Bahrain Defense Force .. Light sparkling in the sky of the Kingdom

  • Time:Aug 24
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Article

“Jihad in the path of God must be the core of our military strategy, and we must strive Behind a comprehensive civilized renaissance in all its manifestations, and in every Arab and Muslim country, benefiting from the lessons learned We gained it from past historical events in dealing with our crucial issues, especially since our region is the eastern wing of the nation Arabia, and this requires us to be constantly vigilant to preserve the security and stability of the region, because its security is an indivisible whole. .

With these expressive words, His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa, the beloved monarch of the country The Supreme Commander of the Bahrain Defense Force, in His Majesty's book "The First Light", the doctrine on which it was based The Bahrain Defense Force, which is considered the Kingdom's impregnable fortress and one of the main pillars on which the modern Bahraini state is based .

Report: Ahmed Abdel Hamid

With the advent of the fiftieth anniversary of the Kingdom of Bahrain's accession to the United Nations as a full member state, we shed light on The proud march of the Bahrain Defense Force, and the memory of the fifth of February every year is still proud and exciting In the souls of the military, who witnessed the first light of this proud force, with the graduation of the first batch of its recruits On February 5, 1969 AD, to make this dear occasion a source of pride for the people of this dear country. In the prosperous era of His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa, the King of the country, the Supreme Commander May God preserve and protect him, the builder of this edifice, with the support and efforts of the first participant in building and establishing it, His Excellency Field Marshal Staff Sheikh Khalifa bin Ahmed Al Khalifa, Commander-in-Chief of the Bahrain Defense Force.

Thanks to the wise royal directives of His Majesty the King, the Supreme Commander - may God preserve and preserve him -, The Bahrain Defense Force, since its establishment in 1968 AD, during the era of the late, God willing, His Highness Sheikh Isa bin Salman Al Khalifa, may God rest his soul, and it works permanently and continuously to achieve The tasks entrusted to her with efficiency and competence, with professionalism and mastery, and she assumed important responsibilities in various circumstances, which It enabled it to forge a solid path in this regard, with the praise of many brotherly and friendly countries. From different countries of the world, the defense force has become a symbol of sacrifice and giving and a bright and bright sign in the homeland. A source of honor and pride for everyone who lives on this good land.

Fulfilling the title of incorporation

The history of the establishment of the Bahrain Defense Force dates back to August 1968, and it was called at that time ( National Guard) and then changed its name on September 23 of 1968 to the Bahrain Defense Force, and has The first vanguards of the military units operating in it appeared on the fifth of February 1969, according to the established plan Which has been working according to it to ensure that all factors of progress take bold steps on scientific foundations, and firm rules for establishing An armed military force that defends the borders of the homeland and the safety of its lands, then Decree-Law No. 23 of the year was issued 1979 with the promulgation of the Personnel Service Law, and on the fifth of February of 1979, a batch graduation ceremony was celebrated The first recruits.

Because loyalty is one of the basic values ​​upon which this lofty edifice was built, His Majesty said King Al-Mufdi said in a statement on February 6, 2018: “We remember with great respect and reverence. On this national occasion, the laying of the first brick of this lofty edifice, the builder of its pillars, the father of all, the leader of our march Hadith, the owner of greatness, Sheikh Isa bin Salman Al Khalifa, may God rest his soul, as one of the fruits of his auspicious era His achievements in various fields constituted a civilized shift in the development of the Kingdom of Bahrain.

founding moments

The Bahrain Defense Force was established in 1968 AD, marking the beginning of a prominent civilized breakthrough in the contemporary history of Bahrain. It undertakes the task of protecting its great achievements and preserving its comprehensive renaissance. The sun of the Bahrain Defense Force shone, and it reached a great position in its glory and glory, and it moved at a steady and steady pace towards progress and prosperity, and achieved military achievements that made it in the ranks of advanced armies.

