Atheism infiltrates Moroccan youth... Collective frustration and a sense of loss

  • Time:Feb 18
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Article

“Years ago I was alone and isolated, I was not feeling well, my mood was below zero.. I did not know that there were atheists in Morocco until 2015.. I thought I was the only one here.. I began to meet other non-religious people Until our number in the group became close to fifty people, they are professors, senior executives, and intellectuals.” This is how Youssef (a pseudonym) chose to start his interview with the electronic newspaper, Hespress.

They are of different ages, social groups, and sexes. We share many traits and traits with them, but they differ from us in beliefs and ideas. Choices from the perspective of society bring them family discontent, and alienation of relatives.

Religion is a human industry

“It was not as easy as you might expect,” Youssef explains to the online newspaper, Hespress, adding: “The subject took me nearly two years of labor, research, excavation, and reflection to answer some of the haunting questions, but this conviction was firmly established in me; We have no need for this religion, as it is a human industry to answer questions that comfort people’s souls more than comforting their minds.”

The issue of atheism is surrounded by a thick veil of secrecy, and Youssef, who seemed influenced by “Hisham Nostick”, the owner of the “Infidel Moroccan” channel, avoids delving into this issue with “the mob and the herd”, as he described it, and does not disclose his beliefs to others.

They live among us and multiply in oblivion of everyone due to several factors, and talking about their stories is related to “evangelization” sessions in a world where there is no place for light, far from sunlight, close to various worlds in search of psychological comfort that may come or not appear at all; Escape from reality and liberation from the shackles of religion remains within bodies narrowed by the problems of their owners.

Atheism is on the rise

Atheism infiltrates Moroccan youth... frustration Collective and a sense of loss

Youssef believes that there is a qualitative movement in Morocco regarding the desire of Moroccans to abandon Islam and fall into the arms of atheism, but he does not deny that there are obstacles that characterize the relationship of atheists with society, as it is difficult to reveal this transformation and accept the confrontation between a conservative society and those who turn against its ideas. “Taqiyyah” in order for the atheist to remain free from the classification, “You are not an infidel.”

And the Moroccan infidel adds, in a statement to the electronic newspaper Hespress: “If we strip ourselves of emotion and get rid of the burden, it will be concretely confirmed to us that the Qur’an is nothing but “fabulism” composed by humans. Throughout his discussions, he criticizes the conditions of Muslims, "their backwardness, and their inability to keep pace with scientific and technological development."

As for Siham, who is new to atheism, she affirms that some of the attributes of the Creator (the arrogant, the oppressive and the avenger) “God forbid” to be characterized by those who created the entire universe with such precision, criticizing a number of paradoxes, perhaps the most prominent of which is “Adam’s descent from Paradise because of an apple.” She said, “What is our fault, Hanna?”, before adding: “What is the fault of the Siamese twins that he creates this, or the visually impaired or the disabled?” Hadshi is unfair.”

The daughter of the city of Quneitra wonders about divine justice, giving an example of a person who lives in the far reaches of Africa, who remains deprived of water and food and has not received the message of Islam, and another who lives in Sweden and enjoys all the necessities of infrastructure and health and has received the message. The first will enter Hell, while the second will enjoy Paradise. And she added: “Hadashi is not disruptive and unfair.”

Atheism between yesterday and today

For his part, Mohsen Al-Yarmani, a researcher in faith and thought, believes that the phenomenon of atheism today is superficial in his dissertation, and is not based on solid epistemological foundations. To science, by simplifying what the true sciences have reached, and it is looking at the contradictions between what has been discovered and reached in terms of scientific research and facts, and between the texts of the Holy Qur’an and the Sunnah of the Prophet.

And Al-Yermani adds in a statement to Hespress newspaper: “If atheism in the past was spread among thinkers, philosophers and researchers, today atheism, as provided by the technological and communicative revolution, has become widespread among the common people, so it is populist, offensive, confrontational, and proselytizing. ) makes his article a marketable commodity on websites.

The same speaker attributes this to several reasons that led to the emergence of this phenomenon in the Islamic and Arab worlds, the first of which is: “The failure of the Arab peoples to achieve their aspirations for freedom, dignity and social justice, especially after the Arab Spring revolutions, which generated a state of collective frustration and a sense of depression, despair and despondency in The ranks of many people, especially the youth group, who dreamed of a better future.

And the same speaker increases: “Add to that the decline in the advocacy role of some Islamic movements, which have always been in a state of intellectual scramble with atheistic currents, due to their preoccupation with political work, and the coup in Egypt that led to a crack in the organizational structure of Islamic currents, and the exposure of various advocacy activities to restrictions What paved the way for anti-Islam currents to appear in the media, especially Christianization and secular currents that adopt the same mechanisms as atheistic currents by challenging the Prophet’s Sunnah, the Companions, may God be pleased with them, and some verses of the Holy Qur’an, and Islamic civilization; In addition to the crisis of the Islamic preaching discourse, which could not get rid of the jurisprudence of the jurists and interpreters and considered it as the texts of revelation.

Extrapolating the suspicions of atheistic currents that spread on social media or in YouTube channels, the researcher Al-Yarmani says: “It becomes clear to us that the suspicions raised by these people consist of three main methods, and the rest of the methods are branches of these three; The first is outright lying, by attributing some hadiths to the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, or attributing some historical events to the biography of the Prophet by adopting fabricated and weak hadiths, and what is not true of the hadith, and exporting it to people as the hadith of a messenger or by cutting off the Qur’anic text or the authentic hadith. From its general, verbal or actual context, and then using mental or customary premises to interpret it arbitrarily and arbitrarily in order to be consistent with what those people call for.. “However, the truth is that the texts of belief in God, and the truthfulness of the prophethood of Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace, have solid evidence and witnesses in the Qur’an and Sunnah. Prophethood is what reaches the limit of certainty,” stresses the researcher in belief and thought.