In the episodes of 2021: 4 martyrs hand over the flag of civility to their comrades in the December 30 million!!

  • Time:Oct 05
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Article

Khartoum: Al-Jarida Team Today, the revolutionaries recorded a new epic, adding to the valor that they represented in all the battles of steadfastness, in which they faced the bullets of the military with their bare chests. For steadfastness and adherence to principles and complete civil rule, counting four martyrs in the white of their ages and young tender ages, to prove through their pure blood that history has recorded a testimony of justice in their right that they did not give in and did not back down in the face of the oppressive military machine and the rude repression and shame that did not stop at the unarmed demonstrators, but rather extended to media professionals and offices Al-Arabiya, Al-Hadath and Al-Sharq channels.

Khartoum convoysKhartoum woke up yesterday to find itself surrounded by the tight closure of its bridges after devising new means of closing with (containers) in addition to the heavy security deployment, and despite the excessive violence that the security force started with while trying to disperse the demonstrators with a shroni stance, where gas bombs were fired heavily to cause clouds to rise Smoke was fired and sound bombs and rubber bullets were fired. This continued from 1:30 p.m. until 4:00 p.m., but the revolutionaries were gathering after each hit-and-run situation, ending with the retreat of the forces, and the revolutionaries advancing towards Al-Qasr Street, chanting the same slogans (civilians and soldiers to the barracks), and near the Meridian Hotel. The forces tried to disperse them again, using many tricks and exploiting even the ambulance to open the way for them to hide behind it, and all of this did not diminish the rebels’ determination to reach their goal, and some of them fell as a result of gas bombs suffocating. They arrested some of them and beat them. They also raided Al-Arabiya and Al-Hadath TV channels, in addition to causing panic and terror among the citizens in the suburb of Khartoum 2.

Statement of Freedom and ChangeFor its part, the Executive Office of the Forces for Freedom and Change issued a statement on the consequences of the 30th of December 2012 processions, describing what happened from the security services towards the revolutionary demonstrators as repression and excessive violence, accompanied by the commission of another massacre in Omdurman, by firing live bullets at the peaceful processions of the demonstrating revolutionaries in Omdurman neighborhood Pant, which led to the killing and martyrdom of a number of peaceful revolutionaries with premeditation, and the wounding of more than twenty of them until the moment of this statement, and the Executive Office of the Forces for Freedom and Change held the leaders of the coup responsible for these crimes and added that they will not be subject to a statute of limitations in addition to their crimes since the moment of their coup. The failure of last October 25. The statement condemned the authorities’ blocking of roads, bridges, communication networks and the Internet, as well as their violations of freedom of the press and the media, assaulting reporters and the media, obstructing their work and storming their offices, as happened to Al-Sharq and Al-Arabiya Al-Hadath channels. The Executive Office of the Forces for Freedom and Change affirmed its standing with the people and the struggle until the defeat of the coup, and called on the regional and international communities and all human rights organizations to condemn the putschists and their violations and take actual steps to support the struggle of the Sudanese people and punish the leaders of the coup. In killing more than fifty peaceful revolutionaries with live bullets of the coup plotters and working to protect civilians in the midst of the widespread violations taking place in the regions of Darfur and South Kordofan, the Nuba Mountains.!!

Omdurman: 4 Martyrs The streets of Khartoum, Bahri and Omdurman witnessed the influx of thousands of revolutionaries who came out to condemn the actions of the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, Lieutenant General Abdel Fattah Al-Burhan, and demanded the handover of power to civilians. From Abbasbeh, Umbada, Omdurman south, Al Murabba’at, Salha, and Shaqla, and at Sanada station, the Umbada revolutionaries clashed with the Arbaeen rebels, chanting, “Oh, the machines of Umbada have come, and all the power, O Burhan, you are inside.” For power, and free revolutionaries, we will continue the journey, and the revolution is a revolution of the people, and power is the power of the people, and the military is for the barracks, and the street is for the machines, and the Janjaweed disbands.” In a remarkable scene, a number of revolutionaries stopped and kept repeating, O revolutionaries, urgent, an important statement, then the participants gathered and remained silent to listen to the important statement, then they said loudly. The important statement, “No to military coups, and yes to civil power.” The participants chanted, “Civilians,” amidst the ululation of candelabra, and the procession set off to the passport station with cheers that cracked the sky, “The people are stronger, stronger, and apostasy is impossible.” Dropping the proof, and only 130 derivatives, and hanging us from gallows, wanting to execute all the murderers and martyrs of Bozno above the head with bullets.” The tires were burned, and the participants carried flags and pictures of the martyrs and banners denouncing the coup on which it was written: Our strength is in our unity, there is no bargaining, no partnership, no legitimacy. The regular forces used tear gas and live bullets to disperse the demonstrators, which led to the death of four martyrs and the injury of 29 revolutionaries, who were taken to the Arbaeen Hospital. The first aid team, and confirmed that the field clinic has the medicines that the injured need as first aid, including scalpels, but he went back and added, saying: But we complain about the lack of training.

