The press today 3-5-2022-Al-Manar Channel website-Lebanon

  • Time:May 30
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Article

The Lebanese newspapers issued this morning, Saturday 5-3-2022 in Beirut, focused on the Russian military operation in Ukraine, in addition to the file of demarcating the maritime borders with occupied Palestine and the file of the upcoming parliamentary elections, and also dealt with a series of local, regional and international files.


The Russian army governs control of 100 thousand square kilometers and besieged 6 cities, including Kyiv / price war: oil increased 50% and gas is 150% ... and Moscow sold for a billion $ yesterday / postponing the municipal elections ... and the megasinter for the next week ... and the problems of the position on the war continues

Under this title, the Lebanese newspaper Al -Bunah wrote, “The first weekend of the Ukrainian war, carried a military harvest by achieving hundreds of Russian targets in terms of neutralizing strategic and vital facilities and destroying heavy Ukrainian military equipment, but in the field it allowed control of Russian forces over 100 thousand square kilometers of Ukrainian lands, i.e. The equivalent of ten times Lebanon’s area out of 600 thousand is the area of ​​Ukraine, during which it completed the siege of six Ukrainian cities, including the capital Kyiv, and the historical capital, Kharkif, in addition to Maribel in the south and Meclav in the center after entering and controlling Jacon, and Zaburigia, where the nuclear station that was neutralized, And Odisa, which has become almost trapped.

According to Russian sources, the military plan is proceeding with the speed, and what was accomplished during the first week will make the achievements of the second week faster, especially since Russia has succeeded in containing the first shock of the media and diplomatic campaign on the one hand, and the effect of financial sanctions on the other hand, and the effects of Russian military successes began to impose its presence on positions Western with a higher degree of rationality and more accurate choice of vocabulary, and a cautious formulation of positions and data, while the West stands in front of a dilemma of its title that more pressure on Russia equals the bombing of the social and economic situation in the West, especially in Europe, because the only portal of financial pressure is to stop the import of Europe for oil and gas from Russia, while yesterday's news carried without prohibiting Russian oil and gas exports to a rise in prices, reaching record rates that exceeded the threatening expectations launched by former Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, who told the Europeans who waited for a thousand cubic meters of gas by $ 2000, the day the price was $ 1200, so With it, the price of $ 2400 is recorded and continues to rise, and it is expected that it will jump to $ 5,000 if the import is banned from Russia, and like the gas was the oil market, even to a lesser degree Fu The origin of the price of the oil barrel, the rise, recording the price of $ 120 per barrel after the first crisis was at the end of last year at $ 80, and sources in the oil and gas market said that Russia's sales during Thursday alone recorded $ 1 billion instead of $ 300 million in normal days, and the reason is to increase demand And the high prices together.

In Lebanon, the debate continues about the position taken by the government on the war in Ukraine, and Prime Minister Najib Mikati said that it is an initial position on entering the army of a state to another country, which necessitated a parliamentary question about how this rule can justify the government position in support of the Saudi -Emirati incursion into landsYemeni?

Government, the municipal elections were postponed for a year under a draft law to be sent to the House of Representatives, while the deciding of the fate of the megasantter adopting in the parliamentary elections was postponed to the next week, and the crisis of food and oil resources securing on the surface in light of the crises that resulted from the war.

The Council of Ministers announced the postponement of the research as "Megasinter" to the next session, which was determined next Thursday in the Baabda Palace, and the Council decided to form a committee composed of the ministers of justice, culture, interior, money, tourism, communications and education to present a vision of "Megasinter" discussing the next session.

The Council of Ministers approved at its regular session in Baabda, which was held under the chairmanship of the President of the Republic, General Michel Aoun, and the presence of Prime Minister Najib Mikati and the ministers to postpone the municipal elections due to the lack of material and human readiness for that, and it is proposed to be held on May 31, 2023, provided that this proposal is referred to the parliament, which is the master of himself and takesThe appropriate decision.

During the session, Mikati and Minister of Economy from outside the agenda of food security and the risks of not securing wheat and others were presented in light of the war on Ukraine, given that food security is a priority. In the context, he decided to form a ministerial committee headed by the Minister of Economy and the membership of the Ministers of Industry, Agriculture, Defense and Culture to address the food security crisis and protect the markets in terms of monopoly and manipulation of prices. It is learned that the Minister of Economy will take a decision at the beginning of next week to arrest export permissions for a number of important raw materials issued by Lebanon, in order to make the field in front of self -sufficiency and protect local sufficiency.

