Ammar Al -Nuaimi: A billion dirhams for development projects that see the light soon

  • Time:Feb 12
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Article

His Highness Sheikh Ammar bin Humaid Al -Nuaimi, Crown Prince of Ajman, Chairman of the Executive Council, confirmed that our dear country, led by His Highness Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan, President of the State, may God protect him, and his brother His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President of the State and Chairman of the CouncilMinisters, Ruler of Dubai, may God bless him, and His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi, Deputy Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces, and His Highness members of the Supreme Council of the UAE rulers, working for the happiness and welfare of the people of the Emirates, according to a national and strategic vision that keeps pace with the variablesModern and draws the features of sustainable development for future generations, pointing out that the initiatives of His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum are distinct and unique, and that his enlightened ideas of His Highness created a development in the services provided to citizens and residents on the land of Zayed Al -Khair, and everyone is trying to catch up with His Highness’s thought in development and institutional excellenceRamer to serve the homeland.

His Highness revealed the launch of a package of development projects that you will soon see the cost of about one billion dirhams, including new road projects in different areas and sewage projects, the establishment of an industrial zone and the first heavy electrical equipment factory in Manama region.

His Highness the Crown Prince of Ajman said in an interview with the "Al -Bayan" that the Ajman government, thanks to the directives of His Highness Sheikh Hamid bin Rashid Al -Nuaimi, Member of the Supreme Council and Ruler of Ajman, is working to implement the Ajman 2021 vision and compatible with the state’s vision in order to be a road map to achieve comprehensive development, and allWorkers in departments and institutions within one team aimed at achieving welfare in the Emirate of Ajman, pointing out that Ajman's economy witnessed an annual growth of 4.4% during the past 7 years, supply the local product at a rate of 4.3% and the growth of investments is 5%. وتالياً نص الحوار..

Ajman 2021 vision reflects the ambition to achieve a set of strategic goals, in compliance with the UAE Vision 2021, and by focusing on clear paths to achieve sustainable development and distinguished outputs..Would you tell us what you were accomplished at all levels.

- We announced in 2014 a strategic plan for the Emirate of Ajman through the "Ajman 2021 Vision" compatible with the UAE's vision in all its axes, which was developed to be a road map to achieve a comprehensive development and renaissance in the emirate, in a way that allows all individuals and institutions in Ajman to work within one team that seeks toAchieving economic and social well -being through an integrated system of comprehensive legislation and laws compatible with the federal government, and to upgrade the main sectors to become Ajman as an oasis of green economy and sustainable development, and a commercial and investment attraction center.

The government departments in the Emirate of Ajman implement their strategies according to the vision of Ajman 2021, where they focus on applying the principles of the green economy and implementing sustainability and environmental preservation plans, expanding the green area in the emirate, enacting laws that maintain the safety of the residents of Ajman, owners of buildings and installations, in addition to developing the real estate sector to developThe emirate's economy and raising the level of services, and this is what the Emirate of Ajman achieved and still achieve more successes, thanks to God Almighty and then the efforts of institutions and individuals, and many government agencies in Ajman obtaining the prizes of quality and excellence are evidence of the relentless efforts made within the Ajman 2021 vision to achieve the desired strategies.

New port

Ajman Port puts the emirate at the heart of the economic scene in the region, and it keeps pace with the economic boom, and the commercial movement witnessed by the emirate, what are the development plans for the port, and to what extent will the new port contribute to strengthening the economic movement in the emirate?

Ajman Port accommodates more than 200,000 containers annually and is expanded and deepened to the subcontractor to receive large carriers for goods, especially containers.For this, the emirate is working to add a new marina to reach the total energy to the reception of more than half a million container units.In the port, it is a refrigerated store.

وأصدرنا قراراً في عام 2015 بتشكيل لجنة فنية لتطوير ميناء عجمان الحالي وإنشاء New port ضمن الحدود البحرية للإمارة تتوافر فيه المعدات والتسهيلات التي تمكنه من تقديم مستويات عالية وعالمية من الخدمات للمتعاملين معه من شركات الملاحة والمستوردين والمصدرين.

