Citizen students display military and civil innovations at IDEX

  • Time:Nov 15
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Article

Emirati students and researchers from Khalifa Universities, the Emirates and Abu Dhabi universities displayed military and civil projects and innovations at the International Defense Exhibition «IDEX 2019», confirming their ability to innovate and adapt technology in the fields of defense and security, in addition to strengthening the state's plans to localize defense industries and their scientific applications And strengthening the status of UAE universities in government circles and industrial sectors.

Military delegations and official visitors to the exhibition praised the level of projects and innovations presented, expecting their creators to have a dazzling future in the military industries companies.

The list of projects presented by the students included prototypes of drones, a device for monitoring the water quality of the Arabian Gulf, forecasting sea currents, a self-driving car, and other remarkable innovations that can be used in various fields.

In detail, the students of Khalifa University, in its pavilion at the IDEX exhibition, displayed a prototype of a drone that can work in high towers, as it has the ability to fight fires at high altitudes comparable to skyscrapers, in addition to an electronic chip project that can be used in many Vision-based systems, as advanced applications in the fields of surveillance and security, and small unmanned aircraft for a wide range of applications in the military, civil and diverse commercial fields.

The projects presented also included a device for monitoring the water quality of the Arabian Gulf in real time, forecasting sea currents around offshore drilling platforms, monitoring pollution cases, especially oil spills and the spread of harmful algae, in addition to providing information to improve the path of oil tankers in the Gulf, as well as a project The “MySat-1” mini-satellite, which was developed by students of space systems and technology, and was finally launched into space orbit by the Cygnus spacecraft.

Students and researchers from UAEU reviewed several innovations, including a GeoDrone, used for site surveying and geological exploration purposes, developed and manufactured by a research team at the university, and provides the ability to capture and process data, and can be used in the scientific and civil fields. And security, as it is possible, during data processing, to devise a three-dimensional model of the subsurface geological layers and structures for exploration of minerals, groundwater, detection of buried antiquities, studies of environmental pollution, in addition to the disclosure of matters related to criminal and military investigations.

Innovations included the "Secure Voice Encryption to the End" project, one of the secure encryption solutions, which works by isolating and encrypting sound between the sender and the receiver.

This project can be applied in the security and civil fields. It also included the "Military Mission Inspector" project, which uses a drone and artificial intelligence techniques to carry out the tasks of the military observer for military missions, supervise the transfer of equipment and ammunition from one place to another, ensure the safe distance for the movement of personnel and equipment, and reach the agreed destination, in order to achieve In order to save time and resources, as well as the possibility of rapid intervention through automated alerting, which reduces reliance on the human cadre for monitoring and control operations, in addition to the “self-driving car” project to carry out several tasks safely and independently in different natural conditions, such as fog, which contributes to reducing The cost of transportation and infrastructure, and raises the level of safety and security for passengers.

Researchers from the Faculty of Information Technology at the university participated in the "Intelligent Autonomous Transportation Systems" project, to simulate and develop an integrated and integrated electronic-physical system, consisting of smart system devices that operate independently, and cooperate with each other to accomplish complex tasks, as the simulation system plans Optimized for the implementation and automation of logistical tasks, as well as problems related to artificial intelligence, as well as many applications in the military and civil fields.

The innovations included the air-to-ground collaborative system project for exploring and planning paths in the event of disasters, as it is based on the operation of self-driving aircraft that cooperate with unmanned ground vehicles, through a system of sensors and communications supported by artificial intelligence technologies, to carry out specific tasks.

The project also provides strategic applications to provide land and air support, including delivery and transportation of materials, surveillance, field and aerial survey, target detection, search and rescue, especially in areas of military operations and natural disasters, in addition to the "Teleported" project for developing a robot using printing technology. Three-dimensional, with the aim of qualifying a robot to carry out military and security tasks, and to control it remotely with a smart suit worn by the operator, as it enables him to control it by simulating body movement and applying it remotely.

