Blow up a seminar by the preacher Yassin Al-Omari in Rashidiya under threat with a white weapon, amid questions about the reason for the security chaos inside universities

  • Time:Apr 27
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Article

In a scene that embodies the extent of the security abuse inside Moroccan universities, the multidisciplinary college in Rashidiya witnessed, last weekend, an attack by an armed student faction on a lecture by Professor Yassin Al-Omari.

The armed students’ threat to the symposium’s attendees prompted the organizer and Professor Yassin Al-Omari to announce the end of the lecture and postpone it to a later date amid big question marks about how to bring white weapons to the university campus and the total absence of security from securing the institution in light of the threat of students and lecturers with physical liquidation in broad daylight.

نسف ندوةٍ للداعية ياسين العمري بالراشيدية تحت التهديد بالسلاح الأبيض وسط تساؤلات عن سبب التسيب الأمني داخل الجامعات

Regarding the details of the incident, Mustafa Al-Alawi, head of the Student Renewal Organization, said that elements he described as criminal belonging to the interim program faction blew up on the evening of Saturday, November 27, a symposium organized by the organization’s branch at the Multidisciplinary College in Rashidiya, which was under the title “Youth and Values.” From Abdel-Ghani Akziber and Yassin Al-Omari.

Al-Alawi added, in a clarification that he posted on his Facebook account, that these elements - about half an hour after the start of the symposium - stormed the stadium and asked the students to withdraw under a barrage of threats of violence, claiming that the symposium aims - according to them - to disrupt the protests against the decision of the Minister of National Education to roof the age Recruitment and adoption of initial selection.

The same spokesman denied the validity of these allegations, stressing that the organization, whether in Rashidiya or otherwise, participates in the protests with full force, noting that the organization's executive committee issued a position that summed up the absolute rejection of the decision, with the necessary terms and clarity.

Al-Alawi explained that the organization’s branch valued the safety of the students first, and therefore announced the end of the symposium ahead of schedule, stressing that the organization’s activities are continuing and that the criminality of a backward and functional faction will not discourage it from continuing to carry out its mission. You give it up, whatever the circumstances and whatever the opponents are,” says the student official, and went on, and at the same time, the organization holds the university administrations and the security establishment responsible for the safety of students and the safety of the organization’s fighters.

Al-Alawi concluded that, as long as we are in a state, the security and judicial institutions are especially responsible for protecting citizens and ensuring their enjoyment of the exercise of public freedoms, calling for intervention within the framework of the law to protect students and militants, and to stop this absurdity in order to avoid the fall of more victims, God forbid!