The largest solar energy farms in Britain ... clean electricity or civilized distortion?

  • Time:Nov 20
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Article

The recent recently sought the largest solar farms in Britain, and the controversy over it recently;Although the international community - especially the European - relies on solar energy farms and its stations as the most prominent renewable energy sources to obtain clean, reliable and continuous electricity at a low cost;There is a civilized aspect that has not been paid to several projects plans.

Among more than 900 solar projects in the preparation phase, the British Sanika farm was the subject of controversy after it faced charges of being behind the change of unique features of rural areas surrounding its location in eastern England.

Given that such projects require the vast areas extending to the installation of solar panels and operating equipment, some of which include in its vicinity the installation of small networks, the largest solar energy farms in Britain "Sanika" are accused of threatening rural areas famous for agriculture and horse farms.

The largest solar farms in Britain

It is planned to create the largest solar farms in Britain "Sanika" in eastern England, and its path includes several villages with the two provinces of Suffolk and Cambridge Shire, and its investment cost reaches 600 million pounds (exceeding 800 million US dollars), and provides electricity for nearly 100 thousand homes.

The Sanika solar farm area is 8 times the Hyde Park in central London, and it extends for 2800 acres near the New Market suburb in Britain;This means that it exceeds the plans of solar projects that have been built so far in Britain 10 times.

Britain's largest solar farms obtained the necessary approvals from the Inspection and Planning Authority on December 16 of last year, but it faces opposition from activists for its impact on the civilizational monuments in the region to be established in the area.

According to the proposed construction scheme;It will be expanded in the establishment of the farm through 4 sites in West Suffolk and East Cambridge Shire, to be connected to the National Electricity Network via a sub -network at the Borwell station, according to the project website.

A project for the largest solar energy farms in Britain - rated one of the important infrastructure projects under the 2008 Planning Law - includes solar photovoltaic cells, in addition to the infrastructure needed to store batteries electricity.

"Sanika" opposition

Opponents to create "Sanika" see that it will become "scourge" on rural areas;Its course requires construction in the villages of Suffolk and Cambridge Shire;What works to change the unique civilizational features of the country -famous rural areas and horse farming.

Last week, the Sofolk County Council expressed its refusal to build the largest solar energy farms in Britain according to the current plans, and the Vice -President of the Council and member of the Council of Ministers for Financial and Environmental Mission, Richard Root, explained that despite the role of renewable energy, the important energy in providing electrical security;It should not affect Sofolk or the environment.

The owner of the Bruksyd Horse Farm near the city of Chinham and the Cambridge Shire Province, John James, fears that the panels are installed to the largest solar energy farms in Britain in the destruction of villages and the exit of agricultural lands from the production of production.

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He expressed his concern - also - the possibility of fires near his horse farm as a result of installing giant storage batteries at a height of up to 6 meters, without clarifying safety ways from potential fires.

In general, commenting on the total similar projects, Parliament member, Edward Lee, called for a review of some companies ’attempt to influence the local plan, and to build insulating areas around villages to protect agriculture, as confirmed to Parliament, last month..

Government and investment defense

Government officials confirmed that preserving agricultural lands and protecting the environment in the United Kingdom should go in parallel with clean electricity generation projects with appropriate prices.

A government spokesman pointed out that solar energy development projects - including the project of the largest solar energy farms in Britain "Sanika" - are under penalty of planning controls that aim to protect societies and the environment.

He added that these projects are subject to the evaluation of the environmental impact and the public discussions, which are a condition for the approval of these projects before the start of the implementation, according to what was reported by the Guardian..

As for the company, Limited, the project is developed;She confirmed that the project is a major reinforcement to achieve the UK's goals towards carbon neutrality by 2050.

She confirmed her commitment to dealing with any concerns about the construction plan, pledging to follow safety measures to avoid fires during the storage of batteries.

Sanika Limmeth is developing the project, which is a joint partnership between Tripos Energy and Badero Solar "BS" renewable energy, and the largest solar energy farms in Britain aims to generate clean electricity, store and export..

Solar projects

Britain's solar farm projects reached 910 projects - so far - after these projects increased by a third during the past year, according to the head of research at Solar Media, Vinlai Colve.

Colville pointed to receiving more than 300 planning requests and obtained the approvals actually, explaining that despite the approval of projects in small locations;"Some of the largest projects" may be difficult to implement.

But at the same time, he praised the solar energy projects that can be built quickly that provide more renewable energy, a step that provides quick profits to companies in this framework.

Britain's largest solar farm project in Britain was not alone in Britain recently;The Kotam Solar Energy Project - also raises 2,800 acres - on the Lincoln Shire borders.


The official authorities did not contradict the smaller projects;It supported green energy projects for the public sector, such as a 30 -acre project aimed at operating New Cross Hospital, and another project affiliated with the Ministry of Justice with an area.

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