Algeria News on Saturday, September 25, 2021

  • Time:Nov 18
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Article

Thieves shoot a young man in Al-Manea

Abdul Malik. The civil protection services in the state of Manea intervened, on Saturday, to transfer a young man in his forties, after he was wounded in the leg by a gunshot from a hunting rifle. On his farm in the village of Al-Zamla. A group of thieves intercepted the victim to seize his car, a Toyota Helix, and when he resisted, he was shot. For its part, the gendarmerie forces launched a massive search for the perpetrators.…

Poor services and overcrowding beyond imaginationExtraordinary trips by regular train Oran - the capital

Ibrahim JazzarA large number of users of the regular train Oran - the capital expressed their deep dissatisfaction and anger at what they called the low quality of service beyond the required quality in transportation and travel As they did not find a trace of the service in the travel ticket, whose price was close to a thousand Algerian dinars, but on the other hand, the most basic necessities were absent from the miracle train, according to the description of one of the passengers. It revealed many of the shortcomings recorded by the passengers and disclosed them to the newspaper. The problem of delay still arises every time, the last of which was the breakdown that hit the train last Thursday in Blida, which caused a delay in addition to its usual delay. 3:15 p.m. - wait for twenty-five minutes for the same train to set off, which is paradoxically known to be overcrowded during the weekend periods “Thursday-Friday-Saturday-Sunday” while the number of carriages is fixed and the stations are many, which sometimes generates queues of people standing that end in quarrels between The passengers themselves, and others with the employees of the National Corporation for Railway Transport, who respond that programming and control are centralized, and they have notified their officials of this preoccupation in their reports more than once, but to no avail. In this context, one of the passengers said that the drop that overflowed the cup was in the phenomenon of overcrowding It is the arrival of the train to the stations of Chlef and Wadi Al-Fadda in the evening, where you find rows of students, families and workers heading to the capital or Blida, while the train comes almost full, and the reader can imagine the scene of fatigue, distress, problems and endless conversations, where did the same passenger who works in a public institution in the industrial area report Wadi Al-Smar, that this problem remains on the regular train exclusively in the morning and evening periods, and the alternative according to it is the expensive Coradia train, whose burdens cannot be borne by the pocket of the simple citizen with the eroding purchasing power in the expression of the same source. From sandwiches and water bottles, where does the passenger get the materials from the starting station “Aga or Oran”, while the passengers of the suburban train meet with the depletion of materials when they move, in addition to recording other problems in the management of booking places, inconveniences, and seizing belongings, which requires remedial and prompt processing The users of this train are seeking the General Directorate of the National Corporation for Rail Transport and the Ministry of Transport to raise the capacity of the low-income train and the “translinal”, because almost in light of the current programming, there is no practical and easier line than this train, which requires in addition to an increase in the maintenance of the trailers. An ideal, and better organization, is a service to the Algerian traveler who did not find a place to go in light of the current contexts of the remnants of the epidemic, high prices, and the state of the country's economy.…

A man was killed in a family quarrel in Tebessa

b. On Saturday, members of the National Gendarmerie Regional Division, in the border municipality of Ain Zarqa, in the wilaya of Tebessa, began an investigation into the causes of the family quarrel, using a hunting rifle and white weapons, which led to the death of a father of a family of 4, who is in his forties, and the injury of another person. With severe injuries, his condition was described as critical, which necessitated his transfer to the medical clinic, and it is not excluded that he would be transferred to the University Hospital in Annaba. The National Gendarmerie elements entered the area where the crime occurred, where a number of suspects and some witnesses were arrested to reach The perpetrators and participants in the crime, about which there were conflicting interpretations and interpretations, and which do not come out of the circle of family dispute, and this crime had a great impact on the people of the region, as dozens of relatives and families were collectively transported to the scene of the quarrel, to calm the situation, and find out the truth about the crime and find out Its causes, and an end to its expansion among the members of the same family.

