Biographies of ministers in the new government

  • Time:Dec 26
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Article

Biographies of ministers in the new government:

Minister of Interior and Municipalities Judge Bassam Mawlawi:

He is a judge who took over the First Instance Chamber in Beirut. He is the head of the North Criminal Court, and he was the first judge to hold an electronic session in the history of the North Governorate, due to the closure of the courts due to the Corona pandemic.

Minister of Agriculture Abbas Haj Hassan:

Born in the town of Shaath in Baalbek on January 15, 1975, he holds a PhD in political science and international relations from the University of Toulouse-1, France, in 2013. In addition to obtaining a university diploma preparatory to obtaining a doctorate on the Lebanese water crisis and the Israeli ambitions in it from the University of Perpignan, France, in 2007.

Hajj Hassan obtained a master’s degree (M2) in law from the University of Barbina, France, in 2006, and a master’s degree in international relations and diplomacy from Beirut Arab University in 2005. He also obtained a bachelor’s degree in law and political science from the Lebanese University, branch one in year 2004.

In addition, he is a journalist who worked for many news agencies and channels, the most recent of which was France 24 in Paris.

Minister of Tourism Walid Raphael Nassar:

Born in Jbeil 1968. He holds a degree in civil engineering from Saint Joseph University ESIB - Higher Institute of Engineers in Beirut in 1990. In addition to a postgraduate degree in civil engineering from Saint Joseph University ESIB - Higher Institute of Engineers in Beirut in cooperation with ESTP University Paris in 1994, and he is a member of the Order of Engineers in Beirut in 1991.

Nassar holds a certificate in quality control and ISO 201 corporate classification from Veritas, a certificate in programming planning and project management from the international programming company Oracle, and a certificate in programming the management and maintenance system for public facilities. He also obtained a certificate of application of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) for cities and municipalities

Nassar is the founder and CEO of several companies in Lebanon and Saudi Arabia in the field of engineering, contracting and project management in 2001. In addition, he has undertaken the implementation and management of some projects in Lebanon and abroad, including consulting and preparing technical and technical studies for the G20 summit to be held in Saudi Arabia in October. The second 2020.

One of his practical experiences is preparing designs and special studies for Lebanon at Expo 2020-Dubai, with all plans and proposals for the productive sectors in Lebanon. And the Arab Economic Development Summit in Beirut in 2019. In addition to preparing studies for some projects in the partnership train between the private sector and the public sector 2017-2019.

He also implemented Aramco projects in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia 2008-2015. Managing and implementing projects for Saudi Telecom companies in 2005-2010. Among his experiences also is his participation in the OPEC Conference in Beirut in 2004, the Arab Summit in Beirut in 2002, the Francophone Summit in Beirut in 2001, and managing the implementation of the educational television building project of the Educational Center for Research and Development in 2000.

Minister of Social Affairs Dr. Hector Hajjar:

Born in 1965. He holds a PhD in Dentistry from the Lebanese University, and a license in Social Animation from Saint Joseph University. He also worked in the field of social service through a group of associations, including the "Risala Salam" association, which is concerned with accompanying people with special mental needs, and the Caritas Foundation. He also founded the "Community of the Missionary Brothers", the "Christian Entrepreneurs and Leaders - Lebanon" group, and the PAD Association (Prevention, Accompaniment, and Development).

Information Minister George Qirdahi:

Born in 1950, holds a BA in Law and Political Science from the Lebanese University. He started his media career with "Lebanon TV" and worked for "Lisan Al-Hal" newspaper, before joining the "Monte Carlo" radio team in Paris in 1979, then "Al Sharq" radio station in Paris, and then "MBC FM" radio station in London. He also joined the "MBC" satellite station, and then the "LBC" channel. He has also been awarded the title of Goodwill Ambassador for the United Nations Environment Organization.

Economy Minister Amin Salam:

He is an international lawyer and economist specializing in the Management and Leadership Program from Harvard Kennedy School, in International and Comparative Law from George Washington University, and holds a law degree from Sagesse University.

Salam works as an international consultant in economics, social development, management, strategic leadership, public affairs, and communications. He also served as Vice President of the National US-Arab Chamber of Commerce.

Minister of Energy and Water Walid Fayyad:

Holds several degrees from American and French universities, most notably: a degree in electronic tools from the University of Massachusetts in 2000, a “Master of Science” degree in civil and environmental engineering from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1997, and a “diploma” in engineering from the French Ecole Polytechnique In 1995, and an Engineering Diploma in Art and Industries from Ecole Centrale - Paris in 1995.

Fayyad has held several positions in international companies, and currently holds the position of Managing Director for the Middle East and North Africa at the international consulting company Partners in Performance since 2019. He also held the position of Executive Vice President at Booz Allen Hamilton and was a founding member of the MENA Business Company.

In addition, he worked for Mckenzy and Company in Europe and America, and developed many strategies and policies in projects for various sectors, including energy and the environment.

