The press today 15-1-2022-Al-Manar Channel website-Lebanon

  • Time:Dec 13
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Article

The newspapers issued in Beirut on Saturday 15/1-2022 dealt with many local and regional files, and focused on financial crises in the country, and on the nuclear talks in Vienna, and its editorials came in the following form.


No serious American guarantees for Lebanon and Cairo: Egyptian gas is postponed

Between the Egyptian anxiety and Lebanese confusion and the American conditions, the issue of leaving Egyptian gas to Lebanon is still pending the fulfillment of many conditions.Connecting includes the electricity file in all its details, as the World Bank’s approval to finance gas purchase from Egypt and electricity from Jordan, and the continued purchase of fuel from Iraq, without them conditions, the most important of which is to raise the tariff price.

Five months ago, in conjunction with the arrival of Iranian oil tankers to the port of Baniyas in preparation for the transfer of Hezbollah the Iranian diesel to Lebanon, US Ambassador Durothy Xia, President of the Republic, Michel Aoun, informed the decision of the US administration to reactivate the gas leasing agreement from Egypt to Lebanon via Syria.This is a lot of Lebanese, Syrian, Egyptian, Jordanian and American statements about the approach to signing the agreement without any concrete progress.

The Egyptian side had expressed great caution about the project, and Cairo informed the Lebanese and American sides of its insistence on obtaining American guarantees and not being satisfied with a "Comfort Letter", for fear of any negative repercussions on Egyptian gas projects.

The Director General of the Electricity Foundation, Kamal Al -Hayek, also warned, weeks ago, that there was no clear American exemption for Lebanon from any possible sanctions in the event of agreement with Egypt and Jordan to drag gas and electricity through Syria.He informed these concerns to the prime minister and energy minister Walid Fayyad, and to the American ambassador, who answered that it included "a message of reassurance, no more".The absence of American guarantees led to the braking of the Egyptians and their freezing of the steps that they had started taking to implement the project, which was supposed to increase the feeding hours starting from the beginning of this year.

The meetings of the Lebanese Foreign Minister Abdullah Bouhebib in Washington this week showed that Cairo hesitated has not yet been dissipated by the effects of the "Caesar Law", according to which the American administration imposes sanctions on everyone who deals with the Syrian government.It is also not reassured to the "message of reassurance" that he conveyed to her by the American delegate, Amos Hakshein, about its exclusion from the sanctions..

This issue was on the agenda of discussions by Habib with US National Security Council officials and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.According to the sources, Bouhamib, the American National Security Council coordinator for Middle East and North Africa, informed Brett McGurk, “Egypt has not yet responded to receiving the reassurance message issued by the Treasury in order to ensure that it is not risked by losing its role as a hub for the export of gas (HUB), and that“ there is fearAn Egyptian from any US sanctions that paralyze this vital sector of its economy.Therefore, a sure American guarantee wants to exceed the message of reassurance, "noting that the Egyptians are" ready to pass and deliver the gas immediately, and the same is the same from Jordan. ".However, McGurk insisted on re -recalling the messages of reassurance) that the American treasury sent to both Egypt and Jordan, indicating that Hokashtin will soon communicate with the Egyptian Prime Minister and stressing that his administration informed the World Bank of its support for the energy recruitment agreement and considered it strategic.He does not see any future sanctions that may be imposed on any of these countries.

The World Bank requires raising the tariff and not a complete approval

However, Shia's visit to Prime Minister Naguib Mikati yesterday showed that the United States still needs to be broken from the Lebanese state and the Lebanese Electricity Corporation has not yet obtained it.. وعلمت «News» أن الكتاب الذي سلمته شيا إلى ميقاتي لم يتضمن موافقة أميركية على منح لبنان استثناء من مفاعيل «قانون قيصر»، بل طُلب إلى لبنان، أو بالأحرى مؤسسة كهرباء لبنان، الإجابة عن أسئلة توضيحية تعنى بكل تفاصيل الاتفاقية من أسماء الشركات التي سيتم التعاون معها إلى عقود الصيانة إلى كل تفصيل يتعلق بعملية وصول الغاز إلى لبنان.In light of this information, the US administration will build its position on granting Lebanon clear approval in this regard.

