"Al -Jazeera Mubasher" monitors the features of life on the line of seam .. Know the last developments of the Russian -Ukrainian crisis (video)

  • Time:Jul 01
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Article

The Ukrainian Russian crisis witnessed many developments in the field, politically and diplomatically during the day Wednesday.

The following are the latest field events and diplomatic efforts in the crisis level, after Moscow announced its recognition of the independence of the two separatist Logansk and Donetsk regions in the eastern Ukraine region of Donbas:

Today, Wednesday, the Al -Jazeera camera transmitted the most prominent developments in the Russian -Ukrainian border.

Al -Jazeera's delegate Mubasher Abdel Aziz Mujahid monitored the features of life on the line of contact in the region that has become the most flame in the world now.

Mujahid said that the ceasefire line that separates the Ukrainian and separatist forces in the region of Donbas was exposed to a barrage of shells yesterday evening and erected.

He added from the Ukrainian village inside the Ukrainian village that it was the last place in the Donbas region, which is controlled by the Ukrainian forces, explaining that the village residents abandoned it due to the war and the shells were continuously fallen.

A Ukrainian soldier was killed and the reserve summons

The Ukrainian army announced the killing of a soldier, on Wednesday, in a bombing of separatists loyal to Moscow on the front line in the east of the country.

The Ukrainian forces did not specify the place of the attack, and only said in a statement that a soldier was "killed as a result of his wounds", and another was wounded by bombing.

On Wednesday, Ukraine issued an order to mobilize the reserve soldiers, and called on its citizens to leave Russia as soon as possible.

"The reserve soldiers between the ages of 18 and 60 will be called in," said a statement published by the Ukrainian ground forces on Facebook.Packing will start today.The maximum service limit is one year. ”

Ukraine has more than 200,000 reserve soldiers in addition to 250,000 regular armed forces.

The Ukrainian Security Council requested the imposition of a state of emergency in the country, and it is expected that Parliament befriend a decision in this regard within 48 hours.

The landing of the Russian flag

Russian media sources reported that the Russian flag was removed from the Moscow embassy in Ukraine.

The Russian News Agency (TASS) stated that "no activity was noticed on the lands of the diplomatic mission," stressing that units of the National Guard are carrying out patrols in the region.

She indicated that a number of journalists were monitored for the situation around the embassy building.


Today, Wednesday, the Ukrainian Parliament voted on approval in the first reading of a draft law that gives the Ukrainians the right to carry firearms, and act in defense of themselves.

The draft lawists said that it is necessary because of "threats and risks based on Ukraine citizens."

The websites are disrupted

A number of Ukrainian government sites, including the government’s website and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, are not possible today.

The Ukrainian authorities said this week that they had monitored online warnings that pirates are preparing to launch major attacks on government agencies, banks and the defense sector.

Ukraine has suffered a series of electronic attacks in which Kyiv blamed Russia.Moscow denies any involvement in it.

Security guarantees

Ukrainian President Foludmir Zellinski said today, Wednesday, that his country wants security guarantees from Russia as a step towards ending the confrontation between the two countries.

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"I think Russia should be among the countries that provide clear security guarantees," he said at a press conference with its Polish and Litani counterparts.I suggested several times that the Russian president sits on the negotiating table to talk. ”

European sanctions

On Wednesday evening, the European Union sanctions package on Russia enter into implementation, according to the Secretary of the French State for European Affairs.

This is the first package of penalties that can be "expanded", especially the Russian deputies who voted in favor of recognizing the independence of the two separate regions in eastern Ukraine, and also include financial measures against Russian banks.

Russian gas

German Economy and Climate Minister Robert Habik said his country is able to dispense with Russian gas, which is still relied upon by it to obtain its energy.

Russia threatens to respond

Russian President Vladimir Putin confirmed on Wednesday that his country's interests and security are "not negotiable", while at the same time that Moscow is ready to search for "diplomatic solutions" for the current crisis with Ukraine and Western countries.

The Russian Foreign Ministry announced that its response to US sanctions would be strong to Washington.

The Russian Foreign Ministry stated in a statement that the American administration announced for the 101st time in a row sanctions against Russia, and stressed that the attempt to slow down the development of the Russian economy through sanctions is a "useless attempt."

She added that Russia has proven that it is able to reduce the damage caused by the sanctions;Despite its costs.

She stressed that "there is no doubt that the Russian response will be strongly calculated and tangible to the American side."

Great weighting of the invasion

British Secretary of State Liz Terrace said on Wednesday that there is "great favors" that Putin order a comprehensive invasion of Ukraine and the control of Kyiv.

She added, “The United Kingdom supports the firmness of Ukraine and its people.We are ready to provide defensive weapons and expose Russian attempts to create flimsy pretexts of invasion. ”

The United Kingdom expressed its willingness to provide loan guarantees to Ukraine of up to $ 500 million to alleviate the repercussions of any Russian invasion of its lands.

According to the statement, these guarantees include loans from multi -party development banks in favor of "economic stability projects and vital reforms such as fighting corruption."

On Tuesday, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced a first package of British sanctions targeting 5 Russian banks and 3 "wealthy members".

According to the Politico news website, the British government puts the final touches on a new package of sanctions that will be announced in the coming days, and will target a long list of Russian wealthy and close to Putin.

Although it has taken a hard -line position against Moscow in this crisis, the British government has been accused of blindness for years from the sources of Russian money flowing to London.

In the midst of the escalating tensions, the British government requested, on Wednesday, to reconsider the license granted to the Russian government -speaking channel (RT).

Putin "lost it"

For his part, British Defense Secretary Ben Wallace stated during his meeting with military personnel that Putin "lost his right."

The minister reminded that the Scottish Guard, who served in his ranks, taught the Russian Caesar Nicola I an unforgettable lesson in Crimea in 1853, adding, "We can repeat the ball."

France: We will not intervene militarily

French government spokesman Gabriel Atal said his country would not intervene militarily in Ukraine.

He added in press statements after the cabinet meeting in Paris that the Russian President violated international law and the Minsk agreements through his decision to recognize the independence of Donetsk and Lugansk.

Atal expressed his condemnation of the Russian aggression against Ukraine, and described the sanctions announced by the European Union against Russia as "very strong."

He pointed to the possibility of making decisions regarding the imposition of other sanctions according to Russia's actions.

Atal confirmed that France will not intervene militarily in Ukraine.

Chinese accusations

On Wednesday, China accused the United States of "pouring oil on fire" in the Ukraine file.

"The United States continues to sell weapons to Ukraine, which increases tensions and raises panic," said Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Hoya Choning, accusing Washington of exaggerating the rumor of the war.

The most dangerous crisis

The Secretary -General of the United Nations, Antonio Guterres, warned that the world today faces the "most dangerous peace crisis and security in recent years", under the Russian -Ukrainian crisis.

In a speech during a session of the organization's general assembly, Guterres said, "The recent developments related to Ukraine are a great concern, and it includes reports of increasing violations of the ceasefire through the seam and real risks of further escalation on the ground."

He added that "the history of this conflict is complicated by the existence of two opposing narratives, but in the current situation there is one clear thing: the decision of the Russian Federation (Monday) to recognize the so -called independence of the Donetsk and Logansk regions violates the unity and sovereignty of Ukraine, and contradicts the principles of the United Nations Charter."

He stressed the need to respect "the safety of land and political independence of Ukraine within its internationally recognized borders in accordance with the relevant general assembly decisions."

Guterres called on all parties to "control, rationalize and calm down."