Minister of Public Health, Dr. Firas Al-Abyad:

He is the Chairman of the Board of Directors of Beirut Governmental Hospital since 2015. He is a gastroenterologist at the American University of Beirut Medical Center since 2010, and a consultant general surgeon at Specialized Medical Center Hospital between 2001 and 2011.

Abyad graduated from the Faculty of Medicine at the American University of Beirut in 1993. He holds a Master of Business Administration (MBA from the American University of Beirut in 2013).

Minister of Environment Nasser Yassin:

Yassin holds a master's degree in population sciences from the Lebanese American University in Beirut in 1997, a master's degree in development sciences from the London School of Economics in 2003, and a doctorate in planning sciences from University College London in 2008.

He worked as Director of the Issam Fares Foundation for Public Policy and International Relations between 2019 and 2020. He was Director of Research at the Issam Fares Foundation for Public Policy and International Relations since 2014. In addition, he is a professor at the Faculty of Health Sciences since 2019, and he was Executive Director of the Center for Research on Population and Health at the American University of Beirut between 2008 and 2009.

In parallel, Yassin is the founder of the Training Unit at the Faculty of Health Sciences at the American University of Beirut between 2009 and 2012.

Minister of Defense Brigadier General Morris Slim:

Born in Kfarshima in 1954, he joined the Military Academy in 1972 and graduated with the rank of Lieutenant in the Artillery Corps on August 1, 1975. He held several leadership positions in the field units, and held many positions in the Army Command Staff.

Biographies of ministers in the new government

Salim followed several educational courses at home and abroad. He is certified in Staff from the US Army Command and Staff College. He also holds a law degree from the Lebanese University. In addition, he held the position of chief of military medicine in the army until 2012, the date of his retirement from military service.

Minister of Labor Mustafa Hussein Bayram:

Born in 1972, holds a degree in law from the Lebanese University, in addition to a diploma in public law from the Arab University, a master's degree in financial law from the Islamic University, and an international trainer in management and self-development from the United Nations Intosai Organization.

Beiram worked as the head of the department, the first legal observer in the Audit Bureau of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, from 1998 to date. He also worked in international and local training in management and self-development, from 2014 to date, under the supervision of INTOSAI, the Arab Planning Institute (Kuwait), the Gulf Development Forum, the Audit Bureau (Lebanon) and Al-Mustafa Schools.

He participated in several courses, including those related to the oversight of foreign missions, the issuance of a quality certificate, the oversight of performance, and the return of public money. He also received several commendations from the Council of Ministers and the Audit Bureau. He is fluent in Arabic and French, and has several books.

Minister of the Displaced ​Issam Saeed Charafeddine Chehayeb:

He is a pharmacist, industrialist,, born in Aley in 1954. He obtained a high school diploma from the National University in Aley in 1972, and a pharmacist’s degree from the American University of Beirut in 1976.

Shuaib practiced the profession of pharmacy until the beginning of the nineties, then he went to the world of industry and became experienced in the field of manufacturing soap, cosmetics and cleaning materials. He is also the founder and main partner in the industrial corporation "Sharaf El-Din Industrial Laboratories" for the manufacture of cosmetics and soaps, which owns international trademarks. Classified first category in the Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture in Beirut and Mount Lebanon since 1991.

Shehayeb is an advisor to the head of the Lebanese Democratic Party, MP Talal Arslan - a member of the Lebanese Industrialists Association since 1991. He currently holds the position of Vice President of the Syndicate of Chemical Industries. Former founding president of the Aley Industrialists Association.

He was the director of the Aley Summer Festivals during the 1990s. He is the founding president of the “Aley Cycling Club” in 2019, which is a federal club that won the Lebanese Federation Racing Championship. - An environmental activist, who contributed to the establishment of the Shuya Cedar Forest Reserve, and is working on large-scale afforestation campaigns in several areas in Aley and the neighborhood.

Minister of Public Works and Transport, Eng. Ali Aqid Hamiyah:

Born in Taraya in 1977, he holds a degree in electronics from the Lebanese University, a master's degree in communications technology from ENIB University in France, and a PhD in electronics and optical communications from UBO University in France.

In 2014, he obtained a certificate of eligibility for research management from the University of Brittany Occidental in France, in addition to the rank of professor from the Lebanese University in 2015 and from AUL University in 2014. He is a lecturer at a number of universities in Lebanon and at the Higher Institute of Doctor of Sciences Technology - the Lebanese University, and a key member in many local and international committees and has more than 50 international scientific research papers.

Hemiyah participated in dozens of international conferences, is fluent in Arabic, French and English, and holds French citizenship.

Minister of Youth and Sports Brigadier General Dr. George Mikhael Kallas:

Born in 1953, he is a lecturer at the Faculties of Information and Documentation, and Literature and Human Sciences at the Lebanese University. He holds the rank of professor at the Faculty of Arts and Human Sciences at the Lebanese University.