His Majesty the King, the Supreme Commander.. laid the first building blocks in the edifice of glory

With the direct supervision and generous patronage of His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa, the country's monarch Al-Mufdi, the Supreme Commander, the basic building blocks of this lofty defensive edifice were built, its foundations were firmly established, and its pillars were elevated, which It enabled him to perform his duty and carry out his great tasks represented in defending the homeland and preserving its stability, gains and achievements. Civilizational and developmental, this institution has achieved its objectives, and has always been the impenetrable fortress and protective shield of the homeland and the citizen.

His Majesty began laying the first building blocks for the Bahrain Defense Force, and supervised the development of plans for the involvement of the countrymen In the military corps, developing programs to train them inside and outside the country, and providing weapons, equipment, supplies, and administrative buildings , training buildings, and direct supervision of the implementation of these plans and programs, in order to achieve the lofty and great goals that he enlisted He crowned himself for accomplishing it.

His Majesty also followed up the establishment of the first military unit, the Training Center for the Royal Defense Force, and supervised the reception The first batch of recruits, and witnessed with His Highness the late Emir and senior officials in the state its graduation ceremony, to continue after This includes receiving batches of recruits, graduating them, forming units, and arming the Bahrain Defense Force.

And with the desire of His Majesty to develop his military studies, he joined the Leadership College on the twenty-first of June 1971. and Staff in Fourth Leavenworth, Kansas, USA, and during his free time in Leavenworth he was taking a course in Foreign Correspondence at the Industrial College of the Armed Forces in Washington, where he earned his National Diploma in Management Military, on the thirty-first of May 1972 AD.

On the ninth of June of the following year, he graduated with honors in command and chief of staff.

On the twenty-sixth of June 1972, he received the Military Certificate of Honor from the United States of America. This is in recognition of what he has accomplished in military affairs since 1968 AD, and as a result his name has been put on the list Among the names included in the honor board for officers in the college.

He has held the position of Commander-in-Chief of the Bahrain Defense Force since its inception, and assumed the position of Chief Department of Defense, and became a member of the State Council, which was established on the nineteenth of January 1970, and then became Minister of Defense when the Council of Ministers was formed on August 15, 1971 AD, and he continued in this position Until the thirty-first of March 1988 AD, then Commander-in-Chief of the Bahrain Defense Force on the sixth of March 1999 AD .

The first batch of recruits

As soon as he announced the opening of the recruitment committee, a large influx of citizens poured into the recruitment committee At the Royal Defense Force Training Center, they hope to engage in the most honorable profession, and to make the first sacrifice for the country .

On the twenty-eighth of October 1968 AD, the actual training for the first batch of recruits began. Enthusiasm and desire were exuded by the recruits to master the military exercises.

The 5th of February 1969 AD was the date for the graduation of the first batch, as a big celebration took place under the auspices of the late His Highness Sheikh Isa bin Salman Al Khalifa, the late Emir of the country - may God rest his soul in peace - and rightly so This was a historic day that cannot be forgotten. On the faces of the citizens as they see their sons and brothers in the military parade, marching with their strong military steps, raising their heads with all their might Pride, pride and concern. The late His Highness Sheikh Isa bin Salman Al Khalifa, the late Emir of the country, addressed - Tayeb May God rest his soul - the graduates on this occasion: «We look at you today with admiration and pride, to set an example Brothers to you, and we hope for more for the good of this country at your young hands, and your solid experience, so that you may truly be the shield. The fortress, and the solid support of your homeland and your nation. In commemoration of this solemn occasion, a Royal Decree was issued deeming the 5th of February 1969 AD as the Feast of the Power of God. Bahrain Defense. Thus, many batches of trained men graduated to this day.

Commander-in-Chief.. Al-Adeed

The Field Marshal Sheikh Khalifa bin Ahmed Al Khalifa, Commander-in-Chief of the Bahrain Defense Force witnessed all The stages of establishing and developing the Bahrain Defense Force. He was the leader who witnessed the beginning of its pioneering launch, based on Proper and thoughtful planning, and contributed with dedication and sincerity in the construction process and the achievement of its great achievements, until it reached this level.

