The press today is 12-12-2021-Al-Manar channel-Lebanon

  • Time:Oct 17
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Article

The Lebanese newspapers issued today, Friday, 12-12-2021 in Beirut, focused on the absence of international, regional and local political solutions, and the dollar price exports attention with the limited impact of the procedures of the Bank of Lebanon, and the dollar's preservation of a high price..

Washington news to banks: You are good ... more collaborate!The minutes of the meeting between the US Treasury agent and the Banking Association: You are good ... You have to provide more detailed information!

Al -Akhbar newspaper dealt with the internal affairs and wrote, "We want to share with the members of the Banking Association for this purpose (fighting corruption) to put Lebanon on the path of political and economic stability.".This phrase may summarize everything that the Undersecretary of the Secretary of the Secretary of Treasury for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence wanted Brian Nielson, as saying to the Board of Directors of the Association of Banks, at the meeting that was held yesterday from a distance.However, the most important thing he said was not mentioned in the minutes of yesterday's meeting or in the statement of the Association of Banks, as he spoke side by the banks about the need to combat the "cache economy", which is used as an effective way to get away with the American grip, and on the necessity of combating the activities of the "good loan".Despite all the cooperation that the Americans gained from the Bank of Lebanon and banks over the past years, he expressed his frustration with the procedures of banks, pointing out that he expected more commitment to dispel his concern about "the apparent deficiency in the due care applicable with banks to determine the identity of the Lebanese who are politically exposed and identifySources of money and sources of their wealth ».

Nelson's meeting with the banks, according to what is drawn from the minutes of the meeting distributed to bank owners, aims to increase pressure to obtain more detailed information about businessmen and politicians, their wealth, size and sources.Such information may constitute a big difference in the coming months in the context of the following political benefits.But such information can only be obtained on the pretext of "fighting corruption".The banks are the most appropriate partner to do this on its own.According to Nelson's expression, they are "long partners" and they have "appreciation" for them.In a clearer sense, they are good clients who made some mistakes that are not forgiven.Therefore, Nelson was keen to remind them of the sanctions issued against: Gibran Bassil, Ali Hassan Khalil, Youssef Fenianos, Jihad Al -Arab, Danny Khoury, Al -Jemal Bank, Hezbollah and the good loan ... the repetition of the names, in isolation from the truth of the facts associated with the sanctions, wasSigns received by some banks are guaranteed about the presence of companies and entities vulnerable to sanctions that are still able to access and use the banking system.

Nevertheless, Nelson was speaking with a confident tone.It is a matter of expected from the banks, the minutes of the meeting indicate that Nelson heard from banks talking about that "political persons exposed to a political do not represent a problem for banks, or that banks do not have accounts with them.".Nelson replied: "This is simply not true ... The institutions must understand the source of wealth and the source of money.".Despite the estimate it has for banks due to its role in preventing Hezbollah's access to the Lebanese financial system, Nelson feels "frustrated because we have not witnessed sufficient measures to protect the Lebanese financial system from corruption.In particular, I am very concerned about the apparent deficiency in the due care applied by banks to identify the Lebanese and politically exposed to the sources of their money and the sources of wealth ».

Nelson was not satisfied with that, but rather indicated that he spoke with the Special Investigation Authority about the decrease in the number of suspicious transactions reports received to this body, so the banks are expected to be a "pioneer in submitting reports".As for everyone who fails to do so, he must face the "cost of non -compliance".Nelson said: “We realize that some banks have already identified accounts related to the individuals concerned (i.e. Basil, the Arabs, Fannous, Jamil al -Sayyid and others) and submitted many reports to the Special Investigation Commission.We salute this work and encourage banks to continue to inform such information to the authority ».

However, Nelson does not see in the people who included the penalties except that they are "few examples of the rampant corruption that we see among the elites.Moreover, these procedures show our seriousness in dealing with corruption, regardless of those who are involved.Accordingly, it will be a mistake to assume that these are the last measures that will be taken in fighting corruption.But we, the American government, cannot end corruption in Lebanon.In the end, the change must come from the inside - and the Lebanese government banks and institutions must be part of this change ».