Three dead and two injured after two cars collided in Batna

Taher Hlisilqi, on Saturday, three people were killed and two injured in a violent and horrific traffic accident, which occurred near the Bayou area, Wadi al-Taqqa municipality, Theniat al-Abed district, Batna province.The accident was caused As a result of a collision between two tourist cars that were traveling in opposite directions, and as a result of the sharp collision, the two vehicles rolled down a slope and fell into it, killing three people, between the ages of 27 and 69 years. Where it provided treatment to the injured before transferring them to a nearby hospital, while the bodies of the victims were transferred to the Forensic Medicine Authority, immediately after the completion of an examination conducted by the National Gendarmerie in preparation for the investigation and determination of the causes and circumstances of the painful accident.

Algeria News for Saturday, September 25, 2021

Foreign experts come to Guelma to activate training sessions of an Algerian-Dutch partnership in the field of milk production

Nadia Talhihel in Guelma state Dutch experts to supervise training days for teachers and veterinarians in Algerian institutes in the field of cow breeding and milk production. Training days Which is hosted by the Agricultural Technological Institute specialized in Guelma, and falls within the framework of the partnership concluded between the Ministry of Agriculture and the Netherlands in 2019, which includes an agreement regarding Dutch experts training professors and veterinarians in Algerian institutes specialized in cow breeding and milk production, in theory and practice, an agreement whose embodiment remained suspended. Due to the health conditions witnessed by various countries of the world, as a result of the Corona pandemic, before it was resumed at the beginning of this week from the state of Guelma, which witnessed the arrival of Dutch experts in the field of agriculture, who had field visits to many farms for raising cows, and that In order to extract an idea for establishing model farms for breeding cows with milk-producing breeds, and to work on developing and introducing modern technologies in the field of milk production to raise the national production capacity of milk to reduce the import bill. The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development is betting on the Algerian-Dutch partnership project, from In order to make the Wilaya of Guelma an economic pole for the manufacturing industry, and to give a new start to the dairy cow breeding division at the level of the Wilaya of Guelma, which is distinguished by its agricultural and pastoral character, where the Dutch training team will work on training and accompanying for two full years, by embodying the partnership project in the field, at the level of the cow's milk production unit Makhansheh Nafeh, the “formerly model farm”, which is currently affiliated with the industrial complex for milk production “Ghibli” under the tutelage of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development. The process of raising cows will be carried out according to a well-controlled technical course by Dutch experts, and using the latest breeding methods and equipment, in front of the theoretical training, which will be at the level of the Intermediate Agricultural Technological Institute in Guelma, according to the project’s lined work program in the medium term. The wilaya of Guelma is rich in many natural qualifications in the agricultural field that qualify it to be a pole in the field of milk processing, after expanding the experience and establishing model production units across the wilaya’s territory.

Their fears multiply on the eve of winter. The residents of the cellars of the 2004 Maskan neighborhood in Baraki are appealing to the governor to deport them.

Radia Merbah

The families residing in the basements of the 2004 dwelling neighborhood in the municipality of Baraki appeal to the state authorities, headed by the governor of the capital, Mr. Sharafah, to include them in the deportation operations to be resumed on the 1st of next November, given their bitter reality and miserable conditions that can no longer be tolerated inside housing that lacks the slightest conditions. Living including ventilation with the spread of bad smells emanating from sewage networks, in addition to the spread of rats and the leakage of rainwater that is at the door. Residents of the basements of the 2004 neighborhood in Baraki, who found themselves forced to storm them because of the crisis of distress and the expansion of the number of one family to form other families, confirmed That their miserable condition inside the cellars is getting worse day by day, and the years they spent inside them did not help the authorities move, but their complaints met only with promises that evaporate with the completion of the deportations programmed by the state from time to time. They touched on the daily problems they suffer from, on top of which is the humidity that gnaws at their children’s bodies, in the absence of ventilation tracts, given that these dormitories are located on the ground floor. Sewage that passes adjacent to them, and what may occur from some leaks that form from time to time. As for the rats, there is no problem, as the crowding of family members inside the apartments has become a threat to them. It prompts them, on every similar occasion, to prepare for that and to prepare to meet that water by all means to take it out into the street, for fear of drowning their belongings and their corruption resulting from getting wet. They took the opportunity to talk about the dangers facing them, such as the incident of a gas bottle explosion and its victims.