According to the information, the national duo ministers registered in protest against the draft security agreement with the United States of America only in terms of what they called "the necessity of preserving the state's sovereignty against it by distributing aid to its security forces by its will."

It should be noted that the electricity plan added to the Minister of Energy Walid Fayyad some words in some items reached the General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers, but the agenda had been issued, so it was not included in it, and the Minister of Energy is now waiting for a date for a session in which the plan approved permanently.

The Minister of Labor, Mustafa Bayram, made an intervention inside the cabinet session, in which he asked: “Why is the experience repeated in Lebanon’s position on the war between Russia and Ukraine by biasing Lebanon, which does not offer or delayed only harm to our difficult and complex situation?Doesn't this situation deserve to be discussed in the cabinet to remove it in a correct way, especially since we objected to the behavior of the former foreign minister?And here is it repeated in the United Nations vote without discussing the cabinet?Are we not all concerned as a ministers of ministers in taking Lebanese political positions towards different positions? ”

Mikati replied: “Russia is neither intended nor targeted by the statement.We are against any international interference in any country, whatever the intervention state. ”

Bayram said to Mikati when he justified the statement of the "Foreign Ministry", "What I swallowed it".

Mikati was offered at the beginning of the cabinet, "the reasons that led Lebanon to take a position on the Russian -Ukrainian conflict," and said: "This position stems from a historic narration of initial positions that Lebanon has taken by condemning any country that invades a neighboring state, knowing that our position on Russia is based onThe necessity of establishing the best relationships with her. ”

President Mikati also presented "deliberations with the delegation of the US Treasury and the points that were raised, especially in terms of fighting corruption and activating the work of the National Anti -Corruption Commission that was formed, as soon as possible to confirm the seriousness of the Lebanese state in fighting corruption."

He pointed out that "social assistance will begin to be distributed next week," noting that "the efforts of the Minister of Social Affairs Hector Hajjar to accelerate this important step to help families who live in very difficult circumstances."

The President of the Republic, at the beginning of the session, pointed out that “the delegation of the International Monetary Fund has highlighted the necessity of approving the recovery plan as soon as possible, provided that the plan includes the restructuring of the Bank of Lebanon and banks, the unification of the exchange rate, the distribution of losses, the necessary structural financial reforms, and a plan for a networkSocial safety, "said:" The International Monetary Fund delegation stressed the need to secure the political consensus to approve the recovery plan. "He stressed that "the financial situation is very accurate, and it is not possible to postpone any postponement." He said: "I put everyone in front of their responsibilities."

The President of the Republic, General Michel Aoun, confirmed, during his reception at the Baabda Palace, the delegation of the European Union headed by Ambassador Ralph Tarraf, “The return to the option of negotiation is the best in resolving the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, because the adoption of peaceful means leads to bloodshed and avoids any repercussions that increase the differencesAmong the countries in general and the neighboring countries in particular.

He pointed out that "Lebanon's position has always been and is still against any war or aggression against any free and independent state," noting that "the importance of adopting the language of dialogue and solidarity between peoples and countries during crises and wars."

الصحافة اليوم 5-3-2022 – موقع قناة المنار – لبنان

In Moscow, the adviser to the President of the Republic for Russian Affairs, Amal Abu Zaid, met the personal representative of the Russian President in the Middle East and Russian Foreign Minister Mikhail Bogdanov, and the meeting was distinguished by the “friendly”, and dealt with all aspects of the Russian -Ukrainian crisis and its repercussions at the international level, specifically on the Middle East region.

The meeting included a lengthy research on Lebanon's position on the crisis between Russia and Ukraine.

This returned at dawn yesterday, a new batch of Ukraine Lebanese to Beirut, through facilities presented by a Lebanese businessman there, who hosted the numbers of Lebanese fleeing from the bombing free of charge in a hotel and secured them with return travel cards to Lebanon, in coordination with the General Security and the Higher Relief Authority.

In a contact with President Saad Hariri, the deputy head of the Future Movement, former MP, "Mustafa Alloush, resigned from the Future Movement, and Prime Minister Hariri decided today to consider the resignation window and the decision deposited the General Secretariat to work according to it," according to a statement issued by the Future Movement.

The statement added: Thus, Alloush is freed from any organizational obligations, and he has the full right according to the principles to take the path that he deems appropriate, whether in the elections or others, wishing him success and appreciation of his positions and the tasks he has in the current over the past years.

