Revocation of drug price stickers from compensation and billing

  • Time:Nov 02
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Article

The National Fund for Social Precautionary Organizations decided to exempt the insured from the obligation to present the stickers containing the public price of the PPV medicine that are carried by the medicine packages when filing applications for compensation for disease files that include medicine expenses.

This decision, which will become effective from January 2, falls within the framework of the policy of simplifying procedures and procedures for compulsory disease insurance.

Cancellation of drug price labels from compensation and billing

The fund also decided, according to a communication, to exempt the producers of treatments, starting from the same date, from making these labels when submitting billing files related to undertaking services within the framework of the third leading.

In this regard, the National Fund for Social Reserve Organizations called on its insureds, whether public sector insurers, students, or victims of past gross violations of human rights for the period 1956-1999, to deposit their files related to a request for compensation for drug expenses that meet the conditions, which are to include The treatment paper related to the disease or chronic and expensive diseases or the dental treatment paper The identity of the insured and the beneficiary when required and his signature, expenses and date of treatment, the identity of the treating physician (the professional national symbol of the practitioner in addition to his stamp, signature and date of treatment), the identity and seal of the pharmacist and the amount paid for the purchased medicines, as should be provided With the pharmacist’s national professional symbol on the treatment papers, which will become mandatory when receiving disease files, starting from March 1, 2021.

It is also required that the original medication prescription be signed and stamped by the attending physician and pharmacist, specifying the doses and duration of treatment, with the file attached to the serial number of the purchased medications printed on the medication package. If it is not available, it must be replaced with the medicine box.

In exceptional cases where the total price of medicines exceeds 20,000 dirhams, the fund says, a legal invoice must be presented bearing the tax symbol of the service provider and the method of payment, according to the requirements of the tax code.