substance of salloz, which is the basic material for the production of more than chemical compounds.The Creator, the Almighty, described it as a good word, its origin is fixed and its branch in the sky.

In one of the developments in this regard, five plant races in the world face the risk of extinction, according to the QGA Gardens Center in London in its first report on "the situation of the plant world", which deals with more than 391 thousand factions, and researchers have warned that dry tropical trees are among the landmarksNaturally exposed to the threat.

However, it is suffering from the scholars and environmental activists, and every year Indonesia faces criticism from its neighbor, Singapore and Malaysia, regarding smoky fog and its inability to prevent the fires of the fires, and the last few years were the worst in the history of the region, as it caused the environment damage estimated at billions of dollars and affected the movementFlying and regular schooling in schools for weeks, while thousands of respiratory diseases suffered.

Below we are shedding light in detail on the importance of the green environment and forests in preserving human health and the environment.

How does the loss of millions of trees annually affect the Earth's climate?

The loss of millions of trees annually may not show your attention from.But the continuous rise in temperature is a reason to take care of the danger of the matter, especially after natural disasters witnessed and witnessed by several countries.How does the Earth's climate affect?

The trees have the ability to reduce the temperatures of the Earth during the summer at a rate of ten degrees Fahrenheit, according to a study conducted by the University.

However, the ground covering of trees is witnessing a 36 million tree annually, in the United States alone, according to a recent study conducted by the US Forest Service.With this rate continues, experts expect more temperatures and air pollution rates, according to CNN.

David Novak, an expert at the United States for Forests, a government agency affiliated with the Ministry of Agriculture concerned with forests in the United States, explains that the reasons for the decline in tree cover include hurricanes, fires, insects and diseases, all of which are natural factors that humans cannot control, but there are other factors related to human activity where he says: “We see the cover cover as it is replaced by another tight cover, which means when we look at the images, we find that what was previously existed was replaced by buildings or spaces for the car row.”.

Novak explains that every time a tree is cut off to extend a road or establish a building that does not stop the effect of this on a limited location, but rather extends to affect an entire area or region where the study links the loss of trees and air pollution.

The importance of trees is not only limited to the role they play in reducing temperatures and reducing pollution rates by absorbing carbon, as they also contribute to reducing energy consumption via the four billion US dollars annually annually..The trees provide shadow on homes by reducing their heat and reducing the need to reduce temperatures within them.

The trees also act as a water filter as they absorb unclean water, and they also play an essential role in reducing the level of floods by absorbing the water, and besides the beauty they give anywhere, the trees have the ability to disperse noise and for this we often find them on both sides of the highways or nearWalls separating homes or residential areas.Trees also absorb 96 percent of harmful UV rays.

In addition to their influence on humans, trees are the refuge of birds of all kinds, as it provides housing and food in the forests for animals, and Novak emphasizes the need to work and volunteer to plant alternative trees for what is lost, especially in cities where it is difficult to grow trees naturally as it happens in the forests or countryside due toAsphalt covering the land in cities.It is not limited to merely planting seeds in the soil, as trees need care in the early years until their strength is intensified and enables to face nature challenges..

Green mountain forests in Libya scream to preserve it

The losses of years of fighting and chaos in Libya were not limited to harvesting the lives of the Libyans and destroying their homes..Will the efforts of environmental activists succeed in protecting biological diversity?

Libya has been suffering for more than a decade of battles and conflict between armed militias and a rivalry between political groups.In light of this fighting, Libyan carried weapons, but some of them have taken it upon themselves to fight another battle that is different by the forests and their weapons in it is only agricultural tools and afforestation seeds in order to preserve the extinction forests and increase the green area in the country, and although Libya is a desert country mainly, it is blessedIn a rare forest area in the northeast, it is part of valleys called Al -Jabal Al -Akhdar forests in the city of Al -Bayda, in eastern Libya.

The Green Mountain Series extend from Benghazi to Derna in northeastern Libya, for a distance of up to 350 km on the Mediterranean coast.These hills are known as its vegetarian diversity, as it has 70 percent of Libyan plants, in addition to that it includes many archaeological sites.