In the same context, the Ministry of Energy sources said that "the reassurance messages that the Americans sent to Egypt are not sufficient for the Egyptian authorities, who seek to completely verify everything related to this process that requires different stages.".She pointed out that the Egyptian authorities "received a reassurance message, but the final agreement has many details that are supposed to be determined, and that the matter will be presented to the Americans to give the Egyptian side the reassurances or exceptions that it requests to start work.".Currently, Energy Minister Walid Fayyad is working on the completion of the final agreement, which requires deciding on basic matters, including the nature of the agreement between Lebanon and Egypt through Syria.As Egyptian gas will come to Syria, and from a different point from Syria, an alternative Syrian gas will be pumped into Lebanon, which raises a basic question: Does Lebanon buy gas from Syria or from Egypt?Who is responsible for the amounts of quantities to Lebanon?These and other questions were resolved in recent days that the responsibility between Egypt and Lebanon is directly, while work is done to end some of the outstanding points in the agreement, which also includes an additional party, the World Bank, which will fund the cost of buying gas.Provided that the final agreement is presented to the United States to obtain a final exception to Caesar sanctions regarding the Egyptian side in particular.

According to Lebanese ministerial sources, any progress towards signing an agreement in the first letters on an agreement with Egypt, under which Lebanon is provided with 650 million cubes of gas annually for a period of 18 years with funding from the World Bank in the first two years, dependent on two conditions:

The first is that Lebanon agrees with Egypt to purchase a quantity of gas that guarantees Cairo to reach Lebanon, nor to leave the matter of exchange with Syrian gas for Lebanese -Syria negotiations.It is a process that imposes on the Egyptian side a clear agreement with the Syrians to ensure the quantity and quality and the mechanism for delivering gas to the Lebanese point specified in Deir Ammar in the north.The second is that Lebanon begins its preparations to meet the conditions of the World Bank, which is supposed to provide financing for this process, and for the Jordanian Electricity purchase deal through Syria.It seems clear that the World Bank has conditions based on the Lebanese government's approval of several steps in the energy and electricity sector and raising the tariff price to ensure Lebanon pay the debts required for it, even later..

In this regard, a ministerial source pointed out that “officials do not explain to the Lebanese that the electricity supposed to be provided, whether through Iraqi hi, Egyptian gas or Jordanian electricity, will be in exchange for large sumsElectricity prices in Lebanon ».He explained that Lebanon is obligated to pay 500 million dollars to Iraq as a price for the fuel, which provides 3 hours of feeding, and it will have to pay about 250 million dollars for Egyptian gas, which is supposed to provide 4 hours of feeding, and about one hundred million dollars for Jordan instead of two hours of feeding a day.This means that Lebanon must save about 850 million dollars instead of less than ten hours of feeding daily.This is if added to the needs of the Electricity Foundation for the network to update the network and operation, then we are talking about one billion dollars annually ».Therefore, according to the same source, a discussion is currently taking place between the Prime Minister and the Minister of Energy and Finance to decide on the draft budget for the Ministry of Energy and the needs of the EDP, in order to include these numbers in the 2022 budget.


The return of optimism to the path of Vienna ... and the escalation of the Russian -American relations.

The political editor wrote with tension around Ukraine its extent, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov announced that Moscow has made the necessary arrangements to deal with all possibilities, including the hypothesis of Ukraine to NATO, and that talking about Russian crowds will not push Moscow to decline, as these are preventive arrangements for the existenceConfused crowds on the borders of Russia, and the American speech came with the tongue of Foreign Minister Anthony Blinkin from pledging to stand with Ukraine to confront Russia, and threatening severe consequences for any Russian invasion of Ukraine to reduce the ceiling of Ukrainian expectations.Military to bring a military confrontation between Russia and Ukraine, or in terms of annexing Ukraine to NATO and only repeating the bilateral sanctions and providing weapons and training to Ukraine.

In the international scene also, optimism returned to the Vienna track two days after the pessimistic statements, so reports returned about positive climates, whether what the Europeans and the Russians said about the progressive progress in the negotiating path, and ways to return to the practical steps to the agreement and its obligations, especially in terms of lifting sanctions and Iran's return toIts obligations, or what Iranian Foreign Minister Hussein Amir Abdullahian said about positive American messages awaiting Tehran to translate it with deeds.

In the region, Palestine topped the scene with the shifts in the Negev turning into an uprising, according to what was stated in the coverage of the "Israeli" media, after the confrontations continued for the fourth day, while the young men and women of the Negev come out to confront the occupation forces to prevent the confiscation of more lands and in defense of their property and the rumors of their towns, which the occupation seeksTo put the hand on it and open the door to settle in it, and the solidarity campaigns escalated with the Negev uprising inside the occupied territories in 48 and the West Bank.Leadership sources in the movement of the sons of the country, which represents the most prominent national forces of the people of the occupied regions in 48, said that the solidarity activities will witness qualitative expansion and development in the coming days..

