Righteousness and air .. The United States allows foreigners to enter the restaurants against Corona to its territory

  • Time:Sep 30
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Article

(CNN)- The White House said on Friday that foreign visitors who were fully vaccinated against the Corona virus will be able to travel to the United States as of November 8..

"The new American travel policy that requires a vaccination for foreign travelers to the United States will start on November 8..This advertisement and date apply to both international air travel and land travel.This policy is guided by public health, and it is strict and consistent..

Reuters was the first to inform the appointment.

This step will reduce a mixture of the ban that began to cause anger outside and replace it with more unified requirements for international air travelers..This will be a welcome news for the travel industry, which was pressing the federal government to raise some rules that prevent international tourism, as well as airlines, hotels and hospitality groups.

A White House official told CNN, with additional guidelines about "very limited exceptions" for the requirements, as well as the Kofid-19 vaccines to be accepted and other operating details before the date of November 8..

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The official said: "The Center for Disease Control has already informed airlines that all approved and authorized vaccines by the Food and Drug Administration, as well as all vaccines containing an EUL usage list (EUL) from the World Health Organization will be accepted for air travel.We expect the same to be correct on the wild borders..

The same bases will also apply to unnecessary travel at the American land border and to visitors who arrive in the United States through the phrase of passengers.

The official said: "These travelers must be ready to ratify the vaccination state and provide evidence of the vaccination to the customs officer and the protection of the border upon request.By January, foreign nationals traveling across the land border will be asked for essential and non -essential reasons for full vaccination..

The American travel ban was imposed for the first time in the first days of the epidemic when the then US President Donald Trump, travel from China in January 2020.This step failed to prevent the virus from reaching the United States, but other countries have been added to the list.The officials pressed the White House to reduce the entry from places where the rates of cases were high.

Trump added countries in the Schengen region - which includes 26 countries in Europe, including France, Germany and Italy - along with Ireland and the United Kingdom.Brazil, South Africa and India were added separately.The land borders with Canada and Mexico were closed.

Biden maintained the strict ban on unnecessary travel, even with the high vaccination rates in Europe, referring to the unexpected nature of the epidemic and the appearance of the Delta variable..

However, this policy has angered European governments, whose citizens were still prohibited from entering the United States even with the limitation of the epidemic amid successful vaccination campaigns..The countries with a larger cases, which were not listed on the list, were not subject to the rules.

Over the past months, travel restrictions imposed on people who want to enter the United States have turned into a large rift across the Atlantic Ocean.European leaders, who are frustrated from the apparent deficiency in progress, began taking affairs in public.They said that the rules harm the relations between Europe and the United States.