Corona virus: YouTube deletes videos of the Brazilian President, which included false information

  • Time:Jun 19
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Article

YouTube has announced that it had deleted videos published by Brazilian President Jayer Bolsonaro, because it includes false information about the Corona virus.

The company said that its decision is not based on ideological or political considerations, but rather on the policy of the content used through its platform for video recordings.

Since the beginning of the epidemic, the Brazilian president is ready, in his opinion, against closure, ambiguity, and vaccination operations.

The local media says that the Brazilian President's office did not comment on YouTube’s decision regarding the deletion of 15 tapes published on its site.

Bolsonaro channel displays local addresses on a weekly basis, in addition to talks with ministers on various issues - and some are broadcast directly.

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"One of the deleted videos shows Eduardo Bazwello, the former Minister of Health, comparing the Corona virus and the AIDS deficiency.

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"After the outbreak of AIDS, we find that the epidemic is still present. There are still people who were injured, and most of them received treatment, and life continues."

In another video broadcast by "CNN", a Brazilian doctor recommended the use of hydroxy chlorokin, an anti-malaria drug, and the anti-parasitic drug as causes of Kovid-19 treatment.

It has not yet proven the effectiveness of the two drugs in treating the virus.

YouTube said it is not allowed to spread the content that promotes both drugs as effective remedies.

He also said that his laws do not allow broadcasting videos that the masks do not help prevent the virus outbreak.

This is not the first time that the main digital platforms resort to deleting videos of President Bolsonaro.

Last year, Twitter and Facebook deleted videos of the Brazilian President in which he attacked social spacing procedures, and claimed that the high number of infected cases would make Brazil immune against Kofid.

During the pandemic, Brazil faced one of the largest and most deadly Corona virus outbreaks in the world, and the President also faced increasing criticism for his way of dealing with the crisis.

Last April, the Senate opened an investigation into the way the Bolsonaro government dealt with the epidemic.