The 26th session of the Conference of the Parties: The Secretary -General sends a strong invitation to climate work and urges to stop "dealing with nature as if it is a toilet" |United Nations News

  • Time:Aug 26
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Article

Dozens of world leaders have arrived at the place of the United Nations Climate Conference, in the Scottish city of Glasgow.

Since six thirty in the morning, long queues of people gathered at the gates to obtain their credits documents, and to pass strict security measures, which included providing proof confirming negative tests to Kofid-18.

Juan Sierraطوابير طويلة من الناس عند البوابات للحصول على وثائق اعتماداتهم، من أجل الدخول إلى مركز المؤتمر.

Journalists, from all over the world, began working alongside halls inside the scene, armed with a set of microphones, cameras, lights and registration equipment.

The theater in which the heads of state will deliver their words with the start of the conference, including the co -host, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson, US President Joe Biden, French President Emmanuel Macron, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Line and the consultantGerman Angela Merkel.

Prior to the start of the event, he spoke to the United Nations news, Juan Pablo Sierra, a young climate activist: "We want heads of state to be real leaders, to burn the flame of change and intensify their efforts during the twenty -sixth session of the Conference of the Parties.".

Main speeches

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson was the first speaker on the occasion that started at 12:30 pm local time for Scotland, where he held a comparison between the climate crisis and the Judgment Day device that appeared in a James Bond movie, which was filmed in Glasgow.

Where he said: "We need to make the twenty -sixth conference the moment when we are realistic on the issue of climate change.We can be realistic, "calling for the end of the use of fossil fuels and the vegetables of transportation.

He added that "the 26th Conference of Parties will not be, and it cannot be, the end of the story of climate change," stressing that the work will not end, even if the conference ends with obtaining the required obligations.He concluded his speech by saying:

"We may not feel like James Bond, or we look like James Bond, but the 26th Conference should be the beginning of the wealth of the end of the world.Yes, it will be difficult, but we can do this..

After Boris Johnson, two young activists spoke, calling on the leaders to take bold measures.

"You all have the collective power that can make you better. You have to remember that in your words weapons that can save us or give us.You will not need our pain or tears to end the crisis.We are not just victims of this crisis, we are elements of Samadon Amal.We are not in the process of drowning, we are fighting..

After that, the Secretary -General of the United Nations, Antonio Guterres, took the platform with an explicit opening message, saying: "The past six years have been the signing of the Paris Agreement on climate change the six -year -old climate ever..Our addiction to fossil fuel pushes humanity to the lips of the abyss..

Climate Visuals Countdown/Andrew Watsonمحطة طاقة شمسية في الأندلس جنوب أسبانيا.

He added that we are facing a difficult option: Either we stop this addiction or lead us to perish, as he put it, sending five major messages to world leaders:

First, it is time to say enough

Enough of reaping the biological diversity.Enough of killing ourselves with carbon.Stop dealing with nature as if it is a toilet.Enough to take a burn, excavation and mining as we wish..

Mr. Antonio Guterres warned against "we thus dig our graves," adding that "our planet changes in front of our eyes - from the depths of the oceans to the mountain peaks; and from the melting of the ice rivers to the succession of the maximum weather phenomena.".

He stated that the rise in sea level was twice as much as it was 30 years ago.The oceans became more hot than ever and their heat increased at a faster pace.Parts of the Amazon rainforest now became more than the carbon than it absorbs.He added:

If the recent ads on climatic procedures are the impression that we are on the right path towards changing the situation.This is purely, "in reference to the latest report on national plans to reduce emissions, known as nationally defined contributions, the latest report published on the nationally defined contributions showed that it will continue to judge the world with a catastrophic increase in temperatures of 2.7 degrees.

"Even if the recent pledges are clear and credible - and some of them raise many questions - we are still walking in a steady step towards a climate catastrophe.Even at best, the high temperature will exceed two degrees, "as he put it.

Second, keep the goal 1.5 degrees at hand

The Secretary -General of the United Nations called for more ambition regarding mitigation measures and taking specific and immediate action to reduce global emissions by 45 percent by 2030, an effort that developed countries should lead, where he said:

"It has a special responsibility for the G20 countries because it is responsible for about 80 percent of emissions," calling on developed countries to lead this effort according to the principle of joint responsibilities, but different in light of national circumstances.

الدورة الـ 26 لمؤتمر الأطراف: الأمين العام يوجه دعوة قوية للعمل المناخي ويحث على وقف

He added, "We need the maximum ambition - from all countries and on all fronts - to make the Glasgow conference a success.".

Mr. Guterres urged the developed countries and emerging economies to build alliances capable of creating financial and technological conditions favorable to accelerate the removal of carbon from the economy and gradual disposal of coal..

Pointing to a major negotiating issue during the conference, the Secretary -General said that countries must reconsider their national climate plans and policies, "not every five years.But every year ".

He said: "There is a lack of credibility and a surplus in ambiguity regarding the amounts of reducing emissions and goals to neutralize the carbon impact, where meanings differ and the standards vary.".

For these reasons, the Secretary -General announced the establishment of a "expert team - outside the scope of the mechanisms already established in the framework of the Paris Agreement - to propose clear criteria for measuring the obligations of non -state parties in the field of neutralizing the impact of carbon and analyzing these obligations".

UNFCCC/Kiara Worth مؤتمر الأمم المتحدة لتغير المناخ 2021 (مؤتمر COP26)، بدأ رسميا في غلاسكو. (31 نشرين الأول/أكتوبر 2021)

Third, we must do more to protect weak societies

The Secretary -General said that during the past decade, nearly 4 billion people have been affected by climate -related disasters, indicating that this destruction will not stop, but will increase.

