Algeria News on Friday 25 February 2022

  • Time:Jun 17
  • Written : smartwearsonline
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جديد قضية الفساد بتواطؤ الوالي الأسبق للبرج: بيع حديقة التسلية بالدينار الرمزي ودون استشارة البلدية

Warda Boujamal, I mentioned sources familiar with the corruption file, and the former Burj Bou Arreridj, “A.M. ", accompanied by the owner of the" Southern Voice of the List ", and 15 other accused in the case, that the accused sold the park in the symbolic dinar as an investment privilege without consulting the municipal People's Assembly despite being the property of the municipality.

The MP Al -Far benefited to the French territory, accompanied by his wives from the park, which is signed on a significant area of the eastern entrance of the state, without right, in collusion with the governor and a group of officials on official institutions, in addition to documented before he sold it to another businessman who has an investment group in the state.

The new investor made modifications, reforms and additions aesthetically to the garden "VIP", which deprived thousands of residents of an entire state from entering it due to the high costs of their visit, as it is required to pay 100 dinars in order to enter only, while playing for those who managed to a way, which made itThe park in most of the year is closed under the pretext of works.

After the exposure of this corruption and manipulation, the residents today demand the concerned authorities to intervene in order to return them again to the people after the corrupt turned them into a private property.


بناء السفن الكبيرة للصيد في أعالي البحار

M.Koren, Sufyan Sloachi, Minister of Marine Fishing, confirmed that there is coordination between the Ministry of Water Resources and the interests of mini institutions to encourage investment in the field of fish farms in fresh water, especially tilapia, which is the future of fish wealth in Algeria, where the state recently opened the field to market large quantities of it from the farms presentSouth Khenchela and Biskra towards the capital at competitive prices, through which the monopoly and the scarcity of this revolution were broken in the coastal states.

The Minister revealed, during his meeting Thursday in civil society in Tennis north of Chlef, a memorandum of understanding with the Ministry of Miniature Industries to grant loans to invest in the production of this type of fish, noting that investors encourage investment in building large ships to enable fishermen to fish in the high seas, and at long distances, to preserveOn fish wealth across the coastal tape, and supporting the naval fleet with sufficient capabilities to ensure the coverage of the market needs of this revolution in the future, and to maintain the stability of its prices and diversify its products.


تحويل رئيس ديوان بجاية إلى العاصمة

P.Thursday evening, at the headquarters of the Province of Bejaia, a ceremony to bid farewell and honor in honor of Long Ramadan, head of the Benjaya State Court, who was transferred to Algiers, and the ceremony was attended by the governor of the state, the Secretary -General of the state, the Inspector General, the Director of Local Administration, the Director of Organization, Public Affairs and Director of TransportationWireless and wireless, along with the employees of the Governor and the General Secretariat, and the governor of Bejaia praised the efforts made by Long Ramadan in serving the state throughout his assumption, especially as he contributed to solving many of the issues of concern to the citizen.


جلسة خمر تنتهي بشجار ومحاولة اعتداء جنسي بتيزي وزو

Rania.The misdemeanor court in Tizi Ouzou, called B.K ”a year of influential imprisonment and a fine fine of 20 thousand dinars, on the charge of beating and intentional wound with a white weapon, damaging the victim.A ”, for his part, representative of the Public Prosecution to the Court of Appeal of the Tizi -Ouzou Judicial Council, seeking the support of the appealed ruling.

The details of the case are, according to what happened in the trial session, that the accused was beating the victim by wage at the man’s level.The village in which they live.

The accused denied what was attributed to him, stressing that the third party in the case and is a minor like before the juvenile judge, is the one who assaulted the victim by the wage when the latter tried to assault him sexually, while he clashed with him in the hands in defense of himself, excluding him in the inability of the complainant, whereThe minor admitted through all the stages of the investigation, as well as when he appeared before the juvenile judge, that he hit the victim, using a wage that was in the same place, when he tried to attack him and exercise the act of shame, and confessed to drinking alcohol at the site of the accident.