So, Nelson relies on banks and the government in combating the corruption of political elites and businessmen.Thus, the banks are required to comply.An example of compliance, according to Nelson, is that banks intend to report the operations that the "good loan" is carried out with banks.The banks' response came that the "good loan" is a charity that has nothing to do with the banks, and that the question must be directed to the Ministry of Interior responsible for the associations and for everything related.

Nelson's premises in the threat of a stick and the island, that "corruption in Lebanon was a means of doing business and politics", and he also knows that the current problem is great and related to "excessive inflation", unemployment, the shortage of goods and the power outage.In a more clear sense, he is aware of the nature of corruption in Lebanon, and knows that the current situation is catastrophic.However, it was not expected that the banks would answer that preventing the cache economy is stopping the support and continuity of the Americans..It is not related to the exchange of information by the Special Investigation Authority, but Lebanese bankers ask for more;That is, obtaining financing that revives their "zombies" banks.

What about Hezbollah?The Americans' speech to the party is clear.They are constantly promoting that it is taking advantage of the financial sector in Lebanon to feed violent activities in the Middle East and abroad.However, Nelson re -recalled that the two former ministers, Ali Hassan Khalil and Youssef Fenianos, had a conspiracy with Hezbollah to reap personal financial benefits, while Fenianos guaranteed that the companies owned by Hezbollah won millions of dollars in government contracts..These contracts constitute a vital source of party revenues.

In the end, Nelson concludes: “The road may not be easy, but I think we have a common interest in addressing the obstacles to the recovery of Lebanon.Talking to all of you (Board of Directors of the Association of Banks) is one of my first tasks as an agent in the Ministry of Treasury that talks about the seriousness of the crisis in Lebanon.The danger of the challenges facing the state and the urgent need to obtain your help in that ».

The speech is also directed to the Bank of Lebanon, the Undersecretary of the Secretary of the Treasury for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence, Brian Nielson, has not limited his threats to banks. Rather, he indicated that he said similar words to the Bank of Lebanon and the Special Investigation Authority as well.He pointed out that «it is clear that the United States government does not see in combating corruption and Hezbollah only responsible for Lebanese banks.In our meetings with the leaders of the Bank of Lebanon and the Special Investigation Authority, we were very clear that everyone should take concrete steps to face these challenges ».

The construction of Iran praises a serious start for the European and American negotiators ... and the exchange of technology papers on Sunday in Beirut ... The debate around the government is moving to Amal, the dollar and Korona sharing the holidays test ... and limited to safety procedures

Al -Bouna newspaper wrote, “Sources that follow closely confirm the Vienna negotiations on the Iranian nuclear file, that recognition of the seriousness of the negotiations constitutes a common denominator between delegations that talk about a positive exchange of technical papers that address my address nuclear procedures and financial sanctions, and according to Iran's Foreign Minister Hussein Amir Abdullahian. The negotiations are progressing positively and have entered the topics that the research is supposed to revolve around the negotiations, while the Russian envoy residing in Vienna and its representative in international organizations Mikhail Olianov said that Moscow is satisfied with the negotiating path and is more optimistic about the direction that the negotiations take, while the Europeans reduced the volume of optimism In terms of speed of progress, European delegations talk about a noticeable positive, but they warn of expectations of rapid access to understanding, and consider that expectations of the inevitability of understanding are not in their place.

The climate of negotiation in Vienna does not meet the prevailing atmosphere of tension over the conflict on Ukraine, where Russian positions are still solid at the guarantee line requested by Russian President Vladimir Putin from US President Joe Biden, in terms of NATO from expanding east, towards the borders of Russia, and still is and still is Washington is enlightened and interviewed with its European allies about the nature of the answer that NATO will present to Russia, amid a hostile European mobilization in the face of Moscow, while the summit of Russian Presidents Vladimir Putin and Chinese Xi Jinping came to lay the foundations of strategic political, military and economic cooperation, Russian sources say it will constitute the most important transformation in the contract The third of the twenty -first century.

