The "Beirut House" museum is closed until further notice

  • Time:Nov 08
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Article

The "Beirut House" museum is closed until further notice

أضراره جسيمة بسبب انفجار المرفأ لكنه غير مهدد بالسقوط الأربعاء - 23 ذو الحجة 1441 هـ - 12 أغسطس 2020 مـ رقم العدد [15233]بيروت: فيفيان حداد

"Due to the current circumstances, the exhibition was closed until further notice.".A phrase abbreviated with few words the serious damage suffered.It is, like other Beirut buildings and buildings, which was built by the Beirut port, which took place on August 4, the current August 4.As a result, the museum closed its doors like other exhibitions and museums affected by the explosion.Whoever passes in front of the huge glass facades of the Beirut Museum, from which passers -by were piercing to look at some of its artistic contents, will feel automatically the parking of the situation.The accumulated glass wreckage you from afar, and the security forces put the yellow tapes around the building to prevent its entry.It is known that the museum's facades carry a 3D scene to intersection with more than Beiruti Street, including "Damascus International", "Bechara El Khoury" and "Al -Sodiko".According to the poster suspended on the museum's interface, the intention to reopen it is still contained.As for those who are interested in his news and those who wish to know everything new related to the date of his return to life, they are required to follow the museum news through the website «Lebanesepavillon 2018».The building, and unlike some incorrect news that is circulated on social media, is not threatened with falling.The advantage of this building is to preserve the effects of bullets and shrapnel of bombs that affected it during the Lebanese war.It was a living witness to a cruel civil war that the Lebanese suffered for many years.This architecture remained erect in the middle of Sudiko Street, despite all the tragedies it witnessed, and today the effects of the Beirut port explosion were added to increase its other recent wounds..According to one of the officials of him, the restoration of the museum, which took consecutive years, took into account its immunity from any danger that he could raid, and contributes to its fall..It was strengthened with tons of iron so that its structure is not affected even by earthquakes and earthquakes.In 2009, the Beirut municipality assigned the Lebanese architect Youssef Haider to manage the building restoration work, which has a great experience in the restoration of traditional buildings in central Beirut and Tripoli.Haider obtained the assistance from the Committee of Architectural Engineers formed by the Paris Municipality, and this committee worked to develop the museum rehabilitation project, and it was formed by members of a variety of specialties, and the costs of planning and restoration amounted to 18 million US dollars.The museum's initial losses are the crash.It is currently running and cleaning it by its employees, and a number of volunteers who initiated the museum's help in the wounds of its wounds.The Beirut Museum, which was opened about 4 years ago, is also known as "Barakat Building" and "Yellow Building".He is a historical teacher and a living witness to the war in Lebanon designed by Eng. Youssef Aftimus in 1924.Barakat building was built in the Ottoman Awakening style using limestone from the colored moon monastery, in the color of the Maghra (the color that gave the building this name), and the building consists of two sophisticated residential construction, each consisting of four layers, in addition to a surface, and the facades of the two blocs are linked togetherThrough the open columns decorated with widespread iron work, the two construction is separated by a central lobby connected to the main entrance to the garden - with a landscape in the backyard - and the peacemakers, and the Barakat building is located on the Levant Road, where the tram station was standing before."Beirut House" hosted a number of art galleries, among them sculptures, another drawing paintings, and all other well -known plastic arts.The most recent of which was the exhibition "The remainder", which represented Lebanon at the International Exhibition of Architecture "Biennialsia".He also received numerous artistic activities such as a greeting of art giants from Lebanon, including Fayrouz.

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