As for the new port of Ajman, to be implemented in the Al -Zawra region, north of the current port, its idea is crystallized about a deeper berth and a stronger infrastructure that allows the port to deal with larger ships and a higher absorption capacity and gradually developing to become a major regional container port, contributing to Ajman's economy at a total cost of between 1.5 and two billion dirhams, and the port contains a 500 -meter naval berth, and a three -kilometer connection bridge with a larger depth of 12 meters to deal with ships with a load of five thousand containers, which is almost five times larger than those that reach the port of Ajman currently, and a wild stationIts area is 500 thousand square meters for storing containers, in addition to developing other logistics services, and the new port will be connected with the main roads such as Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Street, Emirates Street, and other ways to ensure the smooth mobility across the UAE, with an infrastructure equipped with the latest science and systems.Modern operation.

We note that this project is considered one of the most important priorities of government investment, in line with the strategic plans of local departments and in a manner that achieves the public interest in the emirate, and contributes to encouraging investment and taking the Emirate of Ajman a suitable place to work for the available services, infrastructure, safety and stability..

Steady growth

How does your Highness see the economic scene in the state and the emirate, and what are the most prominent economic areas that the emirate wants to open new horizons in it for investors, and what is the ambition of the Ajman government in the fields of green economy?

As for the economic scene in the country and the emirate, the economy of the United Arab Emirates has witnessed a remarkable growth during the past seven years, as GDP has grown with fixed prices with an annual average of (4.6%) During the period 2010-2016.

The investment at the state level witnessed a growth of the annual average (2.4%) during 2010-2016.The economy of the Emirate of Ajman achieved an annual growth of its average (4.4%) During the period 2010-2016.

The vision of the Ajman government has identified the strategic economic sectors that the emirate wants to develop.There are many investment opportunities related to the development of these sectors, which the government wants to encourage the business sector to invest in it.These areas include investing in the machinery, equipment, boats, furniture, wood, its products and industries related to tourism activities, storage, transportation, supply, clean energy fields, information technology, digital media, education and health fields.

The emirate, under the guidance and blessing of His Highness the Ruler of Ajman, is to establish an industrial zone in the city of Manama. It has contracted to establish the first heavy electrical equipment factory and negotiations with many other companies to establish other factories that include heavy equipment as well as the production of consumer materials.

A major company studies wind trends, speed and capacity in the Musfout area for a giant fans, each of which is more than eighty meters..These fans will give an an aesthetic touch added to the region to contribute to making the city of Masfout a tourist interface.

best practices

To what extent will Aqar Company contribute to providing the real estate sector with new quality projects in the emirate?Are there new legislation that will see the light to enhance the real estate market march?

يعد الاستثمار العقاري أحد أهم مظاهر النمو الاقتصادي في إمارة عجمان وركيزة أساسية تدعم النمو المتزايد لحجم الاستثمار الكلي بالإمارة، وتشهد إمارة عجمان حالياً نمو الكثير من المشاريع العقارية الضخمة التي تطورها مؤسسة عقارات عجمان «عقار» والتي أنشئت بالمرسوم الأميري رقم (9) لسنة 2016 كمؤسسة حكومية جديدة في الإمارة، والتي تم تأهيلها بكافة الإمكانيات المادية والفنية لتعمل بمثابة منشأة رائدة للنهوض بالقطاع العقاري في الإمارة ولتحسين أداء القطاع العقاري فيها وتطوير مناخ الاستثمار فيها ولتبني تطبيق best practices والتوجهات العالمية في تنفيذ وإدارة المشروعات العقارية، مما يزيد من إسهامات القطاع العقاري في تحقيق خطط التنمية العمرانية والاقتصادية المستدامة في الإمارة.

There are new legislation that would enhance the optimal real estate investment process in the emirate, as the decree of the organization of real estate offices in the Emirate of Ajman No. 12 of 2017 and currently the real estate development decree is being discussed to keep pace with the changes that occurred on the real estate market after the issuance of Decree No. 8 of 2008 regarding the organization of ownershipShared in real estate projects, investment buildings, and the decree of management parts shared in owners ’associations (owners’ unions).

Investments attract

Are there new expansion projects for the Free Ajman region and how much they contribute to the economic development in the emirate?

Ajman's free zone is looking to assume a prominent position in global investments, and is based on the strategy of increasing European investments to diversify its investor base, as well as meeting the increasing inquiries from the European Union companies that are looking to establish a base in the country, and the Free Ajman region has launched many initiatives from themThe initiative of the Small and Intermediate Companies Market, which focuses, through its offices abroad, to attract companies that are looking to expand globally to benefit from the capabilities of the local market and the Middle East and North Africa markets, and also announced that it has started providing services for the transition of global foreign companies in their buildings.