Lebanese, the second half of the month is witnessing an American movement towards Lebanon that embodies the movement of negotiations on the demarcation of the maritime borders led by the American Special Envoy Amos Huntstin, who arrives during the next week to Beirut, while next week it is also supposed to witness the final preparations to start electricity from Jordan and gas fromEgypt through Syria, after the Egyptian and Jordanian teams informed the American decision, except for the expulsion of the US sanctions imposed on Syria under the Caesar Law, and Prime Minister Najib Mikati received from the American Ambassador Duruti Xia, a copy of the decision issued by the US Treasury in this regard, and government sources say that the ambassadorThe American conveyed to Mikati Washington's pursuit of progress in the paths of demarcation and drawing in preparation for the success of negotiating between Lebanon and the International Monetary Fund, while political sources that follow the American position believe that Washington is experiencing an obsession with cooling the situation with the resistance for fear of steps similar to the siege break in the oil file and therefore accelerated to draw the cooling lines.

Financially, the dollar recorded a price of six thousand pounds than yesterday, with the price of 27 thousand pounds after he touched the 33 thousand, after the Bank of Lebanon succeeded in attracting what the bank's ruler, Riyad Salama, calls five billion dollars in homes that seeks to purchase to finance import needs, so the bank offered its dollars.A seller of banks at the price of the platform of 24600 pounds for the dollar, in exchange for any amounts in their Lebanese pounds, so they sold it and returned to the dollars they bought, buying dollars from the market, and the central bank re -purchases its dollars from them at a higher price than the price he sold to them, but with this repeated process, he did not loseExcept Lebanese pounds, printed and was looking to integrate it with the mass in trading, and the resulting decline at the exchange rate and with this difference, within hours, that the owners of home storage dollars went down selling their dollars for fear that it will lose its actual value, and the Bank of Lebanon buy it with the pounds that printed it, and expected financial sourcesThat the bank continues its operation without allowing the dollar to decrease without its platform, by pumping the printed quantities of cash and printing it in exchange for it with the dollars it needs to finance the sources say that this process is likely to repetition whenever it causes pumping quantities of new printed liras to the markets, especially in salaries payment periods, or the more pressure on the import dollar request, especially for fuel bills..

وبقيت البلاد تحت رحمة الدولار الذي يشهد «تقلبات انقلابية» في السوق السوداء، فبعد ارتفاعه إلى 33 ألفاً نهاية الأسبوع الماضي، سجل خلال اليومين الماضيين تراجعاً كبيراً الى حدود 28 الفاً، أي بمعدل انخفاض 6 آلاف ليرة في يوم واحد، ما ينذر بدخول لبنان بمرحلة الفوضى النقدية والمالية وتدهور غير مسبوق بسعر صرف العملة الوطنية، الأمر الذي يؤكد أمرين بحسب مصادر مطلعة على الوضعين السياسي والمالي لـ»Building»: الأول أن أسعار صرف الدولار مصطنعة ووهميّة ولا تعبر عن الواقع الحقيقي ولا تستند الى معطيات ومعادلات علمية مالية واقتصادية ونقدية، والأمر الثاني متصل بالأول يتمثل بوجود أسباب سياسية وراء تحرّك الدولار ولا سيما موجة الارتفاع الأخيرة التي ترافقت مع جملة أحداث سياسية داخلية وإقليمية تدخل في اطار الصراع الداخلي.

However, what drew attention, according to the sources, is the coincidence of the release of the Governor of Lebanon, Riyad Salama Al -Taamim 161, with the decision of the Appeal Attorney General in Mount Lebanon, Ghada Aoun, to prevent Salama from traveling, which calls for the question: Does the Governor of the Bank of Lebanon condemn his circulars on the political hour, especially in particularIt comes out of his sleeves, "the doors of request" whenever he feels embarrassment and pressure resulting from the judicial decisions issued against him to contain political and popular anger on it?What confirms a constant that has always tried to integrate and blind it to it, which is its ability to control the daily dollar market movement and its effects on the parallel market, in cooperation with the Association of Banks, Flavors and speculators and that it is the financial and monetary tool that Americans use to political pressure on Lebanon.The sources conclude to say, “The dollar has become the primary weapon of the Americans and their allies in Lebanon to tighten the grip of the siege on Lebanon and pressure Hezbollah to extract political and economic gains from it in exchange for reducing the price of the dollar as well as using this weapon in the upcoming parliamentary elections to harvest the parliamentary majority to control the House of Representatives to control government benefitsAnd the next presidential, and therefore, on the political and sovereign country’s decision, and this is what was revealed to him and threw the words of the head of the forces, Samir Geagea, on the “electoral dollar equation” by saying: “Elect the forces Benzel the dollar.”.

