Coordination of stage 2 .. The deadline for registering the desires of the second stage of coordination 2021

  • Time:Jun 30
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Article

The deadline for registering the desires of the second stage .. Many high school students ask about the last date to register the desires of the second stage after the Ministry of Higher Education announced the last date to register the desires to finish high school students from the recent amendments to their desires that were made.

In the following report, Al -Dustour reviews the deadline for registering the desires of the second stage.

Coordination of stage 2 .. The deadline for registering the desires of the second stage of coordination 2021

The Coordination Office announced the determination of the deadline for registration of desires for students of the second stage, to end tomorrow, Saturday, which falls on September 4.

Coordination of stage 2 .. The deadline for registering the desires of the second stage of coordination 2021

High school students are able to amend their desires that were registered before the date of closing the electronic coordination site for high school, because the registration door is scheduled to be closed to the desires of the students through the coordination site at seven in the evening Saturday.

Coordination of stage 2 .. Record the desires of the second stage of coordination 2021

The stage of registration of desires for the second stage has started for days for high school students, which takes place completely, as the second stage includes a large number of high school students.

The Ministry of Higher Education and Education has appealed to high school students to quickly registration for the desires of the second stage, and work to complete the amendments made by high school students during the current period.

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Recording desires for students of the second stage for high school students

The electronic coordination site receives all students until the last hours, before the end of that stage, and in order to take the last amendment to register the desires for students in the second stage.

The result of the coordination will appear for students of the second stage of the high school, shortly after the actual completion of the second stage and the closure of the electronic coordination site, so that students can prepare for the next stage.

In particular, that the minimum acceptable acceptance in coordinating the second stage of high school students of the Science Science Division and the Division of Sports Scientific Scientific Division is 62.07%, while the minimum students of the Literary Division are 58.05%.