The end date for electronic submission for the first year of secondary school 2021

  • Time:Sep 02
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Article

Students and parents wishing to apply for the secondary stage are searching for the end date for the electronic application for the first secondary grade and submitting papers.

The end date for electronic submission for the first secondary grade 2021

The Ministry of Education stressed the education directorates to open the door for submitting files for the first grade of general secondary school, in all schools of different types of education, as of Monday, July 5, 2021, and Submissions continue until Tuesday, August 10, 2021.

The Ministry decided to announce a unified electronic link for application this year to reduce crowding, while submitting an application to join the secondary class in 2021.

The student selects the schools he wishes to enroll in, according to the coordination of each governorate, through electronic submission through the Coordination of Secondary Schools website, on the website of the Ministry of Education and Technical Education.

The end date for the online application for the first secondary grade 2021

Students who obtained the Preparatory Certificate 2021 can enter the application site for the first year of secondary school year 2021, and then choose the school they wish to enroll in.

Then the student follows the steps required by the website, from the beginning of registering the name, the group, the school he wants to join, and the governorate he belongs to.

Students can apply electronically for the first year of secondary school year 2021 without the suffering of moving between schools.

Through the following link (from here).

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After completing the electronic registration, the student prints the electronic file and submits it with the main application file, in the schools affiliated with the geographical area to which the student belongs, after announcing the result.

Then the school will accept the paper files if they meet the conditions, starting from the 5th of last July.

Students must follow the following steps when applying:

Steps to apply for the first secondary grade 2021

  1. Enter the application portal for the first secondary grade (from here).
  2. Click to register an account with the Ministry of Education.
  3. Then click on the student account
  4. Then add the national number and the student code.
  5. Then press enter.
  6. The student will transfer to the registration page and specify the desires and the school