"Assiut Water": The Local Administration Committee in the House of Representatives is inspecting a number of company projects in the governorate

  • Time:Feb 22
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Article

The Drinking Water and Sewerage Company in Assiut and the New Valley received Major General Essam Saad, Governor of Assiut and Deputy Ahmed Al -Sajini, Chairman of the Local Administration Committee in the House of Representatives, and a number of representatives of the House of Representatives on an expanded inspection tour of the Czech water station candidate and holding a certificate of safety and security of water for the Czech and German stations fromBefore the Holding Company for Water after the approval of the Supreme Water Committee for the plan submitted.

Maj.It is owned by modern equipment and devices, adding that the goal of establishing the factory is to achieve an analysis of all the elements mentioned in the standard drinking water description in accordance with the decision of the Minister of Health in order to improve water quality and provide unconventional solutions to quality problems.

He added: The delegation also inspected the project to raise the efficiency of the Czech water station at a total cost of 242.5 million pounds funded by the National Authority for Drinking Water and Sewerage, which aims to increase the production capacity of the station from (200) to/300 to/s, operates with a rapid filtering system to produce large quantities of water in high quality according to international standards and standards, to serveAbout 500 thousand people from the people of Assiut (the eastern and western Asyut regions) and its residential expansions.

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Customer service and mobile awareness car that roams the governorate to serve citizens and awareness campaigns continuously in various sectors at the company level, to improve the quality of services provided by the company to citizens through prepaid water meters that work to calculate actual consumption without any accumulation of bills in addition to providing the possibility of the possibilityCharging Card Car.

Maj.Water and preserving the city in its most beautiful forms, as part of the governorate's plan to raise the efficiency, development and beautification of streets to appear in the civilizational appearance that is consistent with Egypt's 2030 and the sustainable development plan directed by the state to Upper Egypt.

For his part, “Governor of Assiut” praised the work that took place in the development of the walkway to come out with the aesthetic appearance of it, pointing to the continuation of the work of beauty and development of the fields of the province and its streets within the governorate’s plan for development and beauty and showing the aesthetic form of it, calling on all companies and civil society institutions to activate the community in the work of development, beauty and advancementWith the services provided to citizens.

It is worth noting that the tour came in the presence of Major General Shaker Younis, Secretary General of the Governorate, Representative Muhammad Al -Husseini, MP Muhammad Wafik, the agents of the Local Administration Committee in the House of Representatives, Major General Hamdi Al -Jazzar, Dr. Ayman Al -Jamal, Advisors of the Minister of Local Development for Parliamentary Councils, and MP Amr Ahmed Ibrahim, Secretary of the CommitteeLocal Administration, MP Muhammad Abu Samna, Deputy Reham Abdel Nabi, Representative Fayza Abdel Azim, members of the Local Administration Committee in the House of Representatives, Representative Eng..