In this mysterious international climate, the Secretary -General of the United Nations, Antonio Guterres, arrives in Beirut next Sunday, indicating that Lebanon is still an international destination despite all the political intransigence that governs the internal track on the one hand, and the judicial file related to the investigation of the Beirut Port Bet on the other hand.And around these two workers, political debates that have reached a stage of escalation, social media witnessed a part of it between the Amal movement and the Free Patriotic Movement, which indicates, according to the issue that accompanies the government file, that the crisis of the cabinet continues until after the holidays..

In the atmosphere of the absence of international, regional, and local political solutions, the dollar price exports attention with the limited impact of the buds of the Bank of Lebanon, and the dollar maintains a high price, while banking sources consider that the holiday season will provide better climates to control the price of the dollar with the flow of Lebanese from the countries of expatriation, starting from the week Next, and the occasion of the holidays, which is hoped for its season, improving the price of the lira, depends on its control and adherence to the strict procedures in which Lebanon will succeed in overcoming the challenges of the spread of the carried version of Corona, and the dollar and Koruna are racing against people, between their mobilization of holidays in order to improve the price of the lira, and control them in their homes in order to improve the health situation.

The circulars issued by the Governor of the Bank of Lebanon, Riyad Salama, did not succeed in the exchange rate of the dollar, which flew again, exceeding the threshold of 28 thousand pounds on the black market, and governmental measures were unable to stop the economic, financial and social collapse with the country entering the worst political, economic, social and security stage, amid the warnings of the agency leadersSecurity at the Central Security Council meeting yesterday from the collapse of the security situation if the financial and economic bleeding continues, according to what "building" learned.Bad conditions pushed the transport sector workers to the street, so they cut off the roads in protest against the high cost of hydrocarbons and their poor living conditions, with promises to repeat these protests towards escalation in the event that the government continues to ignore the demands of the sector, according to what union sources told "Al -Bunah".

However, after the circular issued by the Bank of Lebanon for banks yesterday, with the start of the exceptional withdrawals of the dollar, the dollar exchange rate on the black market recorded a remarkable decrease and reached 27250 - 27300 Lebanese pounds for every dollar, but experts indicated to Al -Banaa that this decrease is time soonHe will return to the absence of any reform and economic plan and ingredients for the advancement.

Citizens have been subjected to a great shock in supermarkets, shops, pharmacies, hospitals and fuel stations against the large rise in the prices of goods, foodstuffs, fuel, medicines and hospital.As the information reported that a tendency to raise the internet tariff at the beginning of next year, the Minister of Communications, Johnny Crimea, revealed that the Alpha and Touch Communications may be declared their bankruptcy before February.

While oil sources expected an additional increase in fuel prices, especially the diesel, which the demand has increased by the winter, especially in the mountainous villages, a member of the Syndicate of Fuel Stations, George Al -Barrax, pointed out that «global oil prices and the exchange rate at home affect the price installation scheduleFueling in Lebanon, and a new schedule will be issued on Friday, and the future path will witness a rise in prices ».He added in a television interview..We also focus on platforms that no one knows who is responsible for them ».

Workers and oil sources held the governor of the Bank of Lebanon responsible for this rise in all commodities in the markets, not only because of his decision to raise full support for fuel, but also linked the price of a gasoline, diesel and gas plate to the dollar exchange rate, even if it reached 50 thousand pounds, and on this, he did not move the safety of a stillTo seize the madness of the dollar except with fake circulars that do not value or sing from hunger.

