Prior to the anniversary of the revolution, the attack on Mubarak is intense ... and the government confirms the good relationship with Washington.

  • Time:Feb 07
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Article

Cairo - "Al -Quds Al -Arabi": The eleventh anniversary of the revolution of the twenty -fifth of January is approaching, and the masses that fought the great event, which drew the attention of the world, are still standing on the threshold of "first year of revolution", as the popular classes towards the bottom were wore.Al -Badroum ”, there is no dream of ascending up, but only all wishes stop when just clinging to the catering card, which the government is waiting for the opportunity to pounce on, given that the support is not appropriate for the principles and shams of the new republic..In the newspapers yesterday, January 17, members of the family of the late President Hosni Mubarak found themselves and their great in the face of a massive attack, due to the economic and political sins in the country during his reign..Among the statements yesterday: The Prime Minister confirmed that, work is underway to structure the subsidiaries of the armed forces, which operate in civilian economic sectors, so that they are ready to be put on the Egyptian Stock Exchange, and for partnership with the private sector, just like the business sector and government -affiliated companies companies.The Prime Minister denied the existence of an abundance in relations between Egypt and the United States.Among the reports of Parliament: The parliamentary session in the Senate, headed by Counselor Abdel -Wahab Abdel Razek, witnessed discussions on the guarantees of children's employment, during the discussion of the new labor bill..Representative Mohamed Farid, a member of the Council, called for setting specific controls to preserve the rights of children, pointing to the recent infectious accident, which killed a number of children..Among the news of the epidemic: Dr. Khaled Abdel Ghaffar, Acting Minister of Health, admitted that there is a noticeable increase in the rate of "Kofid-19" from January to today, and indicated the epidemiological situation of the beginnings of the fifth wave with injuries and the significant increase in the rate of injuries,Until the currently prevailing museum is the Omekron Museum and Delta comes second.Among the news of the courts: The South Cairo Court decided to postpone the lawsuit of Aya Rashwan Tawfiq against her father, the artist Rashwan Tawfiq, her sister Heba Allah Rashwan, and her daughter, Omaima Tawfiq Rashwan, for the January 24 session to see.Among the news of the cases: The lawyer Ashraf Abdel Aziz confirmed that he received a mandate from Issam El -Hadary, the coach of the Egyptian team, to take the measures of concession and reconciliation with the young security guard, regarding the destruction of his daughter's car, Shadwa Essam El -Hadary.The opposition judge previously renewed the imprisonment of the accused's security person 15 days pending investigations.Among the security reports: The police managed to seize a financial manager in a pharmaceutical company, residing in the department’s department, which is required to be implemented in 49 sentences of imprisonment and fines in “checks” cases with a total imprisonment of 143 years, as well as the issue of “economic fines” with a financial fine of 100 thousand poundsAnd by confronting him with the rulings issued against him, he approved it.Coat

A full story that narrates its details, Muhammad al -Qashm, in “Al -Masry Al -Youm”: Nada, Dua, Zainab, Zakaria, Muhammad, Hajar, Shorouk and Saeed, from the victims of the accident of the drowning of a transport vehicle that was carrying malery workers from the Al -Qatta area to the village of Ashmoun in Menoufia, in the waters of the Nile after falling from the top of the infectious, all of them.They left the water except "Sunrise", the tenth victim of the painful accident, from which 14 other children survived.The mother of Shorouk, who did not exceed 14 years, was waiting for her daughter's body to leave for 6 days, until she was found..The victim's mother squeezes the pain while telling the tragedy: All the victims were children of the age of flowers, they left their dreams behind them in order to gain a livelihood and work on a poultry farmer on the "Egypt-Alexandria" desert road.Shorouk, with innocent features, worked daily at 50 pounds like her peers, she went out to help her people due to their difficult living conditions, and the purchase of a jacket for her little brother protecting him from cold weather, so she fell into the water in "Izz al -Snow".The mother of the child continued to be in place, sitting on the bank of the river awaiting the body, and members of the river rescue forces combed the Nile in search of her body..The funerals of innocent children came out amid the feelings of the parents ’sorrow, except the funeral of Shorouq, so her mother did not find her body except on the seventh day of the tragedy...A few days ago, Shurooq was looking at the beach, where the beginning of her dreams was the victims of the accident. On the other side of the river, the livelihood was inhabited.