The Green Mountain area covers an area of up to 943 thousand hectares, while the forests form half of this area, according to the General Authority for Agriculture, Livestock and Navy in the Libyan government.In this, Sheikha Salam, director of the media office of the authority, says that between 2005 and 2019 the region lost 14 thousand hectares of forests.

She adds that the frequency of the region's loss of large areas of forests accelerated after 2011, as the turmoil and chaos encouraged many Libyans on the unjust pieces of trees as well as random construction in this area.Salam explains by saying: "The deteriorating security situation, chaos and weapons spread in addition to the need for money, many to cut trees in this area to sell them as wood.".

For his part, Major Saeed Younis, head of the Agricultural Police Courses Unit in Al -Jabal Al -Akhdar, says that the battles that erupted two years ago in the capital, Tripoli, have exacerbated the situation in the Jabal Al -Akhdar area.Yunus monitors the application of the law in the Green Jabal region.

It is noteworthy that during the era of Muammar Gaddafi, the phenomenon of cutting trees in the Green Jabal area was somewhat marginal, as the agricultural police were monitoring the situation, especially as they were equipped with quad cars that help them implement the law.

Major Saeed Younis refers to a large number of complaints related to the occurrence of unfair pieces of trees in the Jabal Al -Akhdar area.In this context, he says: "We received more than a hundred complaints between 2018 and 2020 about cutting more than 9 thousand trees, some of which are at risk of extinction in the town of Shahat only in the Jabal Al -Akhdar region.".

Younis explained that the work of cutting trees is often increasing before Eid al -Adha, as the demand for coal increases for the purpose of barbecue meat, and despite the increasing number of complaints, the police officers in the region suffer from a lack of capabilities for the application of the law and confront violators who are usually armed with weaponsHeavy."The weapon is widespread in this region.Sometimes when we try to arrest some of the violators, we are subjected to intense shooting..

The Libyan law shall be punished, cutting the trees and burning them with a fine ranging between 500 and 1000 Libyan dinars, equivalent to between 93 and 186 dollars, which sparked Yunus's condemnation.."This punishment is not commensurate with the fragrance of the damage caused by these actions," Salam says..

Artificial intelligence to cool cities with afforestation

Google has launched a new artificial intelligence technology tool, which enables the cities most vulnerable to high temperatures to expand the cultivation of trees, which contributes to its cooling, raising the density of vegetation and reducing the rate of carbon emissions globally.

Google has provided a new maps drawing tool, which can help cool cities, by identifying the most needy places to grow more trees in them..This tool, known as "Tree Canopy Lab", helps cities in identifying the relationship between thermometers, population density, carbon emissions rate and vegetation density, specifically trees..

Google uses aerial photos and 3D digital surface models..The new tool also puts that information on an interactive map, along with additional data on the most intense population and more exposed neighborhoods of high temperatures.

Soon, the new tool "Try Canopy Lab" started its first experience in the US city of Los Angeles, due to the increasing intensity of heat waves in recent years, according to NASA..

Therefore, one of the easy ways to cool the urban areas is to grow more trees in the neighborhoods, as the vegetation plays an important role in maintaining the cold of the soil, especially since the cities are generally warmer than rural areas, because the buildings and asphalt are in love with heat during the day,Then they gradually divorce it during the night.

"Google" explained that more than half of the residents of Los Angeles live in areas covering trees with less than 10 percent of their neighborhoods, and that 44 percent of its total area is exposed to the dangers of maximum temperatures.

The new tool used the data combined with aircraft during the spring, summer and autumn seasons to improve the "Google Maps" and "Google Earth" services, with the aim of estimating the coverage of tree -different parts of the city.

Los Angeles plans to increase the tree cover by 50 percent in low -income neighborhoods affected by extreme heat by 2028.It also aims to grow 90,000 trees across the city by 2021, adding about 61 million square feet from shadow to the city, as the MT Te Technology website reports.