Al -Hariri had met at his residence in the Emirates, MP Bahia Al -Hariri and the Secretary -General of the Future Movement, Ahmed Hariri, and the issues related to the Future Movement and in the file of the parliamentary elections were discussed, especially in the part concerned with the options of voters in the Sunni -majority areas and the trend that they should communicate to those who want in the process Playing, as well as the importance of working to reduce the space in which Siniora moves, and thus work to surround it. Informed sources in the Future Movement indicated to Al -Benaia that the vote of the fans of the Future Movement will be for the Sunni candidates who will abide by the principles of Dar Al -Fatwa and do not work to withdraw the rug from under the feet In the second Beirut district, considering that the Sunni figures who will alliance with the forces will not have any preferential votes, and stressed that Siniora seeks to create a parliamentary bloc in Parliament as he preferred the same as the former deputy Ahmed Fatfat and Dr. Alloush forming joint regulations with the forces party to reach what he seeks Locally and on the level of improving his relationship with Saudi Arabia. The information reported that MP Al -Hariri put upon her return from the UAE President Nabih Berri in the atmosphere of her meeting with Prime Minister Hariri and discussed the current developments. The Grand Mufti of the Republic, Sheikh Abd al -Latif Drian, today chairs a session of the Supreme Islamic Sharia Council, in Dar Al -Fatwa, to discuss Islamic and national affairs.

The Secretary -General of Hezbollah, Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, speaks at half past three afternoon on Tuesday, on the occasion of "The Day of Resisting Wound".

Yesterday, the US Treasury announced the imposition of sanctions on Hezbollah funds in Guinea, with the aim of disrupting its business network in West Africa.

The Undersecretary of the US Treasury for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence Affairs said that the Treasury continues to uncover businessmen who support the destabilizing Hezbollah activities through bribery and other corruption activities.

He also announced the inclusion of Lebanese businessmen Ali Saadeh and Ibrahim Taher on a list of penalties for providing financial and financial assistance to Hezbollah.


A committee for the "Hokashtin Show" and Hezbollah rejects the immediate or by means

Under this address, the Lebanese newspaper Al -Akhbar wrote, “The file of demarcating the maritime border with occupied Palestine was transformed into a secrets fund that the bodies that take care of what is happening in it are trying, without until now the sins committed by the state, which may lead to the loss of Lebanon as part of its sovereignty and wealthNavy.Certainly, the file is a fat paper for those who want to collect political or personal gains, and it is more certain that anyone will not "get involved" in resisting the United States for fear of the sword of sanctions, so accepting the minimum that the Americans want to wish for on Lebanon is what leaks from the meetings of what is behindThe scenes.

This week, the demarcation file moved to a new station represented by the handing over of the American Ambassador in Beirut Dorothy Xia, the three presidents, a written offer, a translation of the oral offer carried by the chief negotiator in the US Department of Energy, Amos Hokashtin, at the request of Lebanon, and what is required of Lebanon is answered, before specifying The American mediator is the date for a near visit. The offer suggests Lebanon to obtain line 23 distorted, by giving it line 23, before it deviates up at the blocks 8 and 10, so they will be with the external section of the Qana field from the Israeli enemy's share, in addition to another offer that includes the establishment of the company "Total" from the Lebanese side and the company " Hallibron »on the other hand by managing joint fields, to be working on the border under Qatari sponsorship. According to well -informed sources, the President of the Republic, by accepting negotiations on line 23, provided a safety to reach a solution, but the enemy apparently does not want to get off the tree, as evidenced by the display of the distorted line. Also, the American mediator is fully aware that he was deceived by the Israelis, so he decided to replace the visit to the message, and the threats of the American ambassador, and to continue to refuse to release exemptions from the Caesar Law for Egypt and Jordan to provide Lebanon with gas and electricity, to keep this file hostage to the demarcation file.

"Al -Akhbar" learned that it was decided to form a committee that includes 8 members to study the "Hokashtin offer" (two representatives of the President of the Republic, representatives of Prime Minister Najib Mikati, two from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and two from the Ministry of Defense). While the committee may include representatives of the army and the ministries of the environment, works and energy, prominent sources confirmed that the Minister of Works on a diet informed Hezbollah that the prime minister wanted him to be among the committee, and that the party informed him of a "refusal position", stressing that "we will not participate in any meeting Or direct talks through the minister or by mediation related to the demarcation file, especially if the committee will meet with American delegations. The sources were surprised that Lebanon is in the process of studying this proposal, knowing that "the position on it must be rejection and nothing but rejection", considering that "the party's position is a response to the process of implicating the file by involving the Minister of Works, not because his ministry is concerned with the file but rather Because Hezbollah Minister, and because his participation will give the impression that the party is a partner in the negotiating process, which is what he rejects from the beginning. The country is excluded from the decision. ” So far, the names of the members of the committee that are taught between Baabda and Al -Sarayi Palace have not been agreed upon.