In this context, the Vice -President of the Executive Council of Hezbollah, Sheikh Ali supported in the Friday sermon, stressed that “there is a sordid economic and financial war waged by the American and Saudi administration on Lebanon and used all weapons and means in order to pressure the Lebanese to change their political and electoral options under the influence of hunger, anxiety and fear“.He considered that "one of these means used in this war is to manipulate the price of the dollar and prevent countries and governments from providing assistance to Lebanon, protecting the corrupt at home and not allowing trial and holding the governor of the Bank of Lebanon and obstructing solutions to crises and politicizing some Lebanese judiciary and interfering with it to prevent trial and accountability for those who waste public money and eat moneyThe depositors were allowed to smuggle money abroad..

He added: “With all this open war and the clear siege of Lebanon, whoever doubts the siege comes and tells you where is the siege on Lebanon?!And the alleged siege is a lie?!.

Sukanouche said that "the introduction of the dollar game in the electoral battle is a sordid work and a cheap blackmail for the Lebanese, and this game has become exposed and exposed and who play in dollars and lift people and take advantage of the crisis to pressure the Lebanese in their political options are known and exposed and in advance of them the Lebanese Forces Party, whose president, Samir Geagea, explained clearlyTo elect us, the dollar price stabilizes.He added: "In isolation from the minority and the parliamentary abundance, no one will be able to change from the position of Lebanon resisting.".

The ruler Salama confirmed to Reuters yesterday that “the last circular, which is 161, aims to reduce the size of banknotes in the circulating Lebanese lira, and the process of reducing banknotes in the lira, will be between the Central Bank and Commercial Banks,” revealing that “the Bank of Lebanon continues to implement thisthe decision".

لكن خبراء اقتصاديين ومصرفيين يوضحون لـ”Building” أن “الانخفاض الذي سجله سعر الصرف جاء نتيجة التعميم الأخير لمصرف لبنان بعد أن ضخ مصرف لبنان كميات كبيرة من الدولار الفريش للمصارف التي استخدمته بدورها بعملياتها المصرفية مع عملائها من مودعين وشركات، وبالتالي زيادة حجم العرض من الدولار في السوق وبالتالي انخفاض سعره”، لكن الخبراء يشككون بقدرة مصرف لبنان على الاستمرار بهذا التعميم وضخ المزيد من الدولارات من دون أن يؤثر سلباً على احتياطاته النقدية، وعندما يتوقف المصرف عن ضخ الدولار سيعود سعر الصرف للارتفاع مجدداً الى ما فوق الثلاثين الفاً وأكثر”.Experts warned that the dollars pumped into the market will only benefit from banks, speculators, custody and merchants, "asking where the safety of these quantities of dollars came from, and he was the one who was invoked that he no longer had money to continue the policy of support for food and fuel, and even medicines, medical materials and drugs for incurable diseases?Also, how will banks spend these dollars?Will the depositors benefit from it, or will you enter into speculation operations?

Speculation operations were active in the exchange market, as many citizens also turned into cashiers trading in national and foreign currencies in order to take advantage of the large and rapid difference at exchange rateThis profession that enriches them from jobs in salaries that have become low due to the deterioration of its purchasing power.

The fluctuation was reflected in the exchange rate in confusion in the markets of fuel and foodstuffs in light of the "chaos of pricing", especially since traders intend to pricing the dollar exchange rate and raising prices when they rise and do not reduce them when they decline, in order to achieve large profits, in the absence of control agencies, especially the ministryEconomy and the Consumer Protection Authority, and the citizen who has no power remains, the weakest link and bears the fire of obscene high costs.

However, the head of the Food Importers Syndicate, Hani Baasali, announced that he had contacted the Director General of the Ministry of Economy and Trade, and they agreed that "if the dollar exchange rate continues to decline next Monday, new regulations will be presented next Monday, provided that people touch this after two days.".