فوضى في حركة المرور داخل مدينة الأغواط

Al -Sharif David, the city of Laghouat, in the last days, is a state of chaos due to the preparations that touched many streets and neighborhoods, in parallel with the launch of the project to renew the sewage network on the national road No. 1, which cuts the city of Laghouat.

The wager clay is the status of the roads in most of the streets and neighborhoods of the state capital, in light of the great wear with the large number Drivers who tell each one that he has traffic priority, in light of the disruption of traffic lights that regulate the movement of cars inside the city, and the problem is more severe in the areas that are known to be very pressure, similar to the rotation point off the University of Laghouat these days, in parallel with the launch of a network renewal project Drainage and preparing a worn out road in one side near the university, as well as at the upper crossroads along the vocational training center and other streets and other parties.

On the other hand, the Organization of the Transporters in the Gaweat raised the alarm due to the lack of respect for motorcycles for traffic safety rules and traffic lights in general, which caused a number of deadly traffic accidents in recent years in front of the recklessness of some drivers, which requires the wills and the relevant bodies to take whatCapacity and deterrent measures are required in this framework.

In light of what is happening, the wills have to intervene urgently to accelerate the pace of the completion of the project at the level of national road No. 1 and the reform and maintenance of traffic lights, as well as roads and streets by filling potholes and removing random qualifications, and organizing traffic in a city where the population density doubles year after year,With what it is, it is a strategic crossing that links the southern states to the rest of the other regions.


أزيد من 15 طفلا يعيشون في العراء بالبويرة

Rehab Shaoshtammate you can accommodate the homeless people initiated by the Social Activity Directorate in the state of Bouira, since the beginning of the winter season from the accommodation of 430 people, including 16 children and 101 women, and this is during the field outputs of the committee in charge of this humanitarian work throughout the cold days, especially those that witness weather and snow fluctuations , In search of cases of displacement until they are sponsored and provide shelter with hot meals, even for a specific period of time, while other cases are preferred to remain in the role of the elderly permanently, in addition to attempting the interests authorized to mediate with their families to return them to the home warm, as such as similar outputs enabled In the state of Jijel, from returning a homeless person who lived for 12 years in its streets, to the arms of his family in the state of Bouira, which has been searching for him for years, and this is in coordination between the interests of social activity in the two states in order to return him to the arms of his family after an absence of more than a decade.


مقتل شخص في حادث مرور بخنشلة

Tarek.The 45 -year -old Ammar Karimo Ammar Karimo, yesterday morning, was affected by his severe injury, which he suffered, during a serious traffic accident, which occurred at the level of the area of Ghrab, regionally affiliated with the municipality of Sharaf in Khenchela, at the level of the national road linking Khenchela and Biskra, passing through Bouabar,A violent collision between two cars on board one of them the victim, which belongs to the Sonelgas Foundation.The victim is an employee of the Sonelgas Foundation in Shashar, in the south of the state. The employee’s body was transferred to the corpses department, before its funeral in the Sharaf cemetery, in the presence of a large crowd of citizens and the family of the Sonelgas Foundation.


شاحنة تقتل أستاذة أمام ثانويتها بمعسكر

The leaders of Mazetovit Thursday, a professor at Bin Keelaiya High School in Tignev in the wilaya of Mascara, in a traffic accident, after being run over by a truck that was passing in front of the educational institution.The professor of Arabic literature died affected by the shock, and the civil protection intervened immediately and the professor was transferred to the hospital, but she died after that affected by its severe wounds, while the security services opened an investigation into the incident.

The incident left a deep grief among the fellow and students of the professor after they heard the news, and the Facebook pages of Tignev circulated the news that occupied local public opinion on a large scale, and the painful occasion was an opportunity to present the problem of roaming heavyweight vehicles inside the urban fab Preventing the use of some roads, especially secondary ones, for the passage of trucks, in light of the presence of two main roads of heavy weight deviation, similar to the road to the right from the camp towards the Valley of the Champions, and the road on the left headed towards the tower from the state capital, while the internal roads of the residents remain in the city He needs to be organized, by preventing traffic through those that fall in front of educational institutions and institutions receiving the public, and narrow roads, as citizens demanded that the traffic scheme should be reviewed in the city, where many see that some of the banners did not take their necessary location, especially those that prevent or permissible traffic Standing and stopping.


