واشنطن: تعتزم "أمازون" طرح روبوت قادر على التجوّل في المنازل، وهو جهاز من عالم الخيال العلمي استحال واقعًا بحسب المجموعة العملاقة في مجال التكنولوجيا لكنّه قد يشكل أيضًا أداة مراقبة مقلقة وفق منتقدي المشروع.
On Tuesday, the American group "Astro", describing it as a great progress for consumers keen on their safety.
This a robot can wheels and a tablet screen can put a home map and respond to sound orders to go to a room of the house and plant its camera in it.The device is also able to identify faces, learn the customs of family members, and remind each of them of their activities.
The robot is 60 centimeters and its weight is less than 10 kilograms, and it will be sold for a thousand dollars in the United States in the first stage before raising its price to about $ 1450..
Benefits of robot
"When you are outside the home, you can use it to tour it in your home," Dave Limpe, Vice President Dave Limpe said in a promotional video published on Tuesday..
This robot can be used to verify the safety of elderly people at home.
"This robot" is a science fiction that impossible a reality. ".
Matthew Garillia, an analyst at Electronic Founder Foundation, defended the rights of Internet users, that "the use of such a surveillance camera at home may be useful in some scenarios".
Maliard or spy ends
لكنّه لفت إلى أنّ الجهاز قد يُستخدم أيضًا لMaliard or spy ends من جانب قراصنة معلوماتية أو الشرطة.
During a press conference, Dave Limb tried to reassure, explaining that users can disable the work of the camera and microphones for the robot that makes sounds and sends messages to users in the event of any piracy attempt.
He also stressed that "Amazon" does not have any access to the "Astro" robot cameras from a distance, and thus "you will not be able to give this access to the police or emergency devices.".
In 2019, the giant American group received criticism after leaks on assigning employees to listen to talks registered by the Alexa Voice Assistant Road, according to "Amazon", to improve the system.