The continuation of the repressive apparatus: A number of lawyers denounced the use of force by the regular forces and security services against peaceful demonstrators, and the restriction of freedom of expression by closing bridges, firing tear gas, firing live bullets, and cutting off communications and the Internet. For the glorious December revolution, so that the people convey their message to the military component that they adhere to the full-fledged civil state, and the putschists said they continued to suppress the Sudanese people. Shadow Brigades, despite this, the revolution continued until the regime of dictator Omar al-Bashir was brought down, and he stressed that the revolution would continue in the same way until the security committee was overthrown.

The struggle of the axis of evil: Lawyer Fateh al-Rahman said, “We are still at the beginning of the journey, and we will continue to fight for the Sudanese state that we desire and in which “freedom, justice, and equality” prevail, the state of law. Al-Sudanese, and added: Let all tyrants go to hell, and revealed the arrest of a large number of members of the resistance committees of Omdurman, Khartoum, Bahri, and confirmed that they are still under arrest.

At the end of 2021: 4 martyrs hand over a flag Civilization to their comrades in the December 30th march!! ></p><p>International Commission of Inquiry: In the same context, lawyer Ali Suleiman adheres to the civil state, because it is based on clear institutions and authorities, with the presence of the “administrative police” oversight apparatus to monitor the state’s legislative and executive institutions, taking into account not to return to the mistakes of the past, especially from political parties. With its practices of a policy of exclusion, marginalization, and political gain in the margins, Ali told Al-Jarida, this is what I noticed after the victory of the glorious December revolution and the ascension of the forces of freedom and change with the military component to the political scene in Khartoum, and their failure together to achieve the slogans and goals of the revolution represented in “freedom, peace, and justice.” In addition to their lack of acceptance of other political entities, and stressed that they are still practicing the same policies of exclusion, and this was evidenced in their recent press conference at the headquarters of the Sudanese Conference House, as they tickled the feelings of the marginalized masses, and denounced the violations that had been practiced by government forces since September 2013, through the dispersal of the sit-in next to Recent violations Following the procedures that Al-Burhan took on the twenty-fifth of last October, the violations against peaceful demonstrators, and demanded the formation of an international commission of inquiry and stipulated that it be bound by a specific time limit for bringing criminals to justice, in addition to the lack of broad powers in investigation and summons, and also stipulated that the investigation be carried out without restriction or condition of immunities The procedural or objectivity enjoyed by state leaders throughout their tenure in leadership positions, and stressed the need to integrate the armed movements and the Rapid Support Forces into the Sudanese Armed Forces, and work to restructure them, along with redressing grievances, achieving justice for the displaced, and expediting the process of disarmament procedures. The lawyer saw Khaled Muhammad Zain that the current political situation does not lead the country to a civil democratic transition, but rather is a reproduction of the previous period represented by the defunct regime similar to what happened in the Republic of Egypt with the difference that the army is one, pointing out that Sudan has more than seven armies, all of whose leaders are represented as members of the Council Sovereignty and they have military forces, and he considered that this is a clear consecration of power that can only be acquired through military force and not through the democratic path, and called on the Sudanese people to continue the march of pressure in order to achieve the goals of the revolution and reach the civil democratic transformation through the civil state institutions and in order to achieve the slogans of wealth Peace, development, justice.”