While the various Lebanese regions are witnessing theft, paralyzing and attacks from "mobile gangs", as described by security sources, they were discharged and the exploitation of security inaction as a result of the difficult conditions of the military, to carry out loyalty and stealing operations for citizens crossing the roads with their cars or on foot, and robbing banks at night hours Or the first dawn, the Minister of the Interior, Bassam Al -Mawlawi, chaired the Central Security Council meeting, which took a number of measures to strictly suppress the attacks on citizens..He added, “It was decided to take all measures in cooperation between the security services that will be present with the citizens, and the bank theft in Zalqa was discussed, and there are detainees and the investigations are ongoing in a serious way, and the thieves and the problematic of the problems will be pursued, and they will be saved to justice, and they will not be safe in any region, even if they resort toAny region because Lebanon is one, and the regions in it are not a focus and do not receive criminals and fleeing from the face of the law..

He continued, "For the occasion of the holidays, we stressed that the health situation in Lebanon is worrying and the hospital situation in an insufficient readiness, and thus follow -up to the decisions of the Corona Committee held in the companies with the President of the President.Details and we will inform them of the citizens through you and all the media, and we will stress the application of procedures during the holidays because the virus is not spread..

On the level of the government crisis, the endeavors continue on the presidential headquarters and Haret Hreik, in an attempt to hold a session at least for the cabinet before the end of this year, to spread the positive atmosphere during the holidays, and not to deposit the current public public and receive the current negative and pessimistic atmosphere, but the endeavors did not reachTo the final ends until now due to the hardening of the parties with their positions, and what increases the complexity.

The new is the response of Prime Minister Naguib Mikati to the invitation of the President of the Republic, General Michel Aoun, to hold a ministerial session at whom he attended, so he confirmed the Serail that "everyone is required to abandon the government as a politician of the political ram that is useless.".He said, "It is true that government work continues through the ministerial meetings that we hold, or through the ministries and the competent departments, but the failure of the cabinet is a basic loophole that we are working on calmly and repeating, to gather government reunification again, away from the segmented steps.".

He considered, "The call to a session of the Council of Ministers, in the current circumstances of the convulsive, and without securing the minimum understanding, will be like someone who fuel the dispute, which leads to the exacerbation of things and become more complicated.".

Mikati stressed that "the time is no longer suitable for disruption, arrogance, or imposing counterfeit conditions and conditions, while the levels of collapse require the concerted efforts of treatment.".He added, "We have a lot of work in front of, and in a basis form to complete the completion of the required rescue steps, with decisions taken by the Council of Ministers together, in addition to an urgent administrative decision to run the wheel of the administration, even with the minimum possible, and to help employees face the living and social pressures that exhaust them.".

On the level of the port's investigations, it was reported that the son of MP Ghazi Zuaiter, his lawyer, Muhammad Zuaiter, came before the head of the first chamber in the Court of Cassation, Judge Naji Eid, in the name of Zuaiter and MP Ali Hassan Khalil to request a review of the claim of the response that they previously submitted against the judicial investigator in the crime of the port of Judge TariqAl -Bitar, since the feast of the reference for response requests.

In a parallel context, the Military Court of Cassation, headed by Judge Saqr Saqr, ratified the decision to release the detainees against the background of the incidents of Al -Tayyana Jawad Abdel -Ahad and Rodrigue Touma, and this decision was issued by Judge Fadi Sawan before he was informed of the request to respond to the prosecutor's lawyer.While the army leadership announced the arrest of a citizen in the southern suburb that participated in the events of Al -Tayouna, while political and legal sources asked through "construction" the reason for the release of a large number of detainees in the events of Al -Tayyanah, and the head of the forces, Samir Geagea, refused to hand over the suspects of the crime of Al -Tayouna?While Judge Bitar continues to detain employees in the port, pending the investigation?