Mr. Guterres confirmed that the adaptation procedures bear fruit, and that early warning systems save lives.Agriculture and infrastructure, taking into account climate change considerations, guarantees the preservation of job opportunities, as he put it.

The Secretary -General called on all donors to allocate half of their funding for adaptation activities with the effects of climate change."Public and multilateral development banks should start as soon as possible.".

Fourth, the Conference of the Parties must form a moment of solidarity

The Secretary -General of the United Nations renewed his call to commit to financing climate activities of $ 100 billion annually to support developing countries, stressing the need to become a really tangible reality..

He said that fulfilling this promise, which was pledged at the fifteenth session of the Conference of the Parties held in Copenhagen, was very important to restore confidence and credibility, but after that, developing countries need much larger resources to fight Kofid-19, and to build the ability to withstandAnd seek to achieve sustainable development.

“Urgent financing for the most affected countries must be provided, which are the least developed countries and the small island -based countries.There is a need for more general financing for climate change activities.And to more external development aid.And to more grants.And to increase the facilitation of the conditions for obtaining funding..

OCHA/Danielle Parryظروف الطقس الشديدة قد تحمل آثارا مدمرة على الكثير من البلدان، بينها فيجي التي ضربها إعصار في 2016

Fifth, construction on progress

The Secretary -General pointed out that a number of countries pledged credible obligations regarding the neutralization of carbon emissions by the middle of the century.Many countries stopped international coal financing.More than 700 cities are at the forefront of the efforts made to neutralize the carbon impact, as he put it.

The Secretary -General said that the private sector has begun to move in turn and build new alliances to stimulate change.

"Climate work legions - led by young people - will not stop them in crawling.It is more northern.It is the largest voice.And its members will not leave, and I assure you that.I am solidarity with them..

Mr. Guterres warned that we are quickly approaching major transformations that would exacerbate the repercussions of global warming.However, investing in activities neutralizing carbon and building an economy is able to withstand the effects of climate change will make commendable repercussions thanks to the sustainable growth, finding jobs and providing opportunities.

On behalf of the sons and daughters of this generation and future generations, the Secretary -General urged world leaders, saying: "Choose the ambition.Choose solidarity.Choose to protect our future and save mankind..

We have the capabilities, but we do not do enough

UNFCCC/Kiara Worthرئيس الجمعية العامة للأمم المتحدة عبد الله شاهد يلقي كلمة في افتتاح مؤتمر المناخ COP26 في غلاسكو، أسكتلندا.

For his part, the President of the United Nations General Assembly, Mr. Abdullah Shahid, said that the issue of climate change is a "existential crisis" of humanity.

He said: We have the capabilities and resources to address this crisis, "but we simply do not do enough," as his spokeswoman, Mrs. Monica Grale, quoted him, quoted by Mrs. Monica Grayli.

In his speech today, Monday, he believed that the world is completely able to reflect this situation, and he urged all delegations in Glasgow to do so, indicating that there is an urgent need to stay within the goal of 1.5 degrees with the support of the population at risk.During his conversations with heads of state, governments, youth groups, women and other stakeholders, before the start of the conference, Mr. witness warned that the lack of benefit from technological innovations will be irresponsible, stressing the need to empower women and youth as the international community seeks to find a solution to the climate crisis.

The President of the General Assembly pointed out that the goal of providing 100 billion dollars annually to finance climate will not be achieved before 2023, calling for an acceleration of our efforts to ensure that all countries reach the latest technological innovations while providing green jobs, more efficient contributions to scratch -free goals and focusing on financing adaptationAnd mitigation, especially for weak countries.

After delivering his speech, Mr. Abdullah met a witness with young climate activists, where he received the statement of international youth, a document that included 40 thousand contributions from young people around the world, calling on leaders to take urgent climate measures.

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After the United Nations Secretary, David Attenburo, the element of people at the COP26 Conference, delivered an enthusiastic speech accompanied by clips of activists around the world.

He said: "We, after all, are greater than solving problems at all on earth.We now understand this problem, and we know how to stop and reflect the number.Carbon emissions must be reduced to half this decade.We have to restore billions of tons of carbon from the air.We must put our eyes to keep 1.5 degrees on hand ".

The famous environmental activist and broadcaster said that if we work separately, we are strong enough to destabilize our planet, and if we work together, we are strong enough to save him."In my life, I witnessed a terrible deterioration.In your life, it is possible - and even - you must witness a wonderful recovery.This desperate hope, women and gentlemen, delegates, and happiness, is the reason that the world is looking for you.And the reason for your presence here ".

Biden: Required "a contract of ambition"

UN News/Laura Quinonesرئيس الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية جوزيف بايدن يلقي كلمة في افتتاح مؤتمر المناخ COP26 في غلاسكو، أسكتلندا.

Later in the day, when the leaders made national data, US President Joe Biden said that world leaders can maintain the goal of reducing global warming to 1.5 degrees if they meet and adhere to that.He said: "Glasgow must be the beginning of a decade of ambition and innovation to preserve our common future," recalling that climate change has already cost countries millions of lives and dollars..

The American leader said that his country will announce new obligations in the next few days to mobilize the move.These will include procedures for agricultural, oil, gas and forest sectors.

He also announced that it will soon issue a long -term plan that enables the United States to reduce its emissions to a net zero by 2050.

He said: "We are still short...There is no longer time to listen, sit on the fence or controversy between us.This is the challenge of our collective life."