An Omani youth combines clay to make pottery and water to put out fires

  • Time:Apr 18
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Article

Atheer - Rima Sheikh

This is what we found in the work of the Omani young man, Muhammad bin Saleh bin Nasser Al-Sharqi, a pottery maker, at the Pottery and Ceramics Training and Production Center in Bahla. Air conditioner repair tools.

شاب عُماني يجمع بين الطين لصناعة الفخار والماء لإطفاء الحرائق

Al-Sharqi told “Atheer”: My passion for repairing cooling air conditioners began at a young age, and I took it as a hobby for me when I grew up, besides my work in pottery. villages and on farms too.

He added: I move after my work in the Pottery and Ceramics Training and Production Center in my own vehicle, which I use to maintain the air conditioners and extinguish the fire if I come across, God forbid. Refrigerated air conditioner.

Al-Shariqi mentioned that he holds a firefighting license, and he has purchased everything he needs from some shops known for quality and safety to carry out the firefighting operation in the best way.

“There is no work that does not have obstacles and difficulties, but with determination, good will and a noble goal that we are trying to achieve to achieve the desired hope,” this is the young Muhammad, trying hard to overcome the difficulties he faces to help others, as he mentioned to us: Among the difficulties I faced was my inability to buy some modern devices and equipment that help me in the field of fires; It is expensive, but I try as much as possible to get it to provide excellent service to the people of the area and the neighboring villages in a very short time.

At the conclusion of his conversation with “Atheer”, the young man, Muhammad, advised the Omani youth to take caution and to acquire a fire-fighting cylinder in their cars, as many of us are unaware of the extent of its usefulness in saving people, so its optimal use is certainly from the evil of the road.

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