منقب عن الذهب يقتل رفيقه بالرصاص في إيليزي

Moataz Rawaba, the Criminal Court in Eleezi, Thursday, dealt with a premeditated murder case, dates back to October 2020, in the desert of the Burj Al -Hawas area, where the victim was subjected to a gunshot of a hunting rifle at the head level.Nigerian nationality was doing excavation, where the killer went to the victim and shot him from the hunting rifle and killed him, killing his blood, before escaping.

The statements of the Nigerian witnesses confirmed that the killer carried out the crime in front of the first, while the second was inside the excavation hole from which the stones and dirt were extracted to search for gold, where he heard the fiery shot, and upon his release he found the victim he was drowned in his blood, so that the supposed perpetrator who carried his weapon threatened them and escaped.

The accused, who lives in the city of Gant, denied the crime attributed to him, stressing that he has nothing to do with the case, as he works in the field of livestock only, and is not active in the field of gold exploration, while moving to the senses tower because his wife descends from that municipality thatIt is about 130 km from Gant, and it is repeatedly moved to the various regions of the desert in search of pasture, and this is inconsistent with the statements of witnesses during the investigations, and who confirmed that he works in the field of gold.

The accused confirmed that days before the day of the crime, he headed towards the senses tower, where he connected his wife to her family, before returning to Gant on the next day, where he returned to practicing his normal life in Gant, and denied that he had heard that there was an order to arrest him, orThe National Gendarmerie searched its residence, as he thought that this was related to his escape from the national service, before it was arrested in January by the security services.The Public Prosecution demanded that the death penalty be shed against the accused, and after the deliberations a ten -year prison sentence was issued.

The first week of last week, the Elysy Judicial Council started the first court of first instance court for the year 2022, during which it represents 27 accused between a detainee and in the event of flight, in 13 various criminal cases.This course was distinguished by the presence of six cases related to intentional killing, in a significant rise in the number of murder cases in the state of Elysee, which are killing cases that are due to the recent gold exploration activity, where the gold excavation areas for the senses are witnessing almost daily skirmishes between the prospectors due to their disputeAbout excavation areas.


هارب من العدالة يقتل شابا بأم البواقي

Jumai.The city of Ain al -Bayda, affiliated with the state of Umm Al -Baqi, lived in the impact of a heinous murder that occurred in the Al -Salam neighborhood of Morocco on Thursday, the death of a young man, who received strikes by a cleaver and dagger at the head and abdomen, by a criminal gang consisting of four people who were waiting for him, onlyOur sources, the body of the young man, the deceased, was transferred immediately after his killing, away from the crime scene and was thrown into the industrial zone in Ain al -Bayda, and they left it drowned in a pool of blood.

The neighborhood and the city in general have known great dissatisfaction after committing this crime, which killed the young man known for his integrity and the beloved of all his neighbors, and he was a hero who had submitted his file in order to obtain the unemployment grant, as he collects his day's food, which earns him from daily temporary work, and he has been able The policemen in a short time at dawn on Friday, from the arrest of the gang members, led by the called Z He began opening an investigation to find out the causes of the crime, which is traded locally, as a religion between the victim and the gang leader.


انفجار عجلة يقتل شابا بسطيف

Samir Makhrabshqi on Thursday, a young man who died in the municipality of Ain Al -Hajar in the state of Setif, after a large wheel exploded, whose face was blown up and a dead body wanted him.

أخبار الجزائر ليوم الجمعة 25 فيفري 2022

The victim, Riad, is 39 years old, who comes from the municipality of Ain Lakher, who works in a quarry located in the Ramada area of ​​Ain Al -Hajar, where he was busy fixing the wheel of one of the mechanisms used in the pits. After he finished blowing the wheel, the latter exploded in a terrifying manner in the face, and he killed him, as it was the severity of the explosion, the victim's face was blocked and some parts were removed from him, and his eye was removed from its place in a terrible scene, after which life was separated before he was transferred to Al -Kathir Hospital in Al -Alama. According to the victim's son -in -law, Sa`d Busnin, who was very influenced by the accident, the victim was a young man, who was counting his family with this work, and he intended to save an amount of money for the purpose of completing half of his debt, but this cursed wheel broke all his dreams. The death of the victim left a great confusion among the family whose members were affected by this tragic end, while security investigations are still ongoing about the accident, and about the quality of the wheel that exploded.


