Cairo University is on the front line with Corona | details

  • Time:Apr 28
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Article

face d. Mohamed El-Khasht, President of Cairo University, by taking all precautionary and preventive measures in accordance with the medical procedures established by the Ministry of Health and the World Health Organization, including the use of medical reagents at the gates of the university campus to examine students, and to ensure that they are free from the Corona virus, and placing self-sterilization gates at all university ports .

The President of Cairo University stressed the need to adhere to physical distancing, and periodically conduct sterilization, disinfection and ventilation for all university facilities and facilities, in addition to providing specialized medical committees from infection control committees inside the university campus to deal medically with any suspected case.

Under the direction of Al-Khasht, a website for military education was launched, to allow students to register online in the available courses in military education, and to know the information and instructions for the required research, how to write it and the mechanism for its delivery.

The university succeeded in implementing the largest plan of student activities on line; By launching cultural, artistic and scientific competitions, with the aim of motivating students, refining their creative talents, supporting the spirit of competition among them, and choosing the best elements to participate in internal and external competitions, within the framework of following all precautionary and preventive measures against the Corona virus.

The President of Cairo University has developed a comprehensive plan to manage the educational process since the beginning of the Corona virus crisis and for any possible scenario, by defining ways and mechanisms to ensure the safety and health of the university’s members, including students, faculty and staff, by completing distance studies using electronic systems, within the university’s plan to transform into a university. The third generation of smart phones and the provision of their educational services electronically using various applications for distance education, and many procedures have been followed since the beginning of the crisis until now, the most important of which are the following:

Elkhosht allocated EGP 100 million to support colleges to switch to e-learning and distance study using global programs and applications for distance education; By uploading the courses and questions for each college electronically on the university’s website and the colleges’ websites, and making them available to students at the bachelor’s and bachelor’s levels, whether in the two-semester or credit-hour system, through Word, PowerPoint, PDF, and video files, and disbursing rewards to faculty members and technical cadres contributing to the preparation of courses e.

With the onset of the crisis, a workshop was held at the Knowledge and Electronic Services Center, for all faculties coordinators to train them on methods of distance study, develop methods of teaching courses, and discuss problems that students may face in browsing the Internet, and CDs were provided on them with weekly lectures for each course with Availability of receiving it from colleges or sending content to students through e-mail.

With the onset of the crisis, the university succeeded in conducting the first distance education experiment at the Faculty of Economics and Political Science, using modern electronic communication mechanisms by explaining the lesson electronically and communicating with students through one of the global applications for distance education. The university canceled the midterm exams for the second semester of the academic year. 2019/2020, and it was compensated with a package of procedures and alternatives such as study assignments, with the faculties granted flexibility in dealing in a manner commensurate with the circumstances of each, and to achieve the interest of students and the educational process, in addition to canceling written and oral exams for students of the transfer years and replacing them with research or electronic exams, and conducting Final team exams and postgraduate studies in light of strict precautionary measures and health safety and security factors at the highest level.

Cairo University made its e-learning services available to students with visual and hearing disabilities at the bachelor, bachelor’s or postgraduate levels in a number of faculties. Most of the lectures and educational resources were provided by several means, including CDs through sign interpreters for deaf and mute students, and audio lectures for blind students. Convert textbooks to Braille and use machine readers for text and video clips via modern apps like YouTube and Zoom.

Cairo University's smart educational platform, Smart CU, has been approved, which is one of the most powerful smart education systems in the world. It includes a set of integrated systems, the most important of which are the Blackboard system, the Assessment Gourmet system, an integrated system for scientific references and educational materials, the Collaborate system for meetings and conferences, in addition to various other educational tools. And plagiarism detection programs, faculty members and IT officials in colleges were trained on the blackboard system by international experts, in addition to launching several explanatory videos for faculty, supporting staff, staff and students, explaining how to use it.

Within the framework of its plan to transform into a third-generation university and prepare the e-learning system, the university succeeded in conducting discussions of the plans submitted for registration for master’s and doctoral degrees by holding seminars in the university’s faculties and institutes online using electronic means of communication, in order to achieve the idea of ​​communication, discussion, transparency and scientific purpose, in addition to conducting discussions Master's and doctoral theses in faculties under strict precautionary measures to prevent corona virus.

The university conducted a set of training courses at the Faculty Development Center, through the online distance education system using the Webex meeting program, amid great demand and interaction from faculty members and their assistants inside and outside Egypt.

During the Corona virus crisis, Cairo University succeeded in organizing many educational campaigns and seminars, issuing guides, and distributing leaflets and posters, to raise awareness of the emerging corona virus, by providing multiple contents aimed at providing awareness and important health information about Covid 19.

Under the direction of Al-Khasht, the university organized several awareness campaigns and educational seminars about the symptoms of the Corona virus and ways to prevent it, and the places to be visited by suspected cases, and it also published some awareness videos.