The Ministry of Economy announced the reduction of the price of the white bread tie of its three sizes, coinciding with the decrease in the prices of the dollar and fuel.

What is remarkable is the issuance of two schedules of fuel prices from the Ministry of Energy in one day, the first witnessed a decrease in prices with the decline in the exchange rate, and the second witnessed an additional decline in the prices that have become the following form:

95 octane gasoline: 369,200 (-6,400).98 octane gasoline: 381,800 (-6,600).Diesel: 362,800 (-35,600).Gas bottle: 319,600 (-30,100).

A member of the Syndicate of Fuel Stations, George Al -Brax, attributed the reason for the decline in prices to the "decline in the exchange rate of the dollar in the local free markets".He added: The Bank of Lebanon kept the exchange rate of the dollar secured by it to import 85 percent of gasoline, at 24600 pounds.As for the exchange rate of the dollar approved in the price installation schedule to import 15 percent of gasoline and calculated according to the prices of parallel markets, which are required for importing companies and stations to secure cash, it is calculated at a rate of 31237 instead of 32187 pounds.As for imported oil prices, no amendment was noticed..

The sources of the Ministry of Energy and Water stated that "the price of the kilos this month is under study, because it will notice the fluctuations of the dollar exchange rate.".She explained that "the ministry is awaiting the issue of leaving the gas for the benefit in terms of securing about 10 hours of electricity.".

الصحافة اليوم 15-1-2022 – موقع قناة المنار – لبنان

In this context, Prime Minister Najib Mikati received the ambassador of the United States of America to Lebanon Duruti Xia, who conveyed Mikati, according to her saying, “A written official book from the US Treasury, during which she answered some of the concerns that the Lebanese authorities had regarding the regional energy agreements that helped the United States.The American in facilitating and encouraging it between Lebanon, Jordan and Egypt..She added: “There will be no concerns about the American Penal Code, and this delivery message is momentum forward and a major event at a time when we continue to make progress to achieve more sustainable and clean energy to help address the energy crisis that the Lebanese people suffer from.”.

On the other hand, it appears that the calm of the street after the "day of anger" is the calm of the storm before the storm, in light of economic warnings of the worsening crises and the preparation of the political and popular theater to security explosions in the street before the parliamentary elections that warned the head of the Karama Movement, MP Faisal Karami, of the possibility of its developmentIf the Americans find that it will not lead to the transfer of the parliamentary majority to the supporter of them in Lebanon, indicating in a popular meeting in the dome that "the elections are crucial and articulated in the history of Lebanon and that the political system is struggling with all means to reproduce itself.".

The political scene did not record anything new mentioned in the level of political crises that afflict the country, especially the government crisis and the appointment of a session for the House of Representatives in accordance with the decree of the exceptional contract signed by the head of the Republic Michel Aoun and the Prime Minister, in light of a dispute between President Aoun and Nabih Berri on the content of the contract and the authority to determine a scheduleBusiness, especially since the first presidency invitation to hold the national dialogue table suffered a setback after the decision of the basic parliamentary blocs of the boycott.

وفي ضوء تعثر حوار بعبدا التي أبقت الدعوة له مفتوحة مع تحميل القوى المقاطعة مسؤولية التداعيات، فإن الأزمة الحكومية مقبلة على مزيد من التعقيد في ظل تمسك ثنائي امل وحزب الله بموقفهما مع تيار المردة بحل إشكالية القاضي طارق بيطار قبل العودة الى حضور الجلسات، وهذا ما أكدته أوساط “الثنائي” لـ”Building” التي شددت على “أننا لا نعطل الحكومة بل نقاطع الجلسات فقط، وهناك فرق بين الأمرين، فالتعطيل شيء والمقاطعة شيء آخر وهو حق دستوري للاعتراض على أمر يهدد وحدة الوطن والسلم الأهلي، وبالتالي يمكن أن ينعقد مجلس الوزراء من دون الوزراء الشيعة والمردة الذين لا يشكلون الثلث المعطل للحكومة، لكن رئيس الحكومة يفضل التريّث بالدعوة لحصول توافق على عقد جلسة لكي لا تهدّد وحدة الحكومة”.