ضابط مزيف يستغل سبعة حسابات إلكترونية للنصب بقسنطينة

Issam Bin Minya, the elements of the search and intervention division in the state interest of the judicial police in the security of Constantine Province, can overthrow a person who has been impersonating a framework in the search and intervention division, to monitor his victims of girls to delude them to marry and his ability to mediate for them to win a job position. The suspect was arrested after the security services received an official complaint from one of the victims, regarding its exposure to fraud and fraud by a person claiming to be a framework in the search and intervention squad, after what I got to know through the social networking site Facebook, and as a result of that, the elements of the search and intervention squad began their investigations and investigations that enabled From reaching the identification of the suspect, who was arrested and transferred to the band's headquarters for investigation.

It was found after the exploitation of technical data based on electronic inspection permission, that the suspect impersonated an officer in the search and intervention squad for a long time, as the in -depth investigation in the case revealed that the suspect exploits seven fake accounts on the social networking site Facebook, where he was communicating with girls Of all ages, and take advantage of them to install them by deluding them with marriage and mediation for them to obtain a work, and he was building their confidence in the basis of the fake character that he impersonated on the basis that it was a framework in the search and intervention squad, as the investigation indicated that the suspect was beating his victims of girls of all ages as the date To meet him in a place close to the headquarters of the Research and Intervention Squad in order to enhance their confidence in it, to then take advantage of them and rob to them varying sums of money after they were accused of linking a marriage relationship.

After the completion of the initial investigation, a file of criminal procedures against the suspect was completed on the charge of impersonating a regular capacity - on the basis that it is a framework in the research and intervention division - and the monument.He was submitted to him in front of the public prosecutor to the Constantine Court, where he was deposited at temporary detention, while investigations are still ongoing regarding some similar cases.


حجز 21 ألف قرص مهلوس في خنشلة

Tarek.Yesterday, the police forces succeeded in the security of Khenchela, in the second qualitative process, from the seizure of more than 21 thousand narcotic pills of the most dangerous species, and the dismantling of a criminal network, specialized in promoting drugs and psychological drugs, active within an organized work, extending to the southern Algerian states, whereOn Sunday, members of the network are expected to be referred before the Khenchela Court Prosecution, to consider their case.

The source of the daily sunrise indicated that the operation came against the background of confirmed information regarding the involvement of a group of people in the activity of promoting drugs and hallucinations, with people from the south, where the network was hacked, which enabled the identification of the suspects, and the means of transporting them between the states,Before their arrest in the province of Khenchela, and reservations, more than 21 thousand hallucinogenic tablets of the most dangerous species, with a volume of 300 mg, which is the second significant amount, in less than two days, is reserved by the police in Khenchela, after reserving 27,000 tablets of the same type, and arresting 7People and vehicles are used to move.


حجز 84 قرصا مهلوسا بتمنراست

U.Bin Ihisheh, elements of the mobile division of the judicial police in the security of the state of Tamanrasset, last weekend, were able to arrest 02 29 years of age, for their involvement in the case of possession of mental influences of the type “Berterabyin” and solid drugs “Lexstazi” for the purpose of trading, estimated at 84 tablets.

The operation was carried out following the information stated that the presence of a person residing in one of the Tamanrasset neighborhoods who exploits his residence in trafficking with mental effects and drugs, and after the exploitation of the information obtained, the police elements began research and investigations that resulted in the suspect's arrest on his car and seized in his possession on 04 tablets of mental effects and a sum of money Among the revenues of promotion, and in coordination with the Prosecutor of the Republic to the Tamanrasset Court, an inspection permission was issued for the suspect's residence, as the result was positive, and a second suspect was arrested inside the residence and seized 80 tablets of mental effects and solid drugs, i.e. with a total of 84 tablets, and accordingly the reservations were transferred And the parties to the headquarters and open an investigation into the case.