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Street trees treat depression

The number of people suffering from depression is increasing, especially under the Korona pandemic.On the other hand, a recent study revealed that street trees help get rid of depression.How is that?

A study that researchers from the German "Hellenz" Center for Environmental Research, the German Center for Integrated Biodiversity Research, Leipzig University, and the University of Friedrich Sheller in Yina, found that planting trees in the streets within urban residential areas helps to combat mental illness caused by climate change and loss of diversityBiological.

According to researchers, the presence of trees in the streets and neighborhoods helps to get rid of depression in urban areas.The results of previous studies showed that green spaces have a positive impact on people's mental health.Although most of these studies depend on the self -assessment of people who are polled and difficult to generalize, the green areas remain an element that does not only give the city aesthetic but also an impact on the psyche of the population, according to the Yina University website..

During the study, which included about 10,000 people suffering from depression, the researchers focused on knowing the relationship between the number and type of trees and their proximity to the place of residence and the amount of depression they take..The researchers excluded other factors known in depression cases such as function, gender, age and body weight, quoting Radio and TV website, "Supply Vest Rond Fonk".

The researchers noted that the presence of a large number of trees in the vicinity directly to the place of housing (less than 100 meters);It is met by fewer antidepressants.This was more evident in the ranks of the poor social classes, which are the most vulnerable to depression, and the researchers recommended taking care of street trees in cities regardless of their type, because they could serve as a simple natural solution against depression;The Yina University website adds.

No carpenter is needed..British couple "plant" furniture

In a move that is a new shift in the sustainability of the Earth's resources, a couple from Britain is working on planting trees to grow as they want directly.The couple was able to grow trees and adapt them to grow in the form of seats sold at great prices.

In a field of acres in the central provinces of England, both Javin and Alice Monroe are creating a new shift in the sustainability of the earth's resources, as their harvesting is a trees that are voluntary to grow in the form of seats.

The couple owns a furniture farm in Deriphisher, in which they take care of "care" of 250 seats, 100 lamps and 50 tables.The two consider this a contribution to them to fight the process of cutting trees for the furniture industry, which results in a high percentage of carbon materials.

"The idea is to grow the tree to grow as you want directly...Instead of forcibly planting a tree for 50 years, then cut it and cut it into smaller and smaller parts.It is a type of 3D printing ".This idea fell to Javin when it was still small, as it monitored the "Ponsai" tree and it has grown in the form of a seat.

Javin, 44, was born in the spine, and spent several years of his life, wearing a metal frame to correct his backpay..He said that the medical team "was great.Nurses and doctors combined kindness and merit in a way that really stunned me. ".

Javin began his experiences in 2006 when he tried to grow seats on two small pieces of floor in Beck County, in central England.However, in 2012, a year after his marriage, he founded with his wife, Alice, Fall Gron, and rejoicing the idea.

The two encountered obstacles on their way.One of their first attempts ended with a catastrophe when they ran over the cows of what they planted and the rabbits had eaten and they also had to discover the best ways to form the tree without limiting its growth..The couple also learned to direct small plants to grow in a specific direction instead of forcing them to grow in a way that contradicts their nature.

But the production process in this way is expensive due to the size of the work and the time required to produce organic furniture pieces.Therefore, the price of the seat is ten thousand pounds (12480 dollars), and the price of lamps ranges between 900 and 2300 pounds and the tables of the tables between 2500 and 12500 pounds..

The cultivation of the normal seat takes from six to nine years, in addition to another year to completely dry.And the removal of the company received by the company for delivery in 2030, which is a seat that its owner will receive as a time of retirement.It is known that the ancient Roman, Chinese and Japanese were formed trees during their cultivation to grow in certain forms.

for these reasons..Amazon forests are very important to the whole world!

The rain forests in the Amazon region provide all over South America with "flying rivers", and contribute to the stability of the climate of the world, as it has the largest biological diversity in the world.The disappearance of its trees due to the pieces or fires has serious consequences.