On December 19, 1968, Field Marshal Sheikh Khalifa bin Ahmed Al Khalifa completed his first military studies. (Sandhurst) Lieutenant. Field Marshal Sheikh Khalifa bin Ahmed Al Khalifa received the Commander-in-Chief of the Bahrain Defense Force (Lieutenant at the time) Leading the recruits company, responsible for the final training, and supervising the graduation of the first batch, and he was the leader of the graduation column. On November 10, 1969, First Lieutenant Sheikh Khalifa bin Ahmed Al Khalifa was appointed commander of the infantry company. The first.

On February 5, 1970, Field Marshal Sheikh Khalifa bin Ahmed Al Khalifa was appointed commander of the infantry battalion. The first mechanism, was the rank of captain.

On October 27, 1972, he graduated from the Command and Staff College (Kimberley) in the United Kingdom with a master's degree in Military Sciences, and was awarded the title of Staff Major.

On November 6, 1973 AD, His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa, the King of the country, issued Al-Mufadi the Supreme Commander (the Commander-in-Chief at the time) ordered him to be appointed commander of the First Fighting Group, and he was at the rank of Staff Major .

On January 19, 1974, Emiri Order No. 1 of 1974 was issued appointing him as Chairman of the Board of Directors. Staff of the Defense Force and was a staff lieutenant colonel.

On July 12, 1975, the will of His Highness the late Emir of the country, Sheikh Isa bin Salman Al, was issued. Khalifa - may God rest his soul - by promoting him to the rank of Staff Colonel.

On July 12, 1979, the will of His Highness the late Emir Sheikh - may God rest his soul in peace - was issued, upgrading Colonel Staff Sheikh Khalifa bin Ahmed Al Khalifa, Chief of Staff at the time, to the rank of Brigadier General.

On February 4, 1986, a royal order was issued by His Highness the late Emir of the country - may God rest his soul in peace - To promote Brigadier General Sheikh Khalifa bin Ahmed Al Khalifa (Chief of Staff at the time) to the rank of Major General corner

On March 31, 1988, Emiri Decree No. 1 of 1988 was issued appointing Major General Al-Sheikh Khalifa bin Ahmed Al Khalifa as Minister of Defense, then Emiri Decree No. (5) of 1988 was issued appointing Major General Sheikh Khalifa bin Ahmed Al Khalifa, Minister of Defense and Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the Defense Force.

On February 4, 1993, a royal decree was issued by His Highness the late Emir of the country - may God rest his soul in peace - By promoting Major General Sheikh Khalifa bin Ahmed Al Khalifa (Minister of Defense and Deputy Commander-in-Chief at the time) to Lieutenant General Rank.

On February 4, 2001, the Royal Decree was issued by His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa The King of the country, the Supreme Commander (the Emir of the country at the time) Emiri Order No. 9 of 2001 AD By promoting Lieutenant General Sheikh Khalifa bin Ahmed Al Khalifa (Minister of Defense and Deputy Commander-in-Chief at the time) to Rank of First Team Lieutenant General.

On January 6, 2008, Royal Decree No. 2 of 2008 was issued appointing Lieutenant General the First Staff Sheikh Khalifa bin Ahmed Al Khalifa, Commander-in-Chief of the Bahrain Defense Force.

On February 8, 2011 AD, His Majesty the King, the Supreme Commander, issued a royal order to promote the Lieutenant General. First Staff Sheikh Khalifa bin Ahmed Al Khalifa, Commander-in-Chief of the Bahrain Defense Force, to the rank of Field Marshal .

Formation of units and weapons of the Bahrain Defense Force

The natural formation of the defense force units began with the land forces, and after its completion, it was the turn of the air forces, then the forces The navy, and so the episode was completed with the establishment of the main weapons, and the evolution of formations has been going hand in hand since then The period until now, with the introduction of modern and advanced weapons for the various forces, until they entered into service with the system Modern and advanced weapons.