It was an illusion

The memory of the revolution approached, and the memories moved within the memory of Abdullah Al -Sanawi in “Al -Shorouk”: The worst thing that happened with the Mubarak regime was almost absolutely dependent on the United States in ensuring the stability of the regime and inheriting the Republican regime from the father to the son.The belief all the time remained assertive that the Egyptian future is made in the White House, so that Dr. Mustafa al -Faki, the former President of the Republic, said: “The next president will be an American choice with Israeli approval.”.The time was not long until the legend of reliance on the American administration was dispelled in ensuring the future of the system, and they appeared in the first days of January/January.Revolutions are not conspiracies even if it seems that there are those who conspired to kidnap them, or their distraction from their path and goals.Read the reactions and accounts that took place in Mubarak's last years, helping with certainty to realize the underlying reasons that led to the abortion of January goals, and the kidnapping of their prizes without those who deserve it.The abortion of the revolution does not mean the denial of its legitimacy..The legitimacy of January in its inevitability.The changing storms did not blow once, nor did it suddenly grew in the fields of anger.Over a full ten years, expectations and prophecies are under the crisis."Egypt entered the political earthquake area".This was an early description on November 18, 2001 launched by the leftist thinker Dr. Fawzi Mansour..In the spirit of the artist, the script is expected, Mahfouz Abdul Rahman, a time of what may happen tomorrow: "The termites lend to the Sultan's chair"..However, the Sultan was not to pay attention to that his throne is about to love the structure of his regime.

Before the explosion

Abdullah Al -Sanawi continued his reflections of what happened in Mubarak's last years: with a look at the future, the economist, the economist Samir Amin, expected in October 2003 that "political Islam is the alternative proposed, but it will not come out of Egypt from the impasse."."Egypt entered the stage of labor, the muezzin of a new birth in the will of the people, this is evident for all those with eyes that they see.".Thus, the critical political position, the legal jurist, Dr. Hisham Sadiq, summarized in February 2005.In April of the following year, Ambassador Amin Yousry expected that "Egypt is at the doors of July new".“Neither the safety track nor the railway of regret..We are now in the railway that goes back ».This was a pessimistic description of theater director Saad Ardash in February 2007."Patience has the limits and revolution of the poor approaching", this was an exciting extraction from the heart of the business community launched by Mohamed Farid Khamis in September 2007."Egypt is in the case of labor and the future is unknown".This is how Dr. Mohamed Kamal spoke from the heart of the narrow circle about the president's son."I expect social disturbances," this is how Major General Fouad Allam spoke of the experience of the security establishment in May 2008."Egypt is coming to what you have not seen before." This was a resounding expectation of Professor Mohamed Hassanein Heikal in June 2008.“Increase the tyrannical system..Change or explosion »This was a recent warning on January 9, written by Dr. Mohamed Abul -Gharr two weeks before the explosion of accidents on January 25, 2011.Mesilah Al -Tabal

Dr. Abdel -Ghani Hindi, Member of the Supreme Council for Islamic Affairs, described the actions of the Lebanese prophethood prosecutor, who originated in Al -Nour, who attacked the Egyptians, as one of the most severe types of lies and slander, calling for the necessity of holding that man legally accountable.Fadia Diab in “Al -Watan” quoted a member of the Supreme Council for Islamic Affairs, in his talk about the allegations of the prophethood saying: “The Holy Qur’an described the actions of these people, as one of the most severe typessomething".The sarcastic comments poured out from allegations that the glory of the light arose, especially after he circulated his work image as "drum";As an account bearing the name of Asmaa Abdel -Razek said: “The prosecutor of the prophecy said and drummers, it was clear that 2022 has many calamities, and the first of which is your mercy, O Lord..The artist Mohamed Eid, famously known as "Al -Sagheer", is known for its distinguished role in the comedy "The Mediterranean Man" with the artist Ahmed Adam, and the famous Ramadan dumps program "Adeni your mind", on the matter..The artist Mohamed Eid Al -Sagheer commented on the publication of "Al -Watan", with great words: "I fell with the Egyptians, bearing the rest.".A widespread controversy arose on the square of social media platforms, during the past days about the Lebanese, the glory of the light, the claimant of prophecy, who claimed to own a number of miracles;To enter into a clash with the Egyptians who mocked his lies, so that many of the pioneers of the social media exposed him to him in an old way, revealing his work as "drum".

