An Omani account exposes the rulers of the Emirates and reveals the story of porn movies produced by international companies on their soil

  • Time:Dec 06
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Article

The famous Omani "Al -Shaheen" account on Twitter completed his series of tweets on the issue of espionage and electronic violations by the UAE in many countries, which he had started a few days ago.

Al -Shaheen said during his new series, which sparked a wave of interaction and monitored by "Watan", that "until the beginning of the year 2011 it was.The neighboring country - the UAE means one of the most backward countries in the field of communications security and information safety, unlike its neighbors.“

And that is according to him, "Despite the quality of telecom and internet services provided according to the best international standards.However, its infrastructure was fragile. جداً وسهلة الاختراق للغاية“.

Al -Shaheen attributed this state of weakness in the UAE in the field of communications security because it does not have the technical capabilities, or the necessary human experiences.

Porn movies produced by international companies

Because she was suffering from a greater problem, which was the arrival of the number of pornographic films produced by international directing companies with the intention of sale and distribution.On its soil, it has exceeded four thousand films, some of which deliberately left the bottles.“

He added in his tweets, saying, "After the terrorist events in Mumbai, the Indian authorities reached the coordination of the terrorist act. بالكامل تم في دبي وباستخدام هواتف بلاكبيري، عجزت الجهات الأمنية في دولة الجوار وعلى مدار عام كامل عن تقديم أي أدلة تفيد السلطات الهندية“.

He continued: “The only solution in that period was to prevent the use of BlackBerry phones everywhere within the state.“

And that is - according to Al -Shaheen - “pending negotiations to purchase decoding equipment for Microsoft and Riserch products from the competent companies. حيث أن تقنيات آبل كانت لاتزال في مهدها وآندرويد لم يولد بعد ونظام سيمبيانمسكين ما فيه شي“.

Al -Shaheen explained that “at the beginning, an Israeli company had a partnership with German institutions to supply this equipment..“

Al -Shaheen: The directives of Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed

He added, “With the guidance of Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed, may God have mercy on him. غير دولة الجوار انها ظلت تفتقر للعنصر البشري المؤهل للتعامل الاستباقي مع أي تهديد“.

ولفت “الشاهين“ إلى أن الشركة الآسيوية طمعت في المزيد من وساطات التوريد فأرسلت مندوبها لكافة دول الخليج.“

He revealed that "the Saudi intelligence believed in the matter and was the second most powerful Gulf country in cybersecurity at the time after the Sultanate of Oman. وتمتلك قدرات بشرية هائلة ففضلت التعاقد على نقل التكنولوجيا لإنتاجها محلياً بدلاً من شراءها“.

The famous Omani account also indicated that the Saudi experience succeeded in an exceptional time, especially in the proactive control of terrorism.And extremism via electronic media.

“The idea was simulated in 3 of the Gulf states, and the mafia gangs from all the continents of the earth remained in the neighborhood without revealing it as a result. التأخر التكنولوجي وعنصره البشري المؤهل والمقتدر“.

Al -Shaheen's account explained that “a result of that.The neighboring country has adopted a huge plan of only one billion dollars in the first year.To contract to buy equipment and technicians from all countries of the world.Especially Israel, the United States and Italy, to monitor everything that is going on in space. الافتراضي داخل الحدود وعبر أي جهاز ثابت أو محمول“.

Al -Shaheen confirmed that the recording of the phone number was imposed on all visitors and transit.

In addition to the databases of workers in the targeted sectors via spies networks.“

Al -Shaheen reveals the methods of espionage and projection in the Emirates

وكان حساب “الشاهين“ العماني الشهير عبر تويتر نشر قبل أيام سلسلة تغريدات عبارة عن تقرير يتحدث عن وسائل وأساليب.Spy and drop followed by the United Arab Emirates in dealing with its opponents.

Hamad Al Mazrouei and the story of videos and pictures

وقال “الشاهين“ في سلسلة تغريداته التي احتوت على معلومات خطيرة، بعد أن استدعى تغريدة لحمد المزروعي يهدد فيها أحد الأطراف.He has pictures and video, and he said: “Regardless of the validity of Hamad Al -Mukhri’s tweet below or not ... However, the content is undoubted. وتزامن مع تغريدات ذات مضمون مشابه للعديد من الشخصيات مثل الدكتور عبدالخالق نقانق وغيره“.