After completing the necessary legal procedures, they were submitted to the competent judicial authorities, where each party was issued in the case of the case 05 years in force and a fine fine of 500,000 dinars for each of them with the deposit.


أكاديميون يناقشون راهن وآفاق التكوين الفني

Mahmoud bin Shaaban, the Higher Institute for the Professions of Show and Audiovisual Arts in Burj Al -Kifan, on 09 and 10 March, will hire a forum on artistic training paths under the slogan "The present and the prospects".On the occasion of the celebration of the International Theater Day, which coincides with March 27, professors and specialists in the fourth world of art.

The forum will address within two days many axes, similar to "artistic training in Algeria between reality and hope", which will address the history of training in Algeria by presenting follow -up and readings in the historical path of training and reading in the training programs of the Higher Institute of the Professions of Show and Audiovisual Arts, in addition to Artistic training in the arts sections: a vision from the inside and comparisons between the training programs in Algeria and Arab and foreign experiences, while the second axis that will address the "artistic training role in cultural and economic development" includes the role of artistic training in achieving the development of socio-cultural and economic, to provide training that takes into account the requirements Cultural life and economics projects and monitoring the relationship between cultural and training institutions.

The organization of the forum comes to highlight the specialized training, which is one of the basic inputs to reach professional and professionalism, especially after the large cultural and economic transformations that were imposed on any performance in any field of fields, that a industry is subject to specific productive conditions and criteria that can only be collected in training, especially The arts of show and audiovisual are not excluded from this rule, as it has its pedagogical standards that are appropriate to its artistic and aesthetic nature to be achieved, in addition to the role of specialized training, which is a stage that is forced to recite the stage of the general training, which imposed on specialists to monitor the art site in general and the arts of show and audiovisual Especially from the curricula and study programs for students and students in educational, university and youth institutions, to know what extent children deal with technical and aesthetic values, to provide academic scientific proposals that help the guardians to legalize this specialization in educational institutions and others and put it on the correct railway. This is in the midst of the new national strategy adopted by the state to integrate the arts in public affairs and make it social, cultural and economic added value, similar to the inclusion of an artistic baccalaureate in national education.

The forum aims to value the role that art plays in forming the human personality and the citizen, refining its behaviors, promoting its taste, beautifying its vision of life and the world, in addition to developing the mechanisms of following the artistic act and extending the exchange bridges between the training institution and the institution of embracing the cultural act, as well as enhancing the exchange between various departments and technical institutes and strengthening the relationship between them And this forum made a space to meet the representatives of these bodies to exchange experiences and experiences, as the forum aims to encourage communication between researchers, academics and students in the field of arts, artistic arts and visual audio, in order to discuss the most important new methods and curricula developed in teaching these arts, as well as highlighting the role of arts and contribution In achieving socio economic development in order to reach society to the highest levels of awareness and progress and enhance the function of art in educational, social and cultural institutions technically and professionally and establishing a periodic intellectual recipient concerned with studying and following the artistic training and its relationship to the artistic and cultural reality in Algeria, in addition to establishing a documentation center for studies in the arts of presentation and audiovisual.

The forum will be hosted by the Higher Institute for the Professions of Show and Audiovisual Arts in Burj Al -Kifan, both Dr. Mohamed Boukras, who will chair the forum, along with the Chairman of the Scientific Committee, Dr. Noureddine Amalon and Professor Ibrahim Nawal in his capacity as a coordinator of the forum and Professor Rabeh Houfad as an official for documentation and media, while forming The scientific committee from the professors of the Higher Institute for the Professions of Exhibition and Audiovisual Basri Doctors Habib Boukhlifa, Samia Boutegha, Kamal Jaib, Sumaya bin Abd al -Rabo, Wasli Kana, along with the membership of Dr. Abdel Hamid Allawi from the University of Algeria and Dr. Jamila Mustafa Al -Zaqai from the University Center of Tipaza and Dr. Lakhdar Mansouri From the University of Oran, Dr. Drees Qarqoura from the University of Sidi Bel Abbas, Dr. Laila bin Aisha from Setif University, Dr. Issa Ras Al -Maa from the University of Oran and Dr. Habib Soulami from the University of Tlemcen.