The ground forces, with their various weapons and mechanisms, constitute an integrated system in the performance of their duties and the implementation of the tasks entrusted to them. tasks efficiently and effectively.

Since its establishment, the Defense Force has sought to form the nucleus of the land force and has given it great care in preparation and training And arming and equipping, and placed it within the programs of continuous development plans through which the Defense Force is keen to reach With all its units to the appropriate level, which matches the spirit of the modern era, its military theories, and its advanced accurate weapons.

Given the importance of the Air Force in the modern battle, and its pivotal role that is indispensable to any armed force On his behalf, His Majesty the King, the Supreme Commander, ordered the formation of the Royal Bahraini Air Force in The eighth of May 1976 AD.

The weapon has been supplied since its inception with the latest advanced equipment and equipment, which are managed by highly qualified and skilled crews. Distinguished sons of the homeland, who have proven their superior skill in dealing with modern, advanced fighters, and maintaining them with sensitive devices complex.

The Royal Bahraini Air Force participated in many military missions and operations, including, for example, a battle The liberation of the sisterly State of Kuwait, the war against terrorism, Operation Decisive Storm, Restoration of Hope, and others.

The preliminary studies conducted with the beginning of the formation of the Bahrain Defense Force proved the inevitability of finding a navy Effective, with a high degree of competence and competence, performs his duty to the fullest extent, to maintain security and safety Motherland

The first step was to prepare qualified national cadres of officers, engineers, administrators and technicians by sending The first batch of these cadres in 1974 to study various marine disciplines.

The Kingdom of Bahrain inaugurated its first warship on March 20, 1979, which is the ship (Al Zubarah). This was followed by the ship (Hiwar) in March 1982.

On February 5, 1983, three warships were launched (Al-Jarim, Al-Jasra, and Ajira), and after them A year later, the missile ship (Ahmed Al-Fatih) was launched.

After that, in subsequent years, many warships were launched, including (Al-Jabri) and (Abdul-Rahman Al-Fadil). And (Manama) and (Muharraq) and (Tawila) and (Sabha) and (Budaiya) and (Dinar) .

The weapon participated in operational and humanitarian missions around the world, and it also assumed responsibility for commanding the Joint Task Force ( 152) This is a historic achievement for the Kingdom of Bahrain as the first Arab country to be assigned the command of the Joint Duty Force (152) Affiliated to the international coalition forces under the umbrella of the United Nations operating in the center and south of the Arabian Gulf.

Training.. and exercises

When forming the Defense Force, it was taken into account that the plans, programs and stages of training in it are consistent with realistic considerations And the reality that the individual faces in his military life in times of peace and war, and in various temporal and spatial circumstances. ‬

Caring for people and developing their capabilities was the focus of the General Command's concerns, and the backbone of the training policy in Quwa Defense, which focused on preparing officers and individuals, and providing them with military science and theories, each in his field of competence, Focusing on the practical aspect and understanding the methods of use and maintenance of various weapons and systems.

The Isa Royal Military College, the Royal College of Command, Staff and National Defense are the Royal Defense Force Training Center Schools and technical institutes are distinguished training edifices, through which generations armed with discipline and military knowledge flowed.

From this point of view, the focus was on field combat exercises for the various units of the Defense Force, in order to build the combat soldier With high efficiency that qualifies him to practice actual combat actions in the conditions of field operations, and to be able to He applies what he gained during the training and what he mastered in the study on the ground.

The Defense Force paid attention to the joint exercises that are held annually with the brothers in the armies of the Gulf Cooperation Council states. And gave it most of its attention, in order to coordinate within the framework of joint cooperation between these brotherly forces, and exchange Field experience, acquisition of tactical skills, upgrading combat performance, and raising capacities and capabilities among the forces in the field

Operational contributions of the Bahrain Defense Force

The history of the Bahrain Defense Force's participation in many battlefields and fronts proves that its brave leadership and soldiers The brave men were always ready to perform the sacred duty, and they will continue to help and support their brothers in other countries. The Arabian Gulf, and one of the pillars of support for the Arab and international wall.