وحول الجلسة النيابية، أكدت مصادر حركة أمل لـ”Building” أن الرئيس بري سيدعو الى جلسة نيابية في وقت قريب بعد أن تجتمع هيئة مكتب المجلس وتحدّد جدول الأعمال، وهذا حق لها ولا يلزمها أحد بجدول أعمال معين”، وتنفي المصادر وجود صراع بين الرئاستين الأولى والثانية، مذكرة بأن الرئيس بري أول المتجاوبين مع دعوة عون للحوار”، مشيرة الى أن بيان الرئاسة الأولى لا يقصد الرئيس بري بل الذين قاطعوا الحوار، لافتة الى أن التواصل والاتصالات لم تنقطع بين بعبدا وعين التينة بهدف تسيير العمل في المؤسسات الدستورية”.

The sources denied that the Amal movement is behind the movement of land transport federations and the General Labor Union to send a specific political message, even if the movement supports and supports the move, noting that the movement is normal and will be followed by another series of movements until obtaining the rights that are wasted for citizens and various job sectors, explaining that "the representation of the movementIn the councils of ministers, deputies and state institutions, they do not eliminate their standing behind citizens, their rights, and their popular movements, nor their involvement in union and labor labor ».

The debate between the deputies of the Development and Liberation Bloc and the strong Lebanon bloc over several files continued, and the tweet of Representative Ali Khreis, in which he carried the Free Patriotic Movement that attacked President Berri.Khreis said: “I do not regret a former minister of“ drums ”that was displaced from the“ strong era ”to the era..And we say to them together: The time of his Prophet Berri remains because he is from the clay of Lebanon, and history will be written about it. As for the time of the failed, the liars, the thief ....

While the General Authority of the Court of Cassation did not issue its decision regarding the cases submitted by the defendants in the port's bombing file against the Judicial Detective Tariq Bitar, who had suffered from the file for several weeks awaiting the court’s decision, the Supreme Judicial Council Chairman, Judge Suhail Abboud, met in his office in the Palace of Justice, membersThe Constituent Organization for the Rally of the Families of Martyrs, Wounded, and Antibubular Blind, who discussed with him the latest developments related to the investigation path..

After the meeting, which took 35 minutes, the commission spokesman Ibrahim Hattit explained, "The visit came to review President Abboud with the previous correspondence that we sent through the Ministry of Justice.".

He believed that "the policy approved by the judge, Judge Tariq Al -Bitar, was not acceptable because it is a policy of reproductive and void.".He asked: "Why does the Bitar judge ignore politicians and military leaders who were aware of the presence of ammonium nitrate in the port and did not call them for investigation?".Hatit stressed that “the members of the commission informed Judge Abboud that they were going to go towards a request to remove Judge Bitar from the file in order to serve the case and reach justice,” refusing “the demonstration of the families of the martyrs of the port”, criticizing “some media outlets are absent from covering their movements”.


"Critical landing" in banks: The dollar is awaiting the defeat of prices!The American ambassador dispels fears from "Caesar"..And a party committee to search Basil's reluctance to run

"The central ruler would like to confirm that the Bank of Lebanon is continuing to implement this decision.".This is a summary of the monetary day of the interest of the US dollar on the black market, which received a good blow, due to the "landing of the dollar" by land and air, in the hope of curbing the manipulation, opening the door to a decline in the prices of fuel that entered the "platform markets" between the morningIn the afternoon, a decrease, without possible belts for the remaining food and necessary food prices, while the political labor, is looking for a midwife or generator, ending the contract of holding the sessions of the cabinet stunning in the womb of the system crisis, presidencies and powers, and the anxiety of the Basil Movement (the Free Patriotic Movement) of any flashIt was even if the dollar was declining in the cutting market, as if it was a manipulation targeting its team in the upcoming parliamentary elections.

Away from this permanent "Aoun Al -Aoun", the urgent question remained when the Ministry of Economy and the Consumer Protection Authority picked the opportunity to attack prices directly with the decline in the dollar?

Amid this bridal, a "United Alliance" and the "Cry of Depositors Association" made protest voices during a sit -in in front of the French embassy in Beirut, amid security measures, raising banners denouncing "corrupt political power and decisions of the Governor of the Bank of Lebanon and the Society of Banks and calling for the direction of international courts: thenThe same group moved to the Swiss embassy and echoed the slogans, in conjunction with the American ambassador to Perth, Lorrathi Xia, received a book to President Naguib Mikati, from the US Treasury..During which she answered some of the concerns that the Lebanese authorities had regarding the regional energy agreements that helped the United States to facilitate and encourage it between Lebanon, Jordan and Egypt.