مولوجي تمدد مدة معرض الكتاب بيوم


The Minister of Culture and New Arts, Suriya Moulouji, announced new measures related to the International Book Salon, in its 25th edition to be launched on March 24.

In the first decision taken by Moulouji after receiving her duties at the head of the ministry, the new minister added one day and extended the salon period from Thursday, March 24 to Friday 01 April 2022, "with the aim of allowing the public, especially the teachers, to visit the exhibition, during Friday."According to the statement of the Ministry of Culture

The same statement indicated that the minister decided to create a number of measures in order to ensure the success of the demonstration, including "setting a digital platform that allows the virtual visits to the exhibition with the possibility of buying books remotely, with the aim of modernizing this demonstration and providing new digital services that benefit everyone who could not move to the exhibition spaces, And the opportunity to all Algerians to encourage the brothel. ”

This is in addition to opening public spaces to embrace the activities related to the book ”through the network of public libraries across all states of the country and mobile libraries, and to activate reading workshops and competitions between children and youth, under the slogan“ The Book in the Street ”.In the same direction, Moulouji decided to create "spaces within the exhibition dedicated to those who want to swap or dedicate their books to their books, to encourage this type of civilizational behavior among the public."


الباحث بلعقروز يستدعي الأخلاق لعلاج الفكر والنَّفْس

s.Infidel, the book “Al -Aqsaf Al -Tafsafi .. Intellectual Education and the Curriculum Rights” by Algerian researcher Dr. Abdel -Razzaq Balakarouz, Professor of Philosophy of Values and Knowledge at the University of “Setif 2”, on the center of Nomad.

It is stated in the book of the book that the contemporary Western civilization suffers a profound imbalance in the philosophy of values and morals, as its societies prevailed in tools, utilitarian and position, which separated morals and the provisions of value, and between objective science and practical mind, until the mind and heart have become two separate areas that are more severe, and our time is described as an era"Post -ethics."

Despite the growth of moral philosophies and the diversity of their models (recognition, communication and tolerance), they failed to address the social diseases of modern people, but the multiplication of these models is evidence of the depth of this moral crisis, and the urgent need to develop an alternative moral model that does not separate faith and work, nor betweenThe heart, reason and spirit, for human subjectivity is only evaluated by the integration of its kingdoms and forces.

Therefore, this book deals with the "intellectual education" investigations, and calls for the beneficial spiritual meanings to treat thought and soul diseases, targeting the purity and liberation of the soul from the swarms that hinder the perfection of the mental and intellectual readiness of man as an individual and society.

In this great endeavor, the book draws the paths of the curriculum necessary to address the questions of moral philosophy, and the effect of this in appointing the human status in this world.

The purpose of this book is only to take this vision to the scope of practical questions that necessitate a liquidation in morals and an increase in thought as the clear values ​​in which the curriculum is enlightened. And when this is decided, the spirit of this book chooses to dialogue with the following questions: How do we benefit from ethics in order to soften thinking, development, and liberation from psychological, cultural and intellectual mustache from achieving the maximum demands of intellectual education? Which curricula are the most appropriate for the mind to move from the process of receiving philosophical contents to the phase of the mastery of its mechanisms? Or from stillness in the use of philosophical sayings to the movement of dirt on it and the coming of what is similar or comparable to it? What are the mental and behavioral means to create self? How do the spiritual meanings become an educational reality and a social action? Why did the inventive models prevail over the social diseases of human civilization are not able to raise? What is the significance of the difference between its concepts? What is the place of the moral system within the will to advance and do again? And then is an ethical system that is able to emancipate the post -ethics culture?