The tracker of the history of these posts reveals several important facts, including: that they go back to decades ago, and are old. He presented the history of the establishment and establishment of the force itself, and it did not stop at the geographical borders of the Persian Gulf region Or the Arab and Islamic countries with which they are linked by the bond of brotherhood and one destiny, but they have gone beyond the requirements of performing the national duty In terms of the countries of the world as a whole, as imposed by the human reality and the common threat.

These multiple participations were not limited to field battles, logistical support services, and war confrontations. Bahrain's defense is an advanced spearhead in many battles aimed at protecting the borders of sister countries And friendly, but its roles extended to securing the arrival of aid and needs to the countries that need it, and to establish the foundations Stability with it, and support it in the face of any challenges or risks that it was exposed to or will be exposed to, not to mention, of course, Installing the frameworks of legitimacy and law, and not confronting the outlaws and destroying their positions.

Since its inception, the Bahrain Defense Force has endeavored to preserve the security of the homeland and preserve its gains. During her luminous military career, her loyal men wrote heroic epics engraved in the military memory with courage. A local, regional and international level in the establishment of security and prosperity through many operational tasks and military participation, including:

Bahrain Defense Force.. a shimmering light in the The Kingdom's Sky

October 1973 Ramadan war

The participation of the Bahrain Defense Force began during the Ramadan October 1973 war, although it was still newly formed. The elements of the force at that time were assigned the duties of supporting the forces of the sister Arab countries during this war Formation of a battle group that included the 1 Royal Mechanized Infantry Battalion and the necessary support elements.

Many literature monitors the role of this selected group of the force that was led by Major Khalifa bin Ahmed Al Khalifa (His Excellency the Commander-in-Chief of the Force, currently Field Marshal Sheikh Khalifa bin Ahmed), And how did this contribute to the development of assembly, training and readiness processes, and the level of awareness and high morale that Acquired by the chosen soldiers, which in its usefulness and size exceeded the age of this force, as the battalion applied the various The necessary mobilization exercises in preparation for the performance of duty, as they moved first to Saudi lands and from there to the operations arena. However, orders were issued to cease fire, and it was decided to stop the movement.

The Tanker War (Iraq-Iran War)

As a result of the events that took place in the Gulf in the eighties of the last century, and at the time when the experiences and readiness of The Bahrain Defense Force is taking shape, and its security role is increasing. The Royal Navy has contributed to protecting tankers oil during the Iran-Iraq war from 1980 to 1988, in the international campaign to combat mines It was during the period from 1987 AD to 1988 AD.

It is noted here that the Royal Bahraini Navy has exerted great efforts in combating the effects of mines in Gulf waters and the safety of their passage in areas that fall within the jurisdiction of the Kingdom, especially since mines have caused 179 attacks occurred in 1987 and 90 in 1988.

The war to liberate the State of Kuwait

With the regional developments that took place in the Gulf in the early nineties of the last century, indicators of strength and diversity grew Her role varied in the nature of the following participations, especially during the war to liberate the State of Kuwait 1990-1991 AD, where she participated The force is part of the Peninsula Shield forces present in Hafar Al-Batin, Saudi Arabia, and these forces were composed of the 6 countries At the forefront of the ground forces defending the northern borders of Saudi Arabia.

It is known here that the Bahraini land forces had a prominent role in this sacred national mission To defend one of the countries of the Gulf Cooperation Council, I participated in a ground fighting group called the Force of Duty Issa, and it consisted Of 238 officers and men. The Royal Air Force contributed an F-16 squadron and an F-5 squadron flying 303 operational sorties and 181 aircraft. Air protection and escort sortie.