Amazon rainforests produce huge amounts of water, not only for Brazil but for the entire South America.What is called "Flying Rivers" is moisture to large areas throughout Brazil.It is a lump saturated with water vapor, which arises as a result of evaporation, whether from the world of plants and animals or from water bodies and ground surfaces.These rainy clouds also affect the rain in Bolivia, Paraguay, Argentina, Uruguay, and even in the far south of Chile.

According to the research of the Inpa Institute "INPA", a tree with a diameter of 10 meters can provide more than 300 liters of water per day in the form of vapor fired in the atmosphere, which is more than twice that one of the Brazilians consumes daily daily.

إن عملية إزالة أشجار ونباتات الغابات المطيرة تلحق الضرر بالتبخر ونطاق تأثير "الأنهار الطائرة"، كما أن لذلك أيضا تأثيراً على Rainfall في العديد من بلدان أمريكا الجنوبية.In addition, the Amazon forest provide nearly five fresh water that is in the oceans.

Climate change

The Amazon and other tropical forests store between 90 and 140 billion tons of carbon, and thus helping to stabilize the global climate.The Amazon rainforest only represents 10 % of the total biomass of the planet.On the other hand, the forests whose trees and plants were removed are the largest source of greenhouse gas emissions.And the removal of the forests in order to convert it to lands used for agriculture, which results.

The 2015 Paris Climate Agreement stipulated that the goal of reducing the high temperature of the Earth to less than two degrees compared to the pre -industrial era, and this inevitably involves preserving the forests..The United Nations data for 2015 shows that Brazil is one of the ten countries with the highest greenhouse gas emissions in the world.

Brazil announced its international commitment to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 43 percent by 2030 compared to the levels of 2005.In order to achieve this goal, the country committed to increasing the sustainable vital energy share in its energy mix, and it also adhered to other things, including re -afforestation of 12 million hectares of forests..

The largest vital diversity in the world

Ten percent of all species known on the face of the earth is the Amazon region.It is the largest tropical forest in the world and has the largest biological diversity in the world.It also has a large number of types that are still unknown to scientists, especially in remote areas.

Maintaining biological diversity is important because it guarantees a sustainability for all forms of life.Also, through this you recover from disasters better, such as forest fires, healthy and varied ecosystems.

Preserving biodiversity also contributes to stabilizing other environmental systems in the region.And the huge coral reefs off the mouth of the Amazon River in the Atlantic Ocean are a home to coral reefs threatened by the high temperature of the earth.

According to the biologist Carlos Eduardo Litty Ferrera of the University of Federal Fluminness in Rio de Janeiro, these reefs can help re -fill the affected areas in the oceans with coral reefs.However, oil companies such as Total and BP (Brech Petrolium) have plans to explore oil near the Amazon reefs, which threatens this ecosystem.

Products of rainforest

Types that settle the Amazon forests are also important for the production of medicines, foods and other products.More than 10,000 species of plants in the region provide effective ingredients for medical use, cosmetics, or biological control of pests.

According to a study conducted by the University of "ABC" in Sao Paulo, the use of the so -called "cat's claw", which is the plant of the Amazon forests, is not limited to the treatment of arthritis and bone, but also can also be used to reduce fatigue and improve the quality of the life of cancer patients inAdvanced stages.

Raine forest products are sold throughout Brazil: Si, and Gawrana, tropical fruits, palm hearts, as well as indigenous residents of the area.The most important thing that Brazil is: Brazilian walnuts, and Jarina (type of palm), routel (mineral), gburnde (effective herbal materials), precious pink wood, gum, and oils.

The high salinity causes huge losses in agricultural lands

A United Nations report confirmed that the world loses about two thousand hectares of agricultural lands daily due to the high salinity of soil, caused by the lack of a suitable exchange system for those lands.The report called for firm measures to reduce this.

An international team of researchers said that the world loses about two thousand hectares of agricultural lands daily due to the high salinity in the soil.The researchers said in a study issued by the United Nations that irrigation of dry and semi -dry lands in 75 countries leads to the accumulation of salts in the soil, which means in the long run a decline in the fertility of the earth.

