Amazon Fire: A day after Elon Musk's tweet demanding the dismantling of Amazon, the fire devouring the company's stores, will it affect its profits?

  • Time:Feb 05
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Article

Amazon Fire: A day after Elon Musk's tweet demanding the dismantling of Amazon, the fire was the company's stores. Will it affect its profits?

Mada Post - Liberation Team

In the early hours of Friday morning, a huge fire broke out in Amazon stores, the giant of e -commerce and retail online, during the employees' working hours inside, according to American media..

The massive fire destroyed the warehouses of the South California Amazon, in Redlands, about 96 km east of Los Angeles, fortunately;Store workers, who are estimated at a hundred people, were able to leave, before the roof of the facility collapsed.

It is striking that the fire occurred one day after the Tesla CEO (Tesla), SPACEX, Elon Musk, through which he demanded the dismantling of Amazon Company.

Some tried to link the Amazon fire with the American protests, which denounced racism, but the President of the city of Redlands denied any link between the two events, and the investigations are still to find out the causes of this fire..

Amazon fire: unusual fire and firefighting systems!

Social media pioneers shared a video clip showing the flames that extend along the warehouses of Amazon in the city.

The fire, which occurred during the presence of employees inside the stores, came to many shipping cars that were parked outside, but fortunately, no one was hurt by the incident.

"I heard the supervisors screaming: a fire, a fire.Get out of the building as quickly as possible.The employees were running towards the exits.Within 15 minutes, the back of the building collapsed and exploded..

حريق أمازون: بعد يومٍ من تغريدة إيلون ماسك المطالبة بتفكيك أمازون، الحريق  يلتهم مخازن الشركة، فهل ستؤثر على أرباحها؟

While an employee named Chris Smith questioned the effectiveness of the company's safety procedures, when he said: “I have not heard any fire alarm, and I did not see any water machine guns working.nothing".

"This is very worrying, the building is equipped with the latest equipment with regard to fire protection systems," said Jim Topolski, head of fire control in Ridlands..Topozeki described the speed in which the fire spread in the building as: "largely unusual.".

For its part, Amazon issued a statement, saying: “We are happy that everyone is safe, and we thank the efforts of the firefighters who responded to the accident.”.

Elon Musk is demanding the dismantling of Amazon!

The CEO of Tesla and Spacex, Elon Musk, wrote a tweet on his official account on Twitter, in which he called for the dismantling of Amazon after an author complained on social media of his inability to publish his book through the largest retailer sellerOn the Internet in the world.

Musk's tweet came after the writer Alex Birnson published a tweet in which a screenshot shows that Amazon did not agree to his new book on the Corona virus, because it does not correspond to its sales instructions..

Birnson was one of the critics of the assignment of a closure due to the virus, and he stated that he believed that the risk of disease was much lower than that, especially for young people..

"This is crazy, Jeff Bezos," Musk said in his first tweet..Absolute monopolies are wrong..

For its part, Amazon commented at a later time, that the book was mistakenly removed, and it was returned, and added that it had contacted Perinson, and confirmed that the decision to allow the sale of the book was not due to Musk's tweets, while the writer Alex Berinson tweeted, after Amazon's decision to agree to sell the book, "That is thanks to Elon Musk and everyone who helped".

It is worth noting that there is competition between the two rich Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos in the field of private space exploration companies, in addition to the contributions of each of them in two companies of the largest companies in the world Tesla and Amazon.

Will the Amazon fire affect the company's profits?

Several weeks before the Amazon fire broke out, reports showed that Amazon made enormous profits during the crisis of the new Corona virus, and the precautionary measures followed to reduce the spread of the virus by imposing home stone, which led to an increase in the company's sales..

The "Valley Paypal" website stated that the richest man in the world, the founder of Amazon, is on his way to become the first trillionaire in the world by 2026, and this matter was confirmed by the "Combarisan" website, which is concerned with calculating the annual wealth growth rate for the world's wealthy people.Compared to last year, Bezos's wealth increased by more than 28 billion dollars.

Also read: Corona calamities in some Benefits: The man who may become the first "trillion" in the world!

After the Amazon fire, Amazon's statement stated that it expects a small impact on customers due to the fire, explaining that requests will be implemented by other sites, and so far there have been no official statements that estimate the extent of the damage that Amazon received due to the fire..

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