Corona ends the era of the papers in the Moroccan administration and accelerates the adoption of digitization

  • Time:Mar 03
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Article

The new Corona virus speeded up Morocco's dependence on digital services in public administrations, which was called by the Minister of Economy, Finance and Administration Reform, Mohamed Benshbaoun, in a post, to the ministers in government sectors yesterday, Wednesday.

Benchboun called for the necessity of digital transformation in public administrations, pursuant to the precautionary and preventive measures taken by the government to avoid the proliferation of the new Corona virus among public and commendable facilities workers, especially those related to the health emergency status.

In his publication, Benchboun indicated that paper transactions and exchanges represent a dangerous factor for the spread of this epidemic infection, stressing that the adoption of digital solutions is one of the unimaginable means to ensure the continuity of administrative work and reduce the exchange of correspondence and paper documents.

كورونا ينهي عهد الأوراق بالإدارة المغربية ويعجل اعتماد الرقمنة

The publication indicated that the government is keen to continue to support all efforts aimed at exploiting and employing information technology and communication in order to raise the performance of the public facility and upgrade it to the level of efficiency and effectiveness, and reminded what was stated in the government program in the part related to the reform of the administration and improving the quality of public services and bringing them closer to the citizen.

The same document highlighted that the Digital Development Agency, in coordination with the administration reform sector, took a set of measures to support the public administration in adopting digital solutions through the development of digital services, from which the seizure office portal for administrative correspondence aimed at enabling the departments and the accompanying to deposit their correspondence onAfter the relevant departments in exchange for a digital link to confirm the receipt.

In this regard, the trustee sector on the Moroccan administration decided to adopt the electronic service for administrative correspondence that the departments enable them to deal with each other to manage received and issued correspondence, as well as correspondence between its internal interests at the central level and the center, adding to that electronic bearer that enables the administration involved to abstractThe material for various administrative documents, electronic signature and workflow management.

The Minister of Economy and Finance and the reform of the administration called for the necessity of employing and exploiting information and communication technology, which requires departments to make more efforts in order to consolidate the culture of electronic transactions at all levels and upgrade public services directed to citizens and the contracting.

In this context, a publication of Benshboun revealed that a work team consisting of representatives of the Digital Development Agency and the administration reform sector had been created to keep pace with public administrations in adopting various digital solutions, stating that this team will supervise the organization of virtual workshops to provide the solutions developed by the agency.