She added: There will be no concerns about the US Penal Code, and this delivery message is momentum forward and a major event at a time when we continue to make progress to achieve more sustainable and clean energy to help address the energy crisis that the Lebanese people suffer from.

وكانت «Brigade» اشارت أمس إلى أن رفع عقوبات قيصر بات تحصيل حاصل، ضمن التصريحات التي أدلى بها وزير الخارجية والمغتربين عبد الله بوحبيب، إلى «Brigade».

In the context of external moves, it was officially announced that President Mikati will visit Turkey early next month at the head of an official delegation..

He recorded at the end of the week, the severity of the political records, even temporarily, decreased after President Michel Aoun, the invitation to the dialogue table, even if he announced that it is still open, to be replaced by the anticipation of the upcoming paths in terms of resuming the sessions of the Council of Ministers, and what could be issued by the House of Representatives after opening the special sessionFrom the legislation that benefits the citizen and the institutions of the hidden state, while the interest suddenly moved to the rise and the rapid and large decline of the dollar, as it ranged yesterday between 27 and 29 thousand pounds after it reached the threshold of 33 thousand days ago, and the decrease that this could leave in the cost of living, its signs began with a decrease in the price of hydrocarbonsAnd the bread later, but food and consumer merchants have maintained high prices in their stores on the pretext of buying them at the high price, which is inaccurate, but it is expected to reduce prices within a few days, even if they are hated..

وقالت مصادر رسمية لـ «Brigade» ان الدعوة للحوار قائمة برغم عدم توجيه الدعوة له، والرئيس عون يواصل مساعيه واتصالاته لجمع القوى السياسية حول الطاولة لمناقشة الازمات القائمة ووضع حلول لها.With regard to the resumption of the sessions of the Council of Ministers, the sources indicated that the obstacles and barriers themselves still exist, but President Mikati is awaiting his receipt of the budget project to be able to invite the session, in the hope that the sedative ministers or at least some of them attend the severity of the ministers..

وأوضحت مصادر سياسية مطلعة لـ«Brigade» أنه أمام تعذر انعقاد الحوار ومجلس الوزراء، لم يعرف ما إذا كانت من مبادرات جديدة تفسح في المجال امام تأمين انعقاد جلسة حكومية على الأقل.These sources said that the political reality is getting worse, while financial measures are nothing but immediate.And I talked about the continued work of the ministers in preparing the basic files.As for the budget project, the sources said that nothing official was issued regarding its final completion yet.

Political sources indicated that President Memayati is trying as much as possible to absorb the repercussions of disrupting the sessions of the Council of Ministers, by intensifying the meetings of the ministerial committees, to study and accomplish everything related to the plan of economic recovery, and it is expected that the Ministry of Finance will complete the draft budget for the year 2022, to call for a session of the Council of Ministers to study, given the importance of approvalThe project and referred it to the parliament, because the project is linked to many important and vital issues and issues, including those related to the plan of economic recovery, or to approve issues and financial issues, especially those related to them, by holding the upcoming parliamentary elections, and by conducting the affairs of the state.

The sources considered that Hezbollah's loyalty to dragging Lebanon to the policy of the axes, contrary to the position of the government and most of the Lebanese people, and continuing with the recovery of the sisterly and friendly Arab countries, increases the obstruction of the government's tasks, expands the apartment of differences with the Arab Ocean, and relaxes negative results that harms all of Lebanon.The sources stressed that facilitating a session of the Council of Ministers to discuss the draft budget, constitutes an important indication of the completion of the upcoming parliamentary elections, while its disruption is a clear indication of obstructing these elections, despite the keenness of most political parties to conduct them on the apparent date.

On the other hand, the sources saw that the signs and signs of most political parties do not give conclusive assurances to hold the parliamentary elections on their specified time until now, even if their public positions express their desire to accomplish them, and while there are still many doubts and ambiguities, the real positions and desires of most of these parties,They avoid talking about their desire or their ambition to postpone it, even for a limited period of time, for fear of their popularity, and externally..

The sources noted that in the midst of the polls that some parties are conducting to know the attitudes of the voters, the veil revealed a committee formed by the Free Patriotic Movement, to assess the importance of the nomination of the President of the Free Patriotic MP, Representative Gibran Bassil in the parliamentary elections, or the reluctance of his candidacy, after a clear questionnaire for a noticeable decline inPopular support for the current in many circles.Waiting for the final evaluation of the committee based on opinion polls, and influential partisans, the appropriate decision will be taken, nomination or analogy.