The sources pointed out that the judiciary exercises the expansion in the files presented to it, as there is a summer winter on one roof, wondering about the enthusiasm of the judiciary after the justice in the bombing of the port, even if in a form contrary to the constitution and the law, while justice ignores the crime of Tayyana, even if all evidence and investigations condemn the forces party?While the intensification of pressure and the siege on Lebanon was observed in parallel to the escalation of the political and media campaign against Hezbollah,

Brian Nelson, Undersecretary of the US Treasury of Treasury and Financial Intelligence, expressed "the treasury concern about the challenges faced by the economy in Lebanon due to inflation, power outages, unemployment and food shortages."The application of the required economic reforms, as corruption led to the smuggling of the great financiers of their money abroad to maintain their wealth..He added: “These are not the only penalties announced by the treasury in light of the fight against corruption..He added: "Hezbollah benefits and contributes to the culture of corruption and impunity.".

In parallel, an Israeli threat to Lebanon has emerged through the Israeli ambassador to the United Nations, Gilad Ardan, by saying that "if" Hezbollah opens fire on Israeli citizens, his country will destroy the Lebanese infrastructure. ".

On the other hand, Hezbollah Secretary General Sheikh Naim Qasim responded to those who criticized his words and aimed at the resistance and its role, indicating that "Lebanon is a final homeland for all its sons", in a statement to his office in which he said: "Qasim spoke in a celebration last Friday, and he said: We are withLebanon, which wants the future of its generations, is an independent master and is strong. This is Lebanon, which has become a reputation in the world because of the resistance and because of the victories.Because whoever is associated with a homeland must be associated with a free and independent master..About some of the motors came, so we chose to leave the ruling to people, and these are among those who did not hear well or did not read, or read and did not understand, or wanted to aim at Hezbollah, whatever it was.A big difference between who raises his opinion and who responds with insults without a position or logic, but the surprise is that an instruction was issued by the necessity of intense attack by discussing an uncomfortable idea, which required clarification that the text is “whoever does not respond to seeing another solution”, and this does not mean that he searchesAbout another homeland or that it is not a citizen, the other solution may be a dialogue or opposite evidence, or a position supported by practical steps ... which is far from sorting the citizens, so no one has the right to, no matter how much, will ask a Lebanese citizen to get out of this country..

The American Treasury of Banks: Sources of politicians or sanctions Mikati: The government is not a politician and Guterres in Beirut on Sunday

In turn, the brigade dealt with the internal affairs and wrote, “The day after tomorrow, the Secretary -General of the United Nations, Antonio Guterres, arrives in Beirut, on an official visit, multi -faceted and activities, continuing to Wednesday.About civil society.

الصحافة اليوم 17-12-2021 – موقع قناة المنار – لبنان

In field activities, Guterres stands a minute of silence in honor.

Later, Guterres heads to the south, meets the leadership of the United Nations forces operating in the south (UNIFIL) as he is on the blue line, and listens to the situation there, in light of the daily Israeli violations of the Blue Line.

Within the framework of international-European and American follow-up, for the careful and financial situation in Lebanon, and as soon as the European and French aid coordinator, Pierre Dukan, left, until the Banking Association revealed a "virtual banking" meeting with the American Treasury of terrorism and financial intelligence Brian Nelson.

According to the association's statement, Nelson highlighted the close relationship with the Lebanese Banks Association and its commitment to combating corruption, money laundering and terrorist financing..Nelson stressed the commitment of the United States and the US Treasury to support the Lebanese people and continue to confront Hezbollah and its ability to exploit the Lebanese and global financial system, as well as fight corruption, through accountability for those who defraud the law and set up Lebanese institutions for their own interests, in light of the collapse of the country.

Nelson called on Lebanese banks and government institutions to change by dealing with corruption and preventing Hezbollah from accessing the Lebanese financial system.

In addition, Nelson encouraged Lebanese banks to take more effective measures to protect the Lebanese financial system from corruption, by carrying out the financial audit on the outstanding personality accounts politically and identifying its sources of money.He also mentioned that banks that do not take the necessary measures may be subject to penalties.

For its part, the Lebanese Banks Association confirmed that it will always stand firmly in the way of money launder.It also confirmed that the Lebanese bank regime is keen to maintain its reputation and the confidence of the United States and its international partners.