Abu Dhabi University reviewed a number of engineering innovations and solutions implemented by its students, in addition to its training courses that include field medical training, maritime training programmes, a course for naval operators to combat terrorism, simulated exercises on search and rescue using virtual reality techniques, and assessing the leadership qualities of individuals and groups. Using methods based on games, in addition to programs for protecting vital facilities, and providing consulting solutions specialized in developing and improving strategies, managing emergency situations, and assessing the vulnerability of infrastructure and individuals.

Citizen Students Present Military and Civil Innovations in « IDEX»

The Executive Vice President of Khalifa University of Science and Technology, Dr. Arif Sultan Al-Hammadi, confirmed that the university, at IDEX and NAVDEX 2019 exhibitions, aims to highlight the advanced level of research at the university, and technologies that can be used by the civil defense and security sectors. and military in the country.

He said: “At Khalifa University, we seek to develop innovative solutions through our specialized research centers in the fields of space, aviation, robotics, artificial intelligence, smart systems, data science and advanced materials. Industrial sectors can benefit directly from them and achieve economic benefits that enhance their global competitiveness.” .

The Director of the UAE University, Dr. Muhammad Al-Bibli, confirmed that the “IDEX” exhibition is a global platform for displaying smart applications, research projects and innovations for university students, including researchers, students and faculty members in the fields of information and communication technology, defense and military industries and their various systems, which provides an opportunity to promote innovation. Converting many research projects into start-up companies, and establishing strategic partnerships that serve the state’s orientations towards the production and localization of defense industries and their scientific and research applications. This vital area.

Military personnel and official visitors to the exhibition confirmed, in statements to «Emirates Today», that the projects and innovations presented predict a dazzling future for their creators, pointing out that they «will find the doors of obtaining jobs in military industries companies, open to them».

A Saudi-Emirati alliance to establish a factory for military equipment

An Emirati-Saudi alliance signed an agreement to establish a factory for military equipment in the city of Riyadh, on the sidelines of the “IDEX 2019” exhibition, with a total cost of approximately 50 million dirhams, and with targeted annual sales exceeding 200 million dirhams in the third year.

Remote control

The Department of Information Systems and Security at the United Arab Emirates University presented the “Remote Administration Tool / Remote Control of Activities via the Internet” project.

The project aims to allow administrators to remotely monitor the activities of users via the Internet, and to provide some security features to protect them from some intrusions and improper use by users. The project also provides programs for user protection and tools for remote control, and it can be used in the security and civil fields. The features of the program include the ability to automatically check the Internet Protocol address, to verify the possibility of communication over the network, take a screenshot of the user's device screen, open the device's camera, voice recording, and turn off the user's device remotely, which enables administrators to protect the user from unwanted behaviors.

4 parties cooperate to meet the needs of the armed forces

The International Golden Group (IGG), the Chinese Norinco Group, the Center for Unmanned Aircraft Control from the Beijing Institute of Technology in China, and the British Applied College at Umm Al Quwain University signed a cooperation agreement to exchange academic expertise and research in the areas of technological advancement.

IGG officials emphasized that the conclusion of the cooperation agreement between the four parties contributes to enhancing the exchange of research information and academic resources of common interest, in order to raise the rate of industrial production at the Innovation Center in Defense Science and Technology, which will be opened in cooperation with the UAE Armed Forces in the complex « IGG Industrial in Al-Ajban area in Abu Dhabi. They explained that the concluded agreement comes within the UAE's development policies in the fields of scientific and knowledge research, and its interest in involving young cadres within its comprehensive national vision for scientific and technological transformation in the near future.

- “Secure End-to-End Audio Encryption” is an encryption solution that works by isolating and encrypting audio between sender and receiver.

- “A self-driving car” that performs various tasks, reduces transportation costs, protects infrastructure and raises the level of passenger safety.

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