Accordingly, the writer - so - the issue of the systematic and intertwined role of the morals of thought and the scientific method, and the philosophy of action and the moderate criticism and affiliation with faith and moral intelligence in order to answer the questions of the contemporary practical mind, which are systematic answers in its soul, meaning that it is not satisfied with proving intellectual education, but rather draws the ways towards Its collection, and does not be sad for the missed philosophy, but it takes the hand towards the acquisition of its laws, and does not regret the separation between the moral and reality, but rather a path of spiritual sport in order to transform the morals into my heart and my heart; Thus the rest of the book's ideas, as its owner said.


جامع الزيتونة.. منارة علمية وصرح تعليمي وإصلاحي

The leaders of the Mazilah considered the Al -Zaytouna Mosque in the Baba Ali Al -Atiq neighborhood of the city of Mascara, a scientific beacon and an educational and reformist editor with distinction, a job that has been on it since its inception centuries ago, and is still preserving it, despite the progress of the years and the changes of generations.

Al -Zaytouna Mosque, which took its name from the olive trees of the age of two centuries of time, where they occupy an important space from the area of its discretion, and tanza before the construction of the mosque, according to Bin Yusad with the net of one of the students of this mosque during the 1940s, and still hesitates to this day,Where he pointed out that the olive trees have been in this place about two centuries ago, and with the passage of years they were taken as a teacher for meeting and dating, especially for the nomads and expatriates from the neighboring states and the desert, until it was agreed to build the mosque and take a beacon of science and social reformist radiation over time.

And it is punished for the conduct, Imamate, and teaching of the Qur’an with many sheikhs and teachers, most notably Sheikh Bakr al -Qudr, who came out on his hands hundreds of the memorizers of the Qur’an.

Our interlocutor added that before independence, the Zaytouna Mosque had an important role in the champions industry and the graduation of the Mujahideen, where at least 120 students of the Qur’an joined the mountains for war against French colonialism, and many are the cases in which the revolutionary students resorted to the mosque to take care of it when they were pursued by the French army.

The sheikhs of the mosque and the adults who are reluctant to the tasks of preaching, guidance, memorize the Qur’an and reconciliation between people at their discounts, and dozens of students receive the Noble Qur’an by Sheikh Habous leaders who run the affairs of the mosque, where there are travelers who take from the mosque hall as a place to overnight for them, and in which they prepare their foodAnd their drink.

Tawfiq Berkane, a traveler student, said that he came from the state of Mila to receive knowledge and the Qur’an when he heard and learned about the Zaytuna Mosque, where 32 parties from the Holy Quran memorized after spent two years of time, and that there are resident students who come to the mosque to memorize the Qur’an, especially during their interruptions.On studying in educational institutions and holidays, Mohsen is responsible for providing the needs of the Zaytouna Mosque, especially those related to foodstuffs and everything related to the needs of students.


طبيبة تساعد حاملا على الولادة داخل حافلة بالمسيلة

Ahmed.On Thursday night, a woman who holds her fetus was placed on a bus, south of Messila, according to the civil protection interests.

According to the same source, the concerned person who was on a bus to transfer passengers on the line linking the states of Algiers and Biskra intensified with pain and labor, which required the intervention of a doctor on the same trip, where she helped her put her new baby of a male gender, yetUsing the equipment, means and equipment of the secondary unit for civil protection in Ben Surour, after receiving a report stating that there is a pregnant woman about to give birth and needs to help on the axis of National Road No. 46 within the age of nine and a quarter.

Looking at her status and after the nearest hospital structures, and in light of the presence of the doctor who was credited with that, the mother and her fetus were subsequently transferred on the ambulance to Bin Khanna Al -Duwaji Hospital located in Bin Surur, in good health conditions in order to complete the treatment.


عصابة سرقة المركبات والدراجات في قبضة الأمن بالمسيلة

S.The judicial police officers in the security of the Bou Saada district in the Masila, with a bad gang consisting of 5 individuals that professionalize the theft of vehicles and motorcycles, using manual and electronic means and tools, with the seizure of manual and electronic equipment used in the theft of vehicles, in addition to white weapons, according to a statement of the police interests.

