Algerians in exile.. From craft boats to European prisons

  • Time:Apr 12
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Article

The numbers and statistics about the number of harragas in European prisons may not matter. They are said to be 15,000 or so. They may be less than that, or perhaps more.. as far as their fate and future is concerned, after they have fled what they call poverty, miseriya and al-Ma’arif, and complain about the lack of opportunities and their constant sense of life.. they ride boats and cross the seas, and as soon as they set foot in the promised land, their dream turns To a nightmare, and Europe narrowed them down with what it welcomed, to become inch by inch in prisons like the cemetery of dreams, not distinguishing the bad from the good.

It is becoming increasingly easy for young artisans to fall into the trap of crime, in order to survive, after surviving the ferocious boats. As soon as they arrive, they prostrate the prostrations of thanksgiving, thank God for their safety. And their friends convey their joy through impressive live and videos, on social networking sites. But they are only steps away from the coasts of Europe, and they encounter a frightening reality.. There is no work, nor a white marriage for the sake of papers, especially since they were “burned” in the shadow of Corona and the economic crises, which broke the back of the old continent.. Interpreting the forbidden work, despite the temptations, but some young people deviate, because they were brought up to deviate there in a country they left behind.

Haram is short

One of the surprising stories is the story of a young Algerian burner, named Fares, who, after arriving in a boat, was arrested a few days later, as he was stealing clothes from a store in the city of Lille, to be resold in the Weismise market in the Netherlands. Unfortunately, the police, who used CCTV recordings placed on the streets of Lille, were able to locate and identify him. After that, the procedure is simple. He was sentenced to ten months in prison, after which he will be deported to Algeria.. It is the dream of heartburn that was dispelled by the forbidden.

Another Algerian, in his twenties, deserted his country on a terrifying boat, crossed the Mediterranean, hoping for a better tomorrow.. But his future ended in prison, after he was arrested on a street in the city of Sota, trying to sell cannabis.. Stories of young men stuck between a hammer The Tawil and the anvil of returning to his hometown empty-handed without papers or a foreign wife, may be counted or counted, but most of them are neither listed nor told. These Algerians may be sentenced and imprisoned for one reason or another, the misdemeanor does not matter, and the crime does not matter. Their crime is that they are harragas without identity documents, and they have no right to a defense or a phone call. Their story does not resemble the scenarios promoted by the West, which claims human rights.

Death at sea is not the last misfortune

جزائريون في الغربة.. من قوارب الحرڤة إلى سجون أوروبا

A young man from the lost youth of Algeria borrowed a boat in 2017, to immigrate to Spain, and from there he entered the city of Cannes, France. This young man did not commit a heinous crime, or commit a terrible violation.. His only crime is that he has no papers, and he was sentenced to four months in force. At the sentencing hearing, the young man pleaded, "I'm tired of prison, sir, I want to go back to my country."

Another tragedy, published by a French newspaper, was the assault of an Algerian young man on an imam, who was in an advanced state of drunkenness. He was immediately arrested by the police and put in prison. He received a prison sentence of one year and six months, without execution. The worst thing is that this young man has epilepsy. This is the reason why he went out in a corvette, to search for comfort and tranquility, which he did not find in the end on the two banks.

The tragedies of Algerian youth are not limited to France, but spread throughout Europe. Here is another young man, who settled in Austria, after he went out on a boat two years ago, but, instead of searching for what is permissible, he took the haram easy, and practiced it in every sense of the word...drugs, theft, assaults...and the list of his crimes is long, you know it well. The police of the Austrian city of Graz… The young man is now in prison, awaiting his trial, which seems difficult, and whose sentence is harsh.

Youth on the palm of the imp

In Italy, the stories are similar, and the accusations are different.. According to the latest statistics, more than 450 Algerians are in Italian prisons. This represents 1 percent of the total prisoners in the country of Pizza and the Tower of Pisa.. According to this statistic, the number of prisoners has dwindled in half, after it was nearly 1,000, ten years ago.

In Germany, justice is also merciless. Two Algerian craftsmen were recently arrested for robbing a house in Zuffingen. They are now in temporary detention, awaiting their appearance in court... The same disdain that young people may hold wherever they go and settle are all symbols of law and justice. In the German city of Mönchengladbach, a 23-year-old Algerian was sentenced to six months in prison for assaulting a policeman.

We don't know, is it luck or coincidence... What happened to an Algerian arsonist in Lucerne is very strange. He was arrested during a search, in preparation for the German city marathon. It turned out that he did not have residency papers, so he was transferred to the city prison. He was sentenced to three months in prison, and after that, he will be deported to Algeria.. His only sin was not that he was an Algerian, but he was accused of thefts and assaults as well, he and ten other Algerians, their profession of criminality in their forged cards.

In Spain, more than thirty Algerian harragas live in miserable conditions, in Spanish prisons. One of them posted a video on Facebook, to reveal the truth about what they are suffering there.