Seized 6,000 capsules during the operation to dismantle a network for trading in psychotropic substances in the capital

s. M / And the security interests of the state of Algiers were able to arrest a network specialized in “the illegal possession and trading of pharmaceutical substances with psychotropic properties and stimulants”, with the seizure of approximately 6,000 psychotropic capsules and approximately 500 million centimeters, according to what was reported today, Saturday, by a statement of the Directorate General. for national security. The same source stated that the judicial police team of the security of the administrative district of Casablanca was able to arrest a network specialized in “the illegal possession and trading of pharmaceutical substances with psychotropic properties and stimulants, where two suspects between the ages of 30 and 40 were arrested.” The investigation into the case came under the supervision of the Public Prosecution. Regionally competent, so that the investigations led to “the seizure of 5,777 psychotropic capsules and a sum of money worth 475 million centimeters, with the seizure of two luxury cars, along with 3 high-quality mobile phones.” After completing the applicable legal procedures, “the two suspects were brought before the competent prosecution to look into their file.” On the other hand, the security interests of the Wilaya of Algiers, represented by the Second Urban Security in Hydra, in the security of the administrative district in Bir Mourad Rais, were able to put an end to the activity of the “Association of Evil Ones”, whose members were caught red-handed for committing the crime of “the theft described, represented by theft by breaking it from inside a house coupled with aggravating circumstances, pluralism The investigation and investigation procedures were initiated - adds the statement - in this case immediately after receiving the victim's complaint, as the five suspects, including a girl, were identified, so that everyone was arrested and all the stolen items that were seized were recovered. From the dwelling place of theft. The suspects were brought after exhausting the judicial procedures before the competent prosecution, which supervised the investigation from its inception. In a second case, the security authority in Haydara was able to seize and arrest an association of bad guys consisting of four people who were caught red-handed for committing the crime of “robbery and theft described with plurality and the use of white weapons.” And the information that reached the same investigative authority allowed “the arrest of the suspects in the act of robbing a commercial store dedicated to physical care, and they were in possession of prohibited white weapons, with the recovery of the stolen goods that were seized.” After completing the investigation procedures with the suspects, they were brought before the competent prosecution, the statement adds.

Fluctuation in distribution and violation of the supply program “Thirst” of the residents of Calitus in the capital

Nisreen Burghul The residents of the municipality of Calitus in the capital, and exactly the residents of the 400 dwellings neighborhood, were surprised by the fluctuation in the distribution of drinking water, contrary to the program set by the interests of “SIAL” in Earlier, the supply period was reduced to only two hours, which angered and resented the residents, especially since this period is not sufficient to fill tanks, jerry cans, and other means of storage. In this context, a number of residents of the neighborhood confirmed, in their interview with Al-Shorouk, that the disastrous situation that They are currently living through this reduction, which has turned their lives into a real hell, as a result of the irregular supply, unlike the rest of the neighborhoods and municipalities, considering the limitation of the two-hour period as irrational, which resulted in them entering a vortex of searching for alternatives that exhausted their daily lives, and forced some of them to supply water from unmonitored tanks. It is noteworthy that the emergency program set up by the Wilayat of Algiers has not benefited the neighborhood to this day, which prompted its residents to question the background of not being included in the program, which includes catering for 8 hours a day. Our interlocutors said that they contacted the “SIAL” institution many times, seeking to take care of their preoccupation, to no avail, which forced them to request the intervention of the guardian ministry.

