The assets of mass destruction

  • Time:Oct 29
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Article

I was about to send to the editor -in -chief of the site the first article from the chain of its ethnic: “The first Islamic state”, so if I am sitting, I will review the article, correct it, and I will be shown from time to time from the window to the highway and the corridor of the two men, where the largest passers -by and the marketing, between the cold and the free spring of the springThe volatile atmosphere is the flip of the whims, I watch in front of me if "George Bush" saw it to launch a war on Muslim countries to exterminate these extremist terrorist groups..I changed from the immediate until soon, God willing, the article similar to the introduction of Ibn Khaldun in length and completely, to my article to address the topic of "the assets of mass destruction".

Cassi girls naked tilted miles, as soon as the first warm beam comes out after a long winter cold gets rid of their clothes as if they were on a date with nudity.A blatant dress in a way that makes me myself follow the steps of the girl or the woman until I am absent from my view..How with a man..Whatever he shows and conceals, to control his looks, admiration, or disdain, then how they can try him on a natural innate instinct and ask him for curbing, stopping and preventing them so that he does not descend to the rank of the animal, if a person was created between the animal and the angel’s ranks, with physical instincts and the ability to raise the material,Each in time, the first is to legalize and the second is to choose..They are in their ruling, such as someone who nudity on the electricity wires and puts the water side by side, then he calls the shock to bad education and lack of respect !!!

I will not enter here in the function of the nervous system that stimulates sexual desire by looking at the catalyst and editing the idea and then issuing orders to the genital devices to work, either the implementation is stopped by returning the idea to the brain and measuring it on the files of halal, forbidden, wrong and rightThe strength of the idea is more convincing than the strength of the scales.I will not enter all this - and I did intentionally - not because the matter is not a specialist, since we studied this in the course of scientific activity for the fourth year of primary school, but rather because the matter seems clear to me and Muslim women, unless stimulating sexual desire among some has become subject to a decision ofThe Human Rights Association, to be broadcast on the matter of its permissibility or not, and we are celebrated with the generosity of its rulings: if it is an anomaly, then it is welcome, and if it is adultery, it must be legalized, and if it is a marriage, then it is a marriage to the Islamist animals that defend the marriage to ensure that the woman guarantees their civil rights with a legal contract and a legal charter !!!!

مؤخرات الدمار الشامل

Let me stand here to arrange the papers, and I declare that I am against the opposite in the public street, and the ways of them from the behavior of the sexual harassment, and linking them, whatever the catalyst, with a lack of faith, lack of education, lack of magnanimity and marm in the same man, with certainty that the pure man is pious when he sees what he provokes, he showsIt is more analogy than attracting.But the outbreak of the phenomenon with this abundance makes us wonder about the reason before we are held accountable.If the one who reflects this disgraceful behavior is directed towards every woman or the shadow of a woman, whatever her shape, clothing and age, then his trial must be peremptory without the slightest attempt to surround the circumstances of what I will call it without hesitation "crime".But if the opposite person did his act only with the victims of the “colors” girls (from the colon or the Egyptian description of its length and size), or the “vision” women, which is the ugliest than the “colon” in describing the features of the body, or with the widespread “bitter” pants of the subtletiesThe revealing of the updated hysteries of the digestive problems with the backgrounds.And when I say a victim, I do not mean that at all not to be held accountable, but rather I mean accountability of the advocates of equality as well, that is, their accounting both, the dancer and the drum: bare and foolish!

How for a teenager who made his laughter and culture between the pages of "Bozbal", and his argument in front of the doors of high schools with profanity, male wrestling and art of fighting, fascinated by videos, and singers who are dancing in underwear, received by the state festivals with princesses, fascinated by thought and ability to distinguish the right and falsehood, to do in front of the assets of destructionThe comprehensive, changed the expression of what he works in a nose and moderation, as if he had done good for those who saw it in that heinous view.How to unemployed the flower of his life with the rolls of "hashish", no longer differentiates between a politicized parliamentarian and a whisper and an official on his poverty and his marginalization lives, to do in front of the introductions of Al -Nawaim presented to the entire consideration.

How do we blame society for pluralism - O people of respect for pluralism - and we all ask them for an equal moral educational level, in light of poverty, marginalization and unemployment that the largest social segment knows in Morocco.How do we blame those who ruined their morals in the media with Saturday evenings, Sunday films, Monday series, Spring Festival, Summer Beaches, Fall Parliament, and the prayers of the winter to rise to creation into the morals.

By God, I am here I do not defend anyone, as much as I try to present the truth to the people of the request.It is not reasonable to take away from the people of its only reference for good behavior and then demand it for good behavior.We in Morocco have in our morals to Islam..It is necessary to return this religion, and give it its right to run and empower, in order to measure our behaviors, so we support the provocation as much as our legalization of reaction.It is not fair that we provoke a person who has been silent!And if they want to prevent religion from running the affairs of Muslims, and they wanted us to strip like the West and rule ourselves with the policy of the West, let them know the science of certainty that our instincts will not cool the cold blood of the West, we have a reference called Islam that controls us and sings us from tradition and judge the values and judge the scales!Rather, we say to them: You have your religion and we have a religion!