</p><p>Madani, Port Sudan, Al-Abyad and Atbara, thousands of people took part in the city of Wadmadani yesterday, participating in the 30th of December protest against the military coup. Civil, woe, woe, military, oh, where are you... Don't give your gauntlets to the soldiers, the military won't protect you, but let your gauntlets go to the street, the street doesn't betray you) and other revolutionary slogans. Referring to the demonstrators carrying banners rejecting the military coup and others calling for retribution for the martyrs of the revolution, while other banners categorically rejected the rape of girls. Passing through the Nile Boudmadani Street, and in front of the buildings of the Gezira state government, the demonstrators set tires on fire while chanting revolutionary slogans. In the same context, a number of states demonstrated, registered their names in the revolutionary attendance book, where huge demonstrations took place in the cities (Atbara, Al-Damar, Al-Qadarif, Kassala, Port Sudan, El Geneina, and Nyala). And Zalingei, Al-Obeid, Kosti, Al-Duwaim, and Sennar)..!!</p><p>The attack on the office staff of the “Al-Arabiya” and “Al-Hadath” channels in Khartoum Yesterday, a joint security force attacked the office staff of the “Al-Arabiya” and “Al-Hadath” channels in Khartoum, damaging the equipment and attacking the media office, photographers and producers. The director of the channel's office in Khartoum said Lina Yaqoub said that the Sudanese security forces fired tear gas canisters inside the office after they stormed and assaulted her and her colleague Nizar Bagdawi. Lina revealed injuries among her crew, in addition to the physical and psychological abuse she was subjected to with colleagues Nizar Bagdawi and the producers in the office.</p><p>The Central Committee of Sudan Doctors announces the death of four martyrsThe Central Committee of Sudan Doctors announced yesterday that the number of people killed in the demonstration of December 30 yesterday in the city of Omdurman has risen to 4 people. The number of martyrs of the December 30 massacre rose to 4, all of them shot with live bullets.” She pointed out that after the killing of the four demonstrators, “the number of martyrs rose to 52, including 10 after the agreement with the Prime Minister (Abdullah Hamdok) and the head of the Sovereignty Council, Lieutenant General Abdel Fattah Al-Burhan).</p><p>The Gathering of Professionals: What happened in Omdurman is a massacre. The Gathering of Professionals described what the forces affiliated with the coup military council and its civilian cover had done in Omdurman as a new massacre, in which the most heinous means of firing live bullets, stun grenades and tear gas were used extensively in the face of unarmed peaceful revolutionaries and revolutionaries, which led to the fall of Four martyrs as a result of the widespread violations, and he pointed to the occurrence of large numbers of serious and serious injuries among the rebels. He noted that the forces, which he described as hired, impeded the movement of medical teams and ambulances and prevented them from reaching the injured and injured, and kidnapped ambulances, including the injured and paramedic teams, and raided hospitals Omdurman and kidnapped injured and medical teams, and denounced this and described it as a heinous crime that violates laws, morals and Sudanese and international charters.</p><p>The Umma Party condemns the use of excessive force by the security forces in confronting peaceful demonstrators in Omdurman and Bahri, and condemns the attack on Al-Hadath and Al-Arabiya channels, and the attack on Al-Arabiya crew and the cameraman of the European Agency, Mohamed Hassan, and demands an immediate investigation into such attacks, respect for freedom of media work, and the protection of journalists The Umma Party noted in a statement yesterday that the security forces arrested a large number of male and female revolutionaries, headed by the head of the policy committee in the political bureau of the party, the engineer Imam al-Hilu, and a member of the Doctors’ Secretariat, Randa al-Sadiq, and demanded the immediate release of all detainees. Revolutionary measures, achieving the national interest and restoring constitutional legitimacy. +++++ We would like your participation to send the result in the Sovereign’s mail to the questionnaire “Al-Jarida” … Does the decision of Lieutenant General Abdel-Fattah Al-Burhan mean restoring the powers of the General Intelligence Service and granting it according to the state of emergency immunity and the right to arrest more tension and an inevitable end For his ruling the link The newspaper is freedom, peace, and justice</p></div>
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