Dogs and other things

Ahmed Ibrahim sees in “Al -Watan” that Egypt is witnessing a jump in the field of construction, but he expressed his conclusion from negative phenomena that must be eliminated until the splendor of the image is completed, in front of the Egyptians and foreigners.The first phenomenon is the spread of beggars in the streets, roads and main squares, and public transportation, and it has become a craft and a profession for complete families that pursue citizens and cars with methods closer to blackmail, not begging..Some of them may be really poor, but most of them do not deserve, and therefore I hope that the state will deal with this phenomenon seriously and search behind all these beggars, so he who deserves the subsidy can be included in the social security system, or providing a source of income for him through civil society organizations, but whatIt is not worth, it must be punished until our streets are free from beggars.The second phenomenon is just like the first, which is the spread of "Al -Sias" despite the issuance of a law (still ink on paper) to prevent them or to organize this exotic function on us, but it is a phenomenon that exacerbates and spreads, and most of those who occupy it "are dangerous registrants" or graduates of prisons and occupied the streets of the rape, and it is said.There are some officials who cover up these thugs in exchange for known royalties, and it has become required by every citizen to pay these people in exchange for waiting for his car anywhere, even perhaps in front of his home, and there are many problems and quarrels per day because of this scourge, which the state must eradicate from its roots.The third phenomenon is the spread of dogs, there is no accurate statistics from its numbers in the streets, there are those who say that it is 10 million, and there are those who see it 20 million and more, whatever the number is in the millions, and until everyone knows the size of the problem, its catastrophic results must be presented to the country,Where the state spends hundreds of millions on the treatment of citizens who are exposed daily to sterility (biting) from stray dogs, perhaps it reaches half a billion pounds annually, in addition to the money that citizens spend from their pockets.There are also many deaths with "rabies", especially for children.In addition, we import the serum or vaccine used in the treatment of rabies, and its production has become a little, and it is not available in the markets, and it is said that the factories that produce it have turned their lines to produce other drugs, because most countries overcome the problem of stray dogs, and therefore the demand for the serum decreases and there are about 400A thousand complaints annually of stray dogs.

With one eye

رجح سليمان جودة في “المصري اليوم” أن يكون ديفيد ساترفيلد، المبعوث الأمريكي الجديد الذي أرسلته بلاده إلى منطقة القرن الافريقى، يرى الأمور في المنطقة التي جاء إليها With one eye. وكان المبعوث السابق جيفري فيلتمان، لا يرى الأمور نفسها With one eye ولا بعينين، ولذلك فإنه ذهب كما جاء، بينما القضية الأساسية التي بعثوه من أجلها واقفة في مكانها، وربما تكون قد تأخرت عن مكانها الذي وجدها فيه يوم زار المنطقة مبعوثا.The new envoy announced that he will visit Ethiopia, Sudan and Saudi Arabia, on a four -day tour and end next Thursday.It was said that he will discuss everything during this visit, without the Renaissance Dam file had an advertiser on the agenda of his visit..He will discuss problems on the Sudanese -Ethiopian border..The democratic transition will be discussed in Khartoum..The Ethiopian government's attack will be discussed on the Ethiopian revolutionaries in the Tigray region..He did not mention that he will discuss the file of the dam, which without reaching a solution will be the whole region in danger, neither Ethiopia alone, nor Sudan alone, nor of course the boundaries between the two countries. هو بهذه الطريقة يرى الأمور With one eye لأنه لو كان يراها بعينين طبيعيتين، لكان قد عرف أن حكومة آبي أحمد في أديس أبابا أعلنت، قبل يومين، البدء في إزالة 17 ألف هكتار من الغابات في منطقة السد تمهيدا لبدء الملء الثالث، الذي تقول إنها ستشرع فيه.If we knew that it had removed 4824 hectares in the second filling, and that the hectare is equal to two and a half acres, then we will show us the size of the third filling, the size of the crises that will result in the region, the problems of Tigray, the problems of the border, and the problems of democratic transition will be underestimated next to it.If the envoy Satterfield does not see the danger behind the dam, he does not see anything in the area they sent an envoy, and if he did not deal with this danger since the first day of his envoy, he will return as Feltman returned before, and his country will prove that what was said about itYou do not see the right path, except after all the wrong methods are tried, it is completely true and in its place.