Kallas worked as a media consultant in the Arab League for Education, Culture and Science, Al-Secu, and the League of Arab States. He is also the founder and director of the Lebanese Center for Media Studies and Consultations since 1986. He was the director of the Faculty of Information and Documentation - the Lebanese University - the second branch 1999-2005, and the general director of research and studies in the Lebanese Parliament 2005-2006.

He was the dean of the Faculty of Information and Documentation at the Lebanese University from 2009-2014, and a professor supervising doctoral dissertations in media, journalism and criticism sciences and the Lebanese University Doctoral Institute. He is also the head of the Recognition and Equivalency Committee at the Ministry of Education and Higher Education since 2018.

In addition, Kallas has worked as a cultural editor at An-Nahar newspaper since 1978 and as a media advisor to the president of the Lebanese University since 1989. He is a member of the administrative body of the Lebanese Writers Union since 1997, and a member of the administrative body of the cultural movement in Lebanon since 1996.

In addition, Kallas is the editor-in-chief of the Lebanese University Journal of Culture in the World since 2005, and the editor-in-chief of the Lebanese University Journal in the World since 2005. He is a member of the Lebanese University Council 2015-2017, and a member of the Recognition Committee of Studies and Equivalencies at the Ministry of Education and Higher Education since 2017. He is also the coordinator of the United Nations Program in the General Directorate of Higher Education since 2017. He is a consultant and media expert.

In parallel, he holds a BA in Arabic Language and Literature from the Faculty of Arts and Humanities - University 1979, and a BA in Law and Administrative Sciences from the Faculty of Law and Political Sciences, Lebanese University 1980. He also obtained a master’s degree in Linguistics, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, Lebanese University 1981, a PhD in Arts, Saint Joseph University, 1984, and a PhD in Arts, the Lebanese University, 1991.

Minister of Administrative Development, Ambassador Najla Victor Al-Riyashi:

Born in Khenchara in 1961, she holds a degree in political and administrative sciences from Saint Joseph University in Beirut in 1981 and a degree in history and geography from Saint Joseph University in Beirut in 1982.

The minister held the position of ambassador at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates since May 2021, and was Director of the Office of the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates September 2020-May 2012. She was also the Director of Protocol at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates February 2018 - August 2020.

She assumed the position of ambassador, permanent representative of Lebanon to the United Nations and international organizations in Geneva, July 2007 - October 2017. She was ambassador, head of the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership Branch, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Emigrants 2003-2007, and was promoted to the rank of ambassador in July 2003.

In addition, she was appointed Consul General of Lebanon in Istanbul 2002 - 2003. She was a counselor at the Embassy of Lebanon to the Holy See and the Sovereign Order of Malta 1992 - 2000. In addition, she is the recipient of a Medal from the Italian Republic and a Medal from the Order of Malta with Sovereignty.

Minister of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates Abdullah Bou Habib:

He is a graduate of the American University of Beirut, holds a Ph.D. in economics from Vanderbilt University in Nashville, Tennessee, and is currently the managing director of a Lebanese think tank, the Issam Fares Center, which he founded in April 2007.

He has been a lecturer at Al-Hikma University since 2002, a writer for many newspapers and media websites, and a guest on many Lebanese and Arab talk shows. He began his career at the World Bank in 1976 as an economist and then as Chief Loan Officer for the Middle East and North Africa region.

From May 1983 to February 1990, he served as Lebanon's ambassador to the United States. He returned to the World Bank in February 1992 as an advisor to the Vice President for the Middle East and North Africa region and head of the Regional Liaison Unit. In March 2001, he returned to Lebanon, and worked until August 2005 as a senior advisor to the Lebanese Deputy Prime Minister, Issam Fares.

Industry Minister George Boshkian:

Born in Zahle on May 10, 1965, he holds both Lebanese and Canadian nationalities. He holds a license in the field of challenges in quality management and maintenance from the Institute of Industrial Management and Information Technology in Canada, in addition to a diploma in job evaluation from the Haya Institute for Management Consulting.

Boushkian obtained a "diploma in the field of managing training and learning organizations from the Institute of Industrial Management and Information Technology in Canada, a diploma in the field of cost management and control, and a diploma in the field of planning and production management. In addition to a diploma in the field of improving productivity through quality And cost reduction, and a diploma in the field of budget completion and operational cost control.

Bushkian is a board member of the Syndicate of Importers of Medical Devices and Supplies in Lebanon, and a member of the Lebanese-Swiss Chamber of Commerce. He is also the Chairman of the Anjar Development Council, a former member of the Lebanese International Chamber of Commerce, and Chairman of the Board of Directors of Technoline s.a.l.

He held the position of Chairman of the Board of Directors of several companies, including Technoline S.A.L. Offshore, Bio Diamond Middle East Co. S.A.L., Med Trade Pharmaceutical Co. S.A.L., Spice Meter Co. S.A.L., Al-Ajdad Co. S.A.L., and Boshikian Real Estate Co. S.A.L. Ml.