Many instructive and awareness guides were also issued, including the guide to awareness of the emerging corona virus, the corona guide for health facilities, the guide to home isolation rules for new corona patients from university employees, and the guide to coexistence with corona procedures. University during the Corona virus crisis through many measures, the most important of which we review as follows:

Since the beginning of the crisis, the university has transformed the French Kasr Al-Aini Hospital and Al-Batinah Hospital into isolation hospitals designated for faculty members and university workers, and treated them for free, in addition to exempting their first-degree relatives from treatment costs by 50%, and carrying out additional sterilization operations for the French Hospital daily, taking into account the highest specifications. Safety and infection prevention according to international standards stipulated by the Ministry of Health and the World Health Organization, in addition to taking swabs from contacts with cases of infection with the Corona virus to check on workers and medical staff.

The university was able to count all the doctors trained in ventilators and intensive care in university hospitals, who numbered more than 350 doctors, including a teacher, assistant teacher and resident doctors, and 10 teams of medical staff were formed in the specialties of chest, critical cases, internal medicine, anesthesia, and endemic diseases. All Kasr Al-Ainy faculty doctors were trained on small groups within the Kasr Alainy Training Program Covid 19, to raise the state of preparedness for any emergency event to serve The rest of the hospitals at the level of the Republic, in addition to the training of 100 nursing cadres, and 900 internship doctors by the infection control team to deal with patients. Cairo University also opened the door to volunteering for students of the Faculty of Medicine of Kasr Al-Ainy from the fifth and sixth divisions, and students of the Faculty of Nursing from the final division, to help In implementing the university’s comprehensive plan to confront the Corona virus within the framework of taking all preventive measures, in addition to forming a committee to facilitate procedures for treating patients with For the National Cancer Institute, it is specialized in studying and reducing effort, time and routine procedures, and improving reception areas. The university paid a reward of 1,000 pounds to all employees, administrative security, nursing staff, representatives and auxiliary services in Kasr Al-Ainy hospitals, for their efforts in combating the Corona virus. They have transactions related to patients, compulsory paid leave, and only 10% of the administrators attend alternately in a place designated for their work in a remote and separate area from the isolation area, with rewarding incentives.

During the Corona virus crisis, the administrative work inside Cairo University continued to the fullest and with a great degree of efficiency in the framework of ensuring the safety of all its members, by following many precautionary and preventive measures, including:

Launching periodic expanded sterilization and disinfection campaigns for all university facilities and facilities, colleges and university cities, to combat the spread of the new Corona virus through the disinfection teams of the College of Agriculture affiliated to the College’s Pesticides Center.

جامعة القاهرة على خط المواجهة مع كورونا | تفاصيل

The College of Agriculture produced about 5 tons of disinfectants per day according to standard Egyptian standards at an economical price, in addition to the production of the College of Pharmacy factory about 70 liters of disinfectant gel per day.

The university was administratively working with half the force, alternating between university employees, and granting workers with child custody or chronic diseases an exceptional paid leave, during the first months of the spread of the Corona virus until the end of the second semester of the academic year 2019/2020, to reduce the number of people present at the university.

The university allowed faculty members, the supporting staff, and treatment workers in any government or private hospital approved by the Ministry of Health, with the same internal treatment conditions, while paying the equivalent of the treatment value in its hospitals after verifying the validity of the bills from the treating party, and contracting with Nile Valley Hospitals in Gardens The Dome and the Capital in Mohandessin, along with the Student Hospitals and Manial Specialized Hospital, after the Al-Fransawy Hospital was designated as an isolation hospital, and new medical clinics were established in the Sports City to provide the necessary medical services to faculty members and university employees, and reduce the burden on them.

Al-Khasht issued a decision to disburse treatment to members of the teaching staff, the supporting body, and workers for a period of 3 months at once, without requiring the attendance of professors over the age of sixty to reduce their movement and exit from their homes.

The university has assigned an official in each faculty of the medical administration, who is responsible for dealing with emergency situations, following them up, monitoring the application of health and safety procedures, and holding all necessary training for students and university staff, in addition to allocating a separate isolation room, and setting procedures to deal with suspected or confirmed cases of the Corona virus.

Al-Khasht succeeded in managing university cities since the beginning of the Corona virus pandemic until now with a great degree of efficiency, by taking many mechanisms and precautionary and preventive measures, the most important of which are as follows:

The five university cities of Cairo University inhabited by about 14,000 expatriate students have been evacuated, and they include the Female Student City in Giza Square, the Male Student City in the Bain al-Sarayat area, the Care City for female students in Bulaq, the Nursing College housing city, and the Sheikh Zayed City for male students, in conjunction with the decision to suspend studies in The beginning of the pandemic, and extensive sterilization operations were carried out for it, allowing students to communicate with the supervisors of the university city buildings, in addition to issuing a decision not to charge them except the actual cost of the period they spent in the city.

The university’s university cities received 16 cohorts, which included 2,800 Egyptians returning from the State of Kuwait, to spend the period of precautionary sanitary isolation, which contributes to emphasizing the role of the Egyptian state in caring for its children and providing all their needs for free, in addition to hosting 537 male and female students from 6 different nationalities, including South Africa and Chad. North Sudan, and South Sudan - Mauritania - Syria, after the suspension of studies in universities and the suspension of air traffic between countries.