The dollar and prices

On the level of my life, the dollar exchange rate in the period before noon yesterday, a significant decrease ranging 27,000 and 29,000 pounds after registering 33, 700 pounds per dollar a few days ago, and as suddenly increased without knowing the reasons, it decreased quickly after it was said aboutThe procedures of the Bank of Lebanon according to the circular 161.

The Governor of the Bank of Lebanon, Riyad Salama, announced that circular 161 aims to reduce the size of banknotes in the Lebanese lira circulating, and the process of reducing banknotes in the Lebanese pounds will be between the central bank and commercial banks.In an interview with Reuters, he confirmed that the central bank is seeking to reduce the fluctuations of the exchange rate rate and strengthen the Lebanese lira..

The following statement was issued by Lebanon Bank: “According to the decisions of the meeting chaired by President Naguib Mikati in the presence of the Minister of Finance Youssef Al -Khalil and the ruler of the Bank of Lebanon, Riyad Salama, on Tuesday, January 11, 2022, in which the following stated: In addition to the basic effects of circular 161The banks have the right to increase the quota, which is entitled to be withdrawn in the Lebanese pounds, and it has become taking it in the American dollar on the platform of "Sourfa"..The Central Governor of the Central would like to confirm that the Bank of Lebanon is continuing to implement this decision ».

In the estimation of some economic and financial experts, the significant decrease in the exchange rate is due to the pumping of dollars that the Bank of Lebanon is doing in exchange for the withdrawal of the Lebanese lira from the market, which means that the part related to supply and demand in the parallel market exchange rate will push to increase the supply from the dollar and reduce the supply of the supplyFrom the Lebanese lira.All of this indicates that the parallel market dollar will decrease to the price of a banking platform in the coming days, as these prices are supposed to decrease at the same pace that rise.

After the dollar exchange rate decreased, a new price schedule was issued for hydrocarbons and not a single schedule so that the prices of oil derivatives decreased.Prices have become the following form: 95 octane gasoline: 369200 with a decline of 6400 Lebanese pounds.98 octane gasoline: 381800 with a decline of 6600 Lebanese pounds.Mazut: 362800, a decline in 35600 Lebanese pounds.Gas: 319600 with a decline of 30100 Lebanese pounds.The secretary of the union rejected the price of gasoline on the basis of the price of platforms, as the stations owners are not a cashier ».

In parallel, the Minister of Economy and Trade, Amin Salam, decided to reduce the price of the white bread tie in its three sizes to become as follows: 350 grams at 5500 pounds, 830 grams of 9,000 pounds, 1, and 075 grams (family tie) with 11, 000 pounds.The head of the oven owners in Mount Lebanon, Antoine Saif, also confirmed that "with the decrease in the exchange rate of the dollar, the price of a bundle of bread will decrease.".He said in a statement, "We have a huge expense of diesel that is priced in dollars, and this greatly affects the price of the loaf.".

Bitar removal request

While the causes of disrupting the sessions of the Council of Ministers are still the same in terms of the request of some components of the government to remove the judicial investigator in the explosion of the port Tariq Bitar, the head of the Supreme Judicial Council met Judge Suhail Abboud, in his office in the Palace of Justice, members of the founding body of the martyrs, wounded and affected people of the port of a portBeirut, who discussed with him the latest developments related to the investigation path.

After the meeting, which took 35 minutes, the commission spokesman Ibrahim Hattit explained, "The visit came to review President Abboud with the previous correspondence that we sent through the Ministry of Justice.He said: The policy approved by the Judicial Detective Judge Tariq Al -Bitar is no longer acceptable because it is a reproductive and false policy.

However, with Judge Rokoz Rizk referring to retirement, the General Authority of the Court of Discrimination has lost the quorum, which will lead to a delay in deciding on the cases submitted to it regarding the Beirut port bombing file, especially in the event of not being accelerated to the issuance of partial formations to appoint the chiefs of authentic discrimination courts (composed of the body), It is not possible to issue comprehensive judicial appointments due to political differences.

808612 injuries

صحياً، سجل تقرير وزارة الصحة 6811 إصابة بفايروس «كورونا»، و15 حالة وفاة خلال الـ24 ساعة الماضية، ليرتفع العدد التراكمي إلى 808612 injuries مثبتة مخبرياً منذ 21 شباط 2020.

Source: Newspapers