قبيل ذكرى الثورة الهجوم على مبارك يشتد… والحكومة تؤكد حسن العلاقة مع واشنطن كلمات مفتاحية

His condition is not easy

Dr. Mohamed Hassan Al -Banna says in “Al -Akhbar” that the fans of the witch are not easy..Although the performance improved somewhat than the first match in the African Nations Cup.Why?Because our capabilities and what we spend on the Egyptian national team and sports are much more than what other countries and their teams spend in the foreground, and we preceded the world rankings.We also have a generation of skilled and pious players, such as, Mohamed Salah, who competes for the best player in the world, and brilliant with the English club Liverpool and the league goal there.We also have the most vicious players, such as the top scorer Mustafa Mohamed, Trezeguet, Omar Marmoush, Al -Sulayya, Al -Nini, Tariq Hamid, Hamdi Fathi and Sahr..We have the best goalkeeper in Africa, Mohamed El -Shennawi.We had the best defense Akram Tawfiq, Ahmed Fattouh and Wasiba in the first match.Unfortunately, we do not have a respected national technical staff that can give our players the national diet with technicians, as we see it in other teams such as Algeria.As you know, we were No. 8 in the world rankings, the days of the able national coach, Hassan Shehata, after which we did not reach the appropriate level, not with local coaches, not even foreigners.Our representation in the last World Cup was disappointing, and we got out of the first roles with three defeats.I will not talk about footballing techniques and tactics, she has its men who have elaborated in it, but unfortunately he does not see, read, nor hear anyone, because the Portuguese coach Kirosh does not hear only himself, and he pursued at the end of his career to demolish and destroy the remainder of the Egyptian football, although the sonsHis country, "Portugal", had a great role in the elevation of Egyptian football, such as Manuel Jose and Jesavaldo Ferrera.And he began trying in the positions of the players, Salah Ras Harba and Mustafa Ayman, and Trezigi, who is absent from the ball 8 months, is a pivotal player in the middle of the stadium, so that the opposing team controls the midfield..

Sulaiya the magician

Hassan Al -Mostkawi confirmed in Al -Shorouk that Mohamed Salah's goal in the Guinea -Bissau match, which is his first goals with the team in 6 games, opened the way to the second round in the event of victory over Sudan in the two teams match next Wednesday. وكانت تمريرة الSulaiya the magicianة إلى صلاح من أفضل ألعاب المباراة، وسجل نجم المنتخب وليفربول الهدف من زاوية ضيقة للغاية، ليمنح الفريق فوزا استحقه، بعد أن أنقذ قائما المرمى الغيني ثلاثة أهدف محققة لكل من صلاح ومصطفى محمد وزيزو، وكان القائمان بمثابة الحارس الأمين لحارس غينيا وناس مينديس، فوز مستحق نعم بالتأكيد على الرغم من حالة «الفزع» التي أصابت الجميع بعد هدف ماما بالدي الجناح الغيني الذي ألغاه الفار لخطأ ارتكبه مع عمر كمال.It is a deserved victory by 70% compared to 30% for the Guinean team and in all the numbers of the match.It was control, initiative, attack and pressure.And ongoing moves in the offensive third of the national team, in which Salah, Sammoush, Mustafa Mohamed, Omar Kamal Abdel Wahid, who was a wing of most of the time, the Solia, Al -Nini, and even Hegazy, Al -Wansh and Ayman Ashraf, participated.However, direct play spoiled it sometimes the players' exaggeration in keeping the ball, especially Marmoush.Besides the slow behavior, the slow movement on the part of Abdullah Al -Saeed, and his inability to send his long passes to the various attack areas because the Guinean team formed a crowd and narrow spaces in the penalty area, so he made the distances and spaces of the Egyptian attackers movement behind the lines very narrow and limited.Al -Sulaya is the best midfielder, because of his positive in moving and production, and the positivity increased in Zizou in the second half, which is a necessity in formation.While Al -Nani moves a lot in the directions of the ball, but it is required to kick the ball, pass the ball, and extract the ball.While Al -Saeed suffers in the 3/3/3 method.And his choice was not appropriate, and it is the same thing that Kirosh blames to choose Tarziga while he was not ready, as Mustafa Mohamed's withdrawal was a mistake, and waiting until the 78th minute to change Marmoush and Al -Nini is a mistake that is scored on Kirosh in his 13th match with the Egyptian team within other previous mistakes, and until nowThe national team did not make the technical offer that its fans are waiting for.