The resumption of communications and in the local affairs, political sources expected to resume the movement of communications and consultations between senior officials, in an attempt to violate the state of stalemate in the political situation, and seeking to end the suspension of the cabinet sessions.

The sources pointed to information that was reported about a prospective visit or contact between Prime Minister Najib Mikati and the President of Parliament Nabih Berri within the coming hours, followed by Mikati's visit to Rabda to meet President Michel Aoun, within the framework of the efforts made, to restore wellness, to work for government work, and to discuss the required steps,To reactivate, the work of the state and its institutions.

However, based on the political sources, the penetration of political stagnation requires first the cooling of the afflicted atmosphere between Aoun and Berri, the stopping of the media campaigns between the movement of Amal and the Aoun Movement, and the creation of an acceptable formula for the dispute over the issue of removing the judicial investigator in the bombing of the Beirut port..

The sources did not deny the existence of ideas and proposals for solutions, but they noticed the use of the pace of verbal clash between deputies from the movement of Amal and the current in the past hours, which would complicate the solution to the problem, and to restore things back.

Waiting, no parliamentary, governmental or judicial indicators that suggest that solutions or exits for the three authorities of the incurable crisis in the country that paralyze everything in politics, judiciary, administration, economy, and the monetary sector have appeared.And the risks of continuing to slip into the distant bottom.

Informed sources in the "Amal and Hezbollah" duo denied yesterday and before it, about the intervention of the Secretary -General of Hezbollah, Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, on the rift line in the relationship between "Amal" and the Free Patriotic Movement or to find a way out of the existing crisis.

There were also indications about addressing the crisis with the Arab Gulf states, while the Saudi ambassador to Lebanon, Walid Bukhari, tweeted of political lying and wrote through his account on Twitter:By saying: “Nothing is more difficult than avoiding the deception of the woman for itself!

And with the departure of the international aid coordinator for Lebanon, French Ambassador Pierre Dukan Beirut, after his visit, which was described as a technique to urge the relevant officials to complete the reforms and steps necessary to address the economic and financial situation, the director of communication at the International Monetary Fund Jerry Rice announced that «the fund team briefed the losses that have reachedShe has the Lebanese government and is in the process of studying it ».

Rice said: There is remarkable progress in defining losses in the financial sector, and any appreciation of these losses is necessary to intersect with a comprehensive reform project, and a plan that addresses the economic and financial crisis ».But Dukan met at the headquarters of the Lebanese embassy in Paris yesterday, the Minister of Energy and Water, Dr. Walid Fayyad, who concluded his visit to France.The lengthy meeting was an occasion to exchange opinions in ways to make Minister Fayyad's efforts to reform the energy and water sectors.

The French ambassador presented the preliminary results of his visit to Lebanon, conveying a positive impression on signal signals, he touched during his presence in Beirut, regarding coordination of work between Lebanese officials, led by Prime Minister Najib Mikati regarding negotiations with the International Monetary Fund, in addition to other reform steps that were achievedIn a number of vital sectors.

Minister Fayyad explained the details of his reform plans in the two sectors.The meeting dealt with the details of the most efficient economically production plan prepared by the France Electricity Company for the Energy Sector, and the gas development projects with TOTAL, in addition to the Ministry's programs to develop the water sector.Ambassador Dukan confirmed that France will support Lebanon's file with the World Bank with regard to the import of Egyptian gas and Jordanian electricity.

Mikati: The government is not a beacon. As for the positions on the government situation, Prime Minister Najib Mikati affirmed that it is required that everyone to abandon the government is considered an impure of the political ram that is useless. ".He said: It is true that government work continues through the ministerial meetings that we hold, or through the ministries and relevant departments, but the failure of the cabinet is a basic loophole that we are working on calmly and narratively, to gather government reunification again, away from the segmented steps.He added: The invitation to a session of the Council of Ministers, in the current circumstances, and without securing the minimum understanding will be like someone who fuel the dispute, which leads to the exacerbation of things and become more complicated ».

