“Customs”: Instructions for the speedy release of goods received under the pre-clearance system (document)

  • Time:Dec 04
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Article

Al-Shahat Ghattouri, head of the Customs Authority, decided to allocate customs committees for pre-clearance before and after the arrival of the goods, whose tasks would be to quickly complete the procedures for customs data on a window platform to complete tasks and complete work in logistic centers and inspection and inspection yards.

The text of the Chairman of the Authority’s Decision No. 78 of 2021, of which “Al-Mal” obtained a copy, stipulated that the procedures for this type of goods be implemented, to be before the arrival of the goods, so that at that stage the concerned person or his agent signs electronically the release documents And the bill of lading and send it electronically with the ACID identification number written on it on an effective platform to complete the procedures with the pre-clearance system, and a customs declaration is recorded in book 46 and the declaration is sent to the bidding parties to carry out their affairs and to the customs committees designated for pre-clearance for evaluation, review and proceeding with the procedures for applying preferential agreements and customs exemptions, if any, with commitment By submitting the original proof of origin before the final release.

The procedures at that stage also include the collection of taxes, fees, and examination fees under settlement before arrival by electronic payment methods. It is permissible to pay 30% of the taxes and fees initially estimated before the arrival of the goods, provided that the final settlement is made and the full taxes and fees due are paid after the arrival of the goods in accordance with for the tariff in force at the time of release.

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As for the measures that are taken after the arrival of the goods at the ports, the decision stipulates that the manifest is linked to the customs declaration on an electronically enforceable platform, and the regulatory and security bids are met automatically through presentation to the joint examination committees The examination fee differences, if any, are obtained, and the statement is sent to a tariff manager to complete the procedures and the payment becomes final, and the payment is made to the exchange door for review and receipt of the goods. goods.

Also, in the case of release on the red track, the competitions are linked on an electronically windowed platform and the customs declaration is sent to the detection and inspection committees for verification and conformity with the actual import on the prescribed items, reviewing the documents submitted electronically, ensuring the validity of the item, the customs value and the import rules, and completing the regulatory and security bids automatically Through the presentation to the joint examination committees, the differences in examination fees and due fees, if any, will be obtained.

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In case of discrepancy and non-conformity of the disclosure and inspection, the necessary adjustments are made to the items, value and import rules, and the oversight authorities fulfill the actual import automatically through presentation to the joint examination committees. To the exchange door for review and receipt of the goods.

In the event of a grievance by the person concerned or his agent against the customs declaration for pre-clearance of any procedure other than what is related to the item, value and origin, the grievance is sent to the window platform electronically, explaining the reasons for the grievance, and a customs committee examines the grievance and removes the reasons for the complaint immediately within a period not exceeding 24 An hour from the date of submitting the grievance on an effective platform for rapid response and resolution when the eligibility for the grievance is established, taking into account the provisions of the executive regulations of the Customs Law regarding grievances.

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The decision stipulates that in the event that goods for which pre-clearance procedures have already been taken or destroyed in accordance with the legally prescribed procedures are re-exported, the customs authority is obligated to refund the amounts previously collected for them immediately upon re-export or destruction and without A set-off between these amounts and any amounts related to other goods.

The decision stressed that there should be full coordination and cooperation between the central administration of information technology and the Egyptian company for electronic commerce technology MTS, the assistant to the head of the customs authority for pre-clearance, heads of central departments of ports, general managers and directors of logistic centers to implement the procedures included in the decision while monitoring and solving obstacles. It may arise on the application of the window or the actual reality of the pre-clearance system or in the logistic centers and inspection and inspection yards for the speedy decision-making to complete it immediately in order to reduce the rates of release time at the level of all logistic centers and ports.

The decision stipulates that technical support, follow-up and response to inquiries for clearance will be provided through e-mail