Declaration of the "nuclear disaster" weapon: Kyiv is playing banned

Under this title, I wrote the news, “It seems that the Ukrainian authorities, led by Voludmir Zelensky, will not hesitate to resort to the most extremist options, whenever I sensed that the Russian screws began to be tightened. In this context, the series of accidents, which Russia says, is fabricated in Ukrainian nuclear installations, with the aim of accusing Moscow of responsibility, and then taking it as an excuse to demand the establishment of a Joe -embargoing area over Ukraine. At the end of these incidents, a fire broke out at the southeast of the nuclear nuclear station Nuclear »will cause the Russian process. The aforementioned al -Tawil started a few days ago, after two two incidents: The first is raising the level of radiation in the Chernobyl reactor; The second is targeting the nuclear waste store, so the Zaburigia incident comes and the third station is in that context.

At this time, while the right -wing units of the neo -Nazi Nazis and racist nationalists who are called “Ansar Stepan Bandira”, the Ukrainian agent who fought alongside the Nazis in World War II, continues, in what Moscow describes as “provocative actions”, the Russian intelligence security services monitor "Chat" programs (chat via social media) in Ukraine, in which the participants exchange messages of a terrorist nature, calls for the killing of Russian soldiers, and they trade information on how to make Molotovs incendiary bottles, instructions on the places of weapons and how to distribute them. Among these groups, for example: "Comfort Town", "KAT Peresnova 12", "Rotder Town", "Vidkrita", "J Ka Nouokovi". For his part, a spokesman for the Russian Ministry of Defense, Major General Igor Konashenkov, announced that "the nationalists in Ukraine are preparing provocative operations in the city of Kharkov, participating in the direction of foreign media, with the aim of luring a response to the fire from the Russian forces artillery towards the residential areas of the city of Kharkov." According to the ministry’s data, the Ukrainian forces deployed rocket launchers between residential buildings, and prevented citizens from leaving their homes. Later, the Russian "defense" confirmed that the Zaburigia nuclear station was controlled by the Russian Armed Forces and the Nuclear Control Department in Ukraine, and that the station specialists control the work of energy units, and continue to operate them according to the requirements of technological regulations for safe operation.

In a related context, Russian experts, including Volodimir Rugov, spoke about five rules that the Russian forces will be applied in the areas they control in the context of their military operation, on top of which are: exempting citizens from debts, bank loans, fees and municipal bills, provided that the next fees are determined on the basis of Russian prices, applying a facilitator tax system for Ukrainian businessmen who will be able to reach Russian markets, as well as setting a plan to help Ukrainian farmers harvest their seasons. On a parallel line, while the Russian Foreign Intelligence Authority announced that the security services of the Western countries are transporting gunmen to Ukraine, remarkable statements to former Ukrainian Prime Minister Nicolay Azarov, in which he said that the Kyiv authorities were preparing to launch a military operation on the Logansk and Donetsk popular republics in Donbas on 25 Last February, that is, just one day after the launch of the Russian private military operation. Azzarov added that "NATO" was planning to deploy four brigades in Ukraine, including air -backed forces and systems capable of carrying nuclear warheads.

There is no air ban over Ukraine, Russian President, Vladimir Putin, in connection with the German advisor, Olaf Schultz, confirmed Russia's openness to dialogue with Ukraine, provided that all its demands are implemented. Putin expressed his hope that Kyiv would take a "wise and constructive position" during the upcoming negotiations. For his part, Schultz called for "stopping the Russian military operation immediately, to ensure the arrival of humanitarian aid," stressing that his country "is not and will not be part of the military clash in Ukraine." In the same direction, the Secretary -General of the NATO, Jens Stoltenberg, asserted that the alliance will not establish a atmospheric zone over Ukraine, noting that this means "a comprehensive war in Europe, in which many other countries are involved, and causes much greater human suffering ». Returning to Putin's statements, the latter defended what his country is doing that it only responds to the negative measures taken against them, calling on neighboring countries not to strain relations with Russia. He assured that his government will enhance the infrastructure of transportation and logistical services, despite the difficulties it faces, and that it will fulfill all its economic obligations towards foreign partner countries. For its part, the Russian intelligence, "NATO", was accused of transferring "terrorist" militants to Ukraine, after preparing them at the Syrian -controlled Syrian base.

Source: Lebanese newspapers