In 2016, as a result of the strategies that are based on openness and efforts to expand in the commercial and economic fields, the number of companies operating under the umbrella of the free zone reached 6140 companies in various fields, and the free of Ajman achieved an increase in the rates of financial revenue growth by 21% for the first half of 2016, Compared to the same period last year, and the number of new companies in the first half of 2016 amounted to 2524 companies, an increase of 9% from last year, while the number of renewed companies in the first half of this year reached 3616 renewable companies, an increase of 31% About the number recorded from the same period in 2015.

The welfare of the citizen

Housing is a priority for the UAE leadership, what are the most prominent housing projects for citizens being implemented in the emirate?

The Ajman government is permanently and diligently to provide a great life for citizens who live in the Emir of Ajman and Treno to provide all the ingredients of luxury and a good life..

Speaking of residential complexes, we will find the initiatives of His Highness Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan, President of the State, may God protect him, in Al -Raqib Complex 1, which includes 123 residential houses and Al -Raqib Complex 2, which includes 230 residential houses in addition to the Sheikh Zayed Housing Program initiatives in Al -Raqib Complex 2, which includes 306Residential houses and the Mohammed bin Zayed Complex, which includes 729 residential houses, where housing was built according to the highest standards of global quality and construction and equipped with the best requirements of modern life and were provided with all amenities and luxury in accordance with modern and contemporary designs that take into account social privacy and the nature of the prevailing architecture to include all the services required in every home,As for the lands designated and ready for distribution, they reached 3000 pieces.

عمار النعيمي: مليار درهم لمشاريع تنموية ترى النور قريباً

Local product supply

حقق مصرف عجمان خلال الفترة الماضية نتائج قوية ما أبرز ملامح خططه المستقبلية لLocal product supply للإمارة؟

الرؤية الاستراتيجية الرئيسية لمصرف عجمان بشكل عام هي تحقيق النجاح في تطوير تنافسية الأعمال المصرفية، وقد ظهر ذلك جلياً من خلال تطور مستويات الأداء المصرفي والعوائد الاستثمارية، حيث اعتمد مصرف عجمان خطوات هامة نحو تطوير منظومة التمويل الإسلامي ودعم الشراكات مع كبرى مؤسسات القطاع الاقتصادي، والتي يستهدف المصرف من خلالها Local product supply عبر تنفيذ الكثير من المشاريع في إمارة عجمان خاصة والدولة بشكل عام، الأمر الذي حرص عليه المصرف منذ انطلاقته من خلال تلبية احتياجات العملاء والمساهمين المصرفية.new ways

The emirate is witnessing great developments in the infrastructure level..How much spending on infrastructure, roads and sanitation projects during the past five years?What are the most prominent plans that contribute to strengthening the role of the public transport network in the emirate?

We are working to develop and create a set of roads in the emirate in a way that contributes to achieving strategic goals, the most prominent of which are: establishing internal roads in the emirate (Development of Al Salam Street), which separates Al Rawda 3 and Saniti area with a length of 1.6 kilometers with the implementation of a network to waste rainwater. The project will be implemented in two phases.The first stage of 35,000,000 dirhams, where the completion rate reached 65%, and this stage is expected to end in the fourth quarter of this year.

With regard to the second stage, it is expected that it will be direct at the beginning of next year.And the establishment of roads in the Halaio area at an estimated cost of 60,000,000 dirhams, and the completion rate was 97%. It is expected to complete the work at the end of this year..

In addition to the establishment and development of roads with a total length (26) kilometers, while providing it with a network to waste rainwater and groundwater with a length of 33 km in the Nuaimia area, and the total cost of the project is 150,000,000 dirhams. The completion rate in the project was 65%, and it is expected to be completed in the fourth quarter ofThe year 2018, in addition to the establishment of roads in the 4.2 km long and 7 width area.3 meters at a total cost (5,400,00) dirhams to secure an easy and comfortable access to the population to their homes. The completion rate in the project was 100%..

As for the most important road projects to be completed for the year 2018, internal roads in the emirate will be established within the Mohammed bin Zayed City area 2.6 length.5 km to secure an easy and comfortable access to the residents to the new housing in the region.The estimated cost of the project is 25,000,000 dirhams, and the project serves 212 housing units.