Reserving a picnic boat and an amount in hard currency: thwarting two secret immigration operations in Tipaza

Q. The interests of the judicial police of the state of Tipaza thwarted two operations of clandestine immigration by sea, which resulted in the arrest of three people involved in organizing these illegal trips, according to a statement by the security of the state of Tipaza. The police forces of the municipalities of Sidi Ghilas and Fouka, within the framework of combating illegal immigration by sea, were able to thwart two illegal immigration operations by sea and overthrow 9 people, including 3 involved in organizing trips and 6 others who are candidates for secret immigration, including a woman, according to what was reported. The media cell of the same agency said in a statement. The police forces, upon arresting those involved in the two operations, whose ages ranged between 20 and 30 years, were able to seize a pleasure boat with a length of more than 5 meters and 20 cm, a boat engine with a power of 40 horsepower and 22 plastic buckets containing 720 liters. of gasoline, according to the same statement. The police forces also seized 19 life jackets, an amount of hard currency amounting to 460 euros, an amount of money in the national currency estimated at 14,000 DZD, the passport of a candidate for secret immigration, 6 mobile phones, and 7 backpacks containing clothes and shoes. Judicial files against those involved on charges of “the felony of smuggling migrants across the sea within the framework of an organized criminal group” and “the misdemeanor of illegal immigration”, according to which they were brought before the regionally competent judicial authorities.

Chaos.. Fainting and thieves seize the opportunity Parents storm the school publications office in Sidi Bebel Abbes

A corner. Dozens of parents of students stormed the headquarters of the National Office for School Publications, located on Al-Maqtaa Street in the city center of Sidi Bel Abbes, on Thursday, which caused a state of fainting for one of its workers, and prompted the security services to intervene in order to remove the intruders and put an end to the chaos that prevailed in the place, at the time it was announced. Those in charge of the Diwan, stop the sale process and content themselves with the administrative work authorized to them, especially after thieves exploited the incident to steal some women who were in the queue under threat. An unusual weekend for the workers at the National Diwan Center for School Publications, after the pressure and overcrowding witnessed by the point of sale located on However, the situation improved last Thursday, especially after the teachers gave clear instructions to the students to bring textbooks on Sunday. To start the school program. This situation prompted many students’ parents to storm the Diwan building in order to forcibly obtain textbooks for the three educational stages, after the educational institutions refused to carry out the sale process, after they seized huge quantities of books in their structures, which caused an acute scarcity of books. School libraries in accredited libraries, the latter also refused to continue the sale process after the depletion of its first stock, and the rampant chaos that it was unable to control, not to mention the absence of a profit margin, as well as relying on its own financial capabilities to transfer books from the center to its shelves. A situation that contributed to the arrival of large numbers of parents of students to the point of sale located in the center, to the point of attempting to attack its staff. In the same context, the director of the office described what is happening as disastrous, due to the absence of order and the parents’ failure to adhere to the queue, not to mention the absence of security agents to provide them with protection. A situation that prompted the director not to rule out the option of closing the point of sale and keeping the administrative work only for the office, saying, “The current conditions do not help them to work, and that the situation’s escalation requires the intervention of the minister, especially in light of the managers’ insistence on refusing to start the process of selling books, and their detention after The Directorate of Education has not been able to solve this critical problem until today.” And the same spokesman added that if the situation remains as it is, the student will be deprived of obtaining the textbook, because if the process continues at the level of the center’s point of sale, it will continue for a whole month, given To the large number of learners in various stages, who number more than 178 thousand students distributed across 468 educational institutions.…

The death of a child by drowning in a water barrier in Setif

Samir Makhrebecheli, a child who drowned in a water barrier in the municipality of Amoucha, north of the state of Setif, on Friday, where the victim tried to swim in a place specially made to collect rainwater and has nothing to do with swimming. The victim He is 10 years old. He was moved to the water barrier called Bouamran, located on the outskirts of Amousha municipality, and tried to swim, as many children and adolescents living in the area do, who took advantage of the high temperature recorded in the last two days to enjoy swimming in fresh water, but due to the depth of the water barrier. And the presence of slimes, the child was unable to move under the water and was unable to get out to the surface, and he died without anyone being able to save him.