Read more: A Omani account exposes Abu Dhabi intelligence and spying with bedrooms and bathrooms to blackmail the victims

Al -Shaheen Omani continued about the tweets of Al -Mazrouei and who wrapped his leg, describing that she was speaking with the logic of “strength and ability to cause influence.Regardless of the brave spies cells.Whether it was discovered in Amman, Qatar, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Egypt, Lebanon, Turkey, Free Palestine, Libya, Algeria, Morocco, Britain, America and others.“

حساب عماني يفضح حكام الإمارات ويكشف عن قصة الأفلام الاباحية التي انتجتها شركات عالمية على أرضها

Or not discovered yet, there is nothing that matches the influence of extortion within the lands of the neighboring country.In terms of ease of access, multiple temptations and the presence of liberal infrastructure, which is ethical, and the multiplicity of activities and events through which the victims can be chosen carefully.. فائقة بناء على قاعدة بيانات مؤكدة، وتصويرهم وابتزازهم ثم تهديدهم بفضحهم“

Al -Shaheen: Spying inside hotels and apartments

The Shaheen report highlighted the equipment that is used in spying inside hotels and hotel apartments throughout the neighboring country.

In addition to the equipment used in the event that the victim is in a pre -equipped place (cars or private housing or houses of knowledge and relatives, for example.

Al -Shaheen explained that the purpose of the report is to educate the reader about the dangers of extortion.

As the recordings include whether the deeds forbidden in hotels or traveling with the family with hotel apartments, and many examples of those who threatened them.The brave spies with videos of their wives and families.“

The well -known Omani twee continued to explain some types of micro -cameras, which are difficult to examine with the naked eye because of their very young..It is installed almost everywhere.

Even inside the air conditioning and electric key nails.In the water cycles fans, or lamps next to the bed, and the incitement knobs.Curtains, window frames, decoration, and even TV frame.

Pointing out that the air conditioning or proximity openings are the perfect place to install such cameras.

Al -Shaheen brought up the audio recording equipment, which he said can be well hidden inside the furniture or around it away from view.

He also noted the use of several complexes to choose the clearer microphone or to record two conversations by one via devices placed inside the air conditioning holes.Or outside the room.

And about a question, how are these devices run as soon as the victim enters the room or apartment?

Al -Shaheen said that spy devices can be activated in several ways.the sound.the light.the movement.the heat.the magnetic field.Laser, and can.Manually control it.

Multiple devices

وحول إمكانية تتبع الضحية وهو في مكان خارجي، قال “الشاهين“ بأنه في هذه الحالة يتم استخدام اجهزة متعددة وذلك يعتمد على حالتين.

The first is that the brave spies accompanied the victim in this case all that they wear carrying devices until the clothes buttons, and there are devices.Also transparent for women's clothes.

He continued, "In the event that the victim is far from the valiant spies, very sensitive equipment is used near the target.“

وكذلك “يتم نقلthe sound والصورة لأجهزة التسجيل والتخزين عبر عربات إعادة بث ان كان الهدف بعيد عن التغطية الخلوية. أو عبر أقمار للاتصالات الفضائية Khuraya satphones“

Al -Shaheen concluded in a recent tweet in which he said: “We will not talk about the cameras designated for the toilets now..Your family for shopping, and reserve a hotel apartment in an emirate calling itself Islamic.“

“أو تذهب برفقة الشلة للعربد وتحجز شقة فندقية بأمارة الخمس الموبقات ثم يأتيك اتصال ليقول لك،،،،هذا ما سنتحدث عنه بالجزء القادم“.

The concerns of the Abu Dhabi system in spying

The Abu Dhabi regime in espionage is not only concerned with citizens, but extends to their eyes to everyone who raises the feet of the Emirates, at the beginning.From the end airports in hotel bedrooms.

According to reports, the UAE brought in the world of spy, before the e -espionage lady in the region became.


It is noteworthy that on July 5, 2019, the Federal Authority for Identity and Nationality launched a new initiative to welcome the state visitors, the initiative.It includes offering a free mobile segment for every visitor with free calls and access to the Internet without charge.

This is under a safe and smart civilian slogan, and it is in fact a tool for monitoring and tracking within the Ain Al -Saqr system for the Emirati spying codified on each individual.

The State Security Agency in the UAE has committed hotels to install cameras in hotel bedrooms to spy on residents and follow their activities.

Here comes the question: If the UAE is spying on its citizen, then why does it spy on tourists and visitors?Answer the Abu Dhabi system obsessed.In spy, which was confirmed by press and intelligence reports.

Spy empire in the Gulf

At the end of 2017, Foreign Policy magazine wrote a report entitled "The Emirates is paying former CIA officers to build an empire. تجسس في الخليج“.

One of the former employees of the magazine said that the money was great..5 stars in Abu Dhabi ».

The project had started years earlier.The UAE does not stop with its citizens and expatriates, but rather exceeds the collection of information limits.The state is to carry out other tasks.

Between 2007 and 2015, Abu Dhabi founded AGT, one of the most integrated monitoring systems in the world.

It is a system that contains thousands of cameras and sensors that extend for 620 miles over the entire Emirati border.

While the information he collects in a database that is managed through one of his largest companies in the heart of Israel, he heads its board of directors. رئيس سابق جهاز الاستخبارات العسكرية “أمان“.

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