As for the development of the transport sector in the emirate, the municipality department works to develop intersections and squares in the emirate according to the recommendations of the comprehensive urban plan for transport and transportation 2030. There are permanent traffic studies in the Emirate of Ajman in coordination between the department and the Ajman police, the most important of which is the comprehensive traffic study of Ajman City 4,000,000 dirhams and comprehensive traffic studyFor the Manama region and Misfut 3,500,000 dirhams.

Public transportation services are considered one of the most important pillars to achieve the narration of Ajman 2021, as the development of public transportation is one of the attractions of the population, investments and business.

The transportation strategy in the emirate is based on continuous development and improvement, and the General Transportation Foundation has made an integrated transportation system that includes land and maritime transport, where a total of 22 million dirhams has been invested in developing internal lines, adding new buses, developing technical solutions for the transportation sector in the emirate, and opening transportationAl -Bahri, which includes 3 parking, two lessons, 54 buses, 77 parking space.

This contributed to a significant increase in the number of users and the population of the use of public transport, as the number of users for daily flights increased in the last three years of 1.Almost 7 million users to 2.2 million users, which represents an increase of 27%, and the Ajman Transportation Foundation is concerned with a special interest in developing the technical infrastructure of the Foundation to keep pace with the latest global practices, in order to update the payment systems in buses, developing operations mechanisms and tracking the fleet...Where the fleets of 5 fare companies that have franchise rights in the emirate are now operating, doing an average of 37,705 flights per day

As for sanitation projects, the total spending for the past five years is more than three hundred million dirhams (300 million), and it is expected that between four hundred and fifty million dirhams (450 million) and five hundred million dirhams (500 million) during the next three years will be spent.

The matter is not limited to the establishment of projects in the city of Ajman only, but also exceeds it to develop its areas, the most important of which is Mossbut and Manama. One of the most important projects that will see the light soon in the city of Manama is the project of the slaughterhouse of Manama, and the value of the project is estimated at three million dirhams, and it will be completed within a year, and also the completion of a projectMasfout Fort, at a value of one million and 765 thousand dirhams, will be implemented within two years, and the completion of the municipal workers' housing project in the new industrial, and the value of the project is 7,000,000 dirhams.It will be implemented within a year, as well.

Green economy

His Highness Sheikh Ammar bin Humaid Al -Nuaimi, Crown Prince of Ajman, Chairman of the Executive Council, stated that the vision of the Ajman government for the coming years in the developmental and economic aspect is based on the green economy and focus on industries that do not need many workers and depend on modern technology, and do not occur in the environment and investment inClean energy fields, the development of electronic and smart services, and the link between local and federal service departments in order to attract investors and facilitate services for customers and advance them to achieve sustainable development.

The role of the media

His Highness Sheikh Ammar bin Humaid Al -Nuaimi, Crown Prince of Ajman, said that the directives of His Highness the Ruler of Ajman are to open the doors for all to serve the country and contribute to advancing the wheel of development, and the media is considered a major partner in all plans by taking advantage of the proposals and constructive criticism and transferring the aspirations of the public, pointing outBecause of the importance of transparency and cooperation officials with the local media to transfer the image in all honesty for the public interest, pointing to the establishment of a free media area in Ajman concerned with digital media and opening new horizons for the media in the emirate.

Our constants..

The UAE leadership is working for the happiness of the people of the homeland with a modern national and strategic vision

Muhammad bin Rashid Sabaq with his initiatives and ideas, and everyone is trying to catch up with it

“Thank you, Mohammed bin Zayed,” embodying the meanings of loyalty and translation of sincere feelings

Work hard to provide a good life for citizens and residents of Ajman

We planned..

ـــتعزيز البنية التحتية وتطوير الخدمات الحكومية لInvestments attract

Establishing an industrial area and the first heavy electrical equipment factory in Manama

ـــإصدار تشريعات جديدة لتعزيز مسيرة القطاع العقاري في Local product supply

Developing electronic and smart services in the emirate's departments and institutions

Our accomplishments..

3000 residential plots were planned in line with citizens ’housing plans

500 million dirhams for sanitation projects during the next 3 years

22 million dirhams to develop the public transport sector and enhance its role in the economic renaissance

11 - 11.8 million dirhams new development projects in the areas of Musfout and Manama

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