The body of a drowned child was recovered from a pond in Ain Quezzam

Sh. On Friday evening, members of the Secondary Civil Protection Unit of Tin Zawatine, located 350 km from the headquarters of the border state of Ain Guezzam, intervened to pull out a drowned child in a water pool, about 7 km from the city center of Tin Zawatine. The victim is about 9 years old. He died after he was on a recreation trip with a group of his companions, taking advantage of the weekend, when his companions were surprised by the disappearance of their colleague in the depth of the pond, and after attempts to search, but to no avail due to the great depth of the pond, the protection squad was sought, which managed to extract the victim after Hours of searching, and the victim's body was transferred by the civil protection services to the mortuary department of the public health institution in Tin Zawatine.…

A national and international program to honor the symbols of their unseen death recentlyThe Cinematheque honors Saadi, Tasaki and Hilmi

Mahmoud Ben Chaaban The Algerian Cinema Museum has written a rich program, on the occasion of the resumption of its activities, which were suspended as a result of the repercussions of the Corona pandemic, as it proposes to its audience a series of works Cinema, to commemorate the Algerian and international names, which the cinematic scene has recently lost. The Algerian Cinema Museum will honor, through its program, the artistic personalities who passed away a few weeks ago, such as Said Helmy, Yazid Khoja and Ibrahim Tsaki, in addition to the late fighter and producer, Yasef Saadi, where he will display The museum, by the way, produced a documentary film, produced by the “Kasbah Film” company, which was founded by the late in 1964, after it was shown for the last time in the “Cinema Africa” hall, on August 14, 1965, for the management of the Algerian Cinema Museum to digitize it and re-show it to the audience of the seventh art. The Algerian Cinema Museum, by the way, will also resurrect the new “DCP” technology, with the aim of providing quality presentation to its loyal audience, who are amateurs of the seventh art, to follow its program that started yesterday afternoon, by showing the movie “The Neighbor” that was directed by Gotti Ben. Dadush, in 2002. In honor of the late Saeed Hilmi, in addition to the movie “A bout de souffle” directed by Jean-Luc Godard in 1960, in honor of: Jean Paul Belmondo, as well as the movie “Histoire d'une rencontre” in honor of the late director Ibrahim Saki.The Algerian Film Museum has also programmed the film “Si Muhannad or Muhannad” by Yazid Khoja and Rachid Ben Allal, in addition to the French film “Le Marginal” directed by Jacques Deray, and the movie “The Professional” by George Lautner, which will be screened starting tomorrow, Monday. Over the course of three days, while the museum dedicated a special program to honor the late fighter, Yassef Saadi, on the thirtieth of September, including a screening of the scenes of filming the movie “The Battle of Algeria”, followed by the screening of the film directed by Gillo Pentecorvo and produced by Yassef Saadi, in addition to the screening of the movie “ Free Hands”, which was produced by Casbah Film for the late Yassef Saadi, and signed by director Ennio Lorenzini, after the Algerian Cinema Museum digitized it to re-present it to the public.

Awaiting the announcement of the results of the next October 17 session, 36 films from five continents will be shown at the Digital Gate Festival

Zahia. The governorate of the Digital Gate International Short Film Festival revealed that the 17th edition of the September session received 36 films from 22 countries from the five continents, and this edition introduced 4 countries for the first time, and it concerns South Korea, Yemen, Congo Brazzaville and Myanmar, and the filmmakers participated in 4 films From Spain, 4 from France, 4 from Iraq, 3 from Egypt, 3 from the United States of America, two films from Algeria, two films from Morocco, two films from Malaysia, as for Brazil, Germany, Lebanon, Tunisia, Syria, Iran, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the Netherlands Argentina, South Korea, Yemen, Congo Brazzaville and Myanmar, so each country participated in one film. A statement by the organizers stated that the international selection committee will select the list of films that will compete for the awards. The selection committee consists of Mr. Mohammed bin Salman Al Kindi from the Sultanate of Oman and Mr. Habib Bawi Sajid from Iran, Mr. Tariq Shaker from Iraq, Miss Salma Al-Nour from Sudan, Mr. Alaa Nasr from Egypt, Miss Jihan Ismail from Tunisia, Mr. Mohamed Mujahid from Morocco, Mr. Thomas Grand from France and Miss Alexandra Karam from Lebanon headed by Algerian director Yasmine Shweikh. The international jury is expected to announce It is headed by Dr. Abou Shoaib Al-Masoudi from Morocco on the list of winners on the 1st of October. In Algeria, Africa, and the entire Arab world.” In another context, the person in charge of media at the Digital Portal Festival for the International Short Film, Suleiman Rafas, revealed that the organizing body of the festival has appointed media officials in Egypt, where the journalist Marwa Al-Soury was chosen, and in Tunisia, the journalist Professor Moncef Karimi, and the announcement will be made in The next few days will announce the conclusion of cooperation and partnership agreements with various international festivals.…