He stressed that "the time is no longer appropriate for disruption or perseverance or imposing the conditions and counter -conditions while the levels of collapse require the concerted efforts of treatment.".Mikati continued: We have a lot of work in front of the required work, mainly to complete the completion of the required rescue steps, with decisions taken by the Council of Ministers together, in addition to an urgent administrative decision to conduct the administration's wheel, even with the minimum possible, and to help employees face the living and social pressures that exhaust them.

Mikati stressed that "Lebanon adheres to freedom of expression and saying, will not be a platform and a crossing for abuse to any Arab country or to interfere in its affairs.As for the bidding in this context, it cannot obscure the truth, which is that the Arab depth of Lebanon is in the first place the real outlet and the entrance to get out of the crises that it goes through ».Mikati's words came during his sponsorship yesterday, the meeting called by the President of the National Authority for Women Affairs, Claudine Aoun, in the governmental companies, for the "National Standardization Committee to implement the national plan to implement the UN Resolution No. 1325 on women, peace and security".

The clarification of Naim Qasim after the confusion that was raised about what was reported from the Deputy Secretary -General of Hezbollah Sheikh Naim Qassem from his saying who did not like the option of resistance, let him leave.And it is strong, as this is Lebanon, which has become a reputation in the world because of the resistance and because of the victories, this is Lebanon that we want, so whoever wants to join it and whoever does not respond to another solution, you do not resemble Lebanon who we like it, because whoever is associated with a homeland must be associated with itExcellent and independent master ».The office added: insults came from some of the motors, so we chose to leave the ruling for people, and these are among those who have not heard well or did not read, or read and did not understand, or wanted to aim at "Hezbollah, however it was.

The electoral lists are ready on the other hand and within the framework of the Ministry of Interior and Municipalities- the General Directorate of Personal Status to hold the upcoming parliamentary elections, the ministry announced "the readiness of the initial electoral lists, as well as the lists belonging to the voters who chose to vote abroad, where CDs have been sent that contain copies of themThe municipalities, to the chosen, and to the governorates and districts centers, and to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and expatriates with the aim of publishing and generalizing them to facilitate the final revision ».

The ministry asked, “From every interest, to advance from the fifteenth of December 2021 to the first of January 2022 to the competent registration committee directly for residents or to the embassy or the relevant consulate for non -residents, with an application aimed at correcting any defect in the electoral listsAs if his registration fell or a mistake in his name or for any other reason ».

Central security and in another affairs, and after the Central Security Council meeting with its chairmanship in the Ministry of Interior, Minister Bassam Mawlawi said, “In light of the prevailing security conditions in the country and in light of the economic crisis that we live in, it was decided to intensify barriers and take all measures to prevent the actions of thefts and repeated failure day and night that worrying citizens.”.

He added, "It was decided to take all measures in cooperation between the security services that will be with the citizens, and the bank theft in Zalqa was discussed, and there are detainees and investigations are underway in a serious way, and the thieves and the problematic of the problems will be pursued and will be saved to justice and will not be safe in any region even if they resort to any region becauseLebanon is one, and its regions are not foci and do not receive criminals and those fleeing from the face of the law..The brigade learned that the research focuses on removing all other Gulf movements and associations whose activities in Lebanon are a threat to the relations of the Cooperation Council states with it..

On the level of investigations into the banner's explosion, the son of MP Ghazi Zuaiter, his lawyer, Muhammad Zuaiter, brought before the head of the first chamber in the Court of Cassation, Judge Naji Eid, in the name of Zuaiter and MP Ali Hassan Khalil, by requesting a reconsideration of the claim that they previously submitted against the judicial investigator in the crime of the judge.Tariq Al -Bitar, as Eid has become a reference for response requests.

