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  • Time:Sep 20
  • Written : smartwearsonline
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The Appellate Misdemeanor Court, Sheikh Zayed, headed by Counselor Mustafa Al -Adawi, ended the second session of the appeal 2 of Karim Al -Hawary lawyers for their imprisonment for 3 years;The court decided to postpone the appeal for the March 15 session of the ruling, after it enjoyed the pleading of the defendants' defendants, during which they confirmed that the Public Prosecution was the one who moved the criminal invitation and there was no approval from the Public Prosecutor or the first public lawyer, so two requests were required to move the criminal case against the accused..

The defense also indicated during his pleading that the defendants did not interfere in the work of a public job and did not do any work for the Public Prosecution, saying: “It does not mean that they are dressed instead of being impersonated the status of prosecutors on an ordinary and special prosecutor.Inside the crime scene, they made a preview, but they dated the place to collect details about the accident, and the time for their entry was no one objected and there was no sign a banned banner on which it is forbidden to enter, so they were starting their work so that they could familiarize themselves with the case from sufficient aspects.

تفاصيل ثاني جلسات استئناف من محامين كريم الهواري على حبسهم 3 سنوات

It is noteworthy that the Sheikh Zayed Misdemeanor Court had issued a 3 -year prison sentence with enforcement, to 2 Karim Al -Hawari's lawyer, and she also sentenced the third and fourth suspects to be imprisoned 3 years and guaranteed 200 thousand pounds for accusing them of trying to seize the registration device of the cameras, which recorded the accident that resulted in4 students were killed in Sheikh Zayed City.

One of the witnesses was the incident of the collision of Sheikh Zayed, in which the accused Karim Al -Hawari was referred to the criminal trial, a complaint during the public prosecutor’s investigation, including submitting the accident of filming the accident to the Public Prosecution, which was recorded by the monitoring machines installed in his residence if they were inspected, then he was surprised at the morning of the thirteenth dayFrom the month of December, in the presence of four individuals who claimed to be members of the Public Prosecution, and asked to see the surveillance cameras located in his residence, he refused to suspect them about their matter and submitted his complaint, and the Public Prosecution took over the investigation of them..

The complainant came to the Public Prosecution Office two photographers in which the four persons referred to if they attended his residence, and two of them were known to be present in the Public Prosecution Office at the time of the investigation, so the Public Prosecution ordered the arrest of them.

The Public Prosecution asked the security personnel in the resident of the complainant, so they decided the same content of his statements, and they made it clear that the four defendants entered the residential complex in place of the incident heading towards the complainant's house directly, then they crossed the exit gate, one of the security personnel objected to them to ask them about achieving the personality, so one of them rugged him and told him their traits, and they were able to do so, and they were able to do so.From the exit, and the security personnel presented two video clip, which were photographed by monitoring machines to enter and exit the accused.

By interrogating the Public Prosecution of the two arrested accused, they refused to answer the accusation attributed to them, and it was found that they were lawyers, one of whom was entrusted to defend the accused Karim Al -Hawari in the accident, and claimed their feeling of fatigue, so the Public Prosecution decided to present them to a hospital, and the police authorized the investigation of the incident, so they reached the validity of the impersonationThe incident is the adjective of members of the Public Prosecution.And by returning the Public Prosecution to interrogate the accused - after it was proven by medical reports that they do not suffer from any diseases, and that the vital signs of each of them are intact and the general situation is stable and does not require the hospital's reservation - they admitted their presence in the place of the incident as the complainant decided, and the validity of their appearance in the videos preceded the statement, and limited themThe names of the other two defendants, while denied the attribution of their overlap in a public position by impersonating members of the Public Prosecution, and on this the Public Prosecution ordered the imprisonment of the accused pending investigations.