After the high number of victims of children and adolescents, an Algerian leads an international demonstration against dangerous games.

S. Today, Saturday, in the United Nations Square in Geneva, Switzerland, the Algerian human rights activist, Mourad Mazar, head of the Global Anti-Corruption Security Organization, will organize an international demonstration against dangerous games, under the slogan "The White March... the deadly scarf game." And this, after the increasing number of victims of these dangerous games, among children and adolescents, in various countries of the world, including Algeria. Some adults, as easy as they are used, have dire consequences for the categories of their users..” And our speaker added: “There is an inverse relationship between material cognitive development and its spiritual counterpart in the era of the information explosion. The higher the frequency of the first, the lower the frequency of the second. Perhaps the most important application of this idea is the search for new sensations in the world of ecstasy that go beyond what humans are familiar with until today through an unnatural use of the body, that goes beyond the ecstasy that one achieves through drugs and sex..” And Murad Mazar, head of the Global Anti-Corruption Security Organization, confirmed: “ Adults were fully responsible for the consequences of their departure in the worlds of desires of the body and soul, children and adolescents remain the responsibility of adults, and the extent of the scope of the dangers of the Internet to children and adolescents, cannot be counted, because the extent of psychology and the flexibility of its fields has no limits. Therefore, parents and officials have to bear the consequences of the use of some dangerous applications of the Internet by children, whose lives are often lost for it, by searching for new sensations through a simple game that does not cost more than the inconvenience of touching the screen of any electronic device connected to the World Wide Web to find itself absent from the Internet. Consciousness and he has no choice - if he returns to life - but to repeat the experience and pass it on to his friends. Therefore, the demand for a reconsideration of the effectiveness of these mechanisms, which are used by electronic games and applications companies, must be raised to verify the age of users, or to warn in writing of their danger, because they are nothing but manipulations against the human conscience in exchange for the material profits they reap..”…

Oyster breeding and training in sanitation, drinking water and mining securityNew specializations known by vocational training during the next entry

Nadia SoleimaniNew specializations, known by the vocational training and apprenticeship sector, during the vocational entry scheduled for next October 5, with the opening of more than 32,000 training positions for new candidates. The Ministry of Vocational Training seeks to choose formative patterns that are in line with the labor market. According to the person in charge of information in the Ministry of Vocational Training, Sofian Taysira told Al-Shorouk, the new vocational entry defines the opening of 407 new majors that end with a state certificate, including 23 vocational divisions, while the study is In person or remotely, including 114 majors for candidates with a secondary level. The ministry adopted the principle of partnership with the economic sector, to count the national needs of manpower, and work to train it to meet those needs, to facilitate its integration into the world of work. Our interlocutor confirmed that the Ministry of Vocational Training and for the first Once, new specializations are opened in some states, including trainings that are crowned with a state certificate, and it is related to oyster breeding in the states of Algiers and Mila, and a training related to everything related to the field of sanitation and special waste collection, and it is also in the state of Mila only. And a professional specialization related to the field of prevention and security Mining in Tissemsilt Province, specializing in installation and cladding of facades in Ghardaia Province, in addition to specializing in the supply of drinking water in Tamanrasset Province, all of which are professional specialties related to new data in the economic arena and living reality. In addition, the Ministry of Training and Vocational Education has counted approximately 227 thousand pedagogical positions from Offers for certificate-based training, including more than 94,000 positions in qualifying training, and 35 percent of this population will practice training through apprenticeship.

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