The President of Cairo University, and his team working with him during the period of receiving the cohorts of Egyptians returning from abroad and the residence of the incoming students, succeeded in preparing all the necessary equipment inside the university cities to provide safe and sterile accommodation and provide full medical care, as an integrated clinic operating around the clock, and a pharmacy, were provided. An equipped ambulance, and first aid bags for each floor of the university city buildings, with full support from the central medical administration at the university and university hospitals, which monitored the health status of residents and hosted some of them for treatment in university hospitals.

And additional companies were used for cleaning work in the university city to conduct continuous cleaning and disinfection of rooms and buildings, and to provide large quantities of hand sanitizers and liquid soap, and to distribute masks and gloves and all the necessary tools for personal protection to ensure the safety of everyone, and the university city restaurants and the guest house provided meals, in addition to the use of external restaurants. And opening the city’s cafeteria to its full capacity, in addition to installing TV screens and shower trays in rooms designated for isolation, to help provide better service and meet all the needs of those who resided in cities during this period.

With regard to the housing of students within university cities in the current academic year 2020/2021, applications for housing expatriate students were received electronically for the first time, as part of the completion of the transformation processes into a third-generation smart university, and the university decided that the number of students in one room should not exceed two students only. Whatever the room capacity, in accordance with the precautionary and preventive measures to confront the Corona virus.

The university is working to install a shower for all the buildings of the five university cities, within the framework of the colleges’ needs for some technical requirements necessary for the educational process, in addition to providing them with internet service via the “Wi-Fi” network, and working to improve their speeds.

During the Corona crisis, Cairo University organized many donation campaigns as part of its contribution to supporting the state’s efforts to confront the Corona virus crisis, including the donation of the Qasr Al-Aini Charitable Foundation for Emergency Support with 10 respiratory aid devices, and protective supplies for medical staff, worth about 2 million pounds, which included 4,500 N95 masks. , 10,000 FFP2 - FFP3 masks, 200 face shields, 1,000 goggles, 2,000 protective suits, 1,000 boxes of medical gloves, and 1,000 long-sleeved blue medical gloves, to provide protection for doctors, nurses and workers who deal directly with patients in university hospitals.

For a period of 3 months, the university donated 20% of the salaries of the university president, deputies, deans and deans of faculties, the general secretary of the university, other members of the university council, councils for education affairs, students, graduate studies and community service, center directors and their deputies, in addition to the donation of 20% by employees of the General Administration of Administrative Security at the university. From the monthly security incentive to the Long Live Egypt Fund to confront disasters and crises and support irregular employment, to contribute to overcoming the Corona virus pandemic that the whole world is going through.

The scientific research system at Cairo University has strongly and effectively contributed to the research of the Corona virus, through several measures, as Dr. Mohamed El-Khasht, President of Cairo University, 5 research teams that included more than 25 scientists and researchers from the faculties of science, medicine, pharmacy and the National Institute of Oncology and Veterinary Medicine, and were supported by 10 million pounds, to conduct scientific and laboratory research on the Corona virus, and follow up on developments in scientific research and development of a treatment, serum or vaccine. Al-Khasht decided to double the rewards of international publishing for researchers from the faculty members and their assistants at the university, to be a motive for them to devote themselves to scientific work, and to focus on scientific research, especially in light of the Corona virus pandemic, while extending the period of progress for the rewards of international scientific publishing for research published in 2019, for a period of An additional two months, as the application continued until the end of June.

The President of Cairo University decided to finance 8 research projects to combat the Corona virus at a cost of about 5 million pounds to conduct scientific and laboratory research, in addition to 30 proposals submitted by faculty members to finance research projects with a total of 9 million pounds.

The university’s research teams have completed 30% of the Egyptian scientific research at the global level, as it was the first at the level of Egypt in internationally published research on the Corona virus, with about 30 research out of 100 Egyptian research, in addition to about 25% of clinical trials to reach a vaccine for the virus. corona.

The research teams were able to determine the genetic fingerprint of the type of Corona virus in Egypt, which was represented in 3 types, and reached 78 viral samples, which helped to provide an international treatment protocol for the infected that depends on two drugs available in the market at low cost, and is unique in combining work as an antiviral and as a control or regulator. For the immune system, no side effects.

A research team was prepared by the Faculty of Economics and Political Science at the university under the supervision of Dr. Mohamed El-Khasht, President of Cairo University, an important study on analyzing the effects of the Corona virus on the Egyptian economy and the proposed policies to deal with its repercussions. critical to be used as inputs in formulating a data-oriented strategy for developing domestic tourism demand.

The scientific committee of the university succeeded in preparing two documents of hundreds of pages, one of which extracted most of what was published about the virus, and the other extracted 380 published clinical trials. The website of the College of Pharmacy includes this list of published clinical research for the benefit of researchers all over the world, moment by moment.

The scientific committee of the university also conducts a reference survey around the clock, to extract the results of published research in a timely manner with critical reading to avoid hasty studies, while accelerating this reference survey through artificial intelligence techniques in which computer and information scientists and medical, pharmaceutical and biological teams participate.