The operation came after the information came out of the presence of a bad group whose members descended from one of the neighboring states, who are accumulating vehicles and motorcycles to steal them, which raised the citizens' concerns, as a result of this, a work plan that enabled the tolerance to the members of this network and reserve the aforementioned equipment and the used vehicle.

By continuing the investigations and searching the suspect's housing after obtaining permission from the prosecution, one of them was found on a stolen motorcycle.

The suspects were presented to the competent judicial authorities regionally, to issue 4 of them to deposit a mortgage of imprisonment at the Re -Education and Rehabilitation Corporation in BoussaadReporting a felony informing it and carrying a banned white weapon without legal requirement.


في حادثة نادرة وقعت بين العاصمة وبسكرة تذاكر مجانية مدى الحياة لمسافرة وضعت مولودها في حافلة

M.Abdel Rahman, one of the private institutions for transporting travelers in the state of Biskra, at the end of the week, granted two tickets for free and for life on board all her buses, for the benefit of a twenty -year -old woman who wanted to put her new baby on Wednesday night and successfully inside one of the buses of this institution and working between the states of Algeria and Biskra.

According to the officials of this institution for the transfer of passengers, this lady descends from the province of Biskra, and she was accompanied by her husband returning from the capital to the house of her parents in the capital of Zeban, where her desire to put her first child in her hometown and between her family, and on the way after cutting several kilometers from Bou SaadaToward Biskra, this lady felt the pain of childbirth, then she gradually worked on her, and before reaching the city of Bin Surur on the 46th National Road axis, that lady told the bus driver about the matter, and he was forced to stop immediately, and to seek civil protection over the phone.

And for good seashells, a traveler was a traveler who was a doctor who specializes in childbirth, to advance and examine that woman, to show her that the matter is related to the hour of a sure birth, to ask all the men of men to go down, and the doctor remains with that lady in anticipation of any emergency, and suddenly the situation began to find, to findThe same doctor in front of a state of compulsory intervention for fear of the woman's health and smallness, and with competence, this doctor can successfully succeed the generation and cut the umbilical cord, and without complications or danger, among the female travelers of the women, the joy of the husband and all the travelers who remained the situation from afar with supplication and anticipation.

With the arrival of the civil protection car from the nearest place where the bus stopped, that lady had put her baby in peace and health, to be transported and her newborn to the nearest hospital in the city of Ben Surour, so that this birth would be unique in Algeria, given that the matter is related to a birth on a bus.Because the joy was overwhelming, and the operation took place with a successful success, the officials of the bus transporting the bus and immediately after informing them, the male and female child gifted two tickets to travel free and the extent of life in the gesture, also appreciated and praised.


وفاة معمر بالجزائر عن 104 سنوات

reconcile. On Thursday, one of the largest agents in Algeria died, and it is related to the so -called "Bushaal Mundhim Amezian" at the age of 104 years, in the impact of a coupled in the municipality of Timmers in the state of Bejaia. The deceased was born in 1917 with a junction in the municipality of Timmers, he witnessed throughout his life and the succession of many events and the contemporary of several generations, and he continued his life without suffering from any disease, and on the secret of that, his family members say that throughout his life he was eating 100 percent natural food He refused to court the room floor and preferred to keep it dirt. The deceased Mundhim Amezian did not leave the supplication to Algeria and its people, and that God would protect them from all harm.


تفكيك عصابة لتزوير العملة بتيبازة

B.Boujmaa, the mobile police, the Judicial Police, was the day before yesterday, to dismantle a criminal gang specialized in forgery of banknotes, putting them for trading in the market in the eastern side of the state of Tipaza, and reserved more than six million forged centimeters, means and equipment of forgery operations.

The operation came after information received by the interests of the mobile division of the Judicial Police in Fefta in the state of Tipaza, according to which two people have launched a forged national currency to trade at the eastern side of the term, where the group harnessed all material and human capabilities in order to topple them, and after in -depth investigations and monitor the suspects,Their identity was determined and 4 people in their twenties are from the state of Tipaza in possession of forged banknotes, and in coordination with the competent prosecution and after the inspection of the suspects' housing, 62 forged papers of 1000 dinars and equipment were seized in addition to a quantity of mental effects.