The news of the disappearance of Corona, as Ahmed Al -Tayeb, has disclosed in “Al -Watan” the wish of every person who lives on this simple.This virus is like influenza, or a cold, to be the mouthpiece of each injured person, "I have a little Corona" as a description of his injury, as is the case when the influenza virus is infected, where there is no place to risk or threaten life or anxiety and dismay.With the expansion of the circle of hope during the past days, this security is expected to be achieved by mentioning the phrase "I have a little Corona" or "just the role of Corona" as is the case when the influenza virus is infected in the presence and spread of good and promising news that enhances and increases this wish, the most important of which is the presence of positive expectations that the year isThe new 2022 will witness the beginning of the transformation of the virus from a pandemJust for the omekron museum to disappear, the injuries are on the way to decrease significantly, after which Corona patients can be treated like seasonal influenza patients.The voices that carry hope are many, there are also those who exclude that a more prevalent museum appears from omecron, and there are those who confirm that the current Corona wave and the symptoms are simple in most cases, and are similar to seasonal influenza and annual colds, but in all cases it still exists, and that the infection has becomeMore among families and families, which leads to high community immunity.“Despite these voices of hope, and despite the assurances that the Omekron Museum is less fierce and lighter, the danger is still existing, and that continuing to adhere to the precautionary and preventive measures and social spacing, and ensuring that vaccines and vaccinations are an inevitable necessity.


Salah Montaser traced the causes of the crisis that most Egyptians face through the narrative of her storytelling in “Al -Ahram”: It was a beautiful party on the day he married Mamdouh (24 years) and Samia (22 years) at the house that included with Mamdouh four brothers and their three children means seven.After one month, the mother was reassuring on Samia: there is a need for a railway.The first child came after nine months, and the second after 30 months and the third after 45 months, while the fourth is after 59 months, while the rest of the four sons have given birth to nine.I mean, in less than five years, the family that started with a couple had 15 in the enemy's eye.The years have moved quickly, the grandchildren married, and everyone began to race the other in childbearing, and on Friday it became the day of the largest crowd of adults, children and grandchildren.A third generation joined the raising of the production of the seed, which started with twenty -six, and the place is no longer sufficient for all family members to meet to the point that it reached the inability of the grandfather the names of his grandchildren.The feelings of grandfather and grandmother changed, so the most beautiful moment they face on the day the children and grandchildren arrived, but the happiest of them at the moment they left the house after Al -Zaqik, the Hergel, the bottlenecks and the dumps, which the children were doing against some of them, while the husbands no longer talk only about the complaint of the troubles, expenses and high prices of electricity, school and vegetablesAnd the meat that they do not have to except on occasions, and you have the price of gasoline, or to live, and one of the husbands suggested that he write a letter to the officials in which he presents his condition and problems.He says in it: I am a fifth degree employee and I am not able to live.The biggest grandfather was silent as if he lost pronunciation.He looked at the tribe around him and asked: The last?It was difficult for him to the future of his grandchildren and how they raised them to the right splendor of an average family, and today he sees the shoe that erodes his sole at the foot of one of his grandchildren, and he cannot do anything.He kept a long goddess in his chest and said: Forgive me, O Lord..I am the real criminal.

"Which Obea?"

There was an Egyptian family who lived in Australia, who was concerned with Bahaa El Din Hassan in the "scene": the husband died and left his family, which chose to stay in Australia, and to continue life after the husband's death, contrary to what is happening from some expatriates abroad, in the event of the death of the head of the familyThe family is bound by its isolation and on board the first plane to return to the homeland.The wife had a brother who gathered a friendship with him, a friend asked him, after he ended his call from Australia, in which his sister reassures him of her conditions and the conditions of the children: Why did you not return your sister after the death of her husband to Egypt?The man answered the question of the friend, while he is in his sitting calmly, he said: After my sister's husband died, one of the competent authorities in Australia asked her to write all her needs, and to record living supplies from a thousand to Z, the sister of her brain and began to record her needs and expenses, fromEating, experimental, clothing, medicine, housing, its transportation and transportation, the value of electricity and water bills, the expenses of the children's schools, and the bus rent that is carrying them to schools. I registered all this and presented it to the competent authority after she submitted the request and returned to her residence awaiting the response, her Australian neighbor asked what she wrote in the request, so she saidShe has what she wrote of requests and needs, so the neighbor asked her: Why did you not write that you are going at least three times during the month to the cavist?Of course, he did not mention the friend, whether the Australian neighbor mocked his Egyptian -Australian saint sister, and she said to her, and she was his troubles and her violence that she did not record the number of times she went to the hairdressers, within her needs “Yahala” or “Yaabta”?However, it is clear that the widow is neither a hibernation nor is it a frustration, as the dilateral and the Obea are the one that leaves a state that cares about the citizen with all this interest, and returns to live in a homeland in which you ask those who ask him to pay, if she wants to serve.

They do not feel it

Among the optimists are always and ever, Muhammad Al -Hawari in “Al -Akhbar”: The state succeeded in fighting poverty by providing health housing for citizens with low incomes, slums, takaful and dignity fund, as wellTo productive families.Egypt has covered with its projects all parts of the country, especially a decent life that aims to improve the lives of 60 million citizens in the countryside, provide all services to citizens, and to fill thousands of canals and drains to conserve water and establish hospitals and new schools, new universities, drinking water and sanitation stations, compiled centers for services and providing small projectsFor citizens in the countryside, all of this happens despite the Korona pandemic.Egypt has confronted the Corona pandemic and its negative effects on the citizens, as the country managed the crisis with all vitality and ability and provided vaccines for free to citizens, as well as the need to adhere to precautionary procedures, divergence, use of muzzle, permanent hygiene, support for employment that lost its jobs, and many more..The state has been able to restore the homes of citizens in the countryside in order to live a decent life and provide them with facilities and services and support for the breadwinner families, so life is constantly changing for the better for families and children.

He was not

On the anniversary of the departure of the great creator, Sabri Musa, Mustafa Obaid says in “Al -Wafd”, that he is lucky because he got acquainted with the late writer Sabri Musa, whose memory is permissible: He was solid despite the chronic illness, to be intelligent and intelligent, despite the rise of friends and loved ones..His eyes seemed to be the magic of memories, tales, victories, times and uninterrupted creations.He gave me his exciting novel, "Corruption of Places", and she has to sign him, which made me happy and is still whenever I return to this work, guided, illuminated, and tormented by the beauty of narration and the splendor of language.Sabri Musa is a creative, modern and realistic, and a great teacher.Whoever reads it knows how to strip the stones wise.How to make pictures of words that overlap to reformulate our feelings and longings, and how it translates us into beautiful and kind terms and feelings.How does the man always assure us that we are a state of civilization, culture and creativity.We have enjoyed and still will remain with charming tales, stories and scenarios, books, articles and remarkable studies that cannot be forgotten.Watch the movie "Al -Buslaji" and have mercy on those who formulated this tight scenario, and remember the movie "Qandil Umm Hashem" and enjoy the perfection of the plot and the drawing of mature characters.Read "The Master from the Spinach Field" and they came from the amazing wine of imagination and its ability to extrapolation of tomorrow.I remember the day of his funeral when I received the tragic news from his wife and his age group, colleague Anas Al -Huhdan, Radwan, whom God gave him months before his long illness, so I was forgetting for him and a chain of awareness of his awareness through which he sees the world throughout the years he spent examining the disease of the disease.We preceded him to the scene of Mrs. Nafisa, who was sitting and there we prayed for him, and he attended students, creators and journalists from everywhere to bid him farewell, then we and we and we were in his tomb in the bosom of Mokattam, and we closed returning.On the way, my friend, writer Al -Naba, Khairi Hassan, said, "Oh ... it's the end.".I told him "but the beginning".Whoever says that death is the last way of man.The true creator does not die.He leaves a body, as this is a conclusive rule that does not accept controversy.He misses a soul: God's destiny.Perhaps a time is forgotten, but the sparkle of the creator of creativity remains contracts and centuries.