Military discrimination, headed by Judge Saqr Saqr, has repelled the decision to release the detainees against the background of the incidents.This decision was issued by Judge Fadi Sawan before the request for a response from the prosecutor's lawyer.

Drivers strike on the ground, and in response to the strike called by the unions and unions of the land transport sector, in light of the additional rise in fuel prices, various Lebanese regions were seen in the roads..

In Beirut, a march for drivers was roamed in the streets of the capital, arrived at the Ministry of Interior, and returned to the gathering area in Riyad Al -Solh Square.The head of the federations, Bassam Talis, had announced that this movement is "the only way to implement the agreement between us and the government".

The demands of the land transport sector are summarized by the following: Beginning to implement the sector's support starting from 1/12/2021 according to the draft submitted by unions and unions, accompanied by the mechanism set by the Minister of Public Works and Transport on a diet, provided that it is covered from the World Bank loan dedicated to transport in Lebanon at a value of 55 One million dollars, start registration of public drivers to take advantage of the financing card, immediate start and within 48 hours of the meeting of the government to apply the law of suppressing encroachments on the sector from fake companies, fake cars and privacy, preparing a draft law to exempt public vehicles from mechanical fees and mechanical inspection.

Public drivers carried out sit -ins in several areas in response to the invitation of the unions and unions of the land transport sector in Lebanon for strike and sit -in..From Sidon, the reporter of "Major General", Thuraya Hassan Zuaiter, reported that public drivers in Sidon carried out a protest in their position in the courtyard of the old Palace of Justice off the marine corniche, without closing any of the roads, where they offered their demands.

Omekron expands healthy, Lebanon entered the stage of danger in terms of injuries to the injuries.The injuries were discovered by the Coveyd-19 Laboratory of the Lebanese University in the Al-Hadet complex, and it is the one who examines the PCR samples, which are running for expatriates..Omekron injuries are two expatriates who came on flights from Africa, especially from Ivory Coast, Nigeria, Guinea and Ethiopia, in addition to injuries recorded by Spain, Dubai and the United States.

With Lebanon entering the holidays, the Central Security Council revealed during its meeting headed by the Minister of Interior and Municipalities, Judge Bassam Mawlawi yesterday, that the health situation in Lebanon is worrying, and the hospital situation in an insufficient readiness.Consequently, and follow -up to the decisions of the Corona Committee, they decided to strictly apply procedures to reduce the spread of the Corona virus.He stressed that they will not tolerate this matter, but will stress the application of procedures during the holidays.

The following procedures included: - Preventing the wandering of the unjust or those who hold the result of the PCR does not exceed 48 hours, from seven in the evening and until six in the morning from 12/17/2021 and to 9/1/2022.- Preventing gatherings and celebrations that exceed their capacity is 50% or over a hundred people, as well as preventing the reception of non -vaccinated or non -holders of a negative PCR examination of no more than 48 hours in restaurants and cafes.- The vaccination of compulsory workers in the sectors of education, media, health, tourism, public transport, military and municipal sectors and employees.

In addition, the number of patients in hospitals reached 589 patients, including 272 in the intensive care room. 57 need artificial breathing devices..It turns out that 85 percent of hospitalization cases are for non -broken people, as well.

At the level of the vaccination campaign, the number of doses executed is about 27 thousand doses.13653 people received the first dose, 5515 the second dose, and 7946 the third dose.The cumulative issue of the first dose is about two million and 232 thousand people, with a rate of 41 percent of the population, and about one million and 884 thousand people at the second dose, by 34.6 percent.The number of pollinators at the third dose was 233 thousand by 12.4 percent.Also, 17037 new people registered on the platform to receive the vaccine, so they raised the number of registered to three million and about 380 thousand citizens, to become 62 percent of the population..

696168 Injury and the Ministry of Health announced in its daily report, 1912, a new injury to the Corona virus in Lebanon during the past 24 hours, in addition to 14 deaths, bringing the cumulative number to 696,168 laboratory injuries since February 21, 2020.

Source: Newspapers