In their report, the researchers explained that the high percentage of salvation has already harmed twenty percent of the terrible lands of the world, which is being irrigated, and that this area increased from 45 million hectares in the early nineties of the last century to 62 million hectares currently, which is equivalent to a country like France.

According to the same researchers, the increase in salinity in agricultural lands is concentrated in the Central Asia Basin and in Indian lands and the areas surrounding the yellow river in China and the Euphrates River in Syria and Iraq and the Murray basin in southeast Australia as well as the Saint -Jawakin Valley in the United States.

In a statement, Mansour Kadir, the study supervisor of the Institute of Water Research, Environment and Health of the United Nations University of the Canadian city of Hamilton, said that "the world needs to exploit all the lands suitable for cultivation to feed its residents, who are expected to reach nearly nine billion people.".

The researchers attributed the reason for increasing the salinity ratio to the lack of an appropriate agricultural exchange system, which leads to an increase in the accumulation of salinity in the upper layers of the soil..They suggested to confront this to grow trees in these lands, plow the land in a deeper way, establish good dug around the fields, and plant plants that bear salinity and spread the remains of plants in the soil..

Neem trees - rapid treatment for desertification

Indian neem trees need a little water as they grow quickly and hit their deep roots in the soil.German cultivates these trees in dry lands in northern Peru, which does not benefit the environment only, but it achieves other benefits.

The enthusiasm was severe from the beginning of this tree, as it is very resistant to climatic factors, and its uses are also varied, and as you say, Kruger, the Plan Verde Association, which means in Arabic (the green plan): "We have put the tree for several months underwater, and it can withstand temperatures of up to up to50 ° C, and even planted it directly on the coast in the salty soil..The neem tree grew up and grew in these harsh conditions, as are the two hundred thousand neem trees, which were cultivated around the city of Piura in northern Peru.

Here on the coast of the country in South America, many types of trees do not grow, and the size of the dry forests is constantly shrinking.The reasons behind this are mainly due to the removal of forests and the intensive use.Farmers suffer due to dry and sandy soils, and large parts of the land have already turned into a desert.

Fragile sandy soil does not have a good resistance in the face of storms and floods.The northwestern coast of the country is witnessing the so -called Nino phenomenon, which strikes the coast every two to 7 years.It is known that this climatic phenomenon strikes the coast of the Pacific Ocean in South America at irregular and unpredictable periods, and is caused by the meeting areas of high and low pressure and various marine currents with each other, which creates harsh weather conditions such as storms and rain that last for long periods, and they workOn the cliff of the soil from the fields, leaving behind a non -fertile land that is not suitable for something desperate farmers and farmers.

There are specifically the advantages of neem trees, and many farmers in the region have surrounded their fields with these trees, and they hit their roots deep in the soil, providing the necessary protection against desertification.Trees that can grow to four meters within only one year, at the same time improved the type of soil, and their oil is an effective repellent of harmful insects, and contains substances that prevent the multiplication and growth of mosquitoes, from here the cultivation of these trees is very useful, especially in particularIn areas that cause insects to transfer fever and malaria epidemics.

There are projects similar to what the Plan Verde Association is doing and it is not limited to the areas that form a citizen of neem trees, but rather extends to different parts.The American "Just NEM" company sells "products and cosmetics extracted from the neem tree planted as part of a project to afforest the dry areas in northwest Africa.

Ramish Saxina tells us about a project at the University of Texas through which it plans to grow neem trees in the desert, and as he confirms, when the neem trees are raised in the desert, this is not only useful for the climate, but you can also use fruits and seeds in order to obtain useful products, increasingIt has now to demand all over the world, ”according to the president of the NEM-Foundation Foundation.

The German Society for International Cooperation (GIZ), focusing mainly on growing the neem tree in West Africa.As Martina Wagner, an expert in rural development and agricultural economy in (GIZ), the tree has a high ability to adapt, and this is an important feature.But this important feature in some areas turns into a danger, due to its threat to the original species that exist mainly in the region.