Center for Advanced Materials Research launches "impact lab"

  • Time:May 13
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Article

ABU DHABI, 4th March, 2020 (WAM) -- The Institute of Technology Innovation, the global research center and applied research arm of the Advanced Technology Research Council in Abu Dhabi, announced today the development of the region's first "impact lab" through its Advanced Materials Research Center. , providing an ideal testing platform for experimenting with advanced materials, chips and composites.

This modern laboratory was designed in a way that is fully in line with the vision of the Center for Advanced Materials Research, which is to develop advanced materials and enhance their industrial and commercial uses and not limit them within the scope of laboratories only..

In the laboratory, many tests will be carried out in different environments associated with the collision, including the evaluation of structures based on their oriented velocities, temperatures and energy absorption rates. The laboratory also includes advanced equipment that helps evaluate the behavior of materials and find innovative solutions.

The new laboratory includes large and multiple capabilities, foremost of which is the rapid characterization of metallic, polymer, ceramic and composite materials in prototypes with realistic applications. The laboratory is currently seeking to achieve many key results that will contribute, for example, to preventing the crash of space exploration vehicles, and the manufacture of Helmets, fenders, tires and car batteries that can withstand explosions.. Innovative lightweight structures, designed to absorb shock energy, can also be used in sports, motorcycle and riding helmets..

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The research team at the Center for Advanced Materials Research attributes these findings to aspects of collision and materials science.

Dr. Ray O. said. Johnson, CEO, Institute for Technology Innovation: It's a very encouraging start to our new year with such a great achievement. We are confident that our research centers will continue to achieve more successes and achievements. We at the Institute of Technology Innovation are committed to creating a supportive environment for our researchers to enable them to work on their collaborative research projects and accelerate innovations to reach market applications.

In turn, Dr. Muhammad Al Tunaiji, Senior Researcher at the Center for Advanced Materials Research said: We are proud to launch this laboratory, which is the result of months of planning and great efforts, with the aim of testing new technologies related to material collision and other new manufacturing processes, and we seek in the center to provide advanced technical solutions To various companies in the UAE and around the world, and to enhance our contribution through the development of intellectual property and patent registration to achieve the independence of the region in the technology sector.

The laboratory has many futuristic technical devices such as the Universal Testing Machine /UTM/, which determines the tensile, compressive and bending properties of a material, and the Hopkinson Split Pressure Tape, the first device of its kind in the region to measure the properties of materials during impact, as it can read temperatures as harsh from -60 up to 225 degrees Celsius, as well as the gas object launcher, which is the only device in the Middle East capable of simulating ballistic collisions, space debris, or even bird collisions with aircraft. High speed collision.

The laboratory also includes the "Drop Tower" device, which studies the level of impact on the structures of materials similar to those found in car accidents or on helmets after accidents. The device can analyze a collision with a speed of up to 25 meters per second in a low-speed collision environment, allowing researchers To study and improve the results to meet the needs of users and to strengthen preventive measures to mitigate severe collisions.

For his part, Dr. Rafael Santiago, Principal Investigator in the Energy Absorption Team at the Center for Advanced Materials Research, pointed out that the Impact Laboratory is fully compliant with international safety guidelines, and is equipped with state-of-the-art facilities and tools to study and explore new materials and analyze their properties in relation to impact and detonation... Conducting such experiments and tests for the first time in the region, Santiago expressed his future aspirations that the laboratory will provide new solutions to pressing global challenges and enhance scientific interest.

It is worth noting that the Center for Advanced Materials Research is one of the ten primary research centers of the Institute for Technological Innovation. The center was established with the aim of creating a global center of excellence specializing in conducting advanced research in the field of compounds and metals, including metamaterials, nanomaterials, smart materials, and autonomous materials. Reform, energy-absorbing materials, and additive manufacturing.