The AB 212 combat helicopters carried out 376 sorties, and Isa Air Base had a significant role In preparing and participating in the air battles, and in supporting the coalition forces, the Navy participated with 6 missile ships And 4 artillery ships and 2 transport ships.

Support in Afghanistan 2005

During this period, the Bahraini Navy appeared on the scene, following its tremendous contributions in the war of liberation The State of Kuwait, where the role of the frigate "Sabha" has emerged in the international efforts and humanitarian endeavors aimed at Stabilization and reconstruction of Afghanistan in April 2002. The Royal Special Forces also participated with the support forces in Afghanistan in 2005, as part of the efforts Efforts to combat terrorism in compliance with the objectives and principles of the United Nations and its respect for international law.

This experience had an important impact on the acquisition of expertise and experience by the National Navy - and the frigate Sobha in particular. Staying at sea for a long time and dealing and cooperating with multinational navies after spending a whole month in the sea Arabian Sea

It is noteworthy here that the tasks of the frigate Sabha included escorting and protecting ships carrying humanitarian aid and facilitating their arrival To its facilities, search and rescue operations, and evacuation of any casualties within the scope of responsibility entrusted to it, and to cooperate with the Naval Forces The American army carried out live ammunition shooting at surface and air targets, achieving direct and accurate hits, which confirmed the high level. and the sophistication of the ship's crew.

Kuwait again in 2003

Subsequently, the Bahrain Defense Force participated in the defense of the State of Kuwait, where the combat group moved The seventh Bahraini in Kuwait within the system of the Peninsula Shield forces from its bases in Bahrain on February 28, 2003 AD, The force assumed the task of defending the southwestern sector of Kuwait, and the group, through the Royal Air Force, was able to protect The airspace of Kuwait from any air assault and cover the forces present in Kuwait, as they were protecting the skies of Kuwait As a whole, through two patrols per day, and the total number of patrols and sorties reached 90, with a duration of 215 hours.

The Navy participated in the frigate Sabha, the frigate Ahmed Al-Fateh, and the frigate Muharraq, to ​​enhance the efforts of the Kuwaiti naval force and secure Communication lines for commercial ships, as well as securing the protection of humanitarian aid ships heading to Iraq, and escorting ships in the Gulf waters until it reaches the Iraqi ports.

Combating maritime piracy

In the Gulf of Aden 2009

With the growing experience gained by the frigate Sabha, it participated in October and November 2009 with Duty Force 151. concerned with combating maritime piracy in the Gulf of Aden. Bahrain was the only country in which the multinational forces participated in the operations of this international mission at the Gulf level and Arab countries, and came within the framework of international cooperation for peacekeeping and anti-piracy efforts under the umbrella of the United Nations. In November 2017, the Royal Bahraini Navy assumed command of this force.

The Bahraini Navy assumed responsibility for commanding the Joint Duty Force 152 of the International Coalition Forces under its umbrella The United Nations operating in the central and southern Arabian Gulf twice, the first in March 2008 AD and the second in January 2011 AD.

The Bahraini navy is the first in the region to receive this task at the level of naval weapons, for confidence which it is acquiring, and the leadership role of the Bahrain Defense Force and its various branches of arms.

This is in addition to the counter-terrorism operations in the Arabian Gulf from 2006 AD to the present day. It is known that the forces in Force 152 consist of 25 countries around the world as a whole, and the target is combat Terrorism, stopping arms and drug smuggling and maritime crimes.

Operations Decisive Storm and Restoring Hope

It was the affirmation of His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa, the sovereign of the country, may he be preserved May God always protect him that the Bahrain Defense Force will continue to perform its lofty duty with the brothers, and that is based on From its firm belief in the importance of the great role played by the Kingdom in the defining events, which was proven by martyrdom 9 sons of the Kingdom while performing their duty within the forces with the Arab Coalition Defense Forces On legitimacy in Yemen in Operation Decisive Storm and Restoring Hope 2015.

It is noteworthy that Bahrain participated in a squadron of 12 aircraft within the joint Arab coalition forces led by The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, as well as the Bahraini men, participated strongly in protecting the security of the southern borders of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia, and the frigate Sabha also participated in securing the aid route that the Arab coalition countries committed to in Within the framework of Operation Restoring Hope and Stability in Yemen and securing the Arabian Sea region, by securing a distance of 250 miles Within the mission area of ​​the Arab coalition forces extending from the Red Sea to the Arabian Sea at the border with Oman .

Reports highlight that the volume of aid that the frigate Sabha delivered to Yemen amounted to 910 tons of food. Food, humanitarian and medical aid, and the country's sovereign monarch, the supreme leader, visited the power of the Kingdom of Bahrain Arab Coalition Forces in May 2015, and he looked at the flight line at King Fahd Air Base in Taif, and he also His Excellency, Commander-in-Chief of the Bahrain Defense Force, in January 2016, with an inspection visit to the Force's Duty Force In the Jizan region and King Fahd Air Base in Taif.

The war on terror (ISIS) 2014

The Royal Bahraini Air Force has a major role. In September 2014, the National Air Force Eagles participated in the friendly forces. And the ally and sister countries of the Gulf Cooperation Council in striking and destroying a number of sites and targets chosen for groups and organizations terrorism within the international effort related to the protection of regional security and international peace.

Also, a group of Royal Air Force aircraft took part in international efforts to eradicate terrorism in February 2015 in Jordan, and the Bahraini pilots demonstrated their efficiency, professionalism, accuracy, and high morale that reflect Evidently the readiness of the men of the Bahrain Defense Force.

The in operations

International Humanitarian Relief..

The Bahrain Defense Force has many relief, humanitarian and medical contributions and contributions, most notably:

- In 2011, the field medical battalion participated with great efficiency in a humanitarian mission under the umbrella of nations The United Nations is part of the Continuing Promise campaign in Haiti, which is a destination for international relief organizations in the country The aftermath of the January 12, 2010 earthquake.

- Led by His Highness Major General Shaikh Nasser bin Hamad Al Khalifa, National Security Adviser and Commander of the Guard Royal, the Kingdom of Bahrain provided humanitarian support to the friendly Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal, which arrived in the capital Nepalese "Kathmandu" Bahraini relief cargo plane with 30 tons of medical, relief and food items on board On the 5th of May 2015.

Social services in the Bahrain Defense Force

The Bahrain Defense Force has paid great attention to the human element, which is considered the real wealth on which it can be relied upon In building the future, it is the primary goal in the strategy of every military institution.

Since its establishment, the Defense Force has taken the initiative to provide various incentives and social services that have contributed to the consolidation of the relationship The individual in the military institution and provided him with the means of a comfortable and decent life.

The Bahrain Defense Force regularly organizes and conducts Hajj missions in appreciation and contribution to its loyal men. The members of the mission perform the rituals of this great duty at the expense of His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa, King of the country, the Supreme Commander. The first Hajj missions date back to 1975 AD, and they continue annually to this day.

At the global level, the Kingdom has assumed a prominent position thanks to its organization of the Bahrain International Defense Exhibition and Conference 2017. It is one of the most important military exhibitions in the Middle East because it represents a great opportunity for exchanging ideas and opinions And consultation on current security developments on the scene among military experts.

The Bahrain Defense Force has never neglected its martyred sons, whether inside or outside the homeland. These martyrs - may God have mercy on them - received the greatest share of attention and care that reached the highest levels for their families and children. .

From this standpoint, the Martyrs Fund was established, by royal order, in appreciation of His Majesty. The beloved King, the Supreme Commander of the sacrifices made by the people of the Kingdom of Bahrain in defending the land and the right, and enjoys The Fund is under paternal patronage and personal follow-up by His Majesty for the affairs of the families of the martyrs, as this concern reflected the magnitude of appreciation and prestige For the martyrs and their families.

Medical achievements

The Bahrain Defense Force recorded today its great achievements and developments in all military and civil fields, which in turn contributed In developing the medical services system according to the latest findings of medicine and modern science.

The Bahrain Defense Force made great contributions to confronting the Corona virus (Covid 19) within the national campaign To combat the virus that the whole world is exposed to, as the military institution, through its units and directorates, was able to harness Its human energies (officers, individuals and specialists) through establishing and equipping infrastructure and importing additional equipment for services health services in all parts of the Kingdom at the maximum speed, and it also provided mechanisms for supplying and importing medical equipment and supplies management, which contributed to limiting the exacerbation of this crisis at the national level. The Royal Medical Services of the Bahrain Defense Force, with its specialized medical cadres (doctors and their assistants), contributed to this Develop a road map for the work of health facilities in the country, and provide them with medical staff in accordance with the visions of the national team to combat Corona Virus

The parking lots of the military hospital were converted in record time into a field intensive care unit according to the highest standards Standards, conditions and levels for providing the necessary health care and providing the required treatment services in an impressive and remarkable manner.

The military judiciary

Since the establishment of the Bahrain Defense Force, the judiciary has received remarkable attention and great care by the Commander-in-Chief of the force Bahrain's defense, where the military judiciary has been given legal and judicial competence since the issuance of the Military Judgments Law in 2008 1968 AD, during which the terms of reference of the military prosecution and military courts were determined, in addition to the technical terms of reference in other departments. .

Military Court of Cassation

The establishment of the Military Court of Cassation is considered one of the most important achievements undertaken by the military judiciary, and the first sessions were held Court on December 12, 2011 AD to consider the appeals submitted regarding one of the rulings issued by the Court of Appeal The Supreme Military Court, and this court is the highest degree of litigation before the courts and one of the most important guarantees for the accused Considering appeals submitted either by the Military Prosecution, or by those sentenced in the final judgments issued by a court The Supreme Military Appeal, or the Grand Military Court in its appellate capacity, also adjudicates requests for reconsideration Final rulings imposing penalties in articles of felonies and misdemeanours, and deciding in cases of conflict of jurisdiction between military courts, Noting that all the procedures and dates of the Military Court of Cassation follow what is prescribed in the law The Civil Court of Cassation issued by Decree-Law No. (8) of 1989 AD.

The electronic military justice program

An electronic program for military justice was prepared, and it entered the implementation phase at the beginning of 2010. It included: This program introduces all the work of the military prosecution, military courts, and legal affairs in the military judiciary computers.

Developing the legal system

The military judiciary contributed through its presence, chaired by the head of the military judiciary, in the sessions of the House of Representatives and the Shura Council and their committees Developing the legal system related to the Bahrain Defense Force in general, in addition to discussing and drafting related laws and proposals By improving the living conditions of Bahrain Defense Force personnel and retirees, the state's general budget, service inclusion and everything related Public affairs and has a relationship with the Defense Force within a framework governed by the Constitution and the laws of the Kingdom.

Training courses

One of the most important achievements of the military judiciary in the academic and training field is the hosting of a number of delegations by the military judiciary Gulf and Arab countries specialized in the field of law, in addition to holding foundational judicial courses for members of military judicial bodies to sister countries.

Military women

Military women in the Kingdom of Bahrain enjoy continuous support and great attention, since the first light of the establishment of the homeland fortress Al-Manea is the "Bahrain Defense Force", and women contribute with all their energy and effort in advancing The march of military, administrative and technical work with the various weapons and units of the Bahrain Defense Force, and this is what everyone is accustomed to The giving of Bahraini women during her career that was full of achievements spanning the past many decades, where military women work in the defense force Bahrain is in many locations, and it carries out its tasks and works with great ability and high professionalism, and it has obtained all its